=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray | ||
Laibsch | I'm trying to add https://launchpad.net/~r0lf/+archive/stable but "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 15331454B72FD7EC" tells me that the key is not found. I think I followed the directions, but it still doesn't work. | 05:38 |
StevenK | You can't use add-apt-repository ? | 05:38 |
wgrant | Laibsch: wfm | 05:39 |
wgrant | Also, yeah, apt-add-repository is awesome. | 05:40 |
Laibsch | hm, strange indeed. WFM as well in my normal installation. I'm trying to add to a pbuilder and there it fails. That's also why I don't want add-apt-repository if possible. Keep it lean and mean | 05:42 |
wgrant | Is your resolv.conf broken? | 05:43 |
wgrant | Perhaps gpg fails to distinguish between name resolution failures and 404s... | 05:43 |
Laibsch | I think resolv.conf works fine. I can do "aptitude update" for example just fine from inside the pbuilder (pbuilder --login) | 05:47 |
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fidel_ | hi - question: i can see my recent activity in my launchpad profile - but these 'recent activites' are just plain text as i.e.: 5 minutes ag o New Bug filled. Why not adding a link to the actual bugreport? | 09:04 |
fidel_ | this would help finding back to specific actions in the past | 09:04 |
fidel_ | right now 'recent activites' function is somehow limited | 09:04 |
czajkowski | fidel_: re bugs you can click on the bug tab and see all bugs you're involved in | 09:07 |
czajkowski | you can see the ones you submitted or subscribed to | 09:07 |
=== Guest77193 is now known as yofel | ||
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fidel_ | czajkowski: thanks - that works yes. but still wouldnt my idea mentioned above pimp the 'recent activities' view? | 09:17 |
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czajkowski | fidel_: you're more than welcome to submit a bug for it but it may not be implemented, or we do love to have people contribute patches | 09:19 |
fidel_ | i c - launchpad-code is yet another project on launchpad i guess right? | 09:20 |
czajkowski | fidel_: this may help http://blog.launchpad.net/general/contributing-to-launchpad | 09:24 |
fidel_ | thanks | 09:26 |
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shape | Hello, To report a bug for Xubuntu, is there a special section in Launchpad.net? Or can I report it in the Ubuntu section? | 12:31 |
wgrant | shape: Ubuntu's the right place. | 12:33 |
shape | wgrant: Do you happen to know if there is already a reported but about the HDD being turned on and off every 30 seconds on battery in Xubuntu? | 12:34 |
wgrant | shape: No idea, sorry. | 12:35 |
shape | wgrant: np | 12:35 |
shape | wgrant: If I have that problem described above is there a package I could use ubuntu-bug on? Or should I just write the problem down and that would be all? | 12:38 |
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dupondje | Hi, somebody that could look @ https://launchpad.net/~damagedspline/+archive/waze-qt/+build/3455851 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/3454000 and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/3456197 | 14:23 |
dupondje | are all stuck somehow | 14:23 |
dupondje | https://launchpad.net/~yade-pkg/+archive/snapshots/+build/3456215 seems also stuck | 14:30 |
dupondje | not difficult the queue fills up :) | 14:30 |
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dupondje | anyone? | 14:54 |
czajkowski | dupondje: are you seeing any errors? | 14:59 |
dupondje | https://launchpad.net/~yade-pkg/+archive/snapshots/+build/3456215 seems to be at same step for some minutes now | 15:00 |
dupondje | or its really extremely slow :) | 15:01 |
czajkowski | dupondje: let me go and see | 15:03 |
dupondje | also Started 10 hours ago | 15:03 |
dupondje | quite long :) | 15:03 |
czajkowski | dupondje: thedac is looking into it now | 15:13 |
dupondje | ok thx | 15:13 |
thedac | dupondje: looking at the yade-daily 2+3099+30~precise1 build. There was a long (10 hours) but it is now processing. I can either let it run or kill it and start over on another builder | 15:17 |
thedac | a long *gap* | 15:18 |
dupondje | hmz ok, well I don't mind letting it run :) | 15:19 |
dupondje | it was just running for a LONG time without any action | 15:20 |
dupondje | thats why :) | 15:20 |
dupondje | and the queue was growing :) | 15:20 |
thedac | dupondje: that is what it looks like. | 15:20 |
thedac | I'll keep digging. Ping me if this doesn't finish in the next hour | 15:21 |
dupondje | 3 other builds were also stuck somehow, but somebody killed those :) | 15:21 |
dupondje | anyway i'll ping you if there are issues :D | 15:22 |
