
phoenix_firebrdP-Chan: ?00:01
P-Chanphoenix_firebrd: KDE 4.8 hang on00:01
phoenix_firebrdP-Chan: when?00:01
P-Chani press ctrl+alt+backspace to logoff in KDE00:02
phoenix_firebrdP-Chan: is that a command to restart xserver?00:02
P-Chanyes because KDE interface hang on in my pc00:03
P-Chanonly mouse arrow moves00:03
phoenix_firebrdP-Chan: you shouldnt do that to logoff00:04
phoenix_firebrdP-Chan: to log out press ctrl+alt+shift+del00:05
P-Chanphoenix_firebrd: when i use KDE sometime its happen but normal logoff not work00:05
P-Chanphoenix_firebrd: thanks00:05
pepeehi. is telepathy dependent on kde wallet?00:12
Steve132Previous Versions of Ubuntu/KUbuntu allow you to install the bootloader to a particular disk00:28
Steve132during the install process, there was an 'advanced' options tab which let you do this00:28
Steve132however, I ran the installer and I don't see any such option00:28
Steve132See the "Start Installing" option where it clarifies how to do that00:31
Belial`anyone know what the shortcut is to switch workspaces?00:31
ussher_whats the widget that shows the open windows called?  I though it was called a task bar.  today it dissappeared and with firefox open there is no indication in that box along the top of the screen.00:44
DaemonFCKDE calls that the task manager00:44
ussher_perfect DaemonFC00:45
ussher_thanks.  I tried window manager, and activity bar, but they were both wrong00:45
ussher_the icons arnt so great at conveying the differences between stuff.00:46
DaemonFCussher_: If you get really stuffed, you can just delete the panel and have it create a new one using the default template00:48
ussher_cheers for that DaemonFC.  You've solved my problem. :)  really appreciate the help.00:50
ussher_not sure why, just when i started it today, the clock spanned the whole width of that bar and the task manager was gone.  a bit out of the ordinary.00:51
m_tadeuhi...I just installed 12.04 and I have no sound. in system settings, phonon doesn't find any sound devices00:58
licensedi only can start kubuntu, editing grub and add 'nomodeset' parameter =/ i already had installed nvidia official driver, but my problem still01:06
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NJLanybody know how to get thunderbird working with the message-indicator widget?01:14
licensedwell.. i solved myu problem adding "nomodeset" line on grub.. and when starts, i installed nvidia-current package (nvidia offical driver didn't worked for me)01:28
phoenix_firebrdi am trying to install virtualbox, i am getting a package conflict, it wants to remove "grub-gfxpayload-lists". The status of the package is broken. Is this package an essential one?02:12
ybitxiong: i didn't know you used kubuntu02:16
ybithigh five!02:16
ybitmy apologies for the redundant high fiving02:17
ybitthere's a few other users from your state hanging in #kde-usa02:20
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fire_I see no activities in the channel, it is because all are hidden???02:42
fire_I need help, upgrading 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS???02:46
AlexZionHi fire_ , how can I help you ?, I mean , sure you already check the official page where is explaned how to upgrade , rigth ?02:49
fire_yes but it doesn't work as I expected...02:50
=== carlos is now known as Guest171
fire_I'm trying this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu/10.04LTS02:50
fire_but when my Kpackagekit is open, it never show me upgrade to Precise 12.04...02:51
natmandoes anyone have a good recomdation for setting up my kde desktop, would like to try something different to the standard taskbar at bottom of screen02:51
AlexZionok fire_ have you already check in settings of kpackage if is set to upgrade LTS or something similar ?02:52
fire_yes I've checked that before posting...02:53
AlexZionok  fire_ have you already tried with konsole ?02:58
fire_yes I think I've tried apt-get update and after apt-get upgrade....  It say no upgrade is available ....02:59
AlexZionwell of course , those command will not upgrade version ...03:00
Kill_the_blackhi all hit girl03:01
AlexZionfire_: try with sudo do-release-upgrade -f kde -d03:01
AlexZionnatman: you already know about plasma I guess ?03:02
