
aplundany pointers to debugging a failure which just says in the logs: " failure: TRY_AGAIN"00:45
aplundI'm using Version 2.0.100:47
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aldwinaldwinmandel, sync of u1 is  working again on a better speed03:09
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JamesTaitMorning all! *8OD08:31
mandelmorning all!08:52
karniGooood morning!10:07
gatoxgood morning11:21
mandelgatox, morning!11:26
gatoxmandel, hi11:26
mandelgatox, I did some reviews for you, all look ok I just though I would add a comment11:26
gatoxmandel, ok..... i'll check tha11:26
mandelgatox, shaller we start doing from platform import as source, rather than the import and then source = blah?11:27
gatoxmandel, you are right11:29
mandelgatox, cool, 'cause that is my only complain :)11:29
gatoxmandel, great.... i'll update that11:29
mandelgatox, also, can you pass me the env-mac and mac-port MP and  I'll approve them :)11:29
gatoxmandel, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/mac-env  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/mac-port11:30
gatoxmandel, branches updated.... https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-ipc/+merge/104121  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-messaging/+merge/104156  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-notification/+merge/10416411:39
mandelgatox, great, on them, by the way, we need to find out wtf is going on in mac with the qtreactor..11:40
mandelgatox, it scares me..11:40
gatoxmandel, yes.... now that i finish with the refactor i'm going to focus on that11:40
mandelgatox, lets both try to find out what is going on, the code works ok on windows..11:41
mandelgatox, and the domain sockets support should not be a problem11:41
mandelgatox, I just did a test using tcp sockets and the same is happening11:44
gatoxdobey, hi13:00
dobeyhi gatox13:00
dobeyhow do i get some VMs running on linux?13:33
gatoxdobey, virtualbox?13:34
dobeygatox: sure, but how? is there some simple guide for "install these packages, download this vm image, put it in this directory, run this command, and et voila now you have Ubuntu 11.10 running in a VM" somehwere?13:36
gatoxdobey, i do: sudo apt-get install virtualbox ........ then i run virtualbox..... which has a ui where allows you to create a new vm..... with a really small and simple wizard13:37
gatoxdobey, i don't know of any guide..... but there are probably posts or something13:37
karniHi all o/ If there's anyone with *Samsung*  *Galaxy* *SII* here, please ping me. One of our Android apps seems to be crashing specifically on that model.13:47
karniduanedes1gn: perhaps you could have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196836813:51
briancurtinugh so sick :/ i might need to go back to resting...i think my head is going to explode.13:58
roastedmy 236 cell phone pictures finally synchronized to U1!14:00
briancurtinok this isn't going to work, sitting up and looking at monitors is making everything worse. here's my standup details:14:09
briancurtinDONE: got installer in shape to not require a reboot or any manual intervention on clean installs or upgrades14:09
briancurtinTODO: propose that branch, try to debug this SSL stuff14:09
briancurtini'm going to lay down, i'll try back later after more medicine kicks in14:10
gatoxbriancurtin, hope you get better14:10
dobeybriancurtin: get well14:10
mandelbriancurtin, yeah, forget about work and rest14:10
dobeymandel: did figure out anything with bug #990048 btw?14:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 990048 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client trunk "Tests failing on Oneiric Nightlies with twisted TimeoutError" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99004814:16
mandeldobey, sorry looking at it now, I got distracted by something else14:16
dobeyhmm, this VM seems to be stuck14:18
dobeywell that was a massive pot of fail14:24
mandeldobey, so what are you trying to achieve?14:25
dobeytrying to set up a VM and have it work14:25
mandelI use this and host them in a server: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM14:26
