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ryehi, re: bug #977922  - now when I switch dash from fullscreen to normal, the background of everything but dash becomes black08:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 977922 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "[regression] Blurred view of the current workspace is shifted down when unity dash is in fullscreen mode" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97792208:03
ryehere's what I am talking about - http://ubuntuone.com/56gFFqC5zESWKcwbKt7K0a08:14
ryethomi: morning, do you happen to know if andyrock is going to be here today? I can't find him in directory for some reason :-/08:16
ryeor evening :)08:17
mhr3thomi, ping?08:57
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sbtekamstrup, hi, did the LauncherEntry DBus api change in 12.04?11:30
kamstrupsbte: nope11:40
sbtekamstrup, because there are some apps that don't show the count thingy anymore11:52
sbteany idea what could have caused that?11:52
kamstrupsbte: in both u3d and u2d?11:55
kamstrupand which apps?11:56
sbtekamstrup, didn't test 2d11:56
sbteand emesene and xchat at least11:56
kamstrupsbte: can you ping me?12:04
sbtekamstrup, when?12:05
kamstrupsbte: now was fine :-)12:05
kamstrupsbte: just wanted to check xchat-gnome12:06
kamstrupcount definitely works there12:06
kamstrupas just observed :-)12:06
kamstrupsbte: is it xchat sans the -gnome that you mean?12:07
sbtekamstrup, yes, and with xchat-indicator12:08
sbteit worked fine in 11.10. Same for emesene12:08
kamstrupsbte: xchat+indicator definitely works here on 12.04, have you double checked that the update didn't disable the plugin or something?12:09
sbtekamstrup, xchat also sits in the messaging menu, so...12:09
kamstrupsbte: for emesene it's more odd, you're using a custom protocol impl right?12:09
sbtekamstrup, yes12:09
sbtethought we're working hard on porting emesene to gi12:10
kamstrupmhr3: ^^ any idea what gives?12:10
sbteit's just that gobject is too buggy12:10
sbtekamstrup, maybe I'm missing some dependency, but I would find that odd, because I did a fresh install12:11
mhr3xchat works fine here as well12:12
mhr3so does thunderbird12:12
sbtemhr3, thunderbird works fine for me too12:12
mhr3ie no signs of us breaking it without us knowing :)12:12
kamstrupsbte: have you looked at dbus-monitor and asserted that the correct messages are being send by emesene?12:13
mhr3sbte, i'd say xchat's config is a bit flaky i had it once "forget" that it should be using ssl...12:13
sbtekamstrup, well, if the api didn't change and emesene worked in 11.10, then I assumed it should work in 12.04 too12:13
sbtekamstrup, dbus-monitor doesn't seem emesene send anything12:17
mhr3that would be the problem12:17
sbteI tried this12:18
sbtedbus-send --session --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames | grep Unity12:18
sbtebut that doesn't list the LauncherEntry stuff either12:18
sbteoh, I was still running an emesene version without unity support leftover from the gtk3 testing12:22
sbtelet's see dbus-monitor again12:22
sbtemhr3, kamstrup now it does see it send something12:23
sbtesignal sender=:1.226 -> dest=(null destination) serial=20 path=/; interface=com.canonical.Unity.LauncherEntry; member=Update12:24
sbte   string "application://emesene.desktop"12:24
sbte   array [12:24
sbte      dict entry(12:24
sbte         string "count"12:24
sbte         variant             int64 112:24
sbte      )12:24
sbte      dict entry(12:24
sbte         string "urgent"12:24
sbte         variant             boolean true12:24
sbte      )12:24
sbte      dict entry(12:24
sbte         string "count-visible"12:24
sbte         variant             boolean true12:24
sbte      )12:24
sbte   ]12:24
mhr3sbte, i see two possibilities - the desktop id doesn't match, or you close the :1.226 dbus connection12:26
sbtemhr3, since it doesn't work for xchat either, isn't it just that I miss some package?12:27
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mhr3sbte, dbus-send --session --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 --type=method_call --dest=org.ayatana.bamf /org/ayatana/bamf/matcher org.ayatana.bamf.matcher.RunningApplicationsDesktopFiles12:31
sbtemhr3, string "/usr/share/app-install/desktop/emesene:emesene.desktop"12:32
sbtesame for xchat string "/usr/share/app-install/desktop/xchat:xchat.desktop"12:32
mhr3Trevinho, how can that happen? ^^12:32
Trevinhosbte, mhr3: weird....12:35
Trevinhosbte: locate emesene.desktop what gives you out?12:36
mhr3sbte, and what's your XDG_DATA_DIRS?12:36
Trevinhomhr3: ok12:36
TrevinhoI found12:36
sbtewait, I have an idea12:36
