
lubotu3If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:36
Azelphurali1234: I'm after making use of that amazon credit of yours whenever your about, got an awesome build here now, i7 2600 :D02:39
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] First Ubuntu Accomplishments Release - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/05/01/first-ubuntu-accomplishments-release/06:03
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TheOpenSourcererMorning all07:04
DJonesMorning folks07:07
DJonesDon't forget Ubuntu Open Week kicks off today with "Ask Mark" at 2100UTC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek07:08
DJonesSo by my reckoning, current time in UTC is 7:13AM which would make the session 10:00pm tonight07:14
MooDoomorning all08:06
DJonesMorning MooDoo08:06
rml_homeanyone here with a deep knowledge of DNS magic?08:19
czajkowskiDJones: well done yes08:24
DJonesMorning czajkowski08:25
JamesTaitMorning all! *8OD08:31
diploAre the uk mirrors still getting hammered ?09:00
dauberslooks like it to me09:01
smittixIs there no ubuntu minecraft server anymore?09:02
dauberssmittix: ?09:02
DJonessmittix: I think popey took his down09:02
DJonesGive me a sec while I check something09:03
smittixwhere do you play now DJones? Looking for somewhere safe for my 12 year old nephew.09:03
TheOpenSourcerersmittix: I had one running on one of our VMs but it *eats* resources. My son is rather unhappy with me currently :-(09:08
gordonjcpsmittix: avoiding Planet of the Cock People?09:08
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bigcalmMorning peeps :)09:11
simonrjon^ sorry, wrong window...09:12
awilkinsIRC is not vim!09:14
bigcalmHow I wish it were09:14
oimonis there any good information on wine interactino with unity launcher?09:25
oimonrun picasa, you get a second wine icon09:26
oimonthe picasa icon doesn't light up09:26
awilkinsbigcalm, http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=931  :-)09:26
bigcalmNo screenshots, shame09:27
awilkinsI dimly remember trying it once09:27
awilkinsMy main clients since then have been irssi and XChat09:28
awilkinsSo it can't be that good, or maybe it didn't even work09:28
* awilkins shamefully used to use mIrc for Windows and is sorry now09:28
awilkinsThe new Prometheus trailer leaves me in little doubt that Charlize Theron's part is an android.09:29
awilkinsSo the shock is probably that she's actually a human..09:34
smittixirssi ftw!09:36
TheOpenSourcererw00t! getting about 12.7Kbs from the ubuntu-uk servers ;-)09:38
awilkinsI've been using my ISPs mirror09:38
* awilkins wonders if downloading the EVE Online client just so you can rip it's music is "wrong"09:41
diploTheOpenSourcerer, I had same issue earlier, can't believe they are still being hammered09:53
daubersOooh professional cad software for Ubuntu09:54
TheOpenSourcererYeah - I did a clean 12.04 install on my main work desktop on Sunday - has taken ages to get everything installed.09:54
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:54
TheOpenSourcerermorning brobostigon09:55
sagaciah, 12.7K09:55
TheOpenSourcererfeels like the afternoon already ;-)09:55
brobostigonmorning TheOpenSourcerer09:55
diploJust taken about 1/2 hour to get 40mb of updates here09:55
sagacisounds almost like dialup09:55
diploDebating about doing my VPS tonight to Precise, will make sure i point it at his apt-cacher09:56
smittixdiplo: I use the Virginmedia mirrors. I was getting 3.6mb/s down last night.09:58
diploCool, I must change mine here then, as at work we are on Virgin and I'm getting sod all09:59
BigRedSHeh, my non-use of Ubuntu on servers means that the 12.04 release is all about the soon-ness of a 12.10 upgrade...10:11
BigRedSI noticed that release parties feel more like the end of that release than teh beginning of it10:11
bigcalmEnd of the toil just to hit an arbitrary date10:15
matttBigRedS: heh, i only use ubuntu on servers, use mac os x on laptop10:16
czajkowskiI really am beginging to wonder did anyone on the UK loco test precise before it was released given the issues they seem to be going on about on the list, one would think it wasn't out before hand so you could test before upgrading10:42
MooDooczajkowski: nah people like to install on release then complain till the next one.10:45
czajkowskiit looks like that10:45
BigRedSczajkowski: I kept meanign to, and kept not really knowing what to do to 'test'10:47
BigRedSand, besides, every time I ranted an Alan told me it was fixed already10:47
MooDooBigRedS: just using it is a good "test"10:47
BigRedSI missed popey's big testing drive 'cause I was working10:47
BigRedSMooDoo: yeah, but there's a proper testing thing whose entry I keep missing10:47
shaunoI've barely used it at all because I lack the motivation to write my own keymap :/10:48
smittixI didn't use it until near release because of mouse driver problems made it unusable on my laptop.10:50
czajkowskilovely :/10:51
MooDooi think i might install it into a vm this evening ;)10:52
directhexczajkowski, once upon a time i installed ubuntu+1 prior to release, but i hit some *really* severe bugs a few times, so consider myself too old for that now10:52
BigRedSdirecthex: +1s are getting better10:52
czajkowskis now we have another thread about 12.04 oddities10:52
BigRedSyou still need to be able to cope with retarded decisions for a week at a time every so often, though10:53
czajkowskijust seems really unhelpful if people wait till after release to complain10:53
directhexbigcalm, i don't want more "oops we hosed x" or "oops we hosed libc" issues in the last month of development10:53
BigRedSwhat's teh point in having a release date if everybody is supposed to have used it beforehand?10:53
BigRedSdirecthex: yeah, I don't use +1s at work10:53
bigcalmdirecthex: eh?10:53
directhexbigcalm, change your name so you don't tab-complete from big.10:54
Dave2directhex: change your name so you don't tab-complete from d :(10:54
BigRedSto be fair, I think he got bi<tab> first10:54
bigcalmNo idea how long I've had bigcalm. Late 90s I guess10:55
