
cyphaseanyone going to UDS since it's so close?02:44
DonkeyHoteii registered02:45
DonkeyHoteii think everyone did02:45
philipballewIll be there02:46
philipballeware you going cyphase02:46
cyphasei just found out it was in oakland today02:46
cyphasei might go for a few days02:46
cyphasei'm not involved in ubuntu development, so i'm not sure how much would be particularly interesting02:47
cyphasethere's always the parties though :)02:47
philipballewcyphase, yeah, they announced that last December,  you should go02:48
philipballewcyphase, there is free lunch and breakfast02:51
akkFree lunch, really? Cool!02:52
* akk probably won't make it there in time for breakfast02:52
cyphaseand attendance is also free, right? just to be sure02:55
DonkeyHoteiseems that way02:56
philipballewyeah, I need to look into where is good to eat around there?02:57
philipballewI plan to ride my bike to Berkeley02:58
philipballewthey still have not told me who my roomate is. I wonder if I have one03:02
DonkeyHoteiyou don't pick your own?03:02
philipballewno, they might have given me that option, but they have not told me who mine is yet. I wonder if I just find out then when they walk in the room03:04
philipballewI kinda of like the random idea of meeting someone new03:06
DarkwingI'm flying in on the sunday before :)03:43
Darkwingphilipballew: You meet really cool people that way.03:43
pleia2the breakfast is usually provided by the hotel itself and you have to be staying there03:44
pleia2in orlando you had to show your room key03:45
pleia2(I guess you can sneak in, but I wouldn't go around telling everyone there is free breakfast)03:45
pleia2lunch is free though :) and there tend to be heavy appetizers on mon, tues and friday at the sponsored events03:47
pleia2and lots of snacks and soft drinks throughout the day03:48
pleia2too much food really03:48
DarkwingYeah, for a bunch of people sitting, there is TONS of food.04:13
pleia2"yes, this is your after lunch snack break"04:14
pleia2though I have to say, the ice cream cart was genius04:15
philipballewpleia2, If someone cant get in, ill take food to them04:20
guadesktops vs laptops04:47
guaall the cool kids use laptops right?04:47
pleia2well, as a data point, I am not cool and my primary machine is still a desktop04:54
guai want a laptop but the price vs performance is so crazy different05:02
Darkwinghehehe. I have my laptop but, I'm going to re-build my desktop for home use.05:02
guai'm just used to taking what i'm working on wherever05:02
guaDarkwing: which would be your primary?05:02
philipballewbuilding desktops is fun05:03
DarkwingYes and no...05:03
DarkwingI'm on the go a LOT.05:03
DarkwingSo, it would be a 50/50 mix.05:03
DarkwingMy desktop would be a heave video/audio production machine.05:03
DarkwingAnd prolly my build/package farm.05:03
Darkwingquassel-core would live there too.05:04
philipballewcan you just set it up to ssh/vnc into from the laptop?05:04
DarkwingYup, if needed.05:05
guai do kind of have a server type thing. inexpensive quad xeon thing, but like 34xx series05:05
DarkwingBut, the only thing I would use the DE for is my audio/video work.05:06
guathough i'm always moving my laptop05:06
guaDarkwing: so you'd be on your laptop most of the time right?05:06
DarkwingThat and my tablet.05:06
guaeverybody laptops. except pleia2 who transcends cool.05:07
DarkwingLaptops are awesome but there are things that the laptops just wont do.05:07
Darkwinghehehe... Yeah, pleia2 is so far past cool... I dream about being her when I grow up :P:P05:08
guaportability is a big plus05:08
DarkwingYes, but there is something to be said for the power of the desktop.05:08
DarkwingPlus, multible monitors.05:08
guayou can totally drive multiple monitors from newerish laptops05:09
guabut yeah power ;/05:09
* gua shakes fish05:09
* gua and fist05:09
DarkwingMy next laptop will be an ultra-book.05:09
DarkwingI have what you could call a 1st gen ultra-book... or a pre-ultra-book lol05:10
DarkwingDell Vostro V13.05:10
guathere's that big ultrabook push starting soon. like my upgrade path atm i think will be  new laptop -> upgrade desktop -> ultrabook05:10
philipballewlinus uses the mac book air iirc05:10
guai have an ibook 12", not exactly ultrabook but i got it for the portable use case05:10
Darkwingewwwww... macbook air05:10
guai was at a best buy earlier tonight and dang, i would not turn down a free air05:10
philipballewI have a ppc mac laptop05:10
guaso thin, and light05:11
guaphilipballew: yeah ibook g4. still my primary 'small mobile'05:11
philipballewmines 128 mb of ram05:11
philipballewif anyone has any extra ram ltin around i could bring it back to life05:11
guaah wow, i maxed out the ram of the ibook back in 04. solid 1.25 GB05:12
philipballewthis maxes out at 6 hundred something05:12
guahmm out of pure luck you might find someone on craigslist, or some 3rd apple repair shop with a pile of old ram05:14
philipballewi went to a apple repair store last year in berkely. wanted 50 bucks...05:14
philipballewnot gonna happen05:15
guayeah apple ram ;/05:15
DarkwingI got this for 250 bucks on ebay. I have the Core2 duo version and I spent a few extra for 4GB RAM. http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/vostro-v13/pd05:20
guaDarkwing: what do you think of those flatish keys?05:33
guasince i guess all laptops are going island/chiclet style keyboards now05:33
philipballewAny chance of going to bed is lost when the dorm's fire alarms malfunction and go off for 45 minutes straight...08:49
guano sleep allowed, for your safety08:50
philipballewits finals tomorrow. my guess gua is they want us up and studying08:51
guasoothing fire alarm sounds, to help you into deep studying relaxation08:52
philipballewpretty much. It really helps me type this paper08:52
guayou can integrate the experience for later readers. "Legend: "<!>" indicates when the alarm blared""08:54
guaspeaking of not sleeping, i gotta do that in bed for a while. nite all08:55
philipballewI herd more four letter words I cant say on irc this past hour as the alarmed blaired then ive herd all semester08:56
philipballewwaking people up will do that08:56
kdubi still havent gotten used to configuring grub216:06
kdubdid 12.04 switch back to rhythmbox for default music?17:21
=== mdrmike is now known as mdrmike|afk
greg-gkdub: believe so, yeah17:52
=== mdrmike|afk is now known as mdrmike
philipballewbkerensa, good job with the release party!20:12
philipballewyour welcome!20:15
bkerensaphilipballew: We are hoping for 100 attendees in the next cycle or two20:26
philipballewsome random dude from school just sat down next to me in the caf and asked me about ubuntu. he's gonna install it in a vm tonight20:37

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