Trevinhosbte: you're using this desktop: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/12:36
sbteI think I didn't remove the icons after the software center added them to the launcher12:36
Trevinhosbte: yes that's the issue12:36
sbteok good12:37
Trevinhobasically the sw center uses that .desktop file...12:37
mhr3Trevinho, so SC gives us bad desktop file path?12:37
Trevinhoso... We have two ways. or we make the bamflaunchericon to update, once installed12:37
mhr3that's pretty bad12:37
Trevinhomhr3: yes12:37
Trevinhomhr3: it has not the real desktop yet12:38
Trevinhoso... that happens12:38
Trevinhomhr3: we should update the .desktop file...12:38
mhr3Trevinho, i remember there being a signal when the install finishes, perhaps just hook into that and change it at that point?12:38
Trevinhomhr3: also we can make the remotelaunchericon to match also these desktop... (it's a workaround btw)12:38
* mhr3 doesn't like workarounds :)12:39
mhr3sbte, could you open a bug with these findings?12:40
sbtemhr3, sure12:40
Trevinhomhr3: yes... me too.. but all the fixes are workarounds at this point.. since we'd need to use the bamf matcher and then find the application with the default .desktop file... and I don't like it too much12:40
sbtemhr3, agains what?12:41
Trevinhosbte: once you've opened it, ping me... I'll assign it to me..12:41
mhr3sbte, unity for now12:41
sbtemhr3, good, I have a bookmark for that :P12:41
Trevinhoyes.. bamf is not the bad guy here.. :)12:41
mhr3Trevinho, that will happen more often once it has proper tests ;)12:42
Trevinhomhr3: yeah... I know, but we already made it a lot nicer in the last cycles..12:42
mhr3Trevinho, sure, i'm just nagging :)12:43
sbteTrevinho, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/99192612:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 991926 in unity "The software center places bad .desktop files in the launcher" [Undecided,New]12:47
sbtemhr3, Trevinho thanks for looking into this ;)12:47
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guest90what is it called that switches apps with alt-tab ?13:51
guest90I want to know if it has any settings. It's too big, visual switch feedback is poor...13:55
DaekdroomWhat do you mean by visual switch feedback?13:56
guest90I don't feel the necessary feedback as I press tab. Unselected app icons are too prominent, the current one does not visually step forward as much as I'd expected...13:59
guest90the whole thing almost covers full width on my laptop, that's too much. I don't need to watch some animation fullscreen. I just want to switch apps.14:01
guest90the highlight on current app is not enough on that scale. others are still too colorful, and too big.14:03
bciscounity sucks. you need to drop the project and go back to gnome ot KDE.14:47
belakI've been having issues assigning the keybind Super-Shift-Right to anything... I checked in xev and when I hold down Super and Shift, the Right key doesn't show up... but it does in all other instances15:09
ryehello, may I poke andyrock about bug #977922, here's what I see when maximizing and then minimizing dash- http://ubuntuone.com/56gFFqC5zESWKcwbKt7K0a15:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 977922 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "[regression] Blurred view of the current workspace is shifted down when unity dash is in fullscreen mode" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97792215:59
Trevinhorye: that's another issue...16:00
Trevinhorye: it was present before too :(16:00
Trevinhorye: I don't know if there's already a report about that, but I noticed since the background blurring change... Try to poke racarr about that ;)16:01
ryeTrevinho: uhm, i haven't experienced this since november on precise...16:01
ryeracarr: hello, I am poking you because of this - http://ubuntuone.com/56gFFqC5zESWKcwbKt7K0a - noticed after updating to propose (not present in current unity in precise)16:02
Trevinhorye: here it has always happened switching from restored to maximized dash... Generally it only happens for few ms...16:02
ryeTrevinho: I have to disagree since I've done multiple restore/maximize cycles when filing the original blurring report16:03
Trevinhorye: well... it didn't work for me... :)16:06
ryedowngrading unity, will see what happens16:07
ryeTrevinho: veerry interesting, see it now for a fraction with unity downgraded... checking for other unity components16:10
Guest79689hi all16:46
Guest79689Has anyone found an easy way of installing the new ubuntu without the dammed unity desktop?  I need it to be gnome as usual, which is ther point of ubuntu isn't it?16:59
DaekdroomGuest79689, try #ubuntu17:00