directhexDave2, 3 characters is the tab complete moan threshhold.10:55
czajkowskiI'm only waiting for someone to give out to Anton to stop his top posting again on threads10:55
Dave2directhex: change your name so you aren't the same as the DOS directory listing command10:55
Dave2directhex: I bet that's deliberate, you love the Windows and .NET or something.10:56
bigcalmI don't mind top posting, just as long as everybody does it in a thread10:56
directhexDave2, yes, clearly10:56
bigcalmFor the same reasons, I don't mind bottom posting10:56
Dave2bigcalm: this is a family-friendly channe10:57
bigcalm!ohmy | bigcalm10:57
lubotu3bigcalm, please see my private message10:57
czajkowskiBigRedS: fair enough but it's been said god knows how many times, it's bottom posting on that list :)10:57
bigcalmWho was that directed at?10:57
bigcalmczajkowski: :)10:57
BigRedSczajkowski: I just set a very low effor threshold and don't read anything that takes more than that to read it11:04
BigRedSThis way, I just skip all mail that might otherwise make me annoyed :)11:04
directhexi just don't subscribe to lists11:04
BigRedSwhere do you rant?11:07
czajkowskiand directhex manages good rants in 140 characters11:11
dogmatic69is it just me or does apt-get upgrade now download multi packages at once11:13
dogmatic6917% [2 google-chrome-stable 5,002 kB/27.2 MB 18%] [1 samba 4,322 kB/8,041 kB 54%] [3 mahjongg 1,364 kB/2,332 kB 58%]                                                                            157 kB/s 5min 3411:13
dogmatic69never seen that before11:14
TheOpenSourcererYAWN YAWN YAWN... 58% [4 phpmyadmin 2,842 kB/5,343 kB 53%]                          77.6 kB/s 32s11:14
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: use a different mirror?11:15
bigcalmSoftware sources chose bytemark as my best mirror11:15
TheOpenSourcerercould do bigcalm - but I keep thinking I'm about done for now.11:15
bigcalmOh well :)11:15
* MartijnVdS upgraded his work machine to btrfs11:18
BigRedSdogmatic69: oh! I've been wanting that for years!11:18
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: it's getting google-chrome-stable from the Google servers, samba from security, and mahjongg from the "normal" repos11:18
dogmatic69TheOpenSourcerer: o.o you should be using git for phpmyadmin11:18
MartijnVdSYou shouldn't use anything with "php" in the name :P{11:19
dogmatic69haters gonna hate11:19
TheOpenSourcererit's only on my desktop for development so I can browser and fix a db when I break it ;-)11:19
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: why about phpmyunauthenticatedremoteshell?11:20
AlanBellversion in precise is fairly new I think11:20
dogmatic69TheOpenSourcerer: the new pma is much better, what version is that?11:20
AlanBell!info phpmyadmin11:20
lubotu3phpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (precise), package size 5217 kB, installed size 15113 kB11:20
TheOpenSourcererwhat is pma? dogmatic6911:20
dogmatic69php my admin11:20
TheOpenSourcererOh I see.11:21
dogmatic69pma is quite active, there are updates in the repo almost daily11:21
AlanBellso how far apart is 3.4.10 and 3.5?11:23
TheOpenSourcererby the looks of this - not very far: https://launchpad.net/~nijel/+archive/phpmyadmin11:23
dogmatic69there is 3.4.11, 12, 3.5 is RC11:24
dogmatic69git diff RELEASE_3_4_10..master --shortstat11:24
dogmatic69 1243 files changed, 689812 insertions(+), 384001 deletions(-)11:24
=== sagaci__ is now known as sagaci
DJonesczajkowski: That last tweet of yours is very funny11:51
czajkowskihttp://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/boy-11-urinates-36k-worth-apple-macbooks-744098  for everyone to share11:51
DJonesI wonder how long he's been grounded for11:55
=== tux is now known as Guest45229
czajkowskiI know I'm not a lover of macs but dear gods 36K worth of damange12:03
gordonjcpczajkowski: sounds like a load of pish to me12:04
shauno'and the cart' makes it sound like the just wrote the whole lot off.  some insurance adjuster will have the lot of them on ebay soon enough12:04
DJonesshauno: With an air freshener in each box12:04
shaunoapple's a bit odd at the moment.  I'm really not fond of the direction they're moving, but I'm loathe to move off them because I've not found another desktop that's even passable12:16
* AlanBell wonders how many raspberry pi computers you would have to wee on to get a bill of $36,00012:17
Dave2Assuming 100% destruction, 1,440 model B, or 1029 model A12:17
Dave2Although the model As would be slightly higher12:18
MartijnVdSAlanBell: well they're wee computers already aren't they12:18
bigcalmmrevell: joining us on Wednesday night and/or Thursday?12:23
mrevellbigcalm, Unlikely Wednesday. Maybe Thursday. I'm off to UDS on Saturday, so I have a lot to get done before that.12:24
bigcalmmrevell: fair enough :)12:24
DJonesAlanBell: I wonder how much you'd have to drink to be able to wee on $36,000 worth rasberry pi's12:24
mrevellDoes anyone here use squid-deb-proxy or apt-cacher? I've noticed that when using either of these I get very slow package downloads. Any normal connection to the machine hosting the cache is fine, though.12:27
czajkowskimrevell: ello12:33
mrevellhello czajkowski12:33
czajkowskimrevell: you doing ubuntu updates and finding it slow ?12:34
mrevellczajkowski, Both updates and installing new packages. I had assumed it was only when I had the proxy in place but it appears to be happening with or without the proxy. I'm guessing it's just release-releated slowness.12:47
smittixChange mirrors12:48
smittixI had to change because of the speed. I changed to the Virgin Media Mirrors and all is well.12:49
TheOpenSourcererOh FFS it has happened again! I have a copy of Talend running (not a repo based installation) and I accidentally selected the "Show Desktop" option on the tab switcher thingy. Now I cannot get Talend back because it has no launcher icon. This is a huge bag of annoyment.13:04
TheOpenSourcererHow can I open a minimised app without a launcher icon?13:05
