
iktanyone watch02:33
somethinginteresTeam Report for April 2012 has been completed. I've sent a message to the mailing list asking for alterations and additions should people see fit. 04:51
Lindon-WyntaHello fellow Aussie *Buntu'ers!04:56
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: G'day04:56
Lindon-WyntaEven tho I cheat on Ubuntu with openSUSE04:57
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: Well I never! 04:57
Lindon-WyntaAhh, I tend to prefer Zypper / RPM/ Yast over dpgk / deb / apt04:58
Lindon-WyntaI much prefer Ubuntu for most other things, especially the ecosystem of Ubuntu04:58
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: it's good indeed 04:59
Lindon-WyntaAnd Unity is <3 <304:59
Lindon-WyntaAnd really, openSUSE forums don't hold a candle the Ubuntu forums05:00
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: I think 12.04 has seen a real maturity of the Unity desktop. I always try to work with defaults before making changes and although Unity was a big workflow change I think my sticking with it has paid off in the end 05:00
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: My only gripe is my lack of Python programming knowledge to tweak the Video lens to my liking. It rightly defaults to local sources such as ABC iView but I'd like to add some US sites too. 05:01
Lindon-WyntaYes, I've been meaning to learn Python05:03
Lindon-WyntaAnd LUA05:03
Lindon-Wynta12.04, I think is the biggest distro release ever05:03
Lindon-WyntaOf any distro05:03
Lindon-WyntaAnd best05:03
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: in terms of downloads you mean? 05:03
Lindon-Wyntasomethinginteres, I mean in terms of.... excitement, impact - 5 years on the desktop now, so many businesses should switch to *Buntu, expectations etc05:05
Lindon-WyntaFirst LTS with Unity too05:05
Lindon-WyntaLinux Action Show said that if 12.04 is a flop, than so is Ubuntu. I wouldn't go that far, but it does show how big a release this is05:06
somethinginteresLindon-Wynta: Yeah it's a big milestone for sure. Pop over to #ubuntu-au-chat to continue the convo, this channel is meant to be for support - woops :) 05:06
somethinginteresdoes anyone know how to disable hardware? 05:48
elkyI'll never understand how someone can prefer RPM05:49
iktbut I'm the same with emacs as well06:30
iktand nano06:30
iktVim >06:30
Lindon-Wyntaelky, I only prefer RPM on SUSE06:53
Lindon-WyntaNot anywehere else06:53
Lindon-WyntaTbh, Suse is the only RPM distro I'll touch. Can't stand Fedora, etc06:53
Lindon-Wyntaikt, I love nano06:54
Lindon-WyntaLol, I know....06:59
Lindon-WyntaDon't let the Whirlpool mods see this convo, they'll mod it for "religious" debats ;)07:00
iktLindon-Wynta, did you see the 'why linux sucks' and 'why linux does not suck' videos?07:34
Lindon-Wyntaikt, No I did not, I kinda don't visit OCAU (or Whilrpool) anymore.07:43
Lindon-WyntaBut... I did hear Lunduke was going to do those07:43
elkyLindon-Wynta, It's safer that way. Really.07:43
iktwhat forums you on these days?07:43
elkyWe don't all have ikt's fortitude ;)07:44
Termanaikt, arrgghh no, you're like tech blogs and slashdot authors. Never linking to the original source07:44
iktI did?07:44
iktfirst link07:44
Lindon-Wyntaikt, I haven't got a "home" forum like I used to07:44
Lindon-Wyntaelky, Yeah, Whingepool got the best of me.07:44
Lindon-WyntaJust couldn't take it07:44
TermanaNo. You linked to a forum with a link to Lunduke's page and the videos below. You should have just linked to Lunduke's page07:45
Lindon-WyntaAnd OCAU was good, till I got flamed for having an older PC07:45
elkyDon't get me wrong, there's awesome people on both. There's more less awesome people than is safe, though.07:45
iktTermana, that's cuz I wanted you to see the discussion :P (since I made the forum post)07:45
Termanaheh :p07:45
elkyTermana, he's like a redditor ;)07:45
Lindon-Wyntaelky, I'm actually a really nice, passive and peaceful person. But Whingepool just brought out a monster in me.07:46
elkyLindon-Wynta, that's what i mean by unsafe.07:46
iktI love monsters!07:46
Lindon-WyntaJust the people who don't listen, especially certain WinFanbois.07:46
Lindon-WyntaOne in particular07:46
TermanaLindon-Wynta, you got sucked in. Like, you were in a whirlpool or something07:46
elkyIt's never one. There's always another in waiting.07:47
iktYou'd love politics and policies, labor vs liberal, no one budges on either side at all ever07:47
Lindon-WyntaAnd I just got sick of Whirlpool mods, one rule for one person, another rule for another07:47
Lindon-WyntaAnd I've also heard some of the nasty things WP mods say to members of Whirlpool in Whims. They all publicly deny it, of course07:48
Lindon-Wyntaikt, I do love politics07:48
