
user_____alguem do rio de janeiro ai?00:05
merlin1991should I jump on the upgrade train and install 12.04 or wait still?00:13
JMichaelXmerlin1991: i have upgraded 4 kubuntu machines to 12.04, and have experienced no noticeable problems.00:16
merlin1991hm I closed the upgrade window how can I force it? or do you suggest just editing sources.list and doing apt-get dist-upgrade?00:17
DorkVaderafter some package upgrades now, all window contents were upside down00:17
JMichaelXmerlin1991: i always just edit sources list, and dist-upgrade.... but i am not telling anyone else that is what they should do00:18
merlin1991JMichaelX: which kernel version comes with 12.04?00:20
JMichaelXmerlin1991: 3.2.0-2400:36
merlin1991I wonder if the support for my nic is better there00:36
merlin1991so far I've been compiling the official realtek driveres for each kernel release on 11.1000:36
merlin1991bah the update brought a new theme00:47
merlin1991and I was so used to the old theme00:47
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sean_System:    Host server Kernel 3.2.0-24-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Distro Ubuntu 12.04 precise03:15
sean_CPU:       Dual core AMD Phenom II X2 560 (-MCP-) clocked at 3899.939 MHz03:15
sean_Graphics:  Card Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Cedar PRO [Radeon HD 5450] X.Org 1.11.3 Res: 1680x1050@60.0hz03:15
sean_           GLX Renderer ATI Radeon HD 5450 GLX Version 4.2.11627 Compatibility Profile Context03:15
sean_Disks:     HDD Total Size: 1472.3GB (24.7% used)03:15
sean_Info:      Processes 255 Uptime 21:35 Memory 1455.0/7973.3MB Client Quassel [M] v0.8.0 (dist-5988f4c) inxi 1.4.1503:15
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robotdevilyou know what sucks with kubuntu?05:48
robotdevilhow k3b slows even fairly fast systems to a crawl05:48
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amasonrobotdevil: can't say that i have that problem06:02
amasonand i've been burning CD's all morning long06:02
robotdevilseems since my last updates k3b is on the fritz06:05
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amasonrobotdevil: what is it actually doing ? I'm also using 12.0406:08
amasonwhich might make a difference06:08
robotdeviland the system is a 8 gig 3.5 ghz quad core cpu. so there should be no lag06:08
robotdevilmaking coaster right now lol06:08
robotdeviljust ruined a cdrw06:09
robotdevilalso im not on 12.0406:09
amasoni'm confused how you are getting lag with a quad core...at most it should use 1 CPU..it's not a multiproc app06:09
amasoni am assuming you don't have anything crazy like a IDE disk as your root and an IDE burner on the same channel06:10
robotdevilwhen ever I try to blank a cd any gtk (firefox) is almost unresponsive and now k3b doesnt want to do mcuh06:11
robotdeviloh well got nero anyway06:11
amasonnot sure sorry.06:11
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robotdevilk3b has always caused a little lag afaicr06:14
EldonGhey...just did a reinstall of Kubuntu...how do I get my old files?06:14
amasoncan't say that i've experienced that personally.06:14
amasonEldonG: reinstall ? as in, install over the top of an existing install06:15
amasonEldonG: and did you previously have a seperate /home partition ?06:15
EldonGIt didn't give me that option...06:15
amasonok, did you have a previous install of kubuntu ?06:16
* szal hasn't had K3b slowing down systems for ages06:16
EldonGI was using the full drive06:16
EldonGyes, it was Kubuntu before.06:17
szalEldonG: lol, then your previous files are gone06:17
amasonEldonG: did you choose to format the partition ?06:17
EldonGit didn't give me an option, one way or the other...06:18
szaldon't the automatic options format the partition(s) anyway? never used those, I prefer doing my own partitioning & going custom06:18
EldonG...so I was thinking it wouldn't.06:18
EldonGWas I wrong?  Seriously?  When it didn't even give me the options?06:20
EldonG...and...I have a 500 gig drive...that takes a little time to format, doesn't it?06:21
amasonit does give you the option. I asks if you want to install along side the existing installation06:22
amasonor delete the existing installation06:22
amasonor manually configure the partitions06:22
amasoni think by default it selects install along side06:22
EldonGNever did it come up as an option to delete.06:23
amasonit doesn't say delete, it says replace or something06:23
amasoni can't recall the wording06:23
amasondo a sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sda  ( or whatever your device is )06:23
amasonEldonG: if you pastebin the output of that we can see if you have other partitions06:28
amasonlink is in the topic.06:29
EldonG...at any rate, I left it the whole drive.06:30
EldonGpastebin # 46712606:34
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lordievaderGood morning07:43
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schneeweisschenhallo jemand da?09:38
JeroenDeDauwI did an upgrade to 12.04 and now the (standard) volume control in the taskbar is gone - how do I get it (or something similar) back?09:40
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: Is kmix running?09:44
JeroenDeDauwlordievader: apparently not, started it now, and the thinghy re-appeared - thnx :)09:46
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: No problem, hope it will auto start in the future.09:47
sk_Ubuntu is crashing after every 2nd firefox start, what can I do?09:48
lordievadersk_: Ubuntu or Kubuntu?09:48
sk_thats why Im here :)09:49
lordievadersk_: does it give any error message?09:49
sk_just freezing09:49
sk_not even alt + sys + k helps09:49
sk_I've already solved the login-freeze problem where you needed to delete the file .XAuthority09:50
lordievadersk_: Try running it from a terminal/konsole perhaps that can give you a hint.09:50
sk_good idea09:51
sk_but logging into the sudo-user account also doesnt work09:53
lordievadersk_: That ain't a good idea, if you need to run FF as sudo use kdesu.09:54
sk_I mean logging into the account with sudo rights freezes while starting kde09:55