oimonalt-tab or docky13:11
oimonor find the invisible icon on the dock13:11
oimoni have worse issues with wine apps...13:12
TheOpenSourcereralt-tab doesn't reveal the app - it doesn;t have an icon in the launcher13:13
TheOpenSourcererOooh - Oooh. That's a good one!13:14
TheOpenSourcererIf I switched quickly between the "show desktop" and a nautilus window that was open in the alt-tab switcher, my Talend app came back!13:14
oimoninstalling debian on a powerpc mac mini :-\13:16
oimonthe only reason is that it is small..13:16
DJonesAlanBell: Did you pick up on this http://www.networkworld.com/news/2012/043012-linux-desktop-258724.html?page=113:38
popeymorning all13:48
popeymrevell: i do13:48
DJonesMorning popey13:49
mrevellHello popey. I think my speed problems have been due to the load on the gb archive, rather than probs with my local cache. I've switched mirror now and it seems okay.13:50
popeymrevell: yeah, i use a different mirror now13:50
bigcalmMorning popey13:53
bigcalmI didn't know about the mirror selection until popey g+'d about it13:53
bigcalmPleased that it's in 11.1013:54
* popey notes a bazillion mails in the list 13:54
DJonesAnd none of the mails are about top posting :)13:55
bigcalmThe list has been busy today13:56
bigcalmMaybe it's the weather stopping people from going outside to play13:56
DJonesI guess its not much of a surprise though, only a week after release, so people will have issues13:57
oimonis it a deliberate feature of nautilus window to close when ejecting stuff?14:06
awilkinsHmmp, odd Unity bug14:10
awilkinsNot *visually* losing the window chrome, but behaviour as if I am14:11
awilkinse.g. the titlebar, borders, etc, are "intangible" to the mouse, cannot resize by grasping them, clicks to title bar and buttons go through to window behind14:11
awilkinsoimon, I think it's deliberate from the POV that you just ejected the drive you were looking at, but it's a bit overzealous14:12
TheOpenSourcererI had an application go all "transparent" on me yesterday. Menu in the top bar but no window or contents :-(14:16
awilkinsDJones, Already detected at least a few ounces of horse manure in this networkworld.com article14:21
diploI got halfway down the first page and cba, read some of the comments and it seems widespread14:22
awilkins"You have to switch to the new version of Linux every year" #Bzzzt Ubuntu LTS is supported for 5 years, even the STS releases are 18 months14:22
diploRH/CentOS are now 10 years server? not sure about desktop14:23
awilkinsWas trying out that WebNotes thing on that Cabinet Office questions thing14:23
awilkinsThere should be a collaborative document markup thing for us OSS guys so we can debunk things online14:24
awilkinsAlso, for things like CISPA, ACTA, Wikileaks cables, etc, so you can collectively pool resources to review things14:25
diploOK, you code it i'll put some input once it's finished14:25
awilkinsUsing it to search for prior art in the USPTO software patent database would be good too14:25
awilkinsIf Amazon can put one in a Kindle..14:26
TheOpenSourcererOMG! I just realised that if you choose the "Show Desktop" thing in the alt-tab switcher it minimises all apps on all desktops!14:31
TheOpenSourcererIt didn't used to do that.14:31
TheOpenSourcererHow exceedingly stupid is that!14:32
oimonis there an un-show desktop?14:34
* awilkins also finds this deeply annoying14:35
awilkinsThe old way, where there was a key that would toggle it, was better14:35
awilkinsAnd looked cool as well14:35
awilkins"Hold on while I grab that file on my desktop" #Pwip pwing fwoop14:36
TheOpenSourcererAnyway - thanks to J Fernyhough, the minimised app does show up in Expo! Huraahh14:37
TheOpenSourcererNot in alt-tab, but in Super+W14:38
TheOpenSourcerergo figure14:38
TheOpenSourcererI think it is very clear that the Unity developers are not using Ubuntu.14:40
oimonquite a lot of their tweets used to come from macs..14:49
oimonhow do i use b43-cutter if i have no internet connection? does it download firmware from the internet?14:50
oimon(and does airport extreme require it?)14:50
gordoimon, unity developers? no14:52
bigcalmgord: joining us on Thursday?14:53
gordbigcalm, might be a bit tricky, i don't think national rail can route from oakland to wolverhampton14:53
bigcalmgord: bah. How did you make it to UDS?14:53
DJonesgord: Can you not borrow Canonical One ?14:54
oimongord, is njpatel a unity dev?14:56
gordi go every time? not missed a UDS since i joined canonical, i think Lucid was my first14:56
gordhe is14:56
gordwell was14:56
oimonhe used to tweet from a mac , doesn't say that he didn't have 2 laptops with him at all times though14:56
oimoni recall others did too14:56
oimonalthough not 100% on their unity or canonical status.14:57
gordhe loves iphones ;) but his main computer is https://plus.google.com/116146157446190736812/posts/1K6kTnUa2vq14:57
oimonnot sure if twitter still shows that info14:57
gordsome people have macs, but everyone did 100% of development and worked 9-6 every day entirely on ubuntu14:57
awilkinsHmm, the other unity bug that's been bugging me ; coming back to a window and finding it whited out... resizing it is usually enough to redraw the content14:58
oimonawilkins, chromium?14:58
popeyi looked around at this canonical summit yesterday14:58
awilkinsoimon, gedit, synaptic14:58
popeymost people have thinkpads14:58
awilkinsoimon, Not chromium so far14:58
popeycontrary to what the internet thinks14:59
awilkinsI have a Thinkpad from work for the first time instead of an HP and would probably buy one if I needed a personal laptop14:59
awilkinsThe keyboard is nice14:59
oimoni have a thinkpad 600E . screen is still nice. processor is not14:59
awilkins* after you reconfigure the BIOS to put ctrl in the corner where it's supposed to be, natch'15:00
awilkinsScreen is a universal annoyance on all laptops now15:00
awilkinsStupid HD TV panel factories15:00
gordmy thinkpad screen is fantastic15:00
gordIPS, you can look at it from any angle and it doesn't get washed out/inverted15:01
