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CyrusYzGTt_someone do this [21:12] == mode/#ubuntu-cn [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.*] by cfy13:21
CyrusYzGTt_i hope to get help13:21
CyrusYzGTt_it's #ubuntu-cn13:22
CyrusYzGTt_i don't konw13:24
Myrttino I mean, why do you want that banned?13:27
Myrttiyou do realise it bans everyone that uses the webchat?13:27
PiciMyrtti: I think CyrusYzGTt_ is saying that cfy banned that range and now they cannot enter the channel.13:27
Myrttithat would make more sense13:28
CyrusYzGTt_no one can help me13:30
PiciCyrusYzGTt_: That ban is not currently active.13:32
PiciCyrusYzGTt_: try to rejoin.13:32
CyrusYzGTt_i think someone should get warning13:34
m4vhey IRCC, sometime ago I asked about getting access in #lubuntu-es, was the lubuntu namespace and GC thing sorted out?18:12
AlanBellhi m4v, I wasn't aware there was such a channel!18:16
m4vAlanBell: yeah, is mostly abandoned, last time I wanted to close it because it was used by trolls18:17
daxmhm, the only person on the ACL looks pretty gone.18:17
m4vAlanBell: but now looks like we have a want-to-be-regular that isn't me in the channel, so I wanted to set it up properly18:17
m4vdax: yeah, is been ages since last time I saw molinero, i think I wasn't op then18:19
AlanBellnot logged on for 36 weeks18:20
AlanBellm4v: Unit193: so how do you want this one set up?18:21
m4vyo mean the access list? give an +F to m4v, he never studies.18:22
m4vtought a lowercase +f is also enough18:23
m4vplus the other thingies that letme set the topic.18:23
Unit193rafaellaguna is the only lubuer listed with Spanish, and he's not normally online.18:24
dax(+t to do it through chanserv, +o to op and do it that way)18:24
AlanBelldax: can you help with +F for UbuntuIrcCouncil and I can sort out the rest?18:25
daxAlanBell: done18:26
AlanBellm4v: ok, that should do you, I left molinero there as it is doing no harm and might come back online at some point18:28
m4vAlanBell: yes. same thing I did in #xubuntu-es18:29
m4vAlanBell: please add *!*@ubuntu/member/* +votriA to the access list as well19:18
Nafalloisn't that a bit broad?19:23
Myrttimany channels have that on their access list19:24
Unit193Yes, I've seen LoCos with that.19:24
m4vI use it for channels that lack ops, cause I'm not going to be there 24hs19:24
PiciAnyone who is an Ubuntu member should have enough sense to not overtly abuse that.19:24
MyrttivotriA isn't wide enough to cause real problems anyway19:25
Myrttiie. something that can't be fixed19:25
Nafallo*shrugs* I guess19:26
Fuchswe have votiA for members in #ubuntu-de and never had issues19:26
guntberthelp.ubuntu.com/community seems unreachable - after long waiting I get a timeout/server error from some proxy19:41
Piciworks for me.19:41
k1lworks from germany19:41
Unit193You're the second person I've seen today with issues (But, works for me™)19:42
guntbertstrange - help.ubuntu.com works fine, but then...19:42
AlanBellthey have been tweaking that site and installed a new theme on it, the theme is now broken for logged in people who have a custom theme set, if you can get to your preferences you can fix it by selecting another theme19:43
guntbertare you able to login too - that wasn't possible for sevral hours at least (for me :-))19:43
guntbertAlanBell: how can I get to my preferences?19:44
AlanBellhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab?action=userprefs&sub=prefs or similar might do it19:45
guntbertAlanBell: thx, but alas it is the same path...    I get http://imagebin.org/210540  :-(19:49
AlanBellwell that isn't so good guntbert19:50
Unit193Try clearing your session?19:50
k1ltry private mode or delete cookie?19:51
guntbertk1l: good idea - so I got read access at least - logging in still won't work19:54
guntberthas anybody been able to actually log in - I wanted to remove a broken link - on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced, at the bottom, "Using your browser as SSH client" leads to a parking site19:58
utlemmingHi, I was sent over to request my IRC cloak.20:59
cielakhello everyone!20:59
Myrttithings roll quicker if you can provide the launchpad url20:59
mhmodIbrhmHelloo every one20:59
cielakyup, I so I do :)20:59
Fuchsalso if you identify to services :p20:59
Myrttialso, please ident...20:59
Fuchsutlemming: you are currently not identified to services, please  identify :)21:00
FuchsMyrtti: sorry dear, you can do the cloaks then, and here, have some tasty fish  *throws*21:00
mhmodIbrhmhello every one21:00
Myrttiarp arp arp21:00