sk_by the way: it is exactly the 2nd start which crashes the system09:56
lordievadersk_: The terminal doesn't give any output?09:56
sk_nvfx_screen_get_param:95 -  Warning: unknown PIPE_CAP 3009:59
sk_starting 2 times by console works10:00
sk_starting via k-menu killed the system. maybe because of the bouncing symbol10:01
lordievadersk_: You could remove the %u from the paramater in the k-menu10:01
lordievaderPerhaps that fixes things...10:01
sk_where do I do that?10:04
sk_changing desktop effects freezes also10:06
lordievadersk_: Right-click on the menu -> Edit applications -> Find FF (under internet) --> remove %u10:06
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sk_alt + sys-rq + k  actually restarts the x-server... shouldnt press it 2 times10:07
sk_nope  removing %u doesnt help10:08
lordievadersk_: That is annoying...10:09
lordievadersk_: And through the terminal it worked like normal?10:09
sk_this alt+sys-rq+k doesnt help...10:10
lordievadersk_: You could make a bash script, and run firefox through there...10:10
sk_probably that wont solve the real prob :)10:12
JeroenDeDauw1I'm attempting upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 and am getting this error:10:13
JeroenDeDauw1The upgrade needs a total of 29.8 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 5,883 k of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.10:13
JeroenDeDauw1I have a pretty standard setup with full disk encryption10:13
JeroenDeDauw1Not sure if I can increase the size of that partition10:13
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: Have you done what it says?10:13
JeroenDeDauw1lordievader: yeah, no effect10:14
JeroenDeDauw1or rather, same error10:14
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw1: Your /boot is on a different partition?10:14
JeroenDeDauwlordievader: yeah10:15
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: Hmm yes I guess that is the only possibility, enlarging the partition.10:16
JeroenDeDauwlordievader: well, gparted does not enable the resize option...10:17
JeroenDeDauwAnd my other patiotions are /boot/efi, which I rather not touch10:17
JeroenDeDauwand the partition with the encrypted stuff on it, which I suspect I cannot easily resize10:17
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: Phew, that is a tough one...10:18
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: Perhaps you can use the alternate-cd, then you can upgrade using the cd. But how it is done, no idea.10:19
JeroenDeDauwNot sure why I'm running into this - I really just installed the stuff without changing the default settings using Kubuntu 11.04 alternate installer10:19
JeroenDeDauwlordievader: why do you think this one would not run into the same problem?10:19
lordievaderJeroenDeDauw: Not sure really, he doesn't need to download stuff, but it is quite likely that you run into the same problem :(10:21
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JeroenDeDauwlordievader: this fixed it for me: http://berkhamsted-web-design.co.uk/2011/06/update-manager-not-enough-free-disk-space-on-disk-boot/ :)10:37
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lordievaderneo_: hello11:47
lordievaderneo_: How are you?11:49
neo_i'm ok lordievader11:50
ChakotayI just installed Kubuntu 12.04 on my laptop. Setting up the VPN was very easy compared to older versions, but when I try to connect to the VPN, nothing happens. I tried it with a couple of locations with the same results. I can see them highlight when I roll over them with my mouse, but again, clicking on them does nothing. Any ideas what the problem can be?11:54
Vuthhi guys11:59
Vuthwhats the main differenve between kubuntu and ubuntu?11:59
PiciKubuntu comes with KDE by default, Ubuntu has gnome+unity.11:59
VuthUbuntu has Gnome+Unity working together?12:00
VuthI thought u can only use one or the other12:00
ikoniaVuth: maybe worth reading ubuntu.com to get an overview, or https://help.ubuntu.com and check out the desktop section12:00
jviloriahi guys12:00
Vuthim a linux noob.. Unitythank u12:00
jviloriayou are the venezuela?12:01
VuthI have ADD..its hard for me to read long text so i will try and be right back12:01
ikoniaVuth: if you are new, all the more reason to check out ubuntu.com and https://help.ubuntu.com12:01
Vuthnope im from Cambodia12:01
ChakotayAnyone familiar with VPN settings?12:03
ChakotayCan anyone see my posts? Just curious.12:11
CruX|Chakotay: yup12:11
ChakotayThank you CruX12:11
lordievaderChakotay: Just seems that no one has a good idea about it.12:13
shampohello, i'm having a problem with Monospace font since i upgraded to kubuntu 12.04; it doesn't appear in bold anymore when it should be (in kde applications like Konsole or Kate); in the font configuration, the bold version appears just like the regular one: http://i.imgur.com/QUtoW.png12:13
Chakotaylordievader: I know. I just wanted to make sure I was visible. I've been going nuts here.12:15
lordievaderChakotay: I know that feeling, too bad...12:15
Chakotaylordievader: I'll keep googling, and hopefully I can find something to point me in the right direction. I'll also wait a while and repost my problem again.12:17
lordievaderChakotay: Good luck!12:18
Chakotaylordievader: Thanks!12:18
Chakotaylordievader: I figured it out. I just went into package manager and installed openvpn and network-manager-openvpn. It is now connecting. I just figured it was installed since I was able to import my VPN locations.12:27
lordievaderChakotay: Good job!12:27
Chakotaylordievader: Thanks! I wanted to make sure I posted it in case anyone else ran into this situation.12:28
lordievaderChakotay: Stick around, you'll learn a lot and you can help others :)12:29
Chakotaylordievader: Definitely. This is why I love Linux. Great community of people12:31
lordievaderChakotay: Exactly :)12:32
jonahhi i've installed 12.04 when it was beta and been updating it. works great but the boot up splash screen is grey with a funny looking cog and it doesn't say kubuntu etc. It's not right, does anyone know how I can fix this or install the new splash screen? thanks for your help12:40
