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BluesKajHey all11:34
bambeewhat about "Kawaii" ? (which means "cute" in japanese)11:39
Riddellbambee: slap it on the etherpad12:21
apacheloggercongrats on precise12:22
Riddellthanks apachelogger :)12:24
bulldog98Riddell: where do we have that etherpad?12:41
bambeeyeah congrats on precise, excellent release , really :)12:43
rbelembulldog98, http://notes.kde.org/kubuntubrand12:55
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Riddellbulldog98: are you still hoping to port ubiquity to QML?13:51
Riddellshould we have a session on it at UDS?13:51
bulldog98Riddell: not this circle13:51
bulldog98I have to much to do for university to get to coding13:52
bulldog98and I think we might want to wait for QtQuick 2.013:52
Riddellvery sensible, too many people would say they'd do it even if too busy :)13:52
Riddellshadeslayer: what does "Debate adding pommed to Mac ISO's" mean?13:54
bulldog98rbelem: why don’t we have all patches of plasma active in our packages? I can see the point in some, but still we then could create an extra -active package for that13:59
RiddellJontheEchidna: Muon Discover is the name for the QML UI?  worth discussing at UDS?14:03
apacheloggerbulldog98: why wait for qq2?14:12
RiddellDarkwing: are you wanting a session on docs?14:12
Riddelldantti: is print manager something we should be looking at for next cycle?14:16
Riddellafiestas_: yo, what sessions do you want at UDS?14:33
Riddellrbelem: anything kubuntu active to discuss at UDS?14:39
afiestas_Riddell: "Kubuntu release date", do we want to keep releasing same day as Ubuntu?14:39
afiestas_that would be one14:39
Riddellafiestas_: didn't you want sessions with unity folks?14:40
afiestas_yes, I have a txt somewhere with sessions for both, Unity and Kubuntu14:41
Riddellafiestas_: we had the release date discussion years ago, I don't think anything has changed14:41
afiestas_give me 15min14:41
Riddellumm, imbrandon is on the UDS sponsorship list14:58
rbelemRiddell, yup...15:04
rbelemRiddell, lots of stuff...15:05
Riddellrbelem: want me to register a session?15:05
imbrandonahhhh home :)15:13
Riddellwelcome back imbrandon!15:13
BluesKajWell, I now have 2 important apps on the kde/Qt segfault merry-go-round15:18
Riddellrbelem: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-q-active15:18
rbelemthanks Riddell 15:36
Riddellrbelem: can you edit the whiteboard there to add some bulletpoints as starters for discussion?15:38
rbelemRiddell, some points added :-)16:01
bulldog98rbelem: hey I already test it :P16:02
rbelembulldog98, :-D i mean testers for more hardware16:07
bulldog98rbelem: ah16:07
bulldog98rbelem: maybe I should by a vivaldi tablet :)16:07
rbelembulldog98, same here, do you know if it is available already?16:09
bulldog98rbelem: I think I read something about beeing avaidable this week, but maybe you should poke aseigo with that :)16:10
rbelemnice :-)16:11
bulldog98rbelem: btw do you have any idea for the error I get when I try to build some of the packages? see the ninja pad16:25
rbelembulldog98, ninja pad?16:43
bulldog98rbelem: see topic16:44
rbelembulldog98, seems to be a build depends error16:53
rbelembulldog98, is it a unittest?16:54
ScottKqt4-x11 4.8.1 is in unstable.16:55
bulldog98rbelem: seems so16:56
rbelembulldog98, is libssl-dev listed in the build deps?16:59
bulldog98rbelem: nope17:00
bulldog98rbelem: but it worked in 4.8.2, so why doesn’t it works now?17:01
rbelembulldog98, they probably added something new17:12
bulldog98but why in kde-wallpapers? e.g17:13
shadeslayerRiddell: Macbook Pro's need a extra package called pommed to make special hardware keys like volume/backlight control by default 17:14
ScottKbulldog98: If adding libssl-dev to the build-deps doesn't fix it, I would ask cjwatson.  He made a number of late changes for openssl.17:15
shadeslayerAnd since we can seed universe packages into ISO's now, it should be default in the images from now on ( it's sepcific to Macintosh hardware which is why we just need to add it to mac specific seeds )17:15
ScottKI don't think our images have been demoted yet.17:16
ScottKI'd wait until after UDS.17:16
shadeslayerRight, but we are moving to universe for sure right?17:17
ScottKI assume so, but I don't think a formal decision has been taken.17:17
shadeslayeroh ... hmm17:17
shadeslayerI assumed so as well, which is why I put that in for discussion17:17
ScottKI think it'll probably go that way.17:18
shadeslayerI hate mailman-owner day17:22
nixternalanyone here build the kubuntu cds familiar with the tools used?17:42
shadeslayeruh kind of17:43
shadeslayerI remember something to do with chrooting17:43
nixternalare you using live-build or ubuntu-cdimage?17:43
nixternalyou don't the customization from scratch setup?17:43
shadeslayeroh nope, I downloaded the ISO, mounted it, chroot'd and upgraded some stuff17:44
shadeslayernixternal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Obtain_the_base_system I think17:44
shadeslayerBut that was like 18 months ago17:44
