
=== peterm-ubuntu is now known as Peter_lunch
cjohnstondaker: ping14:34
daker_cjohnston: pong15:10
daker_hey cjohnston19:10
cjohnstonhey daker_19:16
daker_cjohnston: can you re-explain the need exactly ?19:39
cjohnstondaker_: give me a few19:39
cjohnstondaker_: on the meeting page there is the Attend this Meeting link19:44
cjohnstonI want to make that have a little ajaxy popup that asks if the user is essential to the meeting19:44
cjohnstonand a save button19:44
daker_cjohnston: why ajax ?19:46
cjohnstondaker_: is there something better? I don't want to make the page reload19:46
daker_cjohnston: ah ok19:46
daker_cjohnston: when the user click to attend a meeting, the popup will grab a form from the certain url then display it , right ?20:09
cjohnstonthat is what I would like, yes20:10
cjohnstoni would prefer that the popup not be a new window though20:10
daker_yes i know :)20:11
daker_cjohnston: http://i.imgur.com/11N3W.png20:13
ryehi. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown say that 12.04 is coming soon20:19
ryewith occasionally banner3 saying that "it is there". Is it known?20:20
cjohnstonrye: yes20:22
cjohnstonnewz2000: ^20:22
newz2000yes, it is known20:23
newz2000the sysadmins are workign on it20:23
ryenewz2000: thanks, being pinging all over the internal irc first and no bug filed for that so decided to finally get here, sorry for interrupting20:27
newz2000no prob. I do appreciate people letting me know.20:28
newz2000Many times that is the first I hear about it.20:28
newz2000It's much nicer to hear it from you rather than my boss. ;-)20:28
daker_cjohnston: http://ubuntuone.com/3DhvLji4FfX3nxQTmnEjOc20:31
daker_put the files on apache, the xmlhttprequest thingie won't let you do ajax request if they open the files directly20:33
cjohnstonok.. ill look into it.. ty20:37
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