mandeldobey, ^14:26
mandeldobey, should be more than easy for you14:26
dobeymandel: heh, and it says to use virtualbox :)14:28
mandeldobey, where?14:29
dobeymandel: at the bottom. "if you want to use graphical VMs, virtualbox, parallels, etc… are better alternatives"14:30
gatoxmandel, you forgot to approve this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-ipc/+merge/10412114:32
gatoxmandel, my bad14:32
gatoxmandel, i forgot to change that :P14:32
mandelgatox, done14:33
gatoxdobey, do you have time for some reviews?14:34
gatoxdobey, already have mandel approvals14:34
dobeyah now it seems to be doing something14:35
dobeygatox: today is thisfred's review day14:38
thisfredme and what army?14:38
gatoxdobey, ah ok.... i didn't see him around14:38
thisfredgatox send me the links!14:38
gatoxthisfred, soooooo.... i have some reviews for you :P14:38
gatoxthisfred, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-notification/+merge/104164  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-messaging/+merge/104156  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-filesystem_notifications/+merge/104143  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/mac-port/+merge/10348814:39
thisfredwow, you've been saving them up, eh? ;)14:40
* thisfred reviews14:40
gatoxthisfred, thanks14:40
gatoxthisfred, dobey mandel standup in 2'14:58
* thisfred stretches knees14:58
=== mmcc_away is now known as mmcc
mmccme too15:00
mmccmorning guys15:00
gatoxdobey, mandel ??15:00
gatoxmmcc, hi15:01
gatoxok, mandel last15:01
gatoxEnd with u1-client/platform refactoring, some reviews, started with filesystem notifications for mac.15:01
gatoxFinish with filesystem notifications for mac. Check u1-client/platform tests on mac.15:01
gatoxthisfred, go15:01
thisfredDONE: major refactoring of https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/u1db/number-mapping/+merge/103862 TODO: move refactored code up so that index expressions are not parsed for every document | chase down memory leaks BLOCKED: no NEXT: mmcc15:01
mmccdone: redid platform/constants merge propsal, made progress on windows15:01
mmccVM setup, linux tests all work15:01
mmccTODO: finish windows test setup, wrap up refactor15:01
mmccblocked: need some help with windows tests15:01
mmccnext: dobey15:01
dobeyλ DONE: more backports work15:01
dobeyλ TODO: more backports work, SRUs, u1db packaging/buildsys15:01
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:01
mandelDONE: Got sso working on mac! reviews reviews15:02
mandelTODO: Oneiric failing tests, mac branch brakes some tests on windows, fix that15:02
mandelBLOCKED: no15:02
mandelI'm the last one, right?15:02
gatoxmandel, yes15:03
gatoxcomments? eom?15:03
joshuahooverbriancurtin: any update on windows 3.0.0?15:04
mandelI need to do some errands15:04
mandelI'll be back later15:04
gatoxjoshuahoover, i think briancurtin is not here.... he was feeling really bad15:04
joshuahoovergatox: ah, ok...thanks15:05
joshuahoovergatox: do you know if anyone else is working on windows 3.0.0?15:05
gatoxjoshuahoover, no..... this was brian's standup:15:06
gatox<briancurtin> DONE: got installer in shape to not require a reboot or any manual intervention on clean installs or upgrades15:06
gatox<briancurtin> TODO: propose that branch, try to debug this SSL stuff15:06
* gatox lunch15:10
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mmccSo my windows test VM almost works. the buildout is still using the 3.0.0 dev tools, so I had to hack around that, and now many tests run, but many fail on a missing registry key error - does that ring a bell for anyone?15:15
dobeyman, apt-get dist-upgrade in natty is slow right now :-/15:19
dobeywhee, have a clean natty vm now15:44
dobeymmcc: btw, in general, branches should be linked to the bugs they fix, by using "bzr commit --fixes=lp:$BUGNUM" rather than linking them via the web site interface.15:45
dobeyok, and now i am off to get some lunch. bbiab15:45
mmccdobey, when you get back can you say what the difference is?15:46
* mandel back16:04
