
=== scientes_ is now known as scientes
scientesGrueMaster, im watching about LFNW  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbqo5XkZoPQ05:48
scienteshow was it05:48
scientes_GrueMaster, im watching about LFNW  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbqo5XkZoPQ06:02
scientes_how was it06:02
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nagyzhi there12:46
nagyzis there a beaglebone image somewhere for 12.04?12:46
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GrueMasternagyz: Try the server image.  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-server-armhf+omap4.img.gz13:52
nagyzand how am I supposed to install that to an SD card? I guess a simple dd is not enough :-)13:53
GrueMasterDownload it, then run "gunzip <ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-server-armhf+omap4.img.gz |sudo dd bs=4M of=<sd device> (i.e. /dev/sdf or /dev/mmcblk0)".13:55
nagyzsimple enoug13:56
nagyzI wonder if the beaglebone is omap4, or omap3...13:56
GrueMasterOr if you are running Windows on your desktop, unzip and use win32-imagewriter.13:56
GrueMasterbeaglebone is omap3.13:56
nagyzok, let me try it out :-)13:57
nagyz638 megz :(13:58
nagyzwill take 5 mins to DL13:58
GrueMasterGrab a coffee.13:58
nagyzmy problem with angstrom was that with the .13 kernel PWM was working fine but couldn't get my wifi stick working14:00
nagyzwith their latest kernel (.14), wifi works fine but no PWM :)14:00
nagyzI wonder how many upstream TI patches does ubuntu ship in their omap kernel?14:00
GrueMasterThe omap kernel in our images is directly from mainstream.14:01
nagyzwell, worst case scenario I can apply the patches by hand14:05
nagyzgunzip running14:06
nagyzwouldn't zcat be better than gunzip?14:07
nagyzfor this particiular case, I mean14:07
GrueMasterEither or.  This is just what I use.14:07
rcn-eenagyz, are you trying to run ubuntu's 12.04 preinstalled image on a beaglebone?14:10
nagyzsaw your git tree with the patches and scripts too14:10
rcn-eethere's like zero 'am335x' patches in mainline v3.2...14:10
rcn-eeyou'll either have to bring in angtrom's beaglebone kernel, or v3.2-staging branch from arago directly...14:11
nagyzrcn-ee so I've build the kernel with your build_kernel.sh14:21
rcn-eeokay, that one should work fine..14:22
nagyzyeah but under arch/arm/boot I only see an Image; instead of an uImage14:23
nagyzis there an easy way to create a package that I could install with opkg on the armstrong?14:23
rcn-eenagyz, if you want a uImage, enable the correct "ZRELADDR" setting in system.sh and also enable "BUILD_UIMAGE", other then the bone, all my other boards i support use zImages directly. .;)14:24
rcn-eereally no point in package a opkg package, just run "./tools/install-image.sh" it'll copy the image/modules to the card. (just make sure MMC is set correctly in system.sh)14:26
rcn-eebtw, since your only changing a few things. just run "./tools/rebuild.sh" then you won't have to rebuild everything from scratch..14:28
nagyzthe problem is I'm building on an other machine, not the one I have the SD card in :)14:29
nagyzbut I can look into the script I guess14:29
nagyzto figure out how to port it ;)14:29
rcn-eeah, that would be a problem... well both the "zimage/uImage & modules are under deploy" directory..14:29
prpplaguercn-ee: you get your lvds board ok?14:40
rcn-eeyeap, got it mid week prpplague (still recovering from the ti summit last week) so i haven't opened it up yet. ;)14:41
prpplaguercn-ee: ahh ok14:41
prpplaguercn-ee: let me know if you have any questions14:42
rcn-eesure, thanks prpplague...  i'm attaching to an older panda, so i'll get to do some soldering. ;)14:42
prpplaguercn-ee: just fyi, the full pixel-qi kits as well as standard lcd kits are now in stock14:43
rcn-eeyeap i saw those too..14:43
rcn-eethe full kits look nice..14:44
nagyzrcn-ee will build_kernel.sh apply the patches to the latest mainline (eg now it's 3.2.17 or so), or will it use some other special branch? I see 3.2.0-psp7 here, whatever ps pis14:49
nagyz*psp is14:49
nagyzand I guess I can just easily copy over the uImage to /boot, link it in, and that's it? (and extract the modules under /lib/modules)14:50