awilkinsgord, What's it's native res15:01
gordstandard laptop whateverx7something15:01
gordits a small screen, not a large one15:01
awilkinsThat's what annoys me, the 768 pixel high screens15:01
awilkinsBecause it's economic to produce them in the same factory that makes small TV panels15:02
gordits fine, with unity ;) all i care about is the dpi really and the dpi is quite good here15:02
* oimon has vertical pixels to burn15:02
awilkinsI had a laptop 10 years ago that had a 1600x1200 screen, why do I have to regress because of the darned TV industry15:02
oimon2 x 4:3 monitors = 1 widescreen15:02
gord1080 monitors bug me though, you get a really big monitor then have pixels the size of your thumb15:02
oimonawilkins, viao has 1920x1200 or whatever it is15:03
popeyi only discovered yesterday that the x220 can drive two external monitors at full hd15:03
popeyone on vga one on displayport15:03
awilkinsI have a pair of 22" 1680x1050 panels and the pixels are just fine and dandy tiny enough for me15:03
gordpopey, i think even more with the dock15:03
popeyi love this laptop15:03
popeyso many people here have the same one, i didnt bother bringing my charger down today15:04
gordbe nice if i had hdmi instead of display port though15:04
popeyfirst guy to walk in has a thinkpad, blagged his15:04
awilkinsI'd love a machine that could run more displays, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd have to go through endless pain and suffering to get work to issue me with more monitors15:04
gordyou need a charger with the x220? ;)15:04
oimonmy work lapto pis so awful i hardly use it15:04
awilkinsoimon, My work laptop is a nice Thinkpad T420 spoiled by a 32-bit build of Windows with a tonne of corporate crapware on it15:05
popeybah, next person to walk in has a macbook15:05
awilkinsFull disk encryption, even though I never deal with confidential data? Check. Locked out USB ports, making it a PITA to copy files ad-hoc? Check.15:06
oimoninstalling debian in 2012 feels like installing debian in 200215:06
awilkinsWorst virus scanner on the planet (McAfee) eating 40% of CPU time every time you do something IO heavy? Check.15:06
DJonesawilkins: I would have thought Norton would be worse15:07
oimonkaspersky is heavier but occasionally catches stuff. mcafee and sophos don't even catch things15:08
awilkinsDJones, Not sure... we did have Symantec. I resented the 5% CPU time it drank, little did I know15:08
awilkinsSome of our IO heavy  processes went from 2 minutes to 8 minutes15:08
oimoni bet the IT boys turn theirs off or run linux15:09
DJonesI've not used it for years, but I seem to remember it was like a black hole for the computer, everything vanished into it15:09
awilkinsBut they changed because they got a bundle deal with the other awful corporate ware from Novell.15:09
awilkinsZenworks ; daily struggles to install the same patches, fails horribly.15:09
awilkinsSomething that audits every file on your machine by enumerating it's path (including inside archives) and then spends 20 mins of pegging the CPU zipping the list up to send back to base15:10
awilkinsThe IT boys are minimum wage subcontractors, poor devils15:10
oimonbad IT = lower productivity15:11
awilkinsEven my wife doesn't understand why an organization that is basically IT incarnate subcontracts it's IT15:11
* awilkins works for gov.uk15:12
awilkinsIt's one of those things that is easier to understand if you think of it from the "monetization efficiency" POV rather than the "actual efficiency" POV15:12
awilkinsDammit, my spell checker recognises "monetization" as a real word. We're all doomed.15:13
awilkinsEncrypted USB drives : had a closer look at the ones we buy. Discovered they are just a std USB drive with a partition containing the software.15:14
awilkinsI'm not going to disclose how much we pay for one of these 2GB USB flash drives, but it's too much.15:15
awilkinsOur official encrypted drive advice appears to have been drafted by the supplier though, because they say "destroy the device when no longer in use"15:16
awilkinsI got marked down on our security assessment for thinking that "wipe the key block, re-use expensive drive" was the right answer15:16
popeyoimon: just showed your bug 985710 to our design lead15:19
lubotu3Launchpad bug 987223 in unity "duplicate for #985710 Launcher doesn't autoscroll when holding an icon (can't reach trash)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98722315:19
popeyso yeah, that's broken ☺15:19
gordi fixed that bug two years ago!15:20
popeyalso, need to file a bug about launcher tooltips15:21
oimongord, do you run any wine apps?15:21
popeyin that if you click an app the tooltip stays on screen15:21
TheOpenSourcererI am seeing that - esp. with Thunderbird for some reason.15:22
popeyit happens with all apps15:22
awilkinsHow about this one : tap super key, use launcher icon r-click menu to "Open New Window", dash remains open15:22
gordnot in a long time15:22
oimonpopey, yeah the wine apps is a different bug i noticed last night15:22
oimonneed to find the corresponding bug # in lp15:23
popeyawilkins: file it and gimmie bug number15:23
awilkinspopey, Already filed : https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/93733815:24
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 937338 in Ayatana Design "When selecting an action from a quicklist after opening the dash the dash stays put" [Medium,Triaged]15:24
oimonbug 704187, well over year old15:27
lubotu3Launchpad bug 704187 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unable to add Wine applications to Unity launcher" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70418715:27
czajkowskigord: did you remember tea bags?15:27
popeyi forgot tea bags ☹15:27
gordno... :( but why would i remember tea bags when i have a lovely irish lady who brings me tea bags! :)15:28
czajkowskiwould you like me to bring some t?15:28
* czajkowski shall get a box of pg tips for gord and popey 15:28
bigcalmDoes the US really have no tea?15:28
gordyes please!15:28
