
pleia2knome: 698 followers! ;)03:50
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Unit193I'm not one of them.05:24
olbiI have installed xfce 4.10 pre2 from repo on launchpad and in session-menu I have hibernate, close etc as gray and can't click it07:28
Unit193This isn't a support channel, hibernate was disabled in P, and 4.10Xfce isn't supported either.07:29
olbigrrr with hibernate :P it sometimes was helpful :)07:30
Unit193You can reenable it, it's in the relnotes.07:32
micahgwe should be getting 4.10 for quantal07:35
olbiI know it, but 12.04 is LTS :)07:52
micahgolbi: and 4.10 released 3 months late :)07:54
micahgLTS means bug/security support, not new versions07:55
olbimicahg: I know it, this is not good for the general reception but we should thx for so many good changes :)08:01
ochosihi everyone08:09
olbihello ochosi :)08:29
olbiI have 30 degrees in Lodz, Poland. How is yours? :)08:30
knomemicahg, for the supportability of the lts, i was thinking if it made sense to SRU xfce 4.10 :P08:40
Unit193With or without him killing you? And I already said it wasn't, you know you don't want to make me wrong.08:49
ochosiolbi: 30 as wellhere08:53
micahgknome: not a chance :)08:53
knomemicahg, really? why not ;)08:54
micahgI don't even think I'd approve a backport (or would at least have to think about it long and hard)08:54
knomestart thinking :]08:57
micahglet's get the stack working in quantal first08:59
knomesure, but if you need a long think... better to start that now ;)09:00
olbigood that bluebird works good now :D09:10
mr_pouito hai09:57
knomehey mr_pouit 09:57
mr_pouitmicahg: yeah, 4.10 in quantal09:57
mr_pouitand +1, not a chance for the big sru09:57
knomeeven if that helped the support burden?09:57
mr_pouityou need to update all xfce packages, that's a no-no09:58
knomewhen is the final release of 4.10 in a PPA then :P09:59
knomepeople are asking for that *a lot*09:59
mr_pouitmaybe today or tomorrow10:03
mr_pouitthere's no new feature between pre2 and final...10:03
mr_pouitso people won't see anything new when they already have pre210:04
mr_pouitand there's still an upgrade issue I haven't cleared yet (in my ppa, apt will decide to hold back xfce4-session, xfce4-appfinder and xubuntu-desktop, no good)10:04
knomemr_pouit, yeah. but those who have not installed any ppa yet10:17
knomemr_pouit, stupid to point them to rc2 now and tell them it's going to change later :/10:18
mr_pouitor they could wait and profit of 12.04 :}10:18
knomeyeah, well...10:19
knomemore people "voiding the warranty", less people to support...10:20
reonHi peoples10:20
reonAny idea when the 4.10 PPA will be populated? https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/xfce-4.1010:23
knomemr_pouit, as i said... stupid.10:24
knomereon, soon10:24
reonknome, :) I got itchy fingers and really keen to try it out. I'm considering building it from the tarballs but I would much rather just use a PPA.10:26
mr_pouitknome: I can already copy the pre2 packages to the xubuntu-dev ppa, eh10:27
knomemr_pouit, your choice - if you are sure that doesn't create any regressions, fine10:27
mr_pouitif I were be sure it didn't create any regression, it would have been in 12.04 :}10:30
knomeheh, yeah...10:30
mr_pouitof course it will create regressions...10:30
knomeheh :)10:30
knomein that case, don't10:30
baizonmr_pouit: why arent you upgrading your ppa from pre2 to final? :P10:31
baizonmr_pouit: ?10:35
ochosioh dear, ubiquity just decided to hang after i pressed the "skip" button (it was downloading stupid language-packs for _ages_ ...)10:36
* ochosi wonders what'll happen if i reboot now10:36
knomebaizon, because he has other things to work on?10:37
baizonok :)10:37
mr_pouiti'm updating the debian packaging now for 4.10 final, then I'll restart my session to test, and then I'll backport that in my ppa10:39
mr_pouit(insert random bits of real life things between each step)10:39
* knome inserts "step into a dog poo"10:40