barnabas02It is right.12:40
barnabas02That is the new splash screen.12:41
jonahbarnabas02: it can't be, mines all pixelated and just looks like it's not loaded properly...12:41
barnabas02Hmm. I have a green screen, with a gear icon, and dots loading under it.12:42
barnabas02Not green, gray sorry12:42
jonahbarnabas02: i don't have any dots loading underneath and it definitely looks distorted. something isn't right with it at all, is there anyway to reinstall the grub boot splash to the default?12:43
lordievaderHere it is pixelated too, always thought it was the ATI driver, on 11.10 it would do the same, pixelated with ATI driver, not pixelated without ATI.12:43
barnabas02But you may want to save all your data, and completely reinstall kubuntu.12:43
jonahlordievader: it's just that before upgrading the blue one looked really crisp and nice12:44
barnabas02Or try updating grub12:44
jonahbarnabas02: i've done the sudo upgrade-grub command before but this is just for the menu. do you know how to replace or upgrade the graphic?12:44
barnabas02I dont know exactly how to do it, but If I were you, I would reinstall the system.12:46
barnabas02It it the best solution for almost all kind of problems, I think.12:46
lordievaderbarnabas02: Usually it does work, but it is also quite annoying, escpecially if you do a lot of customizing.12:48
barnabas02lordievader: I looked after, but I couldn't find a way to export settings, so, you maybe can write them down.  I takes a lot of time, but you will have your settings anywhere.12:52
jonahyeah i'd rahter not reinstall as everything works well, it's just the splash i can live with it12:52
BluesKajHiyas all12:57
lordievaderL3tops: Hey13:07
himcesjfHello! I tried to purge akonadi-server and didn't realize that it removes kubuntu-desktop with it. While it was removing it terminated it by pressing Ctrl+z and tried to update and reinstall kubuntu-desktop and akonadi-server. On update, I'm getting error as - E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem --.and running -- $ sudo dpkg --configure -a , I get error as -dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/13:13
himcesjflib/dpkg/updates/0175' near line 0:  newline in field name `#padding'. -- I tried running <sudo dpkg --clear-avail> but still the same error. What is the error about and how can I debug it?13:13
shampocan someone running kubuntu 12.04 run this please? fc-match Monospace13:14
tsimpsonhimcesjf: I'd suggest you remove /var/lib/dpkg/updates/017 and try again, you can always let dpkg remove whatever it wants then reinstall the "kubuntu-desktop" package to get it all back (if you need to)13:18
BluesKajshampo, why are you requesting users to run a command that may change the look of their chosen fonts ?13:22
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shampoBluesKaj: it doesn't :(13:23
shampoBluesKaj: i just want to know what's the default font that Monospace maps to13:24
BluesKajshampo, you should always explain your request first13:24
shampoye i guess i should have13:25
shampobut this command is no harm13:25
BluesKajok shampo , DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book"13:26
shampook thanks13:26
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shampoBluesKaj: do you know how to reset all the font configs so that mine comes back to DejaVuSansMono as well?13:30
Kalidarnhmm, does anyone know why when i set the Date format to PH:MM:SS AMPM the digital clock applet doesn't change from 24hr time13:30
Kalidarndoesn't seem to matter what i set it to13:30
Kalidarnbtw my locale is LC_TIME="en_AU.UTF-8"13:30
Kalidarni'm sure it used to work13:30
tsimpsonKalidarn: I believe you need to logout and back in again for it to change effect (or restart plasma manually)13:32
Kalidarnyah i did that nothing worked13:32
Kalidarni even tried recreating the plasma applet config13:32
Kalidarndate +%r shows the correct time13:32
Kalidarnie plasma-desktop-appletsrc13:33
BluesKajshampo, afaik change them in system settings>font management13:33
Kalidarnmaybe i should purposely set it to something that isn't 12hr time to see what it does13:33
shampoBluesKaj: there is no mention of "Monospace" alias in there13:34
Kalidarnmy bad i worked out the issue :)13:35
Kalidarn*embarassed look*13:35
Kalidarnlet's just say it is not a bug13:35
BluesKajmy bad = my mistake ...can we stick to plain english please13:36
tsimpsonKalidarn: does "plasmoidviewer digital-clock" show the right format?13:37
himcesjfThanks tsimpson, its working properly now.13:37
tsimpsonhimcesjf: no problem :)13:37
himcesjfI'm not sure thought what exactly was the pasrsing issue there13:38
tsimpsonI'd guess it was a blank file, where it expected something else in there13:38
tsimpsonby the way, Ctrl-Z doesn't stop a process, just suspends it13:39
himcesjfI think I did combination of Ctrl+z, x,c when it starting removing kubuntu-desktop13:39
tsimpsonI guess as long as it works in the end, it really doesn't matter too much :)13:41
himcesjfYea, was just curious. Thanks :)13:41
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Kalidarntsimpson: yes it does :) it's working like it is supposed to14:14
Kalidarntsimpson: it was me that wasn't working like i was supposed to14:14
tsimpsonusually the first thing I check is, "what did I do wrong?"14:14
Kalidarnah yes, well i had the wrong date/time format :)14:19
Kalidarnbecause i mistook a p for a P14:20
Kalidarnor rather a P for a p14:20
Kalidarnthough the date time format thing could be clearer14:20
KalidarnPH:MM:SS AMPM you'd think is AM/PM time14:20
Kalidarnbecause it has AM/PM there14:20
Kalidarnbut in actual fact what i wanted was pH:MM:SS AMPM14:20
Kalidarni had instantly assumed HH:MM:SS was 24 hr time14:21
Kalidarnwhich now i think about it could be considered a bug14:21
tsimpsonHH:MM:SS should be 24 hour14:22
tsimpson(that's what mine is)14:22
Kalidarnyeah then what is PH:MM:SS AMPM14:22
Kalidarncos it also looks like 24hr time14:22
Kalidarnwas only when i changed it to pH:MM:SS AMPM that it finally worked properly14:23