czajkowskigord: I'm going to remember this when I've got a bug and I need you to fix it mister!15:28
awilkinsThe US has mostly hippy style tea15:29
awilkinsNo proper Northern Working Mens club tea15:29
popey\o/ now 4 thinkpads on this table15:29
czajkowskigord: is it pg you want or a different type15:29
Pendulumbigcalm: you can get imported teas, but the hotels tend to only have crap like liptons15:30
czajkowskiI'm going to tesco later to do some shopping15:30
bigcalmPendulum: ew :(15:30
czajkowskipopey: any requests?15:30
czajkowskiliptons is FOUL15:30
* awilkins votes for Yorkshire, but has no stake in the matter15:30
czajkowskiadded to that USA doesn't boil their water it's barely luke warm, makes for an awful cuppa tea15:30
czajkowskiPendulum: herrrro15:30
Pendulumczajkowski: that's just because of hotels putting out water and then leaving it rather than having kettles out to boil it constantly. if you go other places it's boiled properly15:31
gordfinding actual milk is often a struggle also...15:31
Pendulumpopey: if I have the energy, do you want me to see what I can find in SF today or tomorrow and bring it out to you?15:31
Pendulumczajkowski: hiya15:31
* Pendulum happens to be in a hotel that actually has earl grey in the room this week \o/15:32
bigcalmPendulum: take it all with you15:32
gordor digestives, whats a cup of tea without a digestive?15:33
Pendulumdigestives are the hard part :(15:33
Pendulumbigcalm: I don't have that much. I'll drink it all15:33
czajkowskigord: oh yes dunking time15:33
Pendulumalthough there ought to be some place in SF that sells digestives15:34
Pendulumgord: are you also already over?15:34
Pendulumhave you thought of asking any of the SF-area community folks if they know about where to procure proper tea and digestives15:35
PendulumI would think there has to be at least one shop somewhere around15:35
popeyI'm sure they know the answer is the UK :D15:35
gordi really only just got here, haven't even left the hotel to have a look about yet ;)15:36
* bigcalm bangs his head against these error messages15:36
Pendulumor, you know http://www.britshoppe.com/ (hours not great for you folks, but I could try to get by and pick stuff up and bring it out since I'm about 2 BART stops from the hotel)15:36
bigcalmSilly PHP15:37
DJonesDon't forget its the "Ask Mark" Open Week session tonight at 2100UTC, ususal classroom channel15:37
popeyoh, you're here gord?15:37
* popey loks around15:37
gordpopey, yeah but not doing ps stuff until tomorrow, just working from hotel room unless someone needs me today15:37
popeyhotel wifi is pants15:38
oimonpopey, i see that bug is now High, Critical :D15:38
oimonthe popey effect15:38
gordits fine here :) its 200kb/s but thats basically what i get at home anyway15:38
popeywell, its fine now all of us are not on it anymore but on hte ubuntu wifi15:38
oimoninstalling from universe complains "cannot authenticate packages"?15:45
oimonhttp://pastebin.com/D5DLFcHY << cannot install via software center.15:46
oimonanyone else have this?15:46
oimoni was installing qtnx15:46
DJonesczajkowski: Don't know if you know anybody that this may apply to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-1790022015:48
czajkowskiDJones: oh interesting, but don't know anyone up in NI15:50
DJonesBut may be handy to pass on to anybody thinking about university15:50
gordoh, happy mailman day15:51
DJonesPresumably it applies to anybody with an Irish passport whether North or South15:51
DJonesCouldn't tell if the article was just highlighting the effect on Northern Ireland, or the overall situation15:51
czajkowskiseems to highlight NI15:51
czajkowskiI have an English passport and an Irish one15:52
czajkowskiI just renewed my english one15:52
czajkowskinot had one since I was 16 and had that since I was born15:52
bigcalmHaving 2 is just greedy :)15:52
czajkowskientitled to them both :)15:52
czajkowskiborn in England, mum is Irish, dad is English, moved to .ie when I was 14 months old. lived here for 30 odd years15:53
DJonesMy cousin has Australia & Ireland (Lives in Australia, Father/grandparents are of Irish descent so he got the Irish one as it was easier to get into the US15:53
czajkowskiin theory I can also get a polish one but not bothered about it tbh15:54
czajkowskidont really have any connection to there bar well of course my surname15:54
BigRedSDJones: surely an NI passport is a UK one?16:25
AlanBellyou can get an Irish one too if you want to16:26
BigRedSyeah, but that's Irish, not NI16:27
BigRedSunless you mean there is an NI one16:27
AlanBellread the article :)16:27
AlanBellcongratulations Laney :)16:28
AlanBellI love seeing the comings and goings from https://launchpad.net/~not-canonical16:29
Laneyhar de har16:30
AlanBell4 former members now16:30
Laneyvery observant16:30
AlanBelland sladen joined it at 2 minutes past midnight16:31
Laneyyeah that is interesting, wonder where he's off to16:32
gordi have launchpad friends... i'll find my way into that team somehow...16:33
AlanBellhe is off to fix his boat mostly16:34
gordhum, i know you can tether from android -> computer, but what about computer -> android?16:37
BigRedSso have android use the computer's net connection?16:37
MartijnVdSgord: to have the android use the computer's network?16:37
MartijnVdSgord: you can set up the PC as an AP16:38
gordthat won't interfere with it getting its own connection from wifi?16:38
MartijnVdSModern cards (except intel?) can be both client and ap at the same time16:41
MartijnVdSbut it might interfere, in that case: use a separate wifi adapter16:41
MartijnVdS$2 from dealextreme..16:42
=== thecliff is now known as jmprince80
shaunoa bit late on the passport thing, but I've been looking .. it looks like I can get one here simply based on 5 years' residency.  half tempted just for the novelty value16:43
* MartijnVdS sticks to the NL one16:47
BigRedSI briefly looked into an Israeli one, but then they pointed out the national service thing16:48
shaunohah.  yeah, that could be interesting16:48
BigRedSexpensive commute16:48