baizonmr_pouit: thanks for the info :)10:40
reonmr_pouit, which is your PPA?10:40
baizonreon: https://launchpad.net/~mrpouit/+archive/ppa10:40
reonThx, will bookmark it and check it every hour :D10:41
mr_pouitknome: thanks :>10:41
knomemr_pouit, np! ;) (you said random...)10:41
ochosigrmpf, seems like (at least) my menu is borked10:50
ochosiwondering whether i should just do another clean install10:52
ochosii'm not really looking forward to fixing more random breakage10:53
knomeochosi, another clean install which you bork by pressing "skip" ?10:53
ochosinope, one where i set up better/faster mirrors before installing...10:53
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knomewhat's wrong with the person on #xubuntu ?22:13
knomeis he totally drunk?22:13
pleia2I was hoping for non-native speaker, but they're using a US ISP22:16
pleia2so... ohio22:16
ochosiwell who knows, there might be non-native speakers living in ohio as well...22:16
knomecan somebody try another approach?22:16
ochosiknome: sry, you seem to have more energy for that then me (at least today)22:19
knomemeh :)22:19
knomehi ochosi 22:19
ochosiabout albatross, i think it needs to be fixed "from scratch" (as in: like bluebird)22:20
knomeyeah, but if there is a workaround for now, let's use that until we fix it22:20
ochosiand it was unfinished business anyway, so i'm not a big fan of applying a patch to something that i'll rewrite22:20
ochosihave you tested the patch?22:20
knomeno, but can do later22:20
ochosii honestly haven't looked at it22:21
ochosican probably do that later this week22:21
ochosistill have to set up a wiki-page for sean_d to work on the shortcuts-overlay22:21
ochosiand i really don't like using the ubuntu-wiki for that, it's soo slow...22:22
ochosinot sure i mentioned that already, but i think we should fork unity-greeter for 12.1022:23
knomeit's getting a bit better...22:23
knomediscuss with madnick, i'm ok with it if it looks good22:24
* pleia2 needs to set up a filter for xubuntu wiki alerts23:21
knomemr_pouit, micahg: note that you are both assignees for including 4.10; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Goals/Quantal23:22
knomepleia2, sorry! ;)23:22
knomemr_pouit, micahg: if you think this is wrong... fight with each other or find other assignees ;))23:22
knomepleia2, you still there?23:44
pleia2at work, so "sort of"23:46
knomeheh, ok, a few quick Q's23:47
knomewhat do you think of listing only the supported releases at the wiki front, and pointing to wiki/Releases for the rest?23:47
knomealso, do you think we can remove the "Get Involved!" -p from the wiki front, since it's mostly the same as in xubuntu.org? (everything except "you can join xubuntu-users on launchpad")23:48
pleia2sounds good23:48
pleia2maybe keep it and link to the website23:48
knomewe do that already, but it's duplicating23:49
pleia2ah, we do link it, just delete the rest23:49
knomemaybe condense it a bit, then it'd be good ;)23:49
knomehehe, sure23:49
pleia2For information on how to contribute, see the Get Involved page of our website.23:49
knomesee the "banner" at the top pointing to community help wiki?23:50
knomewhat about adding another.23:50
knomefor the link, i mean23:50
pleia2oh sure23:50
pleia2that sounds good23:50
pleia2did you see pretty new help.ubuntu.com/community/ ? :)23:50
pleia2they haz new theme23:50
knomeat least that's a bit better ;)23:51
knomedid you see the updated http://xubuntu.org/help/ ?23:51
pleia2they applied it about a week ago to help.ubuntu proper, I think it was just today that they put it on /community23:51
knomeyeah, i think i've been hitting that site in a week and haven't seen that theme yet23:52
pleia2I don't remember specifics of /help before (except there was an xchat menu screenshot)23:52
knomeyeah, i condensed it quite a lot23:52
knomethere was a huge paragraph on technical specifics of mailing lists...23:52
knomeabout (un)subscription and all23:52

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