rcn-eebecause the arago patchset is so envasive, that merge actually fails..  after my images get updated this week, i'm moving to a shared repo with angstrom, one plus, they do have a 3.2.17 patchset on top of v3.2-staging..14:51
nagyzfor some reason in their latest kernel (3.2.14) the PWM driver is broken14:52
nagyzthe pwm directory under /sys is empty14:52
nagyzwith .13 it works fine14:52
nagyzany reason why I'd want to go with their 3.2.17 instead of 3.2.0-psp7?14:53
nagyzI saw some usb problems mentioned, could you elaborate on those?14:53
rcn-eeIf you have any other cape then just "dvd-d" cape, use the angstrom kernel.. ;) (i got an lcd board coming, and i know my image is lacking with that cape)14:54
nagyzjust my own cape so far14:54
nagyzI'm driving motors in a GPS-controller RC car :)14:54
nagyzwell, I'd hardly call it a cape :-)14:54
rcn-eemusb: in a nut shell, there's currently a issues (race conditions) with the dma controller behind the usb port..14:54
nagyzI plan to use the usb port for the wifi stick14:55
rcn-eesome wifi devices work fine, some fail in 5mins, some fail on boot..14:55
nagyzshould that go away with the latest .17?14:55
rcn-eei'd actually test them both with your hardware, neither will work with 100% of hardware14:57
nagyzroot@beaglebone:~# uname -a14:57
nagyzLinux beaglebone 3.2.0-psp7 #1 Tue May 1 15:05:06 CEST 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux14:57
nagyzhah :)14:57
nagyzroot@beaglebone:~# cd /sys/class/pwm/ehrpwm.1:015:01
nagyz-sh: cd: /sys/class/pwm/ehrpwm.1:0: No such file or directory15:01
nagyzI guess your tree doesn't include the pwm drivers?15:01
rcn-eeyeah, angstrom's kernel has those, with the base i was using, they needed more work for porting..15:02
nagyzis there an easy way to build their kernel source instead of using bitbake & friends?15:03
rcn-eenagyz, yeap. ;) new as of a week ago.. https://github.com/beagleboard/kernel15:03
rcn-eethat's what i'm planning to move to with psp8 mid next week..15:04
nagyzok let's see if I can make that work15:04
rcn-eebone development is curretnly in the beaglebone-3.2 branch..15:04
nagyzso what does your tree contain that theirs doesn't?15:04
rcn-eeit'll just make a tree, so you'll have to "make ARCH=arm CROSS_"15:05
rcn-eein a futile attemp to fix the usb port, i pulled in pretty much all the commits in the v3.2-staging tree... https://github.com/RobertCNelson/linux-dev/blob/am33x-v3.2/patch.sh#L39 (around 200 or so), angstrom just cherry picked about 2 dozen from there.. (a lot of them aren't exactly clean commits)15:06
nagyzI see15:07
nagyzpatch.sh is running now15:07
rcn-eewhen done, it'll have all the patches in export, along with a tree ready to go..15:08
nagyzugh, quite slow :(15:10
nagyzsince google set up the kernel git mirrors, I tend to use those15:10
nagyzthose are blazing :)15:10
rcn-eeyou can also "--reference /dir/to/linux" to "git clone (refer) git:// " then it takes a few seconds. ;)15:11
nagyzI'm assuming patch.sh fetches a genuine linux stable tree, and will apply the patches later15:12
rcn-eeit's just a simple script to share patches for the beagleboard, not caring what you use to build it.. (my scripts or angstroms bb)15:12
nagyzit's patching now15:22
* nagyz is excited :)15:22
nagyzor, ohm, doing something.15:23
nagyzrcn-ee and now just go into the kernel directory, and that's it?15:31
rcn-eenot sure on your defintion of "that's it" but, the kernel directory now has the fully patched angtstrom kernel..15:32
nagyzthat's it = I can now just go ahead and compile the kernel and use it on the beaglebone :)15:33
rcn-eethat's all the script does..15:33
rcn-eethe .config should be in the patches directory under beaglebone..15:34
nagyzand yep, defconfig is there15:34
nagyzok, let's give it a try15:34
nagyzit's been awhile since I had to compile a kernel by hand without any scripts :-)15:34
nagyzmake -j48 uImage?15:34
nagyzah, and set ARCH=arm and CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-15:35
rcn-eedon't forget "uimage modules"15:35
nagyzI love this build machine :)15:36
nagyzexcept when make dies on something and you have to start scrolling back15:37
nagyzstupid make.15:37
nagyzmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `firmware/am335x-pm-firmware.bin', needed by `firmware/am335x-pm-firmware.bin.gen.o'.  Stop.15:37