AlexZionnatman: how to add plasmoid to it ?, so even on the bottom bar ?03:02
natmanAlexZion: ya just looking for a change up, to the standard taskbar at bottom of screen03:02
AlexZionnatman: did you already tried icontask for example ?03:04
natmanAlexZion: ya, playing around with it now03:04
AlexZionok natman03:04
natmanAlexZion: i have tried putting it vertical, but just dont have space/res on laptop03:04
AlexZionfire_: you got the version upgrade procedure ?, because I've tested just on 11.10 and I don't remember if it was different on 10.0403:06
fire_good news, it try to upgrade to 12.04 but I receive this error: Can't load kde (no module named kde)03:07
AlexZiontry without it ?03:08
fire_natman, you can resize your plasmaoid call "taskbar" so Icon will be bigger or smaller...03:08
AlexZionfire_: too late natman is gone ... :D03:09
fire_Alex, I've to wait because it do many download now....03:09
AlexZionahh ok fire_, so the process is started , right ?03:09
fire_right...  thanks for now!!  it download about 2555 files, so I assume this is gonna do something in good direction!!!03:11
natmanis there any way to alter / change color of the panel?03:11
AlexZionfire_: I hope so03:11
AlexZionnatman: you have color scheme on the system settings of kde ...03:12
natmanAlexZion: but i want to just alter the panel nothing else03:12
AlexZionso there you can change color just to the panel I guess ......03:12
fire_or maybe play with "theme" or download new theme in system settings...03:13
fire_for me it is on step 5 and will take another 2 hours...  so thanks for the advice and have a good night.  I'll come back for sure...03:16
AlexZionguys I have some strange behavior kubuntu.org, sometimes comes out the install.php page of drupal.....03:20
AlexZionok , it comes out when I'm on support page and click on community page ......03:22
AlexZionwell actually I'm redirect on install page of drupal in many case ...., maybe some upgrading process !?!03:27
nurupoyeah, not sure if kubuntu.org should print that03:50
nurupowill screen it...03:50
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Guest8324hola alguien conoce un canal en español?04:00
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dmoynewhat is the problem with kde bug reporting system?04:22
datruthits always comming up for everything04:22
dmoynewhat do you mean?04:22
dmoyneI can no more report bugs!04:24
Shaan7Hi, I have to build kde's soprano from source which requires libiodbc2-dev but apt-get can't install it http://paste.ubuntu.com/95925906:33
Shaan7any idea what to do?06:33
=== szal_ is now known as szal
philippe_039je suis tout nouveau sous kubuntu, et je suis assez séduit07:14
szal!fr | philippe_03907:14
ubottuphilippe_039: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:14
SyriaHi, Please tell me how to protrect a zip file with password on kubuntu.07:44
SyriaIs it that hard. :(07:48
szalare you that desperate?08:14
Syriaszal:  i couldn't find it even on google.08:20
drostieLots of very weird things today. First Nepomuk and Strigi had turned themselves back on again, despite the fact that I never use them and don't care for them. Second, my screen keeps shutting off after a couple minutes of no input, even though I've disabled screen dimming and screen shutoffs in the power settings -- and even though the plug is plugged in so this shouldn't be an issue. o_O.08:51
drostieOh well, I'll find some CDs and test out Kubuntu Active and Unity on my touchscreen, see whether either of them are Boss.08:54
zepp_Hello there i recently upgraded to kubuntu 12.04 and i love it but since then i could not start my windows dual boot... it recognizes my windows install but if i select it in grub at the beginning there is no error message and it also does not start ... any idea?09:03
Peace-zepp_: you need to refresh grub i guess09:06
zepp_have already tried update-grub ... it does not work09:07
Peace-zepp_: 30_os-prober09:07
Peace-zepp_: sudo os-prober09:09
zepp_yeah it detects windows 7 ... should i paste the output?09:10
Peace-zepp_: maybe you ahve to remove the old grub2 windows part09:12
Peace-and redoit09:12
Peace-i have no time right now09:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:12
zepp_will try .. ty!09:13