tsimpsonPH is the hour in 12-hour format 00-1214:23
tsimpsonpH is the same, except 0-12 (no leading 0)14:23
tsimpsonhover the mouse over the "Time format" input section14:23
joelhello all14:30
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Kalidarnhmm okay then tsimpson14:33
tsimpsonthe format isn't great, but when there are so many different ways to display the time/date and you want to let people customise it...14:34
lesstattso how is everyone today14:38
tsimpsonlesstatt: please don't randomly CTCP people14:49
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lordievaderGood afternoon15:07
pixel__Hi, today I upgraded my Ubuntu 11.10 32bit to Ubuntu 12.04. Since it broke and I had been thinking about trying KDE I Installed Kubuntu 64bit. That one reaced extremely slow so I tried Kubuntu 32bit, bit it's slow too, and I mean on a 1.8 GHz Dualcore Every reaction takes around 10-20 sec and I watch the screen changes build up within 1-2 seconds. Any ideas?15:22
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Jonah79Strange that Pixel for I have the same kind of slow down issues with unity but KDE 4.8 runs great15:23
BluesKajpixel__, which graphics card?15:23
pixel__I think... NVIDIA something 215:24
pixel__quite old15:24
BluesKajpixel__, ok , run, lspci |grep VGA , in the terminal15:24
metalhow can I update my Kubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 from Terminal?15:25
BluesKajmetal , sudo do-release-upgrade is the simplest command15:25
pixel__BluesKaj, VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)15:26
metalthanks, blueskaj15:26
BluesKajmetal, make sure you update/upgrade your 11.10 first tho15:26
pixel__metal: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade15:27
metalsudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade15:27
Joe^guys, how can I upgrade from 12.04 beta 2 to the final release?15:27
BluesKajhmm?  metal otherwise you may have a block from muon if it's bugs aren't taken out by the upgrade15:27
EagleScreenI cannot lock the screen in Kubuntu 12.04 (plasma-netbook)15:28
Jonah79couldn't you backup your files and install a fresh spin of 12.04?15:28
EagleScreenJonah79: are you talking to me?15:28
pixel__metal, you have to do the update/upgrade in a console, not here ;-)15:28
metalI did15:29
Jonah79no eagle :)15:29
metalit said E: Invalid operation update,15:29
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:29
BluesKajuse that metal ^15:30
pixel__EagleScreen, update and upgrade are two separate commands15:30
metalwhat's the update size?15:30
BluesKajdepends on what apps you have instralled15:31
metalif ya were me, what would ya do?15:31
metalinstall 12.04 or upgrade 11.10?15:32
designbybeckI tried to do a system upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 and it broke big time15:32
metalthen I guess I go for installing Pangolin15:33
metalcan I ask Ubuntu questins here?15:33
designbybeckBluesKaj:  it was on the public access computer, All download and install part seemed to go ok, when I rebooted it gave some kind of panic message and reboots15:33
designbybeckthe locks up at the bios, i then have to hard/soft reset and it goes to grub, (the new grub) even if i go to recovery mode i can't do anything much15:34
BluesKajdesignbybeck, metal , there have been many successful upgrades from 11.1o\0 to 12.04 , without any problems , but that also depends on one's HW drivers etc as well15:34
designbybeckSo i left it doing a mem test to see if that would check on anything for me, if not I guess I'll boot off a usb drive and see if i can fix it somehow that way15:34
designbybeckYes BluesKaj I did update my main laptop just fine with that way15:34
pixel__BluesKaj, any idea? Googling 'kubuntu slow screen' didn't give me much help :/15:34
BluesKajdesignbybeck, go to a tty , ctrl+alt+F1 or F2 , and update/upgrade15:35
designbybecki couldn't  BluesKaj15:35
designbybeckat least when i did go safemode and tried to get a promt, I didn't have internet access15:35
metalthe issue is that, where I come from, I have to by the data traffic15:36
metalso, I guess installing a fresh version seems more reasonable15:36
BluesKajok ,then it's wifi drivers not working?  amongst other things15:36
pixel__metal, sounds like Iceland? ;-)15:36
designbybeckah yes in that case metal, download the full distro iso and you'll have it for next time15:36
BluesKajmetal, yes , but downloading the image can take  a while too :)15:37
designbybeckit did complain aobut the wireless firmware, because there is a card in it, but it is plugged into the NIC15:37
metalI guess I torrented that15:38
metalone thing15:38
metalmy Ubunutu doesn't stand by15:38
BluesKajdesignbybeck, got an ethernet connection handy ?15:39
designbybeckyeah it has both in it BluesKaj, but was running on the NIC15:39
designbybecknot the wifi15:39
BluesKajdesignbybeck, usually we refer to the wired connecrtion as ethernet , NICs can be both wifi and ethernet15:40
designbybecktrue, sorry15:41
designbybeckethernet that is15:41
BluesKajok , that's not a good sign , maybe a clean install off a media would be best15:41
designbybeckSadly that is my last options... and looks like that I'll have to do, I'm not sure if i did something funky when it was doing the updates or what, but about to make me a new LiveBoot USB now15:42
designbybecknopefully i can try an upgrade? fix /repair? and not have to reinstall all my apps?15:43
BluesKajpixel__, open the the kmenu>system>additional drivers , are there any "recommended graphics drivers" listed there , if so choose it and install15:43
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pixel__BluesKaj, ok, this may take a while^^15:44
BluesKajpixel__, once installed you'll be asked to reboot15:46
EagleScreenI will install the post-release updates and will test again the Lock Screen15:46
pixel__BluesKaj, btw, doubleclick in system settings? (hard to learn a new UI that takes forever to respond)15:46
metalthanks, people15:46
BluesKajpixel__, no , open the kmenu >applications>settings>additional drivers15:47