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jcastro | hi launchpadders, this BP isn't in the export feed for UDS: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-q-qt-bof | 17:24 |
jcastro | It's supposed to show up here but it is not: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-q/+temp-meeting-export | 17:25 |
jcastro | I've doublechecked all the settings and everything seems correct, if anyone can shed some light on this that would be great | 17:25 |
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rick_h_ | jcastro: in checking it vs others the series goal isn't set? | 17:33 |
jcastro | rick_h_: ok I set that, any idea how long it takes for the export to regenerate? | 17:34 |
rick_h_ | sorry, none at all | 17:34 |
rick_h_ | abentley: you have any clue on the export process/timeline? | 17:34 |
abentley | rick_h_: Sorry, but I'm completely unfamiliar with that. | 17:35 |
rick_h_ | cool, thanks | 17:35 |
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rick_h_ | jcastro: it looks like that one's not getting included because it's set to Approved | 17:52 |
rick_h_ | that export page is only looking for NEW, DISCUSSION, DRAFT | 17:53 |
rick_h_ | jcastro: and so that page is live updated, so nothing to wait for as far as I can tell | 17:53 |
rick_h_ | I've not used/know the backstory of these urls, does that make sense? | 17:54 |
rick_h_ | 454576 | 18:03 |
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Laney | how do I get a PPA which builds on the virtual armel builders? | 19:18 |
ScottK | Laney: First you get hired by Canonical, AIUI. | 19:20 |
bobweaver | hello there i am looking for help on removing branchs that I created that are no longer needed | 19:20 |
bobweaver | https://code.launchpad.net/ubforums-2-ubwiki <~~ code | 19:21 |
bobweaver | I am josephmills | 19:21 |
lifeless | ScottK: I'm fairly sure we want to open it up, I don't know where it is at for doing that. | 19:21 |
lifeless | ScottK: bigjools or wgrant or infinity probably know. | 19:21 |
lifeless | Laney: ^ | 19:21 |
ScottK | Right, but I think that's the current answer. | 19:22 |
lifeless | bobweaver: if you have permission, on the branch page, there is a delete button. | 19:22 |
bobweaver | I want to make lp:~michaelrawson76/ubforums-2-ubwiki/ubforums-2-ubwiki the only branch that there is is the goal in the end :) thanks for your time | 19:22 |
bobweaver | it says that it can not delete it lifeless | 19:22 |
lifeless | it should say why | 19:22 |
bobweaver | This branch cannot be deleted as it has 1 branch sharing revisions. | 19:22 |
bobweaver | how too fix that ? | 19:22 |
lifeless | ok, that means it was the trunk branch at one point | 19:22 |
lifeless | you need to unstack the new branch | 19:23 |
bobweaver | thanks | 19:23 |
bobweaver | will try | 19:23 |
lifeless | bzr reconfigure --unstacked <url>, if I remember correctly. | 19:23 |
bobweaver | lifeless, is now know as lifesaver :) | 19:23 |
bobweaver | Is there a way too just get ride of the whole project? as I keep on having too change my code due to internal issues and would like to just blow away the whole thing as I am sick and tried of re-writing code for people that tell me that I have too start over as far as I am concerned they can write the code | 19:36 |
bobweaver | I am sure that I am not the 1st person too say this | 19:38 |
bobweaver | I will jsut start my own project then if they want they can use my code if not cool if so cool I just do not want to be affiliated because I think ...... | 19:38 |
lifeless | bobweaver: totally up to you | 19:47 |
lifeless | bobweaver: you can hand the project over to registry if you don't want to keep the metadata up to date anymore | 19:47 |
bobweaver | thanks I am going to take more time to think aboutmit I have changed owners and also rm my code and have it saved if they want to use. If this was for work I would keep it up but this is play and I can not keep re-writing flowcharts :) | 19:51 |
lifeless | why are you rewriting flowcharts? | 19:51 |
bobweaver | becuase they keep change the game plan up | 19:51 |
lifeless | who do ? why do they have influence over you ? | 19:52 |
bobweaver | 1st it was make too programs one for op to convert html too wiki 2nd was to have auto import page that runs on crontab | 19:52 |
bobweaver | so I made them programs | 19:53 |
bobweaver | then that was thrown out the window with we need to change the inport page ect | 19:53 |
bobweaver | then wait we need to keep | 19:53 |
bobweaver | then lets just get rid off all togeather | 19:53 |
bobweaver | then lets have again but on different page | 19:54 |
bobweaver | then this is not working so lets move on too do this which = new flow charts ect | 19:54 |