drostiegonna be switching to Unity, soon. After all this KDE joy I'm actually a little scared. :D09:14
oxtobearich habe eine frage09:17
oxtobearich habe ubuntu 12.04 lts auf einem laptop und möchte gerne das touchpad vom laptop sperren. wie muss ich das machen?09:18
oxtobearkann mir jemand helfen oder seid ihr alle afk?09:20
xiongI want a solid white opaque background for my panel. How to? System Settings > Workspace Appearance > Desktop Theme > Details > Theme Item > Panel Background...09:27
xiong... is not respected. There doesn't even seem to be a simple color picker for that; but choosing a plain white rectangle GIF does not seem to do anything, either.09:28
xiongFound while trying to learn up: "Plasma has an awesome theming machine, but it makes simple changes almost impossible."09:31
nbcaWhen I try to use the kubuntu.org site and click the "take the feature tour" I get to a drupal installation siteat /install.php?profile=default09:51
nbcaWhen I refresh the feature tour sometimes comes and other times it seems to return the installation pag09:51
GirlyGirlnbca: Don't bother about that tour anyway ... the kubuntu website isn't very good. Best to try it for yourself than to go by those outdated tour things. It isn't as professional as the ubuntu.com tour etc10:00
nbcaDoes it use calligra or lo?10:00
nbcaOr oo as the site states :P10:01
GirlyGirlnbca: Libreoffice10:03
Kalidarnquick question about GTK+ related fonts10:05
Kalidarnwhen they're displayed in GNOME or LXDE for example they're anti-aliased and look normal10:05
Kalidarnthey always look a bit different in KDE10:05
KalidarnFirefox being the exception10:05
GirlyGirlKalidarn: You can adjust gtk font settings and antialliasing in system settings.10:07
=== area51 is now known as Guest3766
kerloi_Hi all. I need some help, apt- messed up my system during the update process and now I can't do anything.10:09
kerloi_apt upgrade tell me to start "apt-get -f install" but even this command doesn't work ...10:10
kerloi_something about missing dependencies ...10:10
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decafdrupal at website is kaput. check the download link10:34
Riddellthanks decaf10:36
Riddelldecaf: try now10:36
RiddellF5 to reload10:36
Riddellit's only broken sometimes, tsk10:37
decafeither still broken or I can't get out of chrome cache10:37
decaflet me check with firefox10:38
decafnow I'm directly in drupal install page10:38
Riddelldecaf: yep, I'm talking to sysadmin now10:40
decafit's back. nice.10:49
decafcan I just dd the desktop iso to usb?10:50
Riddelldecaf: yes, or use usb-creator-kde10:59
daniel___hey everybody11:08
daniel___I wonna ask You about plasma screen corners11:09
daniel___I've had alwaays that funcionality, when I move my cursore into the left top corner I could see all my windows opened11:09
daniel___now nothing cames up11:10
daniel___please help11:10
daniel___for sure, It is set in system setting11:12
daniel___but it doesnt work11:12
daniel___doesnt work left screen edge and left top corner11:12
daniel___rest are working11:12
daniel___it happened only in the 12.04 64 bit11:13
daniel___on my second computer it works11:13
AceKingHow do I set Unetbootin to startup without requireing a password?11:20
BluesKajHey all11:34
vipincan any one tell me the process how to configure oracle instant client with php on linux machine12:06
workisgreathi, when i disable desktop effects, the task manager turns dark. how do i make it use a lighter color? / kubuntu 12.0412:32
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: Screenshot ... never heard of such a problem12:35
workisgreatGirlyGirl: http://s019.radikal.ru/i603/1205/19/ff8de95bbfbb.png12:36
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: after a restart of plasma it should be fine .... Press ALT + F2 and type "kquitapp plasma-desktop" then press alt + F2 again and type "plasma-desktop"12:38
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: Its just a quirk when disabling desktop effects, after a reboot it should be fine too12:39
workisgreatGirlyGirl: i tried - didn't help12:39
workisgreatproblem 2: view modes in dolphin don't work12:40
natmanhow do i check if Muon update notifier is working, i have not seen it in 3 days12:41