Lindon-Wyntaor, did07:48
Lindon-WyntaNow days, I just prefer to remain ignorant. Especially after least year's budget07:49
Lindon-WyntaI just don't want to know anymore07:49
iktDon't blame you, it's just annoying dealing with lab/lib/green fanboys07:49
Lindon-WyntaDoctor told me to stay away from stress and anything that causes me anxiety. WP and politics don't help07:49
iktthere's no discussion, just yelling07:49
Lindon-WyntaI didn't have an issue with OCAU, except for the fact that, apparently, having an older PC on OCAU is a huge crime and I got a huge wall of flames because of it07:50
Lindon-Wyntabasically told em all to rack off.07:52
Lindon-Wyntanever went back07:52
iktnever seen that before07:52
TermanaLindon-Wynta, of course that's a crime, you probably can't even turn it up to 11. Disappointing.07:52
iktthere's even a section dedicated to older machines07:52
Lindon-WyntaYeah I know, I thought it was wierd. But it wasn't just one person - it was multiple people having a right old go07:53
iktwhat was your username?07:53
Lindon-WyntaBack, sorry. Was doing bins08:10
Lindon-Wyntaikt, I probably rather not give out my older username. It's in the past.08:10
Lindon-WyntaI just change my password to something I don't know and can no longer log in.08:11
Lindon-WyntaCan't retrieve it either, since it uses an old email08:11
Lindon-Wyntaikt, Although Whirlpool was a different story. I was actually quite the monster there :/08:13
Lindon-WyntaMainly because I tried to tell them various things, and they simply do not listen.08:13
Lindon-WyntaSo I told the mods I no longer wanted the account and to bin it08:13
Lindon-WyntaHi fenris 08:19
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Guest733hi Lindon-Wynta08:19
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iktLindon-Wynta, all good, I tried to move on but keep coming back, I think it's just addiction at this stage08:20
Lindon-Wyntaikt, Yeah I still read Whirlpool08:21
Lindon-WyntaIt is an addition.08:22
Lindon-WyntaGood resource tho08:22
Lindon-WyntaSometimes ;)08:22
Lindon-WyntaBut trying to tell them the flaws of Win 7's audio stack and compositor.....08:24
Lindon-WyntaCertain user(s) just come back with the same textbook examples of why it's good and why it works, then link to some online article08:25
Lindon-Wyntaikt, that video "why Linux sucks", Lunduke mentions that basically X.Org sucks. I like X.Org :/08:36
Lindon-WyntaNot looking forward to Wayland too much tho08:36
sagaciubuntu manual session at UDS @ 2012-05-09 11:00..11:55 in Grand Ballroom H09:18
benonsoftwaresagaci: Thanks for reminding me about something else :P09:19
sagaciat a cool 4am in the morning Aus time09:19
benonsoftwareI wish I could attend remotley for most sessions09:19
sagacithe evening sessions should be around 7am-11am09:20
sagaciyep, the 5pm sessions start at 10am EST09:20
benonsoftwareYeah, problem is I'm on the bus or in class those times :P09:20
benonsoftwareI might see the Friday ones09:20
sagacilet's see the schedule09:33
sagacia few sessions on09:34
Dem0nichi there09:55
sagacihi Dem0nic 09:55
Dem0nicis this where I should be trying to get help regarding a failed upgrade to precise 12.04?09:56
Dem0nicFrom the user list, it looks like the #ubuntu channel is a bit crowded...09:56
sagaciwhat kind of failure are we dealing with09:57
Dem0nicI left my laptop to upgrade while I was at work today09:57
Dem0nicIt downloaded everything it needed and had only installed the first dozen items when it hung09:58
Dem0nicmouse responsive,but no other program than update manager opening09:58
Dem0nicI'm working from a flash drive 11.10 at the moment09:59
sagaciI always clean reinstall09:59
Dem0nicI thought someone was going to say that09:59
sagacisaves the time troubleshooting this kind of thing09:59
Dem0nicthat means downloading everything again, doesn't it?09:59
Dem0nicI'll use the off-peak this time.09:59
sagaciiinet repo is metered, I guess10:00
Dem0nicThanks, sagici10:00
Dem0nicI'm just wierded out that no-one else encountered this10:00
sagacierr, apparently it's unmetered for iinet users10:00
sagaciyou're probably not the only one10:01
Dem0nicI just couldn't find anything like it on the support forums.10:01
Dem0nicBut I know what to do now, thanks to you10:01
Dem0nicTalk later.10:01
head_victimIf Dem0nic returns I'd point him to the release notes - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop - they may have the issue where it appears to hang indefinitely.10:07
head_victimAnd is linked to bug 97966110:08
lubotu2Launchpad bug 979661 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "oneiric to precise: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Gnome and falls back to Dialog" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97966110:08