shaunoreminds me of the trouble HazRPG had leaving egypt on his :/16:48
BigRedSon an israeli one? It's not the most universally useful passport to hold16:49
shaunohe got stopped leaving & asked to document why he hadn't done service there.  awkward much.16:50
shaunoI like the idea of getting a .ie one tho.  I've noticed there's plenty of places that are a bit friendlier towards the irish than the brits16:51
BigRedSoh yeah, apparently it's the most useful passport to have16:52
BigRedSaccording to several travveling friends of mine16:52
BigRedSseems the only country ie's ever really annoyed is england16:52
MartijnVdSBigRedS: well they're quite catholic, might not go well with hard-line muslim countries16:53
BigRedSI don't think anyone looks into it that deeply, do they?16:53
MartijnVdSBigRedS: sometimes they have these "arrested for trying to convert muslims" things16:54
BigRedSI don't think I know anyone whose been to a hard-line muslim country, thinking about it16:54
MartijnVdSthey like to use it as an excuse16:54
BigRedSah yeah16:54
MartijnVdSI know someone who's been to Iran, he said he was pleasantly surprised16:54
shaunospeaking of which, I got my uk one renewed recently.  one of the new biometric jobbies.  not impressed.  they feel like cardboard instead of vinyl now16:56
jpdsMartijnVdS: Of course, all the crap is on a political level; like everywhere else.16:57
gordbiometric ones are neat coming back in, get to use the fast computer line thing16:58
popeythe only downside with those fast lanes is the idiots who can't stand still16:59
popeyor look in the right direction16:59
BigRedSah yeah, I need to renew mine16:59
popeyor hold their passport correctly16:59
BigRedSI thought they were taking those away?16:59
shaunoI don't visit the UK often enough to see much benefit from that :/17:00
jpdsBigRedS: That's IRIS, different thing.17:00
BigRedSI don't go through anything that hi-tech17:00
BigRedSI only go abroad on tunnels or boats17:00
zleaphow are you17:02
bigcalmPendulum: tea and biscuits - http://www.yousaytomato.biz/17:02
shaunothe other catch with flying into the UK is that I'm usually coming from ireland, so there is no passport control at all ;)17:02
bigcalmPendulum: recommended to me by an English friend who lives in SF17:02
BigRedSI have accidentally smuggled someone to France before17:03
BigRedSzleap: pretty good, you?17:03
zleapi am god17:03
* BigRedS bows17:03
zleapkey board is a bit dodgy i think17:03
shaunoBigRedS: we got in trouble for that in italy.  they threw a hissy when we left because she (USian) didn't have an entry stamp.  it's strange system when it's almost working17:04
gordsuddenly, people are protesting outside ...17:05
BigRedSah yeah17:05
BigRedSI'm always amused when I get a passport stamp17:05
BigRedSpleasantly so17:05
BigRedSoutside millbank?17:05
popeythere were some occupy oakland people around last night17:05
BigRedSnot about unity again17:05
BigRedSoh, no, you're on some jolly abroad aren't you17:05
zleappopey, are you in oakland then17:05
popeyas is gord17:06
zleapis this for some conference17:06
popeyUbuntu Developer Summit next week17:06
zleapubutu developers summit (guessing)17:06
zleapah cool17:06
zleapsounds good17:07
gordone of the signs said "the system is broke", could of been about ubuntu i guess!17:07
gordthey should file bugs though, more efficient17:07
zleapso is this summit to plan for 12.1017:08
smittixMy daughter is absolutley rolling. She has found the program 'Cheese'17:08
BigRedSFree software has given me unreasonable expectations17:09
BigRedSI try to file bugs about all sorts17:09
zleapat least when you file bugs you get some feedback,  i think with MS it goes in to the great Microsoft bug database and you never get feedback on things17:11
zleapnot as an end user anyway17:11
BigRedSOh, I didn't mean software. Things like sleeping bags and maps17:11
Myrtticzajkowski: just as a side note to the launchpad blog - when it's published on the planet, it doesn't actually say who wrote the blog entry, so it makes it a bit difficult to pinpoint who exactly is the person "looking forward to hearing from you all"17:12
zleapBigRedS, ok sorry :D17:12
shaunoI have that with apple.  your bug *always* gets marked as a duplicate of an internal bug.  even if the internal one is more recent.  and of course, you can't view internal bugs ..17:12
BigRedSzleap: fortunately, I don't tend to use any software that doesn't have a public bugtracker :)17:13
czajkowskiMyrtti: oh interesting17:14
czajkowskiMyrtti: as if you view it on blog.launchpad.net you see the authour but I think thats the same for all the planet feeds that come in via other blogs like deisgn/cloud etc17:14
Myrtticzajkowski: just pointing it out that on a shared blog like launchpad one it might be a good idea on pointing out when using "I" or "me" or "I'm" who it's about, atleast on the first reference17:16
czajkowskiMyrtti: nods good point thanks17:17
czajkowskiit was copied in from an email that was sent around17:17
czajkowskiso possibly should have been tweaked a bit more17:17
brobostigonhas lts-lts server been tested? by anyone.17:24
directhexbrobostigon, in theory, yes, repeatedly17:25
brobostigondirecthex: went without breakage?17:25
BigRedSIt's not testing if it doesn't break17:25
brobostigondirecthex: i do debian sid upgrades everyday on my desktop, so a certain amount, i cam deal with, worse than that?17:26
directhexbrobostigon, pass17:27
brobostigondirecthex: hmm, is that an answer?17:28
directhexbrobostigon, it means i don't work for canonical so i don't know how much breakage they left in17:28
brobostigondirecthex: ah, good point, but i meant, as too if someone has tried,17:29
gordlts-lts is well tested, its one of the supported upgrade paths iirc17:29
brobostigongord: so it should no break on my vps?17:30
gorddepends on the vps, some of them require custom kernels and funkyness like that17:30
gordit should work fine as long as its a stock ubuntu install17:30
brobostigongord: ok. bitfolk.17:30
