
nuvolario/ mornings07:10
nuvolarianyone using GnomeShell 3? on 12.04?07:10
superflyhi nuvolari07:15
=== Superhuman_ is now known as Superhuman
nuvolarihmm, one would say most took leave today12:34
magespawnHowdy y'all16:06
superflyyo magespawn16:51
magespawnHey supefly, was having a snooze17:17
magespawnChannel has grown a bit hey17:27
superflymm, it has17:29
magespawnHave android dev guys seen this http://greendroid.cyrilmottier.com/17:50
magespawnThis is also pretty cool http://www.marcandangel.com/2010/11/15/12-dozen-places-to-self-educate-yourself-online/17:56
Kiloshi superfly and others18:09
superflyhi Kilos18:09
Kiloswb magespawn 18:16
magespawnHi Kilos18:16
magespawnLook like we going to play irc bomarang tonight18:24
Kilosha ha ha18:24
Kilosvery dead hey18:25
Kiloshows the plans for a release party in natal magespawn 18:25
magespawnNot sure I am bit out of the way18:25
Kilosthe monkey and nuvolari supposed to be making plans with you hey?18:26
magespawnThat was the idea18:26
Kilosoh i thought you said you gonna make the trip18:26
Kilossaw in the list mails intel has a new chip out for desktops18:26
Kilos13 quad core processors in it18:27
Kilosmust fly18:27
Kilosand cost a fortune18:27
magespawnI was going to see if I could but I do not know any of the details18:30
nuvolario/ magespawn, uncle Kilos, superfly 18:31
Kilosnuvolari, ping18:31
nuvolaripong oom Kilos 18:31
Kilosnaand seun18:31
nuvolarinaand oom!18:31
nuvolarigaan dit goed?18:31
magespawnHey nuvolari18:31
Kiloswat beplan julle vir n release patrytjie18:31
Kilosja dankie nuvolari 18:31
nuvolariI'm a bit out of the loop, and from what my eye caught there were talks on Kloof18:32
nuvolariwhich is way out of my planned reach18:32
Kilosoh ya thats on the road to maritzburg18:33
Kiloswhat does william walter kinghorn say nuvolari ? he was involved a few releases back i think18:34
nuvolariKilos: I think he was talking 'bout that18:34
nuvolaribut I've not really had time to read *all* the emails :-/18:34
Kilosi havent seen any about a durbs party yet18:35
Kilosmaybe i dont get all the mails18:35
magespawnI did not see anything either18:35
Kilosget lotsa libre office help needed ones though18:35
Kilosbad to be doff at times hey? i struggled most of the day to cd to a partition on my drive called /storage18:41
Kilostried /home/storage   /home/miles/storage18:42
magespawnOkay, what was the problem18:42
Kilos then media/storage and /dev storage18:43
Kilosended up i just had to go /storage18:43
magespawnMost obvious route18:44
Kilosits a lekker 40g partition full of movies and mavericks packages etc18:44
magespawnCool beans18:44
Kiloswant to empty it to put precise repo in there18:45
magespawnBrb putting fish 1 to bed18:45
Kilosbut takes forever to watch the movies before deleting18:45
magespawnYou can't get another hard drive?19:01
Kilosi have the 40g external as well 19:02
Kilosbut thats also kinda full19:02
magespawn40 gig?19:02
Kilosyeah but its like 36g19:03
Kilosoh sorry gig yeah19:03
magespawnYou always lose a bit because of system files etc.19:03
magespawnThat is pretty small though19:03
Kilosbut it also works now and again so first want to format and fsck and make sure it is good and reliable again before i save important stuff there19:05
magespawnGood idea.19:05
magespawnThere arentwo things I seem to run out of all the time, plugs and storage.19:05
magespawnAre two19:06
Kilosi got a 200g seagate drive here that just goes click click and dunno where to even start looking19:07
magespawnConsidering getting another 2TB of storage, but have other plans first19:07
Kilosian brings all his scrap here19:07
magespawnSound like stuck heads19:07
Kiloswhew what do you save that needs that much storage19:07
Kilosi opened it and the heads actually moved back and forward for a while then just stop19:08
Kilospc doesnt even see it19:08
magespawnMost of my dvd i store like that, so that when disk is damaged i can still watch them19:08
magespawnCould try the controller board if you can get a spare 19:09
magespawnKids tend to wreck dvd 's quite quickly19:10
Kilosthat little board inside it?19:10
magespawnThe one on the bottom on the outside19:10
magespawnThe one the controller cables plug into19:10
Kilosoh that big one. not must chance of getting one of them. unless ian gets lots more scrap ones19:11
magespawnThat is usually the problem with drives no spares19:11
Kilosmodern electronics is so advanced there isnt even much one can test anymore\19:12
Kiloschips with 100 legs etc19:12
Kiloswhen i was still working with electronics 24 legs was a massive chip19:12
magespawnI think they use white lithium grease for lubrication maybe try that on the head19:13
magespawnProgress isn't it fun?19:13
Kilosthe heads are those like wipers on either side of the disks hey19:13
Kilosprogress is good but everything is moving away from manual repairs19:14
magespawnBut  the grease goes at the point were the little pivot is19:15
Kilosah. but it seems to pivot fine thats what makes the clicking noise19:16
magespawnTouch keyboard was freaking out19:17
magespawnThe grease must not go on the actual heads but on the arms at the pivot point19:17
Kilosah. but it seems to pivot fine thats what makes the clicking noise19:18
Kilosbut will try anything19:18
Kiloswould be lekker to have 200g of storage19:18
magespawnMaybe the board works just enough to get that going then fails19:18
Kilosi will experiment19:19
magespawnDoes something like gparted see the drive?19:19
Kilosi forget now but will check again and let you knopw19:19
Kilosbut dont think so19:19
Kilosif gparted sees them its normally the mbr that corrupt19:20
Kilosfixed some like that by zeroing them and then installing19:20
magespawnIf that does not then I have no other idea, there is a linux program for recovering info called photoimage i think 19:21
Kilosand testdisk19:21
magespawnThats it, that worked when gparted did not19:22
Kilosgot great data recovery tools but drive needs to be seen first19:22
Kilosactually blogged about it once19:22
Kilosty for the chat magespawn night all19:25
Kilossleep tight19:25
magespawnNight kilos19:26
magespawnOoops slow typing19:26
tumbleweed\o/ http://my-ubuntu-day.blogspot.com/2012/04/cape-town-precise-pangolin-release.html21:15

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