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: The taskmanager should sort itself out on nect login ... did you disable effects in systemsettings?12:41
GirlyGirlnatman: "sudo apt-get update"12:41
natmanGirlyGirl: I know there are  updates, just want to know if the little pop box will ever tell me12:42
GirlyGirlnatman: If there are updates it should tell you12:42
workisgreatGirlyGirl: it doesn't sort it. yes, i disable the effects in system settings12:43
workisgreatproblem 3 - is there a way to get rid of the message indicator, but have kopete / konversation etc. tray icons appear?12:43
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: What graphic card do you have ... on Intel cards I get that same problem when disabling desktop efftects but it goes away on restart ... try "kquitapp plasma-desktop" then "kwin --replace" then "plasma-desktop"12:44
natmanGirlyGirl: weird i pulled up Muon update manager, then settings and unchecked and re checked the notify me box, then i get the pop up message - how often does it check for updates?12:44
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: Just go in system tray settings (right click the tray) and remove message indicator12:45
GirlyGirlnatman: You can configure update checks with "kdesudo software-properties-kde"12:46
workisgreatGirlyGirl: Radeon HD5500 / Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT12:46
workisgreatGirlyGirl: Radeon HD5500 on work computer / Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT on home comp -- on both the problem persists12:46
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: Try changing the theme to oxygen then back to air ... after running commands mentioned above12:47
workisgreatGirlyGirl: no luck :)12:48
workisgreatGirlyGirl: "kwin --replace" - led to the app crash12:49
BluesKajnow rekonq is in the segfault mode , almost like a vicious cycle , as soon as it happens once , it never recovers , same goes for kmail12:49
GirlyGirlrekonq was always in segfault mode for me12:49
GirlyGirlnever used it long term12:50
workisgreatGirlyGirl: thank you for your help anyway12:50
BluesKajwhy is it the default broswer if it's so damn unstable...rhetorical question12:50
GirlyGirlworkisgreat: Best use the aya theme for plasma .. downloadable from kde-look ... it always obeys kde's colour scheme even with effects on12:52
workisgreatGirlyGirl: will try, thank you12:53
=== marass_ is now known as mcas
GirlyGirlDoes the 12.04 alternate disk have an upgrade script ... I used to upgrade with the alternate disk before but there are no cd-rom upgrade instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu12:56
Piciiirc, you can upgrade with either the desktop or alternate CDs now.12:58
n00bywhy does kde trust the xserver's dpi settings and display fonts with 3px height that are barely readable until i force it from 54 to 96 dpi? there should be a lower limit for font pixel height somwhere around 8px hardcoded!12:58
GirlyGirlPici: How exactly do you upgrade with the desktop CDs?12:59
n00bythe same problem always arises when i install googleearth, i have to set fonts to 20 with qtconfig-qt4 in gnome to get it readable13:00
PiciGirlyGirl: Put the CD in while you're running Kubuntu and it should prompt you.13:00
PiciGirlyGirl: The same way you would with the Alternate CD.13:00
GirlyGirlPici: Considering that the Desktop CD has a live image rather than packages how exactly does that work and would it wipe away settings and any extra non default applications installed?13:02
BluesKajn00by, I gave up on google earth , it's advantage over google maps has become minimal IMO ...too little return for too much hassle13:04
GirlyGirlPici: I can't see any mention of the possibility to upgrade from the desktop cd online. Have you ever tried this?13:05
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PiciGirlyGirl: I thought it was possible, I could be wrong though.13:14
GirlyGirlPici: You are correct. Just saw it here http://askubuntu.com/questions/110477/how-do-i-upgrade-from-10-04-or-11-10-to-12-04/110483#110483  not sure if Kubuntu has this though. Anyways I'm still waiting for KDE 4.8.3 before upgrading some machines to 12.04 because of a huge kmix bug13:16
