
TraumflugHello all :-)10:09
TraumflugWell, I've found a bug in one of the packages (surprise!) shortly before 12.04 was released and fixed it.10:10
TraumflugNow the merge request is apparently stuck: https://code.launchpad.net/~mah-jump-ing/ubuntu/precise/pcb/fix-for-988503-2/+merge/10376710:11
TraumflugWhat could I do about this, after all it's just a click from a member of the Ubuntu-Bugs group missing.10:11
rbasakTraumflug: this channel is about bug triage. I think you need to ask in #ubuntu-devel. Looks like your merge request is in the sponsorship queue and is awaiting a patch pilot to look at it.10:15
Traumflugthanks, rbasak10:16
Traumflugjoining ubuntu-devel :-)10:16
rbasakTraumflug: I think you need to now need to file merge requests against the quantal branch rather than precise btw.10:18
Traumflugrbasak, I'd very much like to get the fix into precise. users will go away if this bug appears for the next 6 months.10:19
rbasakTraumflug: the process is to get a fix into the current development release first, then file an SRU for precise. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for the details of how this is done and for instructions on what you need to do. If the bug is important enough, you can get SRU approval for it.10:20
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TraumflugI see, makes sense.10:20
iaHello. I will be very appreciate for any [useful] feedback/comments/confirmations to this bug #99190210:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 991902 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "blinking blank screen after booting [asus zenbook ux21]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99190210:29
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