
mlankhorstRAOF: yeah, but still trying to get a hold of jasoncwarner_ :)00:05
TheMusomlankhorst: Afaik he is traveling/in the US now and likely recovering.00:06
RAOFYeah, that was my thought.  He's usually available.00:07
RAOFrobert_ancell: We should probably have some form of screen-attachment hack for the colour calibration session - the colourhug itself doesn't have any way to attach to a screen.  Probably some elastic would do.00:21
cyphermoxEDS SRU coming up...00:37
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jasoncwarner_hey AU folk...how is everything?04:23
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell RAOF TheMuso bryceh ^^ (bryce is honorary AU folk...and robert_ancell is still "AU")04:24
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, no AU here04:24
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, first day done?04:24
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: AU jr. ?04:24
RAOFI've just discovered that you can run piuparts locally!04:25
robert_ancellRAOF is on the western island04:25
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell: oh man...sooooo tired. was up since 4am local time, but I've gotten like 7 hours total sleep since waking up AU sunday04:25
RAOFMmmmm, international.04:25
brycehjasoncwarner_, *wave*04:25
RAOFrobert_ancell: With the *really big* north island above me? :)04:26
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh and RAOF ? for ya on X...when are we going to get rid of frankenserver and bring down new x stack for Q? I remember us saying we wanted to do that early in the cycle, but wasn't sure *how* early04:27
jasoncwarner_something we should do soon?04:28
brycehguess it's probably not time critical04:28
brycehtraditionally we wait until the week or so after UDS04:28
jasoncwarner_bryceh: should we do it sooner rather than later? or ...not matter?04:29
RAOFThere's not a lot of people using quantal at this point, and even if there were, now that proposed works we'll be able to smoothly upgrade anyway.04:29
brycehwould be inconvenient to break everyone just as they're getting ready to fly out :-)04:29
jasoncwarner_bryceh and RAOF cool...ok, so about the week after UDS...works for me.04:30
brycehRAOF, I'm thinking less about transition troubles, more about just plain old X bugs.  But yeah, not many people will be running it right now, it probably doesn't matter too much one way or the other04:30
RAOFPreviously the rationale for early X transitions was that they broke stuff.04:31
jasoncwarner_RAOF and that is what I'm worried about now. though, Chase says we shouldn't have issues with input b/c all that stuff is upstream? but, week after UDS seems as good as any04:32
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Hey there, hope your travels were uneventful.04:32
jasoncwarner_hey TheMuso ! Yeah, so far so good. nothing too stressful :) thanks for asking!04:33
RAOFjasoncwarner_: But this time around we *won't* break stuff, except in the case of bugs; it'll be like Precise, where people didn't notice that we did a server transition.04:33
RAOFExcept maybe nvidia & fglrx ;)04:33
jasoncwarner_RAOF: always fun with those two ;)04:33
kenvandinejasoncwarner_, are you in oakland already?04:57
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: yuppers!04:57
kenvandinecool, good trip?04:57
jasoncwarner_kenvandine: yeah, no drama. oak is nice enough04:59
jasoncwarner_found a decent gym ;)04:59
kenvandinecool, you'll be all rested by the time i get there :)05:00
RAOFjasoncwarner_: Nice and close?05:01
jasoncwarner_RAOF: yeah, right around the corner...works!05:02
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dupondjeGot some odd bug every 10 boots with Gnome-shell08:49
dupondjeit boots fine, logging in, but then I get an incomplete gnome-shell. Like not everything loads.08:50
dupondjeNo errors, but it stops loading. Need to kill gnome-shell to get it working again.08:50
dupondjeAny idea's how to debug that & give it a bugreport :)08:50
mlankhorstanything suspicious in ~/.xsession-errors ?08:58
dupondje** Message: applet now removed from the notification area09:02
dupondje** Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon09:02
dupondje** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area09:02
dupondjenothing else09:02
Laneyquiet today09:09
Laneyis it a holiday or something? :P09:09
dupondjeit is09:09
mlankhorstdupondje: hm doesn't really look interesting :(09:10
dupondjemlankhorst: Indeed :) but its quite annoying sometimes. You boot, and bam, gnome-shell refuses to do its work :P09:11
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* Laney is merging bluez15:19
cyphermoxLaney: there are changes slangasek wanted to land, for python315:22
Laneyare they anywhere?15:22
cyphermoxyes, just a second15:22
Laneyshame they weren't in the udd branch15:23
cyphermoxthere may be a little work to fix things, see barry's review15:24
Laneyi'll have a look15:25
cyphermoxwe can always apply that later though15:25
Laneymay be easier to ubuntu2 it, yeah15:26
cyphermoxthere's something else that may be nice too, though it would require discussing with the Debian maintainer15:26
cyphermoxsplitting hid2hci into a separate package like Fedora does... hid2hci enabled and isntalled by default is a major pain, although I agree it's helpful to some people15:27
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: ^^15:28
cyphermoxbut I'll happily take care of that later15:28
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, without it, bluetooth just doesn't work at all on my dell laptop15:29
chrisccoulsonand it's not exactly uncommon hardware15:29
chrisccoulsoni've got 2 dell laptops that both require it15:29
chrisccoulsoni guess seb128 has the same hardware in his too15:29
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: right, but there's also issues with logitech devices that we can't really fix, because they appear to share USB IDs15:30
cyphermoxmaybe getting rid of some of the rules may be better then15:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, that might be better15:30