=== withelm_ is now known as withelm
=== kubuntuactive is now known as drostie
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drostie-activeokay, so kubuntu-active is not quite all I had dreamed it could be. I'm thankful for having scrollbars large enough to use with my fingers, but it has some really distressing features too.13:37
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drostie-activealthough Unity I just filed two bug reports against; it's just got severe usability issues from a touch perspective. So Kubuntu is technically still much better. :D13:37
drostie-activeIt's just the non-technical aspects which are lacking. ^_^;;13:38
=== hadrian_ is now known as hadrian
marcellohello everyone13:53
marcellothis is my first time in this caht13:53
marcellohow do you do?13:53
RiddellGirlyGirl: nudge them to -offtopic if they want to chat?14:08
RiddellGirlyGirl: hmm I removed the cd upgrade instructions before I didn't think anyone used them14:09
RiddellGirlyGirl: why do you use that?14:09
GirlyGirlRiddell: Slow Internet and other reasons14:09
GirlyGirlRiddell: The ot person left14:10
RiddellGirlyGirl: yeah you can't upgrade from the desktop CD only overwrite it (which is often fine too)14:10
RiddellGirlyGirl: the alternate CD should have an upgrade script on it still that you can run but I haven't tested it14:11
GirlyGirlStill waiting for the kmix fix before upgrading some computers esp those used by other people14:12
GirlyGirlRiddell: The cd is more practical when upgrading multiple computers ... I do fresh installs on my own PC's (or actually use the pre release well before) ... but on shared PCs I upgrade them collectively14:21
RiddellGirlyGirl: ok thanks for the feedback, I'll do that testing and put it back next time around (mind and poke me to remember)14:23
RiddellGirlyGirl: I hope kmix will be fixed with KDE SC 4.8.3 which is due this week14:24
GirlyGirlRiddell: It is fixed in 4.8.3 which is due today I believe14:24
RiddellGirlyGirl: it's been delayed a day or two by upstream, and I don't know how the packaging in kubuntu is getting on I've been too busy to get to it alas14:27
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theguyfromaccounI just got Kubuntu 12.04 and I'm wonderin why port 53 is open on it?15:18
craigbass1976What's the difference between the plasma and openbox versions of kubuntu?15:21
theguyfromaccounHow do I disable a service like IPP or whatever is rnning on port 53?15:24
craigbass1976theguyfromaccoun, what's ps -ef tell you?  If it gives you a process number you can kill processnumber.  Where's this accoun place you're from?15:25
craigbass1976theguyfromaccoun, isn't dns usually 53?15:25
theguyfromaccouncraigbass1976: yes, but I'm running Kubutu desktop 12.0415:26
theguyfromaccounso it must be dns caching or something15:26
theguyfromaccounIm wondering how to DISABLE a service15:26
theguyfromaccounnot kill or pkill one15:26
craigbass1976theguyfromaccoun, I've been on kde for a total of about ten minutes.  Still getting my bearings.  Hang on and I'll see hwt I can find15:27
theguyfromaccounI don't want ANY ports open on my laptop15:28
craigbass1976theguyfromaccoun, Oh, hit the k menu (start menu, whatever) and search for services.  There's a service manager that might be what you're after15:28
theguyfromaccounDoesn't even show IPP or whatever is on port 5315:29
craigbass1976you could just set up a firewall too.  I haven't yet, but my laptop is a web server and I usually make it so apache only accepts connections from local host15:29
craigbass1976How do you kwo there';s something running on 53 in the first place?15:30
GirlyGirlcraigbass1976: We have an openbox version?15:30
craigbass1976That's what's showing up on my menu screen15:31
drostiew00t! Fresh Kubuntu 12.04 install. :D15:31
drostieI have to say, guys, after the hell of Unity and Kubuntu Active, I am so glad to have sane windows. :D15:32
craigbass1976I actually started with regular, knew I wouldn't like unity, tried xfce (which wont recognize when I've shut the lid) and now I'm giving this a whirl.  I haven't used kde other than a knoppix live cd here and there since fedora 3...15:33
drostieheh. enjoying it so far?15:33