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:00
cielakright, so I guess I have already registered21:01
Fuchscielak: yes, you look fine21:01
utlemmingFucks: odd, I'm already registered...and I have to provide a password to use my nick21:02
Fuchsutlemming: well, if that nick is yours, then you just need to identify. And yes, this takes a password21:03
utlemmingAH! I am so sorry. I meant Fuchs21:03
Fuchsutlemming: also note that the <tab> key can complete nicks for you, to spare you some possible embarassing typos  ;p21:03
tanneHi @all21:03
tannesome ubuntu-arm specialists online? ;)21:04
Fuchstanne: you are probably looking for one of the support channels21:04
Fuchstanne: have you tried #ubuntu?21:04
Myrttior development channels21:04
Fuchsor that, yes21:04
k1l#ubuntu-arm exists imho21:04
tannecan't write to ..-arm21:05
Fuchstanne: try identifying to services21:05
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Fuchstanne: if you don't have a registered nick yet, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup21:05
tanneidentifying? how?21:05
Fuchsoh, wait,21:06
Fuchsactually #ubuntu-arm quieted the web gateway21:06
Fuchsyou'd have to use a real client then21:06
utlemmingFuchs: I think I'm idented properly now.  https://launchpad.net/~utlemming21:13
Fuchsutlemming: hrm, no, you still appear to be unidentified.   /msg nickserv identify  yourpasswordhere    should work, if that is your nick21:14
Fuchsutlemming: now you appear to be identified :)21:22
utlemmingFuchs: yeah, my client (Konversation) looks like it hasn't logged me in a few months21:22
mhmodibrhmwell, i fuchs, i want to be added too :)21:22
Fuchsmhmodibrhm: can't do anything for you yet, IRCC has to confirm cloak requests  (linking to your launchpad site would probably help, then I think I could prod AlanBell)21:23
Fuchsutlemming: you are aware that you already have a cloak?  A canonical one, to be precise21:23
AlanBelloh, I missed that bit :)21:23
utlemmingyeah, I was seeing that...so I think we'll just let things be21:23
AlanBellyes mhmodibrhm and cielak and utlemming are all approved for cloaks21:23
utlemmingI forgot I got that one21:24
Fuchsutlemming: well, we can also change cloaks, in the end I'll leave it to you21:24
AlanBellthe ubuntu one is a much nicer colour than the canonical one21:24
Fuchsutlemming: you can also change your mind later on, as long as IRCC confirms that you can have the cloak21:24
mhmodibrhmAlanBell, what shoud i do know to request one :)21:24
utlemmingFuchs: okay, if I want to change it later, I'll ping someone here21:25
Fuchsutlemming: sure :)21:25
Fuchsutlemming: congratulations to your membership anyway :)21:25
utlemmingthx :)21:25
cielakAlanBell: do cloacks have color?21:26
FuchsAlanBell: you can just give me the cloak formats you want for the other new members, then I'll apply them21:26
AlanBellcielak: I was teasing21:27
cielakah :)21:27
AlanBellcan we have /ubuntu/member/cielak for cielak and /ubuntu/member/mhmodibrhm for mhmodibrhm please21:28
Fuchscielak done, congratulations :)21:28
Fuchsmhmodibrhm: also done, congratulations to you as well21:29
AlanBellthanks Fuchs21:29
mhmodibrhmthanks :)21:29
cielakthanks Fuchs, AlanBell!21:29
mhmodibrhmthanks Fuchs, AlanBell :)21:30
FuchsAlanBell: you're welcome21:30
Fuchsand the rest of you of course :)21:30
Fuchs(sorry M yrtti for taking away your work, you'll get more fish)21:30
mhmodibrhmFuchs: i have just changed my lunchpad id , is that affect my cloak?22:15
AlanBellmhmodibrhm: no it doesn't22:16
Effenberg0x0Hi, channel #Ubuntu+1 is set to invite only for some days. People are wondering what's going on. I did a /who and found a single user with a suspicious host. Could be a takeover. Just thought I should notify you of that possibility.22:16
Myrttiit's not a takeover22:16
AlanBellEffenberg0x0: it is closed because there is no +1 at the moment, it will reopen around the time of UDS22:17
Myrttithe quality of the discussion on the channel went fairly low and the channel has been closed down temporarily to prevent the misuse of it, and will reopen soonish, as AlanBell mentioned22:18
Effenberg0x0Myrtti, AlanBell: Oh, ok then, thanks.22:18
mhmodibrhmAlanBell: how could i make sure that my cloak is working well , and Thank you for your patient and help :)22:19
k1l_"same precedure as every release"  @ #ubuntu+122:22
Myrttik1l_: was that a reference to Dinner for One? because I lol'd22:23
mhmodibrhmAlanBell: thanks .. i figured out it now .. i was just a little confused about the hall things22:27
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