pixel__BluesKaj, oh, thanks, sorry15:48
BluesKajsorry pixel__ I misspelled , not settings  open the kmenu >applications>system>additional driver15:48
pixel__BluesKaj, hm, it doesn't seem to react to clicks to the "Applications" tab. Can I call that "Additional drivers" dialog from the command line?15:53
EagleScreencan you test the Lock Screen feature in 12.04? is it working for you?15:54
BluesKajpixel__,  you can run Jockey from the CLI for Nvidia Recommended Driver install , switch to a tty (ctrl-alt-f2), log in, then type "jockey-text -a" and press enter15:55
pixel__BluesKaj, thanks!15:56
pixel__BluesKaj, "ERROR: Cound not find any typelib for AppIndicator3"15:57
pixel__[translated from german] "Additional drivers"15:57
pixel__[...] "Looking for additional drivers..."15:58
pixel__[back to tty]15:58
BluesKajpixel__,sudo apt-get install jockey-common jockey-kde15:59
pixel__Those are already installed, apt-get says16:00
pixel__jockey-text -c and -u didn't give anything new16:00
pixel__-l is giving me entries "Xorg:nvidia_current" and "xorg:nvidia_current_updates"16:01
pixel__BluesKaj, I keep getting that ERROR message.16:03
pixel__hey, on F7 tha applications tab opened \o/16:05
colockhello, it's been all afternoon trying to get kubuntu installed on a new pc. the best result so far is a blue screen (instead of plain black with monitor not detecting any output) without anything going on16:07
colocki cannot see the grub menu16:07
colocki would like to boot without any fancy graphic thingie and _SEE_ what's happening16:08
colockhow can I do that?16:08
colocknot sure the blue thingie is a borked grub or a borked boot splash screen16:08
BluesKajpixel__, let's check , if the driver is installed, dpkg -l | grep nvidia16:08
colockkeeping <tab> down while booting does not help16:09
pixel__BluesKaj, 6 entries16:09
BluesKajcolock, try the shiftkey immediately after the bios screen to get grub16:09
colocktrying BluesKaj, thanks16:10
BluesKajpixel__, pastebin them pls16:10
pixel__BluesKaj, libwinnvidiahack4, nvidia-common, -current, ... okay16:10
pixel__hmm or not, BluesKaj16:10
colock"loading Operating System"\n and nothing happens16:10
colockwhat a shitty bios16:11
FloodBotK1colock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:11
pixel__hm, unless I ssh the output to this netbook... stand by BluesKaj16:11
designbybeckBluesKaj:  just went and tried to boot from the USB.... did the same panic and restarted16:12
colock(the installation [alternate] works just fine)16:12
designbybeckthe system was working fine with 11.04... this is pretty odd16:12
designbybeckI might have to try Ubuntu 12.04 and see if that will install at least?16:12
colockshould be already up and running it's a 8x3.2Ghz/16Gb Ram/Raid1 SSD system16:12
colockshould maybe burn a gentoo livecd and chroot into it for some grub tweaking...16:13
pixel__BluesKaj, Yay, segfault of kwin on F7... -.-16:13
BluesKajcolock, misplaced grub16:14
colockBluesKaj: meaning?16:14
BluesKajcolock, it might be installed on the wrong partition or drive16:15
colockboth sda and sdb16:15
colockthe installer should do it properly16:15
BluesKajcolock, a Raid1 SSD system is a differnt kettle of fish16:18
colockgrub and/or the initrd cannot handle that?16:19
BluesKajdunno , but it's not a standard state for a normal kubuntu install16:19
colockthe installer (alternate) just let you do setup raid and lvm16:20
pixel__BluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/F3hEgqgL16:22
BluesKajcolock, fine , I've used the alternate many times , but i'm not familiar with a raid1 install ...never needed to worry about it16:22
colockok, in rescue shell in rootfs16:22
colocknow tweaking grub to at least give me a chance to see/do something...16:22
BluesKajpixel__, that's the most up to date driver normally used on newer pci graphics cards not a 6150 onboard ...was thinking your driver might be a 270 series not a the 29516:25
=== ezri is now known as dax
oratedHello! After recent upgrade, whenever I login I get ankonadi processes - http://i.imgur.com/XUsDA.png - eating RAM and CPU that system soon hangs. I have to always kill all akonadi processes for system not to hang. What are these processes for and how can I avoid getting them started on login?16:34
BluesKajorated, are you using kmail or kontacy or any kdepim apps?16:41
BluesKajerr kontact16:41
pixel__BluesKaj, so what can i do?16:45
BluesKajorated, open the kmenu , type akonadi , choose the server configuration , stop the server . You can disable akonadi in system settings>startup&shutdown>service manager , nepomuk search module (tied to akonadi), uncheck that.Then in session mangement , check "restore previous session" and add akonadi, nepomuk to the "applications to be excluded from sessions" text16:46
BluesKajorated, then click apply :)16:47
oratedBluesKaj: Server configuration: server not running. Service Manager: Unchecked Nepomuk Search Module and changes made to Session Management16:50
BluesKajorated, ok now check in system monitor process table to see if your cpu is normal16:52
oratedBluesKaj: Still the same behavior on login after logout16:52
oratedRAM usage rises exponentially from 0.6GB to maximum it can16:53
BluesKajdid you check "restore previous session" in session mangement?16:53
BluesKajbecause if you didn't you'lkl need to do it all again16:54
oratedYes, and inputted applications to exclude in "akonadi, nepomuk" format. Moreover, On Login section always had Restore previous session marked, I only inputted those app16:54
BluesKajyou can also turn off nepomuk in system settings16:55
oratedYes, Desktop Search > Nepomuk Sematic Desktop disabled16:56
BluesKajand akonadi is still running after the relogin ?16:56
oratedYes, that is what I noticed16:56
oratedI'll restart system if you like16:56
oratedIs the format to input applications to exclude correct?16:57
EagleScreenanyone with Kubuntu 12.04 can check if Lock Screen works?17:02
EagleScreenright-click on Desktop and Lock Screen17:03
Shaan7EagleScreen: worksforme17:03
EagleScreenShaan7: could you also check it in plasma-netbook?17:03