drostieUnity looks good. Give it a half year or a year and I think it will actually be usable in an everyday sense. At the very least I'm about to put lots of icons on a toolbar on the side of the screen with KDE panels, 'cause that was a very good idea.15:34
drostieI might even try to hack it so that the alt-F2 Klauncher shows up when I just hit alt, because that's also pretty nice.15:35
drostieKubuntu Active was... *shudder*. Windows that can't be resized, every application starts out minimized for no good reason, you can't close anything without finding it on a taskbar. Not good.15:36
theguyfromaccounFigured it out15:36
theguyfromaccounPort 53 is open because dnsmasq is running on 12.0415:36
theguyfromaccounThanks everyone for your help15:37
drostiecrap, I gotta go too. Hope to compare the finer parts of KDE with you guys later! :D15:38
craigbass1976If anyone calls tucows.com, option 9 lets you listen to a herd of cattle.  Heh...  Sounds like it might be indefinitely.15:38
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rlopezhello everyone!15:47
craigbass1976rlopez, hey15:47
rlopezfirst time here on irc... is there any proper way to ask for help here? or just common sense? :D15:49
craigbass1976rlopez, just let 'er rip and wait15:50
BluesKajrlopez, common sense works , but you can ask in the meatnime15:50
rlopezhehe, thanks craigbass197615:50
craigbass1976some rooms complain if you ask to ask.  If you start chatting with one person in particular, you can preface what you say with their username so that it blinks or somethign for them15:50
rlopezwell, last night I started upgrading to kubuntu 12.04... but now the installation froze downloading dropbox. Is there any way to tell the installer to skip that package, without interruping the rest?15:53
BluesKajrlopez, is the installer locked up ?15:58
elvenfighterHello everyone, is there a way to install 'World Of Goo' using Muon?15:59
BluesKajelvenfighter, is it listed in muon?16:00
elvenfighterno, that's why I'm asking16:00
elvenfighterBluesKaj, no, that's why I'm asking16:00
BluesKajunless there's a special repository or ppa for it , no , but you may find it on the internet in a linux version16:02
BluesKajthen you may have to a different method to install i t depending on the file extension, elvenfighter16:03
rlopezBluesKaj, no, the installer is still running. at least it responds if I try to cancel the upgrade16:08
BluesKajrlopez, don't cancel if it's running , there's a dropbox tutorial for dropbox on kde that I can post if you wish16:12
BluesKajrlopez, http://www.nixternal.com/kde-and-dropbox/16:13
elvenfighterrlopez, you can look at kfilebox if you wish16:14
BluesKajkfilebox is broken , mostly'16:14
GirlyGirlDropbox's default client works well on KDE ... and there is a service menu for dolphin to integrate it available16:14
BluesKajelvenfighter, the above tutorial works like a charm16:15
rlopezBluesKaj, thanks, I have dropbox installed already, the thing is that the installer just stopped downloading dropbox at 53%. It's been like that for hours.16:15
elvenfighterBluesKaj, is this your's tutorial?16:15
BluesKajrlopez, so you're actually locked or stuck and the installer is doing nothing then ?16:16
elvenfighterI mean it would be good to mention this extension16:16
rlopezI've been using the dropbox default client for a while and it works fine16:17
BluesKajelvenfighter, no the tutorial is by Richard A Johnson16:17
rlopezI've tried kfilebox too, but then i just ended up using the default client16:18
rlopezelvenfighter, thanks! that looks useful16:19
BluesKaj rlopez , well it's always good to have proven alternatives just in case , but in the meantime if your installer is stuck then stop the process , remove dropbox , restart the upgrader if possible16:19
rlopezBluesKaj, i'm going to let it run for a little longer, if it's still stuck, I'll try that :) thanks16:20
BluesKajrlopez, if the upgraded\r has been stuck at the same point for hrs then it's definitely stopped16:22
BluesKajand not doing anything16:22
rlopezBluesKaj, yeah... maybe my internet connection was lost last night at some point, and it  just froze there16:24
craigbass1976rlopez, you don't have fairpoint do you?16:26
BluesKajrlopez, somewhow I doubt that , dpkg usually autorestarts on it's own or quits and closes16:26
