
ElderPgood evening folks00:46
=== Mission-Critical is now known as MissionCritical
azatHi all, how can I download log of build that not finished yet?09:13
wgrantazat: You can only see the last few lines as shown on the build page.09:14
wgrantThe full log isn't available until it completes.09:14
azatwgrant: But it never complete because there is an error in while loop, and if I stop the build I can`t get log too09:15
azatBut on local machine it build succesfully09:15
wgrantazat: You've built it in pbuilder locally?09:15
wgrantIs it perhaps trying to access the Internet?09:15
wgrantThat's not supported from the Launchpad build farm.09:15
azatNot it not access to internet09:16
azatI build libevent 2.009:16
azatLocaly I just run with debuild09:16
wgrantTry pbuilder, it gives you a clean build environment.09:17
azatwgrant: it builds with pbuilder10:00
azaton local machine10:00
azatwgrant: have any other ideas in what problem is?10:12
wgrantazat: Do you have a link to the build?10:13
azatOfcouse, a sec10:13
azathttps://launchpad.net/~a3at-mail/+archive/libevent/+build/3441556, i'v already send a patch to developers (but can`t uderstand why this happens) https://github.com/libevent/libevent/pull/810:15
wgrantazat: Oh10:15
wgrantazat: It'll be a kernel version issue10:15
wgrantThe PPA builders still run hardy kernels10:15
wgrantThat's 2.6.2410:15
azatOh.. but how can I see which of syscalls are not supported?10:16
wgrantThe manpages will usually tell you when certain features were added10:16
wgrantVERSIONS The accept4() system call is available starting with Linux 2.6.28; support in glibc is available starting with version 2.10.10:16
wgrantPossibly relevant10:16
wgrantOh look, it's using accept4 :)10:17
azatDo launchpad will update it kernels?10:18
azatFor buildd10:18
wgrantWe'll probably upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Linux 3.2) later this year.10:18
wgrantI don't know quite when, though.10:18
azatwgrant: yes, now I see that it is accept410:18
azatBTW, Is it possible to save log after canceling of build?10:19
wgrantNot easily, unfortunately.10:19
wgrantCancellation basically destroys the VM that the build is running it.10:19
wgrantTo grab the log we'd have to negotiate with the build slave to copy the log across even though the build isn't finished. Now we just kill it immediately, to keep it simple so it always works.10:20
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azatwgrant: I understand, hanks10:21
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Sweetsharkhi there, is there any way to restart the build at https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa/+build/3441748 ? it was canceled because of a "no space left on device" error, I Id like to retry building it hoping it gets a buildd that is not that limited ....12:23
wgrantSweetshark: You need to reduce the build size.12:25
wgrantOr make arrangements with IS to get larger build FSes, but I don't think they'd like that idea much.12:25
Sweetsharkwgrant: "reducing the build size" would make that build different from what will be shipped, or removing inbuild tests both of which is unacceptable. yes, IS should get larger build FS (and should have gotten them half a year ago). For now I am looking for a way to retry that build hoping to get a buildd with more space this time.12:34
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czajkowskiSweetshark: you already have a large build size for the PPa much larger than I've ever seen set for others12:37
Sweetsharkczajkowski: the problem is that LO depends on ~all of main, it needs some space to work with above that.12:40
czajkowskiSweetshark: as wgrant has already pointed outyou need to reduce the size or talk to IS.12:41
Sweetsharkczajkowski: are you sure about that larger build size for i386 too? because amd64 is happy.12:46
wgrantSweetshark: There are some hardware differences, but are you sure it's not doc builds and the like that only happen on i386?12:47
Sweetsharkwgrant: ah, true.12:47
wgrantI forget if i18n is still build from the same source.12:48
Sweetsharkwgrant: it is again. it wasnt for some time with some ugly and broken hack, which broke l10n for some important cornercases.12:50
wgrantI thought there must have been a reason I'd forgotten how it worked :)12:50
wgrantThat would do it.12:51
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
LekensteynHi, is this the right channels for questions on the API?15:36
geserthe LP API? yes15:36
LekensteynOkay, what is the "memo" field used for?15:37
Lekensteynas in https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/%7Ebumblebee/+archive/stable?ws.op=getPublishedBinaries&ws.size=75&memo=75&ws.start=7515:37
Lekensteynok got it thanks to internal documentation.16:01
Lekensteynmemo=X returns entry X if there are no entries for the requested ws.start param16:01
dobeyanyone know how to fix this error: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/97012128/vcs-imports-abiword-trunk.log ?17:29
smoserhey. feeling dumb with launchpadlib.19:04
smoseri can get a specification with something like: ubuntu.getSpecification(name="servercloud-q-awstools")19:05
smoserbut i can't find a way to get a specification other than by name19:05
lifelesssmoser: what other ways would you like ?19:12
smoseri kind of wanted to "find" the list19:14
smosereither by saying "what specifications are there for project "Ubuntu"?"19:14
smoseror what specifications is 'smoser' the drafter of19:14
smoserall i can see right now is i can go to something like: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/19:15
smoserand search for names... and then use those.19:15
smoseri'm sure i'm just missing something19:16
lifelessaccording to https://api.launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#distribution19:20
lifelessit should on .all_specifications19:21
lifelessand probably a better one is valid_specifications19:21
lifelesssmoser: ^19:22
smoserlifeless, thanks.19:27
david0rkHi all.21:17
david0rkis anyone on fairly familiar with bazaar?21:17
david0rkanone on?21:20
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mhmodibrhmhello, i am a new ubuntu member and i have some questions about my mail21:32
lifeless!ask | david0rk21:36
ubot5david0rk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:36
lifeless!ask | mhmodibrhm21:36
ubot5mhmodibrhm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:36
david0rkCan anyone walk me through setting up bazaar  & integrating it with launchpad21:38
mhmodibrhmok when my @ubuntu.com mail will work?21:38
mhmodibrhmlifeless: i am just approved as a new member and i want to know when my @ubuntu.com email will be working and if i want to change its name what could i do?21:41
lifelessit gets processed every few days21:41
lifelessto tweak it you can talk to the sysadmins in #canonical-sysadmin21:41
lifelessdavid0rk: I don't have the time right now, but where have you gotten up to ?21:42
lifeless(someone else may be able to help you, particularly if they know where you are up to)21:42
david0rklifeless, I've got launchpad setup.   i've set a folder on my pc as tree21:43
david0rki just need to add my source code (i'm assuming make a branch, copy my source to that folder) and push to launchpad21:44
lifelessthat sounds about right21:49
david0rkok. I've pushed a "blank" branch to launchpad.  Now on my pc what do i do to get my code to launchpad?22:19
david0rknevermind.  I figured out using a bit of common sense and tinkering.   BAZAAR IS AWESOME!22:22
lifelesscool :)22:25
david0rki didn't realize i had to add the files to the branch, (not just copy them there like dropbox or something) and then commit them before pushing.22:27
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