oratedOn plasma-netbook here EagleScreen, it works17:04
EagleScreenthen the problem seems to be mine17:04
sunsetloverworks here too17:04
EagleScreenby any reason Lock Screen option does nothing in my netbook17:05
EagleScreenPowerdevil can't neither lock the screen17:05
oratedBluesKaj: Another sample of the recent attempt17:05
sunsetloverseems that you have problem in configuration17:05
EagleScreenyes, but this is a new fresh installation of 12.0417:06
EagleScreenI hadn't time to break the configuration17:06
pixel__BluesKaj, now booting the 64bit CD into live mode to test if that works...17:07
sunsetlovertry to reconfigure the screen saver and test lock screen again17:07
BluesKajpixel__, check your system monitor to see what's hogging resources17:07
oratedBluesKaj: I'm on netbook giving above states of the laptop. Is there anything you think that can be done?17:08
sunsetloverthe same problem happened with my 32bit cd and i found that cd don't have live mode , and only the dvd have it17:08
oratedpixel__: 64bit CD live mode issue with it giving boot> prompt?17:09
oratedI mean 32 bit*17:09
pixel__BluesKaj, at least the No1 pain of almost all systems I know, the HDD, is quite bored...17:09
BluesKajorated, stopping the akondia server and following the steps i posted should work , myabe you need to reboot rather than login17:09
sunsetloverso i donloaded the dvd iso and burned it on dvd and test it and its worked17:10
pixel__orated, I went into install mode on 32bit and 64 bit, now clicking "test kubuntu"17:10
oratedBluesKaj: Which file/folder in ~/.kde deals with akonadi? I'm thinking of doing a fresh install and will exclude that particular folder when copying back old kde17:11
pixel__okay, Kubuntu is officially the first Distro I know where the live CD performs by far better than the installed system^^17:11
sunsetloverpixel: try to download the dvd iso and use it and it will give you live mode17:12
pixel__orated, boot to 64bit live cd worked like a charm, no boot> prompt17:13
pixel__BluesKaj, live offers no proprietary drivers in the gui17:13
BluesKajpixel__, don't think it's graphics , it's probly akonadi and nepomuk / virtuoso using up your resources causing the slowdown17:15
pixel__BluesKaj, hm, okay, so I can boot back and see if I can kill those services...17:19
BluesKajpixel__, check my posts to orated to see the steps17:19
pixel__*sniff* I really like the live cd version. MPO photo support, a nice desktop photo screenlet...17:20
pixel__okay, I'll do that17:20
pixel__BluesKaj, if i get to work my current install, is there any reason not to try 64bit afterwards17:23
BluesKajpixel__, well Iwouldn't bothger with 32bit ay all if I had 64 bit17:25
BluesKajpixel__, well I wouldn't bother with 32bit at all if I had 64 bit17:26
pixel__BluesKaj, okay, I kept 32bit because years ago there were problems with getting 64bit adobe reader and so on17:26
pixel__BluesKaj, btw, now back in the installed system, htop gives me a load of .217:26
BluesKajpixel__, there architecture support as default in kubuntu since 11.04 or 11.10 , so 32 bit installs are uneccessary now17:27
BluesKajarch support17:27
pixel__BluesKaj, I don't think I've got the same problem as orated - my system is absolutely bored.17:32
BluesKajbored ?17:33
BluesKajor borked17:33
pixel__no HDD activity, system load of 0.2, ... bored17:33
* pixel__ looks up "borked"17:33
pixel__oh, borked = FUBAR, I see17:34
BluesKajpixel__, but it's slow ...look at the process table in system monitor ...theremight be a clue there17:35
pixel__what I can do is go back to live cd and see what your initial commands print.17:35
pixel__system monitor? console please :D17:36
pixel__htop says right now load average: 0.83 0.63 0.3817:36
pixel__hm, a high cpu usage woud show in htop under TIME+, right?17:41
pixel__BluesKaj, top position is "/usr/bin/kwin --crashes 1" with 57.28 seconds17:42
BluesKaj, errands ...BBL17:42
pixel__BluesKaj, okay17:42
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garouHelp. Hi. How can I run my own scripts on kate 3.8.2? Looks like the old plugin "External tools" isn't available anymore.17:50
pixel__BluesKaj, on the livecd, dpkg -l | grep nvidia returns only the lines libkwinnvidiahack4 and ncidia-common17:54
kesavanI am new to this environment18:08
kesavanCan somebody help me to know how this works?18:09
DarthFrogkesavan:  What in particular are you having trouble with?18:11
kesavancan I clear doubts regarding Ubuntu here?18:11
DarthFrogUbuntu or Kubuntu?  This channel is for Kubuntu support.18:12
kesavanokay..Actually right now I am using Ubuntu 12.04 in my pc.18:13
kesavanmy laptop*18:13
DarthFrogThen you want to ask your question in #Ubuntu.18:13
DarthFrogYou're welcome.18:13
kesavanone doubt. Can I use Konversation for #Ubuntu. If yes how can I use it?18:14
kesavanI got it..18:15
kesavanThank you for your help :)18:15
DarthFrogJust install it.  Doing so should bring in all the dependencies.18:15
DarthFrogi.e. "sudo apt-get install konversation"18:15
BluesKajkesavan, just install it18:15
kesavanI got it.18:17
kesavanThanks DarthFrog, BluesKAj18:17
francesco_i have problem with samba share18:55
francesco_is there someone that speak italia?18:55
BluesKaj!it | francesco_18:55
ubottufrancesco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:55
designbybeckBluesKaj:  After grading I got something similar to this, Trying to reinstall from LiveUSB, I got something similar to this. And this is from Ubuntu 12.04...19:12
designbybeckI'm thinking it might be that Wireless card that is in there. I'm not using it wirelessly so I might just take it out and see if that fixes it, But can anyone else tell by looking at that randomness why i was having problems19:12
designbybeckHere is the Screen shot http://www.pasteall.org/pic/3115519:13
ybitdesignbybeck: have you tried selecting a different kernel from the grub menu?19:18
BluesKajdesignbybeck, wonder if the alternate install might be better , it accomodates more hardware than the standard install19:19
pixel__BluesKaj, btw., reinstalling 64bit now...  (hope dies last)19:19