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mmccmandel, gatox, does my question about windows tests look familiar?16:09
gatoxmmcc, ahh yes....16:09
gatoxmmcc, wait a sec16:09
gatoxmmcc, you need to registry the windows key, double click on: ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu_sso/main/tests/ubuntuone.reg16:10
scarleoHello, there's something strange with the U1 android app, everytime I try to upload images to Picasa U1 pops up saying "Signing in to Ubuntu One" and then backgrounds again16:12
gatoxmmcc, yes?16:14
mmccgatox: thanks, trying it now16:14
* mmcc twitched at the enter key16:15
mmccok (gatox, whoever) many more windows tests now pass, but when running env.bat testall , I get several errors related to tritcask. an example: https://pastebin.canonical.com/6530516:33
gatoxmmcc, did you copy the logging.conf file and clientdefs.py file into ubuntuone-client as the wiki says?16:38
mmccgatox, no - I haven't seen a wiki page about this. I'm working from these instructions from briancurtin : https://pastebin.canonical.com/65234/16:40
mmccgatox: can you share the wiki link you speak of?16:40
gatoxmmcc, sent on pm16:41
dobeymmcc: bzr commit --fixes stores the link inside the branch history, and only committers can set it. it's also what tarmac looks for because of that. the ones linked via launchpad web site are more arbitrary and anyone can add the links. they're basically meaningless things that only exist on launchpad itself and not in the branch16:43
dobeykarni: ^^ can you answer scarleo's concern?16:44
mmccdobey, ok, so if a branch with a fix has multiple commits, does it matter which commit has the '--fixes'  link?16:45
karniscarleo: Hi, there's a bug reported about this. Sorry, I'll make sure we get this fixed promptly for the next update.16:46
karniscarleo: let me get the link for you16:46
karniscarleo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files/+bug/95290716:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 952907 in Ubuntu One Android Files "Ubuntu One Files hijacks Picasa share option in ICS" [High,Confirmed]16:46
karniscarleo: I'll update the bug as soon as it's fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.16:47
dobeymmcc: no, and if you forget to add it, you can do commit --unchanged --fixes= to add the fixes link16:47
mmccdobey: ok good to know, thx16:47
* mmcc is glad to learn about notepad++16:50
briancurtini'm back16:56
mmccbriancurtin: hope you're feeling better.16:56
briancurtinnot 100% but at least head explosion doesnt seem as likely16:57
mmccgatox, it looks like that copying logging.conf and clientdefs.py is taken care of by the buildout or other steps in briancurtin's instructions, those files are already there...16:59
gatoxmmcc, mmmmmm not sure about what might be going on then....17:00
scarleokarni, Ok thanks for the info17:03
karniscarleo: Can you tell me it has worked for you before? I've never used it, and17:03
karniscarleo: even if I uninstall U1F, uploading to Picasa doesn't work :(17:04
karniscarleo: (Although I do recognize U1F should pop in when share to picasa is invoked! :))17:04
scarleoYes, I've always been uploading to Picasa, however seems to not work right now but I'm on a bit shady nightly release of Cyanogenmod right now17:05
scarleoso I'm probably not the best test person right now17:06
karniscarleo: I see.. thanks anyway.17:06
scarleokarni, I actually didn't connect the U1 popup with Picasa not working, I'll see if I can find out what is going on17:07
karniscarleo: If you could uninstall U1F and see if Picasa works, that'd be great. It hasn't for me, on Stock 4.0.417:08
karniscarleo: I hit the plus sign to create a new album, on the "Upload photo" screen, after I share to Picasa, and get this:17:09
karni  188         ActivityManager  I  START {cmp=com.google.android.apps.uploader/.clients.picasa.NewAlbumActivity (has extras)} from pid 1708917:09
karni 17089          MediaUploader  D  Created NewAlbumActivity17:09
karni 17089          MediaUploader  W  NewAlbumActivity no account.17:09
karniscarleo: And yes, I do have a Google account, configured to "Sync Google Photos" :<17:09