nagyzthis happens when I try to build the modules15:37
rcn-eehumm, looks like we need to crate a patch for that, you can get the file from here: http://arago-project.org/git/projects/?p=am33x-cm3.git;a=tree;f=bin;h=dc6e79180b8c468832e684d631818af31448bd81;hb=HEAD15:38
rcn-eejust copy it to the kernel firmware directly.. it should build with out it, so a kernel bug..15:39
nagyzok, great, worked :-)15:43
nagyzlet's see if I can boot it up15:43
nagyzroot@beaglebone:~# uname -a15:48
nagyzLinux beaglebone 3.2.16rccar-13231-g304db30 #2 Tue May 1 17:42:13 CEST 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux15:48
nagyzlet's see if I have PWM or not15:48
nagyzno PWM with this kernel, again15:49
rcn-eedid you copy the modules?15:49
nagyzyes, and ran depmod -a15:49
nagyzbut the PWM should be built-in anyway15:49
nagyzseems like whatever happened between .13 and .14, persisted thru .1615:50
nagyzis there an easy way to find out what changed between .13 and .14 in terms of the PWM driver?15:50
rcn-eeyou'd have to look at the meta-ti repo, to see what they tweaked between versions.. (there's just not enough history in that .patch script to show that change)15:51
nagyzI'd be perfectly happy with the .13 kernel too15:52
nagyzmy only problem was that while I could install it with opkg, I couldn't find a way to install it's modules15:52
nagyzwhenever I installed kernel-module-xxx it installed the module for the latest kernel, not for what I had running15:52
rcn-eeno idea either. ;)15:53
nagyzis there a way to build not the latest but a specific version with patch.sh?:)15:54
rcn-eelike i said, it's a new script... so anything prior to last week doesn't exist..15:55
rcn-eebut in the future, yes you can go back in time and rerun patch.sh. ;)15:56
nagyzI could just go ahead and cherry-pick the PWM patches, I guess?16:12
nagyzand try them on top of the mainstream kernel16:13
rcn-eeif you do don't forget the massive am335x patchset ;)16:14
nagyzwhich one is that from tihs list? :)16:15
nagyzI'd assume it's 001 but that seems an easy one16:15
rcn-eeif it was one, i'd be pushing out v3.4-rcX images for the bone. ;)16:16
nagyzhow come I see the pwm patches here, yet when I built the psp kernel with your script it wasn't included? I thought all of these patches are included :)16:16
rcn-eedo a diff between, v3.2 and http://arago-project.org/git/projects/?p=am33x-cm3.git;a=tree;f=bin;h=dc6e79180b8c468832e684d631818af31448bd81;hb=HEAD16:16
rcn-eesorry, copy paste error: http://arago-project.org/git/projects/?p=linux-am33x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/v3.2-staging16:16
rcn-eeit might have moved under /sys, or wasn't enabled with the the right config..16:17
nagyzI checked it under /sys16:18
nagyzand lets see16:18
nagyzthese are set in the .config of your kernel too16:19
nagyzthen it suffers from the same problem as >=.1416:19
nagyzI don't see an easy way to see why it's not coming up if it's compiled into the kernel16:22
damian0815hey ubuntu-arm, i've just installed ubuntu 12.04 preinstalled server (headless) on my beagleboard C4 and aplay -l isn't showing any devices. is sound known to work?16:33
RyuGunsNoob question: What's the difference between arm1 and armf?16:52
GrueMasterRyuGuns: armel is armv7 with softFP.  armhf is armv7 with hard float.16:58
GrueMaster(I'm assuming that was what you meant).16:58
RyuGunsI see what it is now.16:59
RyuGunsWhat is softFP and hard float?16:59
RyuGunsI'm sorry, me noob.16:59
rcn-eethink about it as: soft - software, hard - hardware. ;)17:01
RyuGunsfp=floating point?17:11
damian0815... so more sound detail. snd_soc_twl4030 module is loaded, but /proc/asound/cards reports --- no soundcards ---17:11
damian0815seems broken :-/17:11
damian0815_ok, figured it out -- i needed to manually modprobe snd_soc_omap, snd_soc_omap-mcbsp and snd_soc_omap3beagle followed by enabling 'HeadsetR Mixer AudioL2' and '... AudioR2'18:41
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janimomarvin24, thanks. I'll probably package that if noone does it faster19:13
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=== StevenK_ is now known as StevenK

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