designbybeckno ybit it already did the upgrade the first time when i was in 11.1019:20
designbybeckdon't know if i've ever triedd the alternative version BluesKaj19:20
* BluesKaj doesn't understand the reluctance to install 64bit OSs now that arch support has proven it's benefits19:21
BluesKaj!alternate | designbybeck19:23
ubottudesignbybeck: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal19:23
designbybeckdownloading now BluesKaj ... fingers crossed19:23
kesavangood bye19:27
lucahi need om help in order to upgrade distribution to kubuntu 12.0419:32
EagleScreenhi luca19:32
lucai followed the official procedure in orderto do it but after that i reboot the system19:33
lucadon't appear the notification for the availabilitiy of the new distribution19:34
lucasomeone can help me19:34
lordievaderluca: What official procedure are you talking about?19:35
EagleScreenluca: are you in kubuntu 11.10 now? please give us te link to the procedure19:35
lucayes i'm using 11.1019:36
pixel__BluesKaj and everyone else: Thanks for all the help, now everything works.19:37
lordievaderluca: Well you can always do: sudo do-release-upgrade19:37
BluesKajluca, close the upgrade manager , open a terminal , sudo apt-get upgate && sudo apt-get upgrade , then , sudo do-release-upgrade19:38
EagleScreenyes, try it luca19:38
pixel__I deleted the old profile directory (created by the first 64bit Kubuntu installation), reinstalled 64bit and now I have full speed. But don't ask me why it works this time.^^19:38
lucai've tryed but it says that there's no new distribution available19:39
BluesKajpixel__, you may have had some old corrupted config files19:39
BluesKajluca tried what ?19:40
EagleScreenluca is not the first person experiencing this problem19:40
lucai've tryed sudo do-release-upgrade and it donìt work19:40
lordievaderluca: What does this say: cat /etc/lsb-release19:40
EagleScreenluca: press Alt + F2, and enter this command: do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d19:40
lucaDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 11.10"19:41
FloodBotK1luca: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
BluesKajluca . follow the commands I gave you , you need to upgrade you 11.10 to get rid of bugs in muon upgrader ..it's very important that you do this first before the dist-upgrade19:41
lucai've tryed also do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d and it don't work19:42
BluesKajluca, read my post above !19:42
lucai'm reading19:43
EagleScreensudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade <-- should be equivalent to do an upgrade with muon updater19:44
lucasorry but i don't undestand19:45
lucaapt-get is not a command of ubuntu19:46
lucaor better not of muon19:47
pixel__BluesKaj, well but those were from the first 64bit-installation from earlier today19:47
lucaand i did bujt nothing happen he says that the system is updated19:49
lucai did it alo with muon19:50
lucaany other suggestion?19:51
BluesKajno don't use muon ... you have update muon with apt-get , luca19:51
lucai did ur procedure blues but don't work19:52
lucamuon was closed as u says19:52
pepeeisn't this the bug that wont let you update to ubuntu lts?19:52
lucait seems a bug19:53
lucabut i don't know how to fix it19:54
lucait could be important that i have the italian language installed19:54
EagleScreenluca: language should not matter19:55
lucaok thanks19:55
EagleScreenluca: apt-get is a known command ofocurse19:56
pepeesudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d  ?19:56
lucaalso tryed pepee19:56
EagleScreenluca: did you get an error with "sudo apt-get update" ?19:56
pepeeso you use sudo when running those commands? what error you get?19:56
lucano errors eagle19:57
pepeesudo apt-get dist-update19:58
EagleScreenany error with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"  ??19:59
BluesKajluca, try , sudo do-release-upgrade -d19:59
BluesKajit's not a fix but a workaround19:59
lucadon't work also blues20:00
pepeeluca, remove these files: /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp  /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available  /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp20:00
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
goddardis it possible to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu?20:01
pepeesudo sh -c "rm /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp  /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available  /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp"20:01
RexHaviKi installed 'prelink' and managed to get it to run error free, i have no idea if the intend prelinking is actually taking place, anyone played with it?20:01
EagleScreengoddard: yes, it is20:02
lordievadergoddard: Yes, install the package kubuntu-desktop20:02
lucai'nm going to try pepee20:02
pepeegoddard, yes, you need kubuntu-desktop20:02
Resistancegoddard:  you can install kubuntu-desktop, which installs the KDE stuff20:02
lordievadergoddard: It is quite a large package though.20:02
Resistancelarge being an understatement20:02
lucadid it pepee thaen20:02
pepeeluca, ok. then20:03
pepeesudo /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available --force20:03
Resistancei still use Ubuntu (GNOME/GTK) apps on KDE, i just installed KDE on my end.20:03
lordievaderSo perhaps a base package (kde-base, or something) is more usefull, smaller.20:03
* RexHaviK also runs a hybrid20:03
pepeeI'm using lxde now. kde is too much for my needs20:03
lordievader*Got two boxes, best of both worlds20:03
luca0 packages can be updated.20:04
luca0 updates are security updates.20:04
pepeeI don't like kde wallet, or the fact that it uses mysql20:04
lordievaderHow can I do such an action thingie?20:04
lucanow pepee20:04
pepeeluca, run muon20:05
BluesKajluca open update manager , make sure the upgrade notification is set to "normal"20:05
pepeeluca, what BluesKaj says20:05
RexHaviKpepee, dont password kwallet, leave it blank , problem solved20:05