karniscarleo: Uninstaled U1F, still doesn't work. Will try on Android 2.3.317:11
mandelEOD for me, see you all tom!17:11
scarleoOk uninstalled U1 and upload to Picasa is working. When u1 was installed I never saw my albums in the album list17:12
scarleokarni, ^^17:12
scarleokarni, I'll try add an album as well17:12
* dobey wonders where the ubuntu 11.10 CD ISOs are17:12
dobeyfor people who don't have an intel mac anyway17:13
karniscarleo: Interesting!17:13
scarleodobey, http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/17:13
dobeythey aren't on cdimage though :-/17:14
scarleokarni, adding albums works as well17:14
scarleodobey, they're not? PC (Intel x86) desktop CD http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso17:16
karniscarleo: Thanks for checking. It works on 2.3.3 as well.17:16
dobeyscarleo: they're not on cdimage.ubuntu.com17:17
scarleodobey, Ah, ok :)17:17
mmccgatox, so, the way we're avoiding the pylint unused import warning is to say (for example) 'from u1.platform.event_logging import linux as source \n get_listener = source.get_listener" ?17:23
gatoxmmcc, yes17:24
gatoxmmcc, mmmmm not for unused17:24
gatoxmmcc, to avoid duplicate17:24
gatoxmmcc, also we do that..... because the apis should be the same for linux and windows.... so we import the proper one, and then assign the variables only once17:26
mmccgatox, yes I understand that part17:26
mmccgatox, I got an unsed import warning because for event_logging there was only one function to expose, so I had been doing "from u1.platform.event_logging import get_listener" and that was it17:26
mmccgatox, i mean from u1.platform.event_logging.linux import get_listener17:27
mmccgatox anyway, it works, and you'll see it in a merge request shortly17:27
mmccgatox I just wanted to make sure I understood what you and mandel were talking about earlier17:28
gatoxmmcc, yes, i'll do the other thing to avoid unused and duplicate import17:28
scarleokarni, let me know if you need more testing17:30
karniscarleo: Thanks!17:31
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=== niels_ is now known as NielsE
NielsEubuntuone does not sync my files, it seems to attempting to send a file, but after some number of bytes written it jumps back to 017:45
* mmcc heads for lunch17:58
=== mmcc is now known as mmcc_lunch
dobeyNielsE: i saw a bug get filed about that17:58
ChipacaNielsE: hi there17:59
ChipacaNielsE: how far in to the file does it reset?18:00
ChipacaNielsE: are you on a network that has glitches or disconnects often?18:00
dobeybug #99099018:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 990990 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu one "bytes read" keeps resetting to 0 for files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99099018:00
ChipacaNielsE: also, could you confirm it is happening *right now*?18:03
dobeywow. ubuntu boots faster in my vm, than it does on bare metal18:24
NielsENiels: are you still there?18:43
NielsEChipaca: I mean chipaca18:43
ChipacaNielsE: i might be18:43
NielsEChipaca: testing18:43
NielsEI have a file of 65519 bytes large, it writes 63000, and then it jumps back to 0, just now18:44
ChipacaNielsE: the three people I'd love to have look at your issue are on holiday today18:45
Chipacafacundobatista: verterok: __lucio__: any of you here by chance?18:45
Chipacajoshuahoover: rye: could you track NielsE's issue in an RT, and grab facu or guillo tomorrow so they look?18:46
Chipaca(or we can put the info in a bug, whichever you prefer)18:46
dobeyanother person already filed the same bug18:47
dobeybut it hasn't got much info in it18:47
dobey14:00 < dobey> bug #99099018:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 990990 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu one "bytes read" keeps resetting to 0 for files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99099018:47
Chipacadobey: yes, but we need account info18:47
Chipacadobey: so we can look server-side18:47
NielsEI've added myself to the bug report so I get notified of changes18:47
Chipacadobey: and track down the issue in there18:47