bobweaver | then in the meeeting today .... lets not go there :) | 19:55 |
bobweaver | no one was putting in blue prints and just sending things to mailing list I am on like 30 mailing list and was lead dev for this I was just trying to help and I see where that has gotten me :) I was removed as OP from channel and have been made too feel like I am doing wrong things so I think eff it I will cowboy this stuff | 19:57 |
bobweaver | but then the best of all I went though mailing list and found nothing. so,,,, | 19:58 |
bobweaver | sorry to rant here I am done Once again I am sorry . that is my word of the day :( | 19:59 |
* lifeless is thoroughly confused | 19:59 | |
bobweaver | you and me both | 20:00 |
bobweaver | I still dont know how it ended up that I was saying sorry for not knowing things that where happenening that I was not infomed of there should have been blueprints I have learned something today thou. always stick your flowcharts up get reviews and then after that do blueprints. If people do not like then the hell with them they can make there own thing. just sux because I was the 1st one too mak anything and feel as thou I have been pus | 20:04 |
bobweaver | hed too the side. Like your 1st code was ok and we are going to use that thanks now gget the heck out of here but before you do that can you change this lol | 20:04 |
dobey | who can i bug to bump up the build score a bit for a PPA? | 20:09 |
czajkowski | dobey: me | 20:11 |
czajkowski | dobey: don't leave me hanging :) or I'll go back to packing | 20:12 |
bobweaver | lifeless, at any ate thanks for your help and also testtools and python-oops-tool is great stuff so thanks for that also | 20:13 |
ubot5 | https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=tool | 20:13 |
dobey | czajkowski: heh. sorry | 20:13 |
dobey | czajkowski: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/beta could use a bump | 20:14 |
czajkowski | dobey: 2 tics | 20:14 |
czajkowski | dobey: done | 20:14 |
dobey | czajkowski: cheers | 20:14 |
czajkowski | dobey: np, nice to actually be able to help you for once :) rather than the other way around | 20:15 |
czajkowski | shout if needs more | 20:15 |
dobey | hehe | 20:15 |
dobey | :) | 20:15 |
lifeless | bobweaver: no worries | 20:38 |
bobweaver | anyone here good with python and gedit I am trying to fix bug. one I can not see anything on the terminal screenshot http://imagebin.org/210696 code http://paste.ubuntu.com/963239/ look at lines 14 and 20 them are the ones that I want to fix I want a green for-ground and a black background thanks for your time Or ubuntu stock colors would be nice also :) If this is the wrong channel too post this in I am sorry but I am running out | 21:18 |
bobweaver | of options no one on python and or Gnome seems to know anything about it. Once again thanks for your time :) | 21:18 |
bullgard4 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/993038 I wonder what does mean needs-bisect»« in "** Tags added: needs-bisect regression-release". | 21:46 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 993038 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "[Upstream] Ubuntu 12.04: Embedded HSQLDB is read-only (regression)" [Medium,New] | 21:46 |
falktx__ | hey there | 22:03 |
falktx__ | I just tried to do an upload of a native package using lzma, and it was rejected | 22:03 |
falktx__ | Unable to identify file distrho-plugins_20120502-0~precise1.tar.lzma (sound) in changes. | 22:04 |
falktx__ | I'm doing some search, it seems related to this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/225151 | 22:04 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 225151 in Launchpad itself "Please add support for .orig.tar.bz2" [High,Fix released] | 22:04 |
falktx__ | isn't lzma supported in PPAs? | 22:04 |
falktx__ | I see some bugs on launchpad regarding lzma, but they are set to fixed | 22:07 |
falktx__ | I can use gzip, but that means 71Mb vs 21Mb | 22:08 |
Resistance | ugh, my ZNC's disconnecting me from *everywhere* :/ | 22:09 |
falktx__ | my upload speed is very slow... (that's the reason I'm trying to use lzma) | 22:09 |
falktx__ | any hints? | 22:10 |
* falktx__ tries bz2 | 22:10 | |
mwhudson | falktx__: i _think_ you can use xz | 22:12 |
bullgard4 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/993038 Was bedeutet »needs-bisect« in "** Tags added: needs-bisect regression-release"? | 22:13 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 993038 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "[Upstream] Ubuntu 12.04: Embedded HSQLDB is read-only (regression)" [Medium,New] | 22:13 |
falktx__ | mwhudson: but is it supported? | 22:13 |