RexHaviKi installed 'prelink' and managed to get it to run error free, i have no idea if the intend prelinking is actually taking place, anyone played with it?20:06
lucasorry where is upgrade notification20:07
EagleScreenluca: kdesudo software-properties-kde -> Updates20:07
EagleScreen-> Release upgrade20:08
EagleScreenset it to normal20:08
pepeenothing happens?20:12
pepeeno error messages?20:12
lucawas set to long term20:13
pepeeluca,  <EagleScreen> set it to normal20:13
BluesKajluca, LTS for some reason should work , but doesn't20:13
lucai set it20:13
BluesKajok , sudo-release-upgrade20:14
pepeesudo do-release-upgrade20:14
BluesKajerr .sudo do-release-upgrade20:15
designbybeckBluesKaj:  the ALternative can be installed via a Live USB correct?20:15
* BluesKaj cleans his glassess , again20:15
BluesKajdesignbybeck, did you use unetbootin ?20:16
designbybecki'm still downloading it20:16
pepeewhat if luca downloads the alternate cd?20:16
BluesKajdesignbybeck, then it should work20:16
RexHaviKi would like to force kde to use the adobe-flashplugin , is that possible?20:16
lucasomehing is happened20:16
EagleScreenRexHaviK: yes it is20:17
RexHaviKEagleScreen, cool, how?20:17
EagleScreenRexHaviK: use it for.. Firefox? Rekonq?20:17
lucait dit seems tahat i working20:18
RexHaviKEagleScreen, dont have rekonq or firefox, do have chromium20:18
BluesKajRexHaviK, did you download adobe-flashplugin, or are you talking about the default version?20:18
lucathank you veru much20:18
lucai will let you knnow20:18
RexHaviKBluesKaj, i installed the adobe-flashplugin from repos20:18
EagleScreenRexHaviK: install a tool called kalternatives from Muon or apt-get20:18
BluesKajluca, thank us when it's upgraded and working :)20:18
lucayou are right:)20:19
RexHaviKEagleScreen, will try it20:19
EagleScreenRexHaviK: and ofcourse, install flash-player20:19
lucafor sure need sometimes just for downloading files20:19
RexHaviKEagleScreen, i do have adobe-flashplugin installed, i do want it and not the default plugin20:20
EagleScreenRexHaviK: later, open systemsettings on sudo mode (kdesudo systemsettings), open Alternatives configuration, and look for Mozilla Flashplugin option, then set the Adobe choice as default20:20
RexHaviKEagleScreen, got it20:21
BluesKajEagleScreen,, or in the the terminal , locate libflashplayer.so , then copy it to , /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ with root permissions20:26
RexHaviKEagleScreen, the chosen is already adobe-.....20:26
EagleScreenRexHaviK: I have /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so20:29
BluesKajwell, the flashplugin installer was giving problems , so I didn't bother using it since it was a 32 bit app in a wrapper for 64 bit systems at the time , and I haven't changed my ways :)20:32
EagleScreenI use a 32 bit system20:33
EagleScreensomeone uses 64 bits, then he shoud download the 64 bits version from Adobe website20:33
EagleScreenit is available in deb format20:34
EagleScreenand also in Ubuntu partner repository I think20:34
designbybeckand BluesKaj do i have to/need to use unetbootin' on this? or can I just use Startup Disk Creator?20:43
BluesKajdesignbybeck, I'm not sure , I just know that unetbootin does work20:44
designbybeckah gotcha!  Thanks BluesKaj20:45
grafthi-ho, i'm using rvm to set my ruby version, but this doesn't seem to work for kde, which is still using ruby 1.8 - how do i get kde to use ruby 1.9?20:59
Resistance!info ruby precise21:05
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): Transitional package for ruby1.8. In component main, is optional. Version 4.8 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB21:05
Resistancegraft:  i'm not certain 1.9 is default in the repos...21:05
Resistance!info ruby1.9 precise21:05
ubottuPackage ruby1.9 does not exist in precise21:05
Resistanceit might not21:05
rbetzen! libreoffice-report-builder-bin21:19
Unit193!info libreoffice-report-builder-bin21:20
ubottuPackage libreoffice-report-builder-bin does not exist in precise21:20
Tommo_hi guys!21:37
Tommo_I update kubuntu at releas 12.04 and I flash player plugin doesen't work...anyone can help me?21:40
pepeeTommo_, check if the adobe-flashplugin package is installed. then try reinstalling it21:42
Tommo_I've tried to reinstall this package, but nothing...21:44
pepeecheck if your browser sees the plugin21:45
pepeeand if it is enable21:45
Tommo_how can I do it?21:46
Tommo_I use Chromium browser21:46
=== bruno is now known as brunoi_smr
pepeeTommo_, chrome:plugins21:49
Tommo_from konsole?21:49
pepeeno, in the browser21:50
=== brunoi_smr is now known as bruno_smr
Tommo_I use Chromium, not Chrome21:51
pepeeTommo_, same here.21:51
AngelForgetis same Tommo_21:51
Tommo_ok, but in google store doesn't exist flashplayer plugin21:52
pepeeTommo_, nothing from chrome:plugins ?21:53
pepeeFlash - Versión: 11.2 r20221:54
pepeeShockwave Flash 11.2 r20221:54
goddardI need to save everything like the whole disk state so I can revert it if  Ineed to be able to put the image on the disk if my upgrade goes wrong21:54
pepeegoddard, make a backup?21:55
pepeeTommo_, in the console:  dpkg -l | grep flash21:55
pepeehmm try   sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer22:00
pepeebtw I got adobe-flashplugin from ubuntu partners repos, and it works22:03
Tommo_doesn't work...22:04
pepeeTommo_, ok, enable ubuntu partners repos and install adobe-flashplugin22:05
pepeeTommo_, or read this: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?58585-Is-there-a-problem-with-flashplugin-installer22:06
Tommo_wow I was able to work flashplugin! Ty so much pepee ;)22:11
pepeeTommo_, how?22:12
Tommo_I've installe adobe-flashplugin and adobe-flash-properties-kde22:13
pepeeahh ok22:14
pepeewell, flash has always had problems in ubuntu22:14
pepeegood thing I don't like it too much...22:14
levi___hey guys22:32
levi___anyone around?22:35
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goddardI need to save everything like the whole disk state so I can revert it if  Ineed to be able to put the image on the disk if my upgrade goes wrong22:53

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