
scot-workralph sent a rather nice message to the mailing list complimenting ubuntu studio 12.04 lts14:11
len-dtIs there anyone who knows more about firewire stuff than me that could help the guy in #ubuntustudio?14:13
scot-workholstein: is the firewire expert, as far as i know14:20
knomescot-work, may i get you some tea ?14:55
knomeas in T14:55
scot-workhehe, i see what you mean now14:56
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scott-workjussi: ping14:57
holsteinmissed it...15:33
astraljavaWhat did you miss?16:03
holsteinthe firewire query16:03
astraljavaOn where?16:05
astraljavaYeah, but problem seems to have gotten solved, does it not?16:08
jussiscott-work: pong18:48
jussiscott-work: link me to your profile18:49
scott-workjussi: i'll have to do that from home, can access facebook from work (sonicwall blocks it)18:50
len-dtscott-work, we have a reason for PA-jack bridge. I didn't realize pulse doesn't see a firewaire device.22:13
scott-worklen-dt: i thought firewire devices worked fairly well since the new juju stack :/   but again, holstein woudl be the man22:25
len-dtI figure anyone who actually has one knows more than me ;-)22:26
scott-workhehe, me too22:26
len-dtscott-work, it's just that I was starting to think having the bridge run by default was not such a great idea.22:27
len-dtNow I know that for some people at least, it needs to be there.22:27
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