brobostigonLinux ptaylor 2.6.32-38-generic-pae #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 12:11:13 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux17:31
Pendulumgord: May Day Occupy protests17:35
BigRedSOh, today was email-Theresa-May day17:36
Pendulumthere's one near me in Sf as well, plus the transit workers near the Golden Gate bridge are having a protest17:36
Pendulumapparently there was an occupy protest that went bad in the Mission district last night and ended up with a bunch of car and business damage17:37
brobostigongord: so do-release-upgrade should work, within a running system?17:37
gordbrobostigon, should do, it'll open up another ssh connection in-case things go wrong, backups are always important however17:41
brobostigongord: backups done, you ssh to my vps?17:42
gordbrobostigon, me? noo17:42
brobostigongord: ssh should be stable shouldnt it?17:43
brobostigonok, so can i keep everything running, untill reboot, and all being equal.?17:44
gordit'll reboot once its finished upgrading, you should expect a reboot17:45
brobostigonyes, ofcourse, a reboot. ok.17:46
brobostigonam i right in saying, do-release-upgrade will fire up snother screen instance?17:47
BigRedSit starts a new sshd AFAIK17:47
BigRedSnever seen it start a screen instance17:47
brobostigonso i can start it, within the screen instance i have open already.17:48
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Accomplishments Lens Released - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/05/01/ubuntu-accomplishments-lens-released/18:03
WobboI have changed "/home" from a harddisk to another harddisk... But, Ubuntu can't find it anymore. Where or what do I need to change?18:49
BigRedSWobbo: have you told it to mount the new disk at /home ?18:50
Wobbocase it had only 4GB18:54
WobboOn the same hardisk there was still 450GB free.18:55
BigRedShave you edited /etc/fstab so that the OS will mount the new disk at /home?18:58
BigRedSthat will be why it can't see it. What have you done so far? Have you been following a guide?19:01
diploevening all19:05
WobboThe guides arend always helping me. After all these time I am using Ub, it sometimes works super to do it by just trying...19:08
BigRedSYeah, I just want to know what you've done so I can tell you what there is left to do19:08
WobboWell, how to get a list showing UUID of all harddisks on my PC?19:19
diplols -ltr /dev/disk-by-uuid/19:19
diploI think19:19
diplols -ltr /dev/disk/by-uuid/19:20
zleapdiplo, why not cat /etc/mtab or cat /etc/fstab19:20
diploOK, centos4 ( where i found that command ) didn't display uuid's :D19:20
diplotbh, bar for work servers I can't say i've looked at fstab in years19:21
diploAnd most of our servers still run CentOS4 :/19:21
zleapcentos is red hat derived iiirc19:21
NafalloWobbo: sudo blkid19:22
AlanBelljust the logos are changed basically19:22
BigRedSblkid, even19:22
BigRedSoh, yeah19:22
=== It is now known as [NPO]It_Hz
[NPO]It_Hz /server ir.swiftirc.net19:26
[NPO]It_Hz /server irc.swiftirc.net19:26
BigRedS[NPO]It_Hz: /connect19:26
oimon1i just realised there's a version of mint for PPC. just as i finished getting debian ready :-\19:27
BigRedSDebian > Mint19:28
BigRedSOh, wait, I meant arch. I keep getting those two mixed up somehow19:28
BigRedSstill not used mint19:28
* Nafallo considers bed19:28
oimon1yeah, except installing on a mac mini means lots of non-free stuffs19:28
BigRedSah yeah19:29
BigRedSI've never used PPC Linux for a desktop19:29
MartijnVdSI have19:29
oimon1thinking of using it for a quiet bedroom PC19:29
MartijnVdSback when iMacs were green and blue and pink19:29
oimon1for viewing iplayer downloads (non flash of course)19:29
oimon1mint would have been useful because i want codecs and things19:31
oimon1and to watch DVDs19:31
oimon1mind you, the macmini is 6yrs old so unsure what's possible..19:32
MartijnVdShd video will be hard19:33
oimon1yeah, HD not essential19:33
MartijnVdSDVD will work fine19:34
MartijnVdSyou could try xbmc19:34
oimon1bit noisy when installing from DVD though ...scratchy19:34
oimon1xbmc doesn't work on ppc, does it?19:34
* oimon1 checks again19:34
MartijnVdSit's open source. Compile it :)19:35
* oimon1 finds a debian media repo19:36
shane_hi anyone know how I can add Auto-Mute control to alsamixer?19:38
MartijnVdSshane_: earcandy - Sound level manager for PulseAudio19:40
shane_auto-mute for jack detection19:40
shane_when I plug in headphones the speakers don't mute19:41
shane_I noted that auto-mute is missing from the /var/lib/alsa/asound.19:41
MartijnVdSmaybe your hardware can't do it?19:41
shane_I have two acer aspire laptops19:41
shane_it has worked with 11.1019:42
shane_no problems19:42
shane_since new lts , and alsa driver 1.0.25 was released its not worked19:42
shane_seems to work ok with snd-hda-intel model=auto19:44
shane_but it breaks 5.1 surround and the other laptop looses the mic19:44
shane_will see what earcandy can do19:45
shane_shouldn't have to do this on an LTS though :(19:45
oimon1after a good first impression, precise is failing the spouse test atm.19:46
oimon1should have waited till 12.04.1 with the family laptop19:46
shane_I agree, no way is canonical going to get the numbers they want19:46
BigRedSI don't get this LTS thing. Surely each release should be as good as any other, LTSs just stay updating for longer19:46
oimon1this LTS had 2 betas and a no-break rule19:47
BigRedSa no-break rule?19:47
MartijnVdS&nbsp; ?19:47
oimon1"don't break precise", so that testers can keep testing during beta phase19:47
BigRedSoh, yeah19:47
AlanBellwell that was relating to canonical not landing broken stuff19:47
DJonesoimon1: I have the opposite result, my wife loves 12.04, had to upgrade to the beta rather than wait for the final release19:47
AlanBellwhich didn't stop accessibility being broken for most of the cycle19:47
oimon1i have a list of bugs to file/search for @weekend19:48
shane_I think the issue here is alsadriver and then 3.2 kernal19:48
BigRedSyeah, I didn't have a broken 12.04 at all for teh whole pre-release, but I had many dumb ideas19:48
