
kanliotshould be in release notes00:04
nathwillhey all, was trying to help my neighbor install lubuntu, bug we seem to be getting caught by bug 95925100:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959251 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "** CRITICAL **: unable to create '/root/.cache/dconf'" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95925100:14
nathwilldo you know if this fix made it into the lubuntu release iso?00:15
kanliotlooks like the fix made it in00:16
kanliotand then it broke again00:16
kanlioti mean you're using the release iso, right?00:16
nathwillkanliot, yep00:17
kanliothow much ram u have on the pc youre installing 200:17
nathwillor so my neighbor tells me >__<00:17
nathwillit's an old emachines desktop00:17
kanliotand the livecd works otherwise?00:17
nathwillkanliot, yep. issue only affects ubiquity, live session works fine00:18
kanliotdo you get the boot menu..00:18
kanliotlike "try lubuntu" "install lubuntu"00:18
nathwillkanliot, yeah, we get that. i tried both, same error00:19
nathwillkanliot, i was gonna try to use the debian installer (ncurses interface?), but i couldn't find it in the boot menu00:19
kanliotare you using a liveCD on a usb with persistence?00:19
nathwillkanliot, nope, burned to a cd00:20
kanliotyeah if you could reopen the bug00:20
kanliotthen download the minimal installer00:20
kanlioti mean the alternate installer00:20
kanlioti get confused :(00:20
nathwillkanliot:  :) good idea. then we can install lubuntu-desktop package, right?00:21
kanliotreally i don't know that the alternate installer will work00:21
kanliotthe minimal and alternate do different things00:21
kanlioti use the alternate myself00:21
kanliotit crashes less00:21
kanliotbut i'm the only one it ever crashes on00:21
kanliotexcept for you, and this guy on the forums00:21
nathwillhonestly, i've never had problems with my own hardware, seems to be people with older hardware who run into installer issues00:22
kanliotlike i said00:22
kanlioti donno if the alternate will work00:22
kanliotbut i would definitely try it next00:22
nathwillok, good idea. thanks kanliot00:22
khmeroghi is it possible for me to install unity or gnome or kde plasma on lubuntu?00:58
khmerogim a linux noob00:59
kanliotshouldn't be that hard01:01
kanliotbut i donno how01:01
kanliotactually i think there's a guy writing a howto01:02
kanliotfor installing unity on lubuntu01:02
Unit193Why would you want to? What's the reasoning?01:02
kanliotprobably just wants to try them out01:05
khmerogyes i just wanted to try it out..lubuntu is visually boring to me..its very windows like01:36
khmerogwow my blu ray player makes some dvd movies look very very good01:37
Unit193!info unity01:50
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.10.0-0ubuntu6 (precise), package size 1226 kB, installed size 3500 kB01:50
Unit193install that.01:50
Unit193gordonjcp can get you setup with unity, he's one of the oddball unity people in #lubuntu.01:51
khmerogu talking to me unit193?02:06
khmerogand is it unity 2d or 3d?02:07
kanlioti think it's both02:10
Unit193khmerog: Yep, talking to you.02:15
khmerogokok i will research on this advice02:19
ajacomHi. I'm having an audio problem. Mp3's are coming great on the browser plug-in, but they sound crappy in VLC (dirty sound with noise). When I open VLC with $ vlc -A alsa , they sound fine. But they sound only sometimes (press play several times & sometimes, it works, others, silence). Any tips?03:01
ajacomalso, i'm having a notification-daemon crash at every boot03:04
mi3can someone suggest how to install ttf fonts in lubuntu?06:22
mi3hi, kanliot !06:32
mi3what is that page for, kanliot ?06:33
kanliotyour question06:33
mi3thank you, I did it from another link, but thanks !06:33
mi3I need to reboot, so that some daemons can work, see u in 2 min! kanliot !06:34
mi3hello kanliot !06:38
kanliotdo me a favor06:38
kanliotis this page up or down06:38
mi3its up, kanliot06:38
mi3why do you ask?06:38
kanliotdown 4 me06:39
kanlioti'm probably going ot join the mailing list and bitch at them06:40
mi3kanliot, the font is not getting installed, any suggestions?06:58
mi3yes, now IT WORKED!06:59
mi3kanliot, I referred to this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts and it worked!06:59
mi3can someone suggest where are the startup applications?07:07
mysteriousdarrenmi3: preferences then desktop session settings07:29
mysteriousdarrenmi3: sorry for the wait07:29
dove_ganyone please can test RadioTray on Lubuntu 12.04? does it working? i get no sound, silence07:59
makpetHi all. Does anybody know where the default wallpaper is saved in 12.04?08:46