rlopezcraigbass1976, nope. What's that?16:27
craigbass1976My ISP.  Ikeep losing connection too...16:27
* BluesKaj shrugs ..it's your upgrade16:29
rlopezcraigbass1976, oh ok. I live in venezuela, so It didn't ring any bells :)16:29
rlopezBluesKaj, thanks for your help16:34
BluesKajwhat help ?16:34
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oratedHello! Where is the keyboard shortcut set for KMenu/Kickoff Application launcher? I cannot find it in keyboard shortcut settings ...16:46
oratedAlt+F1 which used to present no longer works for me now16:46
bazhangorated, alt f2 you mean?16:48
nurupoorated: alt+f2 works fine16:48
oratedAlt+F2 is for Krunner afaik16:50
oratedI'm asking for Application Launcher Menu (as per Add Widget options)16:51
oratedAlt + F2 works fine here. But I'm not able to get Alt+F1 work16:52
natmanMy laptop screen goes dark at the login page, then normal brightness once my password is accepted, can anyone help?16:53
BluesKajnatman, kmenu>computer>system settings>login page , "get new themes" , or enable the default16:57
natmanBluesKaj: did that, set to defaults, no help17:04
natmanBluesKaj: i have tried to install a theme, i click install from the list of themes, but nothing extra ever appears in the list availible to me17:05
BluesKajnatman, are you on the job or using your laptop as a home user?17:07
natmanBluesKaj: laptop as home user17:07
GirlyGirlnatman: Some themes just don't work ... also those themes only worked for me if I run system settings as root with "kdesudo systemsettings"17:09
BluesKajthen you could use the auto login  to by pass the login page altogether , click on the convenience tab, enable passwordless logins, enable autologin,  preselect user  , apply17:11
natmanBluesKaj: ya seen that, just laptop does come outside some days, would hate for it to be stolen with auto login17:12
natmanBluesKaj: okay, kdesudo allowed me to actually install new thems, gonna try a new one now17:13
BluesKajwell, the pws are still required for any apps and sites requiring security17:14
natmanBluesKaj: :( made no difference, still have to hit the "increase screen brightness button" to actually see the screen17:16
nixternalBluesKaj: nice to see that tutorial is still being used (re: dropbox for kde). anyways, I added an update linking to the servicemenu for kde. i guess that tutorial still works :)17:18
BluesKajnixternal, good to hear :)17:24
BluesKajnixternal, IIRC , that tutorial/Blog is yours , correct ?17:40
BluesKajnixternal, good job :)17:43
nixternalBluesKaj: thanks. i did the post out of frustration back then actually. it is by far the most popular post on my blog, and from time-to-time gets a /. or digg effect, even after a couple of years17:44
BluesKajnixternal, I have it in my linux help sites bookmarks folder...the methos is cleaner than the kfilebox method which used to break after a few sessions17:46
nixternalglad it still works17:47
nixternali am horrid at keeping old posts updated, but i want to keep that one up to date as it is pretty popular17:47
efehello everybody18:33
efei am looking for help about some graphic card issue18:34
efecan someone help me please?18:34
efeanybody even hear me?18:37
annaleeEfe, it's rude to send usolicited private messages. Please don't do that.18:37
efesorry i am just desperately looking for help :(18:38
annaleeNot everyone in the nick list is actually at their keyboard, and not everyone at their keyboard can help you.18:39
annaleeIf someone's in the room who can help you, they'll see your request and jump in.18:39
annaleeThe rest of us aren't ignoring you; we're either not here or can't answer your question.18:40
efesure you are right :( i am just trying to solve my problem for about 48hours and no good progress so far18:40
Piciefe: You may also want to try #ubuntu, since graphics card issues are more of a 'core' problem.18:42
efethank you pici i am trying it right now18:43
annaleeand if you still don't get an answer, try checking back at other times of day. Not sure what timezone you're in but it may not be the same time zone as the people best qualified to answer your question.18:43