dobeyNielsE: can you file a support request on https://one.ubuntu.com/help/contact/ please?18:48
NielsEdobey: will do that18:48
dobeyNielsE: and include the e-mail address for your u1 account there18:48
NielsEdobey Chipaca: also smaller text files <100 lines seem to upload fine btw18:52
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ChipacaNielsE: yah, and bigger ones, and even ones of the same size but with different data, should be fine18:53
ChipacaNielsE: it's specific to some files that get into a weird state server side, apparently18:53
dobeyhrmm, weird. music store is showing "0.0MB of 0.0MB downloaded"18:53
dobeydespite evidence to the contrary18:54
NielsEChipaca: a few other larger files I have tried do the same18:55
NielsEalso 63000 bytes -> 0 bytes18:55
gatoxmmm i need to leave a little bit early today....... eod for me... i'll be back later if i can..... good bye all!18:55
ChipacaNielsE: ouch. Can you add that info to the bug?18:55
NielsEChipaca: ok18:56
NielsEChipaca: would it help to upload a file that fails to upload to the bug report?19:00
ChipacaNielsE: probably not, but it can't hurt19:01
ChipacaAIUI it's not about the data itself19:01
ChipacaNielsE: can you add also the output of `u1oauthrequest https://one.ubuntu.com/api/account/` ?19:03
NielsEit sais no oauth request19:04
NielsEoh wait, its prob a command19:05
Chipacayes :)19:05
ChipacaNielsE: and you might not have u1oauthrequest19:05
dobeys/might not/almost certainly do not/19:06
dobeyit's one of rye's scripts i think, and not something we ship in ubuntu19:06
Chipacakarni had something that did the same thing without the couch dependency, didn't he?19:06
Chipacadobey: it's in ubuntuone-couch19:07
* karni reads19:07
Chipacabut i want it out of there19:07
Chipacait's *useful* :)19:07
Chipacaah! and it doesn't actually depend on couch19:08
dobeyno, it doesn't19:08
karniChipaca: you needed me for something? :)19:08
dobeyit's just that the code is in there because we didn't have any other good place to put it19:08
NielsEChipaca: I added it to the bug19:08
ChipacaNielsE: if you don't have u1oauthrequest, you can find it in ubuntuone-couch (which, despite the name, doesn't depend on couch)19:08
ChipacaNielsE: thanks19:08
Chipacadobey: yes, and it depends on code that's in a very couch-specific library, for no good reason :)19:08
dobeyoh, and ubuntuone-couch is all REST API to talk directly to server. has nothing to do with local furniture19:08
karniIf you need me, ping me.19:10
ChipacaNielsE: if there's information in the output of u1oauthrequest that you consider sensitive, please set the bug to private19:10
Chipacakarni: nothing, sorry, thank you19:10
dobeywow this one song is downloading really slowly19:10
karninp :)19:10
dobeyi see why19:10
dobeyit keeps resetting :(19:11
dobeyChipaca: so i am currently hitting the reset to 0 bug in a VM with nightlies :)19:11
* dobey just watched the progress bar in the music store page go *backward*19:11
NielsEgood that I'm not the only one ;)19:12
Chipacasomebody reversed the flow!19:13
dobeyactually seem to have a few files showing this problem19:13
dobeywhilst saturating my nic19:13
dobeylots of failure: TRY_AGAIN :(19:19
Chipacabut only on larger files?19:21
Chipacadobey: ?19:21
dobeywell, some larger files than the ones which are failing, succeeded19:22
dobeyso i don't think it's size related19:22
NielsEChipaca: just uploaded a 500kb file, so it is indeed not only size related19:23
NielsEChipaca: maybe it sounds weird, but it seems that dropbox has problems with the exact same files...19:23
dobeybut all the remaining files which are doing the reset thing, are definitely multiple MB19:24
ryedobey: i wonder whether s3 is ok19:44
dobeytrue, could be that19:46
ryeaws status says they are ok19:46
NielsEI also checked that, seems to be very ok atm19:46
dobeycloud status: mostly cloudy.19:47
ryeanyway, syncing filesync logs19:47
__lucio__Chipaca, maybe. wassup?19:55
mmccdobey, just saw your email about the typo in gatox's merge. I need to fix that to propose my merges, and gatox left already. what's a good way for me to fix it? new bug, new branch, and propose the merge? or is there something faster?20:31