nixternalyeah, it works for testing a setup, but when you are building a derivative it isn't the best route17:45
shadeslayertrue ... I'm not sure how LP builds the ISO's though17:45
nixternaldocumentation for the way ubuntu does it is so scarce it isn't even funny. thankfully turnkey puts most of their stuff out there so I can read their scripts & make sense of stuff17:45
nixternalmint doesn't put that much stuff out there, or if they do it is hidden17:46
nixternalwell, cjwatson put out last year that they switched to live-build, and then i look at his bzr repos and there is ubuntu-cdimage. i am close to success with live-build and far from it with ubuntu-cdimage17:46
nixternaland i found ubuntu cd building documentation on a debian mailing list. 17:47
nixternalif i could figure out how to get 2 extra repos in live-build, i think i am golden. then i set everything up with either a trigger script or cron job and my client will be wicked happy17:48
shadeslayernixternal: There's a question regarding that on ubuntu-devel :D17:49
nixternaland let me just say this, creating a derived ubuntu distro sucks. they aren't as logical as kubuntu is with packages & what not17:49
shadeslayeror that's what I think Chase is asking17:49
nixternalis it newer?17:49
shadeslayernixternal: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-May/035171.html17:50
nixternalhaha, damn17:50
nixternalmight help if i read my email17:50
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-wallpapers] Jonathan Kolberg * 30 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release17:55
DarkwingRiddell: Not nessesarilly... I had added to the list on the wiki of what I wanted so far.18:53
rbelemafiestas, ping19:30
rbelemagateau, ping19:34
afiestasrbelem: pong19:53
rbelemafiestas, i need help with a tableview and checkbox19:59
afiestasrbelem: aha ?19:59
rbelemafiestas, the is at kde:scratch/belem/filesharing/filesharing.git20:00
afiestascan't check it just now :/ what problem are you having?20:00
rbelemafiestas, i need one checkbox inside a column and without spacing20:01
Mamarokhow can bug 986744 be confirmed with that little information?20:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 986744 in amarok (Ubuntu) "On session start, amarok throws error: Process for file protocol died unexpectedly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98674420:34
debfx"confirmed" in launchpad means multiple people think they have encountered the same bug20:50
debfxso basically there is not much difference between new and confirmed20:51
waterstormon which date kde 4.8.3. is going to release?21:03
Ezimwaterstorm, http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.8_Release_Schedule21:05
EzimI think our ninjas will bring it when they have time. it will be soon I think :).21:06
waterstormEzim: thank you for the information ! :-)21:06
Ezimwaterstorm, np.21:07
Mamarokdebfx: multiple people actually was just two, and the second one is mentioned nowhere21:20
debfxwell two are multiple21:21
Mamarokstill, there is close to no information, confirmed should only been set if it is reproducible with proper information, and I can't reproduce it21:22
yofel_Mamarok: no, *that* is what "Triaged" means, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status21:25
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Mamarokyofel: right, you have triaged as well, I am more sued to bugzilla21:25
debfxlaunchpad just auto-confirms bugs when >= 2 people marked the bug as "affects me"21:25
debfxI have no idea why someone though enabling that feature for ubuntu is a good idea21:26
macothe kubuntu naming discussion..i just looked up "friend" in russian, as i had forgotten it.  if i romanize the letters:  drug21:36
Riddellmm maybe not21:46
nixternalMamarok: what is the package I need for the 'last.fm plugin' that amarok screams at me for? i know i used it just a couple of weeks ago, but that laptop is dead & i got a new one22:35
nixternali can't stand listening to last.fm through anything other than amarok, because unlike everything else in the repos, you can crank up amarok loud and control the eq like a champ :)22:36
Mamaroknixternal: you talk about a self-compiled amarok?22:36
nixternalnah, in the repos22:36
Mamarokin the kubuntu package you need nothing more, just activate the last.fm plugin in the settings22:36
Mamarokenter your credentials22:36
nixternalwhen i try to pay tag radio it says i need a plugin and it pops up a little box asking if i want to search for the package, which doesn't work btw22:37
Mamaroknixternal: whut? That is weird22:37
nixternalThe following plugin is required:  * LASTFM protocol source              Do you want to search for this now? [Search] [No]22:39
nixternala 'Looking for plugins' dialog with a progress bar pops up and then goes away :/22:39
Mamarokwhere on earth does that come from, who packaged that?22:39
Mamarokthat shouldn't happen, unless the package was compiled without last.fm support, only explanation I have for that22:41
Mamarokyofel: any ideas?22:41
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