head_victimAny other students here have any comment about how well the uni learning software "blackboard" runs under linux?10:58
sagacifinally receiving OTA update to android 4.0.411:10
sagacion nexus s11:10
head_victimNice, I'll be stuck on 2.2 until I get a hardware upgrade.11:17
head_victimWell, assuming I want to stick with a stock rom.11:19
sagaciI know that ICS has been out for a while but I'm fine with waiting for a relatively stable release11:20
sagacisome of the roms I've used can be pretty buggy11:21
head_victimYeah with mission critical stuff I'm not so adventurous. To me a phone is mission critical if you don't have a suitable backup handy.11:21
sagaciyeah or the phone would all work bar the music/audio player11:21
head_victimI'll probably play with flashing my Defy when I get another Android device. 11:22
head_victimI just don't want to brick it or spend hours making it work when my next backup is an old nokia.11:22
sagaciI'm happy I went with an android device over iOS11:23
loklaanhead_victim: what was that about blackboard? @20:58:4511:23
head_victimloklaan: just seeing if anyone has any experience with it.11:23
sagacido you prefer blackboard over sakai?11:24
head_victimI'm going back to Uni soonish and that seems to be a popular method of delivering some study requirements.11:24
head_victimNo idea what sakai is :/11:24
loklaanNever heard of sakai either :s11:24
loklaanSouthbank Institute of Tech uses Blackboard - I've never experienced it screwing up before. But I am only a student, I don't post anything on the subject boards.11:26
loklaanWhat did you want to hear about it?11:27
head_victimloklaan: that it works is a good start11:27
head_victimMy research indicates that previously it has been poor compatibility but it's near perfect now but didn't have any real experience with it so was canvassing ideas :)11:28
loklaanhead_victim: Wait.. We're talking about the web front-end of blackboard right?11:29
head_victimloklaan: I was contemplating going to the southbank griffith campus for a while, would have been close11:29
head_victimloklaan: indeed, just using it as a student.11:29
loklaanhead_victim: I like that campus, it is pretty :s11:31
loklaanBut as far as reading updates (room changes, sick teachers/lecturers, assignment extension) and getting resources go, blackboard is pretty smooth.11:31
loklaanAs I understand, blackboard does the hosting and maintenance themselves?11:32
head_victimCool, it's looking like I'll be across the river at QUT now though11:32
head_victimloklaan: never used it so no idea :)11:32
loklaanhead_victim: Haha. That is cool! I will be going there in July for the start second year.11:33
loklaanTheir blackboard is alot nicer looking then Southbanks. :311:33
head_victimNewer version or?11:34
loklaanhead_victim: No, just a very clean theme. :P11:35
head_victimAh ok, sounds good :)11:35
loklaanhead_victim: What are you thinking of doing at QUT?11:36
head_victimWhat are you studying?11:36
loklaanMBA? Is that Business Admin? :s11:38
head_victimYeah, Masters Degree in Business Administration.11:39
loklaanFancy - would be my first thought.11:39
head_victimNah it's not really, but will be interesting hopefully11:40
loklaanI can't imagine what is involved in that... But I don't really know what a Masters involves anyway.11:41
sagaciloklaan: golf clubs and a long day11:42
loklaanI am doing my Batchelors in IT - although for the first year I am opting to do a Diploma in Web Dev11:42
head_victimHaha nah I'm hoping that will come as a result of doing the MBA11:42
head_victimloklaan: nice work.11:42
loklaanhead_victim: cheers. I should probably being doing an assignment right now. >_< ciao for now.11:44
head_victimloklaan: cheerio11:45
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loklaanBack. ;s Question:11:52
loklaanShould apport have been enabled on a clean install of 12.04?11:52
sagacior at least it is disabled on the first update11:53
loklaansagaci: I would like apport to stop bugging me >_< Should I remove it?11:56
sagaciloklaan: have you updated?11:58
sagaciit should be disabled11:58
loklaansagaci: Yeah. I've had some newer updates sneak up on me though, so I'll see what happens when I install them.12:01
head_victimInteresting, it appears apport is on my fresh install as well12:17
head_victimI thought I'd done somethign wrong12:17
loklaanTo disable apport,12:42
loklaansudo gedit /etc/default/apport12:42
loklaanand change the enabled from '1' to '0'.12:42
head_victimI'm kind of used to it (been running precise for over 5 months now) but was kind of surprised to see it.12:50
head_victimAnd on that note I'm heading off for the evening. Cheerio all.12:50
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