mmccalso, if I look at the web diff preview for that branch, I can't see the offending code. https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-notification/+merge/10416420:33
mmccam I misunderstandung that display? does it not show all the changes from the proposed branch?20:34
mmccok, I just fired up gannotate and now I can see that it snuck in in a different branch20:36
mmccit came from here: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/refactor-ipc/+merge/10412120:36
mmccso, why did autopilot test the one merge but not the other?20:38
dobeyit did test it20:38
dobeyi don't know why that unexpected indent message comes up. it's not part of the normal lint output for some reason20:39
mmcchow can you tell that it tested it?20:39
dobeyit's at the end the stderr20:39
dobeymmcc: because it merged.20:40
mmccso something's going wrong there, because that shouldn't have passed, right?20:40
dobeywell, i don't know20:40
dobeysomething is weird there20:40
mmccthe refactor-ipc branch has a syntax error, it definitely fails on my system (linux)20:40
=== joshuahoover1 is now known as joshuahoover
mmccseems to me that the error we see from autopilot in the other branch should have shown up in the refactor-ipc branch as well20:41
dobeywhat are you doing that depends on diego's branch?20:44
mmccit depends on trunk - I'm just doing other refactoring and I inherited that error when I updated to trunk before pushing20:45
mmccI can fix it in my unrelated branch, that'd be simple20:45
mmccbut it seemed cleaner to fix it in its own bugfix branch and keep my branch clean20:46
dobeygrr pyflakes20:48
dobeyalso, grr me20:49
dobeyi should have caught that when i was looking at the diff20:49
dobeyit was broken after the branch was approved20:50
dobeymmcc: if you want to fix it in your branch i think that's fine, or you can propose a branch which only fixes that if you prefer20:51
mmccyeah, looks like it was ok when you and mandel saw it and the error snuck in later. I see that now too.20:52
dobeyi'm not sure why that didn't get treated as an error though20:52
mmccdobey: ok I will propose a quickie fix branch20:52
dobeyand i'll placate diego tomorrow20:52
dobeyor maybe not placate20:53
mmccdobey: yeah, I'm really curious about the automated tests... are there logs anywhere to peek at?20:53
dobeyyeah, but it's hard to figure out which log to look at exactly20:53
* mmcc was wondering about word choice. 20:53
dobeywas a brain fart :)20:54
dobeyso tarmac runs every 10 minutes, and the logs get rotated with a unix timestamp in the filename20:54
dobeywhich is, basically insane20:54
mmccdobey: heh. s/placate/gently nudge/20:54
dobeygentle with a bat20:55
mmccI'm sure there's some appropriate meme to apply. When is roberto back? He seemed quick with those20:55
dobeyis the trivial branch up?20:56
mmccno, just a minute20:56
mmccI was wasting time trying to close the gannotate window. Why would I want to close it? It's pretty. let's keep it around20:58
dobeyok, just want to get it reviewed/landed, as i have to go21:00
mmccpushing now, thanks for sticking around21:00
mmccok, requested merge, added you as reviewer21:02
dobeyok, approved21:04
dobeynow i gotta run. later :)21:05
mmccok, thanks dobey!21:10
mmccugh. that did not work. pyflakes complains. I investigate21:17
mmcc./tests/platform/__init__.py:   33:  redefinition of unused 'ipc_source' from line 3121:17
mmccpyflakes does not like the new convention of "if linux, import foo as source else import bar as source"21:18
* mmcc will save it for an email, since the team is away21:19
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=== mmcc is now known as mmcc_away
* mmcc_away is done for the day22:51
=== yofel_ is now known as Guest77193
thisfredif anyone is dying to do a (C) review: lp:~thisfred/u1db/move-index-expression-parsing ⇒ lp:u1db23:07
aplundCan anyone point me to information on figuring out why my file syncs keep failing with "failure: TRY_AGAIN"23:09
aplundfor large files this makes it impossible for them to sync23:09

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