rbetzenJust upgraded to 12.04. Love it.  Can't seem to find libreoffice-report-builder in the repos.  Is it no longer available?19:02
rork!il | DarthNerdar19:44
ubottuDarthNerdar: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:19:44
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il19:44
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rbetzenUgh. Deleted from the repos.  Had to really dig for the info. No explanation as to why so far as I can find.  There goes a couple months worth of work.20:34
hivhi i have kubuntu 12.0420:34
hivbut this have very bug20:34
sekisushaiafter an upgrade to precise, i would like to remove package without anymore repositories20:37
sekisushaihow can i know what packages are installed but aren't in a repositorie ?20:38
lordievader hiv, what is your bug?20:38
sekisushaiit's not a bug, i just would like to know in my installed packages which are available on a repository and which aren't anymore20:39
sunsetloverhello everybody20:39
lordievadersunsetlover: hey20:40
sunsetloverlordievader: hey20:40
sunsetloverlordievader: how r u ?20:41
lordievadersunsetlover: I'm good, tying to figure out this IRC client.20:41
lordievadersunsetlover: How are you?20:41
sunsetloverlordievader: i'm good , and i'm also new in this linux os , so i'm trying to know enough about it20:43
sunsetloverlordievader: i'm good , and i'm also new in this linux os , so i'm trying to know enough about it20:45
lordievadersunsetlover: At times it is a lot of fun at other times it is a hell... let's hope the second doesn't come too often.20:46
sunsetloveryup hope too20:46
lordievadersunsetlover: what client are you using?20:47
lordievadersunsetlover: I'm sorry I don't use the irc client from kubuntu, so I cannot help you there.20:49
lordievaderPerhaps someone else can...20:49
sunsetloverok thank you man20:50
lordievadersunsetlover: If there is anything else feel free to ask.20:53
sunsetloverok man , thank you for your offer20:54
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dbc254how can I check that another program isn't using the package system?22:28
dbc254Trying to install updates, but it's telling me that another app is using the system22:29
barnabas02Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, click on the diaglostic- icon at the left.22:32
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L3topsI just wanted to say, I have been doing support in #ubuntu since release... and kubuntu (kde) has been met with little fanfare, yet... has become, imo, the lightweight stable derivative. Unity has a lot of serious issues it seems impolite to address... esp w/regards to nVidia (and the regeressive 295.40 driver, which is shared), however... nVidia is not the issue, though there is a bit of a performance hit. I am not pooping on Ubuntu..23:13
L3tops. I wish instead to say what a fantastic job kubu/kde has done.23:13
L3topsWell done devs.23:14
L3topsI do not have a support issue, so the entire diatribe is inappropriate in this channel... and I am sorry for being off topic in my praise. I hope I will be forgiven.23:17
szalL3tops: Kubuntu = lightweight? :o23:27
szalI somehow doubt that KDE is noticeably lighter than GNOME or Unuty23:27
L3topsyeah... I said it.23:27
L3topsszal: Install, and get back to me... in terms of resources.23:28
L3topsI have installed both on 12 machines... and unity... imo not ready for prime time.23:28
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szalif you want lightweight, go XFCE or LXDE or one of the more 'esoteric' WMs23:28
L3topsI have spent the last 80 hrs addressing video issues23:28
L3topsit is all relative23:29
L3topsI did not make relation to xfce, or xbmc, or mint or lfs...23:29
L3topsI made relation to Ubuntu... until you do, I am not willing to have a discussion on the topic, and we should do so in offtopic23:30
* szal has been using (mostly) KDE distros since 2003 & refuses to use Gnome or anything related to it23:31
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L3topsszal: the long standing "complaint" against kde has been weight related. It is my suggestion that in 1204, she is not the fat girl. She is not even zoftig. She is svelt. She runs lean, on crap equip. Yes. She is lightweight.23:42
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