mwhudson | falktx__: seems like it, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/742408 | 22:13 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 742408 in Launchpad itself "Support xz compression in source packages" [Low,Fix released] | 22:13 |
falktx__ | hm, but will it work for 10.04 too? | 22:14 |
mwhudson | ah | 22:14 |
mwhudson | now that is a question | 22:14 |
falktx__ | I have the idea that xz is too recent | 22:14 |
falktx__ | yep | 22:14 |
mwhudson | i think you might be correct | 22:14 |
falktx__ | I need packages for 10.04 and 12.04 | 22:14 |
falktx__ | different debian/source/options is possible, but not convenient in any way | 22:15 |
falktx__ | mwhudson: should I report a bug then? | 22:16 |
mwhudson | falktx__: it might be good to talk to someone who knows this issues a bit more definitely than me | 22:18 |
mwhudson | like wgrant or StevenK if they're awake yet | 22:18 |
falktx__ | hmm, bz2 makes it 29Mb | 22:18 |
Resistance | falktx__: which packages do you need? | 22:18 |
falktx__ | Resistance: I'm trying to upload a native-source package using lzma compression | 22:19 |
Resistance | uploading to...? | 22:19 |
falktx__ | PPA | 22:19 |
falktx__ | https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/plugins | 22:19 |
Resistance | did you try gzip compression? | 22:19 |
Resistance | (just out of curiiosity) | 22:19 |
falktx__ | Resistance: no, because tarball gets 71Mb and my internet is not the best | 22:20 |
falktx__ | reason why I wanted to use lzma instead | 22:20 |
falktx__ | xz is too new for 10.04 (I think), so lzma | 22:20 |
falktx__ | when uploading, I got build rejected mail, saying: | 22:20 |
falktx__ | Unable to identify file distrho-plugins_20120502-0~precise1.tar.lzma (sound) in changes. | 22:20 |
Resistance | yeah, i'm going to let one of the gods of Launchpad answer your question, I just use GZip compression | 22:21 |
Resistance | and for the record: my internet is limited by my router, which is mostly-dead and glitchy as hell, and I still use GZip compression | 22:21 |
Resistance | (and sometimes I have packages in excess of 50MB) | 22:21 |
falktx__ | what is your upload speed? | 22:21 |
falktx__ | mine is around ~50kb/sec | 22:22 |
falktx__ | but because my network kinda sucks, sometimes the connection is broken, and I have to start from the beginning... :( | 22:22 |
StevenK | re_is_native_tar_ext = re.compile(r"^tar.(?:gz|bz2|xz)$") | 22:22 |
StevenK | .lzma no worky ^ | 22:22 |
falktx__ | StevenK: hey there, you seem to be the guy I should talk to ;) | 22:23 |
falktx__ | can this work? or should I use gzip/bz2 instead? | 22:23 |
StevenK | Use tar.xz instead | 22:24 |
StevenK | Make sure you have Pre-Depends set correctly | 22:24 |
falktx__ | StevenK: but will it work on 10.04 systems? | 22:24 |
StevenK | It should work fine, xz support was added in 9.04 or something | 22:24 |
falktx__ | ok, cool | 22:25 |
falktx__ | StevenK: what do I need to set in pre-depends? | 22:26 |
falktx__ | xz-utils? | 22:26 |
StevenK | That I don't remember | 22:26 |
falktx__ | I assume it's build pre-depends, not normal packages..? | 22:26 |
falktx__ | dpkg -S `which xz` -> xz-utils :) | 22:27 |
falktx__ | xz gets me a 23Mb (lzma does 21Mb) | 22:54 |
falktx__ | good enough ;) | 22:54 |
wilx | And 7zip? | 22:58 |
falktx__ | didn't tried, let me try now | 22:59 |
* falktx__ wonders why linux doesn't give 7z so much attention... | 23:00 | |
wgrant | 7z doesn't really do POSIX well | 23:02 |
wgrant | And I'm pretty sure it uses lzma compression | 23:02 |
falktx__ | gee, 7z gets me 51Mb... | 23:02 |
wgrant | So it's not very useful as an archive or compression format | 23:02 |
falktx__ | not good for source code ;) | 23:02 |
wgrant | It's just better than zip, because zip has historically been terrible | 23:02 |
wilx | IME it does better than xz. | 23:03 |
wilx | Have you tried appropriate switches? :) | 23:03 |
wilx | Or at least equal if not better. | 23:04 |
wilx | E.g., see these https://sourceforge.net/projects/log4cplus/files/log4cplus-stable/1.1.0/, xz is ony a bit smaller than 7zips. | 23:04 |
falktx__ | distrho-plugins 20120502-0~precise1 (Accepted) | 23:06 |
falktx__ | yay! | 23:06 |
falktx__ | heh, 7z with "ultra" settings gets a 55Mb 7z file | 23:11 |
falktx__ | weird... | 23:11 |
shape | Hello, I have reported a bug and someone in the comments told me to do this command apport-collect 993245. I ran it and then asks me to give full authorization to between launchpad and my computer. | 23:34 |
Resistance | shape: probably so it can upload the files | 23:38 |
shape | shape: but it does nothing. It doesn't close, do I have to leave my computer on? What should it do exactly? | 23:39 |
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