oimon1including dragging an app to launcher and it doesn't stick19:48
oimon1happens regularly19:48
AlanBellstill broken in a number of places in fact19:48
oimon1the picasa thing is major since it doesn't show on launcher or alt-tab19:48
popeypicasa under wine?19:48
shane_it would be a wine glass19:49
shane_all wine apps show as wine glasses19:49
popeybug 70418719:49
lubotu3Launchpad bug 704187 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unable to add Wine applications to Unity launcher" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70418719:49
shane_seriously though anyone know of how I can make auto-mute stick19:50
oimon1popey: it's worse than that, since i have a valid .desktop file (i think), but launcher doesn't show the arrow, and alt-tab doesn't show the app, hence if you open another window, you lose it19:50
shane_you know if you run alsamixer from terminal you should see auto-mute, provided your pc sound is working fine19:50
oimon1answer is not the right one though :-\19:52
oimon1maybe i'll try the deb file of v3.019:52
oimon1rather than v3.919:52
shane_thanks MartijnVds, but ear candy is not helping19:52
shane_is there anyway to down grade the alsa driver to 1.0.24?19:53
oimon1thanks for the suggestion though popey19:53
oimon1i think the old issues related to pre 12.0419:54
oimon1or something19:54
oimon1gonna check on my work PC and raise a bug for precise if necessary19:54
mikeatvillageHi, I'm totally braindead this evening and need help :-(19:54
oimon1i think opensourcerer was complaining of similar issues with alt-tab19:55
shane_join the club19:55
mikeatvillageI'm getting 'Hosy key verification failed' connecting to my server and can't remember what files I delete to fix it !19:56
BigRedSit tells you in the message...19:56
BigRedSyou remove the line in ~/.ssh/known_hosts that contains the host you're connecting to19:56
BigRedSassuming, of course, that the new key is correct19:56
oimon1MartijnVdS: this debian media repository is solving all my issues with just an apt-get of xbmc, all the lovely codecs are getting pulled in as deps :)19:58
oimon1anyone tried minitube?20:00
AzelphurI have20:02
mikeatvillageBigRedS: I told you I was braindead ... I'd been deleting root's known hosts file instead of my own!20:03
oimon1Azelphur: how is it?20:04
BigRedSmikeatvillage: haha20:04
BigRedSWe've all been there20:04
Azelphuroimon I like it20:04
BigRedS(well, I hope everyone else has20:04
oimon1are you flash free Azelphur20:04
mikeatvillageThanks for helping me out of it :-)20:04
AzelphurOperation get soreau the compiz developer a new PC was a great success :D20:05
Azelphur$470 in donations, I managed to build him an i5 rig with 8GB of RAM and still have money left over to get a 23" monitor20:05
oimon1now that superskinny /superfatty has been on telly, i'm gonna raid the kitchen cupboards20:05
gpdanyone reporting problems with courier-imap failing with 12.04?20:06
shane_guess I'll have to go out and buy windows 720:07
shane_only joking...20:07
shane_did I scare then off20:07
shane_i'm gonna stop eating I think oimon1 then skinny people make me look fat20:08
shane_well wish me luck been playing with my conf files if im not back I broke something20:09
AlanBellpopey: no more spinning rust for me, SSD is great!20:10
gordbut expensive :(20:16
MartijnVdSBut fast!20:20
* brobostigon pipes jethro tull, everywhere.20:20
czajkowskiAlanBell: ping20:20
AlanBellczajkowski: hi20:22
czajkowskiAlanBell: wanna help step in for a emea meeting20:22
czajkowskistep in20:23
oimon1anyone used a wiimote to control their media centre, say with xbmc?20:30
gpdoimon1: keysonic wireless keyboard works for me - with trackpad - good for mythtv / chrome on a large TV20:33
oimon1combined trackpad & beyboard..nice20:35
gpdnice thing is that the mythtv box is in the cellar (no noise) and the usb sender is through the floor inthe room - so verygood signal - no drivers - easy.20:37
Azelphuranyone know what type/size of bolt I'd need to bolt a fan onto the back of my case?20:49
daftykinswell sometimes you get 25mm "height" fans, sometimes bigger20:50
Azelphurdaftykins: this is to mount my radiator onto the back of the case20:50
Azelphurso basically...as long as possible20:51
Azelphurovershoot doesn't matter20:51
daftykins'fan' was a trap then? :D20:51
daftykinsalso i'm back in Guernsey woo \o/20:51
Azelphuryea, same size hole though20:51
daftykinsdecent intertubes and my lovely lovely screens 8)20:51
Azelphurhow many you got? :D20:52
daftykinswell 2 x 24" 1920x120020:54
daftykinsbut for the past 3 months i've been on a 13" 1366x768 lappy20:54
daftykinsso it's good to stretch out :D20:54
daftykinsi had so many updates to do :O20:54
daftykinsi was running Chrome 14, firefox 9...20:54
daftykinsold school :)20:54
daftykinsbut yeah back to lovely 16Mb \o/20:56
DJonesOpenweek "Ask Mark" due to start in #ubuntu-classroom &20:57
DJones& #ubuntu-classroom-chat in a few minutes20:57
popeyhaha  AlanBell21:00
Myrttihum. Do I want to install Android SDK just to take a screenshot...21:18
bigcalmIf you had cyanogenmod, you could take a screen shot without the SDK21:19
Myrttiyeah I know21:20
bigcalmIs there an app to take screenshots?21:20
MyrttiI just haven't found any reason to have CM on my Nexus One21:20
bigcalmSDK it is then21:20
bigcalmOr a camera pointing at the screen21:20
Myrttithat I could do21:21
Myrttigood idea21:21
Myrttioh dear, remind me not to go watch Prometheus21:24
robjohncMyrtti - my desire HD had screenshot functionality (Hold Power & tap home) in the update to gingerbread. No such luck with the Nexus one?21:32
yothsoggothI'm about to attempt an upgrade to 12.04. Fingers crossed it'l go smoothly :D21:33
AlanBellI have upgraded 3 machines over the last couple of days22:12
d3ngarhi there22:36
d3ngarMy system doesn't seem to start up after I upgraded to 12.0422:37
d3ngarI get the error SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address already in use22:37
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