Guest79689People are going to know more about unity here, aren't they?17:01
DaekdroomYeah. But your question is not quite about Unity, and more of a general Ubuntu question.17:01
Daekdroomand #ubuntu has many more people looking at the channel, therefore higher chances you'll get an answer.17:02
Guest79689ok, fair enough. thanks17:03
andyrockrye, it's a different issue17:36
ryeandyrock: ok, do you happen to know the bug #? because now it is really apparent17:37
* rye hopes that's the right word17:37
andyrockrye, not sure there is already a lp bug about it17:38
* rye tries to come up with a description17:46
racarrrye: Hi. Sorry for late response. Busy in meetings all day. I think this is actually related to a change that landed right after the blur rendering change...if there's some more indication that this introduced it though I will try and take a second look soon to see if that could have caused it17:54
racarrDon't actively work on unity/nux so haven't been tracking it17:55
ryeracarr: do you happen to know what component is it? I downgraded unity and nux and found the millisecond appearance of that border (which is still something I don't believe i have experienced earlier)17:59
* rye recalls he has another laptop17:59
racarrrye: No, sorry. my guess would be it's in Nux...it would be difficult to bisect the change for nux v. unity though because of API breaks so someone will just have18:12
racarrto dig through the code18:12
jkdHi, are any developers around? I'm looking for a bit of help regarding moving the launcher to the right side.18:53
jkdI added this to Launcher::Resize    new_geometry.x = geo.x + geo.width - width18:55
jkdThat moves the launcher to the right edge, but Compiz seems to think the workarea is to the right of the launcher (ie zero size), and window maximization gets messed up. Any insight into how to resolve this would be super helpful! :)18:56
aleprovenciohello guys, is there any workaround to make c-m behave as enter in unity, as seen in emacs gtk-key-theme?19:15
bschaeferthomi, heey, just tested something...and got some interesting results...with the ibus test19:17
thomibschaefer: ? cool!19:17
bschaeferthose anthy test are failing because ctrl+space isn't working. I thought that since the Anthy test run first that could be the problem19:18
bschaeferI commented them out and all the test pass (pretty much)19:18
thomithat's very odd19:18
bschaeferso the problem seems to be specific to the anthy test...19:19
bschaeferbut the anthy engine is active haha19:19
bschaeferI added a logger to print that19:19
thomibschaefer: OK. Have you pushed your changes to the debug branch on LP?19:19
bschaeferthomi, I just removed the test that commented out the anthy ones19:19
thomicool, OK. I doubt I'll get a chance to look at them today - I need to pack my bags before I get picked up for the airport19:20
bschaeferso it is back to normal, I also tried to shorten the key press timer to fix those other failures but that didn't help that much19:20
bschaeferthomi, yeah no worries, just wanted to update you on it!19:21
bschaeferIll be working on that and Ill also dig into that crash you got with the AP test19:21
bschaeferthomi, do you know where it crashed at?19:21
thomino idea :(19:21
thomiI onl;y noticed right at the end of the day19:21
bschaeferalright, no worries I have time :)19:21
bschaeferIll see if I can find it and Ill post a gdb backtrace19:22
bschaeferor Ill just reply to that email19:22
bschaeferhave a good packing/traveling trip! Enjoy the west coast :)19:22
jkdHow can I debug unity/nux with gdb?19:39
bschaeferjkd, the easiest way is to go to a tty and type "unity --advanced-debug"20:09
jkdbschaefer: thanks!20:12
bschaeferno problem!20:13
jkdway better than printf debugging ;)20:13
bschaeferhaha  I still use printf!20:15
jeffrashWhat happened to the Dodge feature?20:17
thomijeffrash: It was removed a while ago in the precise cycle. It didn't test well with new users.20:31
malinjeffrash: I think there is a way to get it back here: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html20:48
aleprovenciohello guys, is there any workaround to make c-m behave as enter in unity, as seen in emacs gtk-key-theme?20:54
jkdaleprovencio: Does this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys20:59
aleprovenciojkd, yes, but this way i cannot have c-m mapped to anything else but enter throughout the system, and not just unity :/ maybe this is my only resort?21:03
jkdSorry, not sure. :)21:09
jkdIs Nux only used by Unity currently?21:26
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penguiinhey all23:19
penguiinanyone know much about customising unity?23:22

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