cyphermoxor figuring out why your hardware requires that, seems very weird15:30
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: did you send me the USB IDs for your bluetooth device?15:31
cyphermoxand/or the model of the laptop, then maybe I can mess with it again in the hardware lab15:31
cyphermoxthe Logitech rules appear to be the most problematic15:32
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/960212/15:32
chrisccoulsonit's a dell e641015:32
cyphermoxthat does look like something that should be working out of the box from the kernel driver :/15:33
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: it's integrated, right?15:33
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, yeah15:34
chrisccoulsonalthough, i did fit this one myself15:34
chrisccoulsonbut it's the one that dell normally fit to their laptops15:34
cyphermoxthere's some chance we have that in the lab, so I'll try this Thursday or so when I get in the office15:34
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: ah, that was for a suspend issue?15:36
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, i don't recall having a suspend issue15:37
cyphermoxnm, I'm misreading the rule15:37
cyphermoxyeah, I guess it would have to be just removing the Logitech rules15:38
cyphermoxLaney: if you want to take care of it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/269851  seems like the "fix" would be to not switch either that particular logitech device (c714) or dropping the Logitech rules altogether; because those are normally external dongles that support keyboard and mouse; and using those on a liveCD or installer is problematic, since you wouldn't have pairings yet, and need15:40
cyphermoxanother keyboard or mouse to make one :)15:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 269851 in bluez "Bluetooth Logitech Dinovo Edge Keyboard/Mouse does not work anymore" [Medium,Incomplete]15:40
cyphermoxotherwise I'll add it to my todo and get back to it in a few days15:42
Laneycyphermox: I'd be a bit leery changing it without being able to test15:43
cyphermoxI can only test my own dongle though, that's not covering the same device as in the bug either :(15:44
cyphermoxbut I can definitely attest to how much it's a pain to make the original pairing and find an extra keyboard and mouse :)15:44
LaneyI'm adding some more 2to3 stuff and then I'll push it up15:45
Laneyyou can sit on it and smush your changes on top when you get a chance15:45
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cyphermoxLaney: feel free to upload your changes, I'll make another revision after thinking about it some more15:47
=== Guest90485 is now known as jbicha_
Laneywell i need sponsoring anyway15:47
cyphermoxthen I'll sponsor it whenever it's ready15:47
Laneygive me a few mins15:48
cyphermoxsure, np15:48
Laneycyphermox: there you go, you should have mail16:54
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cyphermoxLaney: what were the changes you made on top of the python3 patch for bluez?17:44
Laneycyphermox: I guess the tests saw some changes in the new upstream; it was catching some remaining unconverted stuff17:58
LaneyI meant to do it in a separate commit but forgot17:59
cyphermoxoh ok, cool :)17:59
cyphermoxI was asking because I couldn't see the one thing that barry mentioned that we can't work without -- raw_input() -> input() otherwise I guess it would crash17:59
cyphermoxI fixed it here, I'll build and test and upload17:59
Laneyoh, I did do that, hang on17:59
Laneyno worries :-)18:00
cyphermoxused dch -at, you still get the credit ;)18:00
* cyphermox thinks about upgrading to quantal tomorrow18:01
jbicha_cyphermox: beware bug 992745 then18:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 992745 in libxfont "X doesn't load in Quantal, downgrading libxfont1 to Precise version fixes it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99274518:07
cyphermoxjbicha_: awesome, thanks!18:07
jbicha_the Internet tells me we're getting rid of X anyway :)18:08
cyphermoxyeah, who needs X. Menus are for restaurants!18:08
cyphermoxfortunately, one of the first things I will be working on will be  the CLI interface for NM, don't need X for that... but I'll just set up pinning now so that I don't have to worry about it when I run the upgrade18:09
mdeslaurcyphermox: lol @ "Menus are for restaurants" :)18:12
dupondjeQuantal is open tomorrow ? :)18:17
dupondjemmm :D18:17
dupondjetempting :)18:17
dobeyquantal is already open18:20
Laneywide open18:23
dupondjemmm open :)18:24
cyphermoxdupondje: just waiting until tomorrow because I took the day off for other reasons, so I'll have time to deal with the breakage now18:26
MrChrisDruifHai everyone21:49
MrChrisDruifjbicha_ referred me to this channel21:50
MrChrisDruifdesrt; I heard you like GNOME Shell as well?21:52
MrChrisDruifjbicha_; do you happen to know the timezone of desrt ?22:15
desrtMrChrisDruif: just got off of a plane, so now it's -722:17
jbicha_MrChrisDruif: I'm sure he'll be around in a bit, he lives in Toronto but I'm not convinced he sleeps :)22:17
* desrt waits for his bags while distchecking glib :)22:17
MrChrisDruifAnd *naturally* you check into irc while you wait ^_^22:18
jbicha_desrt: are you in Oakland?22:18
desrtSFO presently22:18
desrti'll be getting on the BART shortly, though, assuming my bags are here22:18
desrtMrChrisDruif: i'm late for a glib release and i did most of the work on the plane.  i want to get the upload done ASAP22:18
desrtjbicha_: you coming next week?22:19
jbicha_desrt: two glib releases in one day?22:19
desrtjbicha_: stable and unstable22:19
jbicha_desrt: I'll get in Wednesday night, a bit late to the party but it'll still be fun!22:19
desrtwednesday tomorrow or 8 days from now?22:20
jbicha_8 days22:20
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desrtya.  a bit late :)22:20
MrChrisDruifWell, will be a few days better then I will do this uds22:20
MrChrisDruifSo it's around 5:22 where you are desrt ?22:23
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