bioterrorjust a moment08:46
bioterrorhelp.ubuntu.com is slow, again08:47
makpetDo you know where I can download the 11.10 wallpapers? I'd also like to use the theme used in 11.10. I like it better than the lighter one used in 12.04.08:49
bioterrorMon10:36*<bioterror> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/Oneiric/Ozone08:50
makpetThanks. That's a lot of stuff to change :(08:51
bioterrornot that much08:51
bioterrorpanel + button and change font color08:51
bioterrorcan you go there?08:52
bioterrorI cannot access that page08:52
makpetyeah I can, just a security warning in Ffox08:53
bioterrorit's becouse of https08:53
makpetAlright, I'll try to revert the theme back to the 11.10 look08:55
bioterrorI'm not going to judge you ;)08:55
bioterrorI made the same08:55
bioterrorofcourse own wallpaper08:55
bioterrorbut I think you should find the path from the section where's explained how to change wallpaper for login manager08:56
makpetAllright, I'll check back, gotta log out/in08:59
makpetbioterror: what did you do to make the buttons on the right like volume, network etc more visible?09:01
bioterrorchange theme on lxappearance09:02
bioterrorthere's this09:02
bioterrorI always forget the name09:02
makpetozone 2?09:03
bioterrorthere's that icons tab09:03
bioterrorand you have to choose from there that "dark" theme09:03
makpetelementary or humanity?09:03
bioterrorelementary dark09:04
bioterrorit requires you to log out and logon back in09:04
makpetalright, thanks.09:04
bioterrorand it will take affect09:04
makpetbioterror: Did you change anything else except button, panel and icon theme?09:08
bioterrorI had to change font from dark to white09:09
bioterroron the panel09:09
bioterroras you can see from the clock?09:10
makpetHow did you do that?09:11
bioterrorright click the panel and choose settings .D09:11
makpetGot it, thanks.09:16
makpetNow I just need to find this blue 11.10 wallpaper that corresponds to the Ubuntu default wallpaper09:18
bioterrorgrab it from the artwork page, save it your ~/Pictures for example09:19
bioterrorand change to it09:19
bioterroror put your own wallpaper09:19
makpetI don't mean the Lubuntu default one, I mean the other Lubuntu one with no text or images09:21
makpetIt's not there09:21
venerable13Hi, after installation error with teamvewer.deb I can't open chrome, synaptics, term and a lot of programas, solution please?09:29
venerable13I can't write on console neither09:30
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ChesterXhey everyone, I installed the pinyin input method and am therefore using ibus input. However, now I can not - when writing "normal" - use special symbols like: ^, ยด, `, and so on. Does anyone know why, or how to solve this issue? thanks :-)11:14
dove_ganyone can chekc if RadioTray is working on latest Lubuntu ? tnx11:25
mi3can anyone suggest an application for lubuntu for startup applications?11:27
kanlioti don't understand mi311:28
mi3hi kanliot11:29
mi3kanliot, can you give me suggestions on how to launch a script at startup?11:29
mi3I have this conky.sh script11:29
mi3and want it to run at startup11:30
kanliotman i forget the file11:30
kanlioti bet someone else here knows just wait a bit11:30
mi3is it in .config/ ? that directory?11:30
mi3wait, I think I got it, [experimental], I will reboot and see, ok, can I expect you to be around, kanliot ?11:32
kanliotlogout will work too11:33
mi3it will? ok11:33
mi3see you in 1 min11:33
mi3or less :)11:33
mi3it does not seem to work, kanliot11:35
mi3kanliot, are you there?11:35
kanliotsudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart11:37
kanliottry that11:38
kanliotit was on the forums this week11:38
kanliotbut really it might take me 10 minutes to find it there11:38
kanliotmi3 we need new people like you to work on the help.ubuntu.com website11:38
mi3are you sure that sudo command might work, kanliot ?11:38
mi3kanliot, sure, I can help, yayy!11:39
kanliotyes it will work11:39
kanliothold on11:39
kanliotfor example that page could use some work11:40
kanliotif you find something that isn't documented, could you add a new entry to that wiki page?11:41
mi3I think, instead of populating, the wiki should be divided on topic to topic basis11:41
mi3cos, I see that its quite populated11:42
mi3kanliot, ??11:42
mi3kanliot, ??11:44
mi3I restarted my pc, and that file worked wonders!11:45
mi3I added that conky file to it and it worked..yayy!11:45
kanliotwe are actually doing some work on organizing the wiki day by day11:45
mi3so, I was saying, the wiki is quite populated, we can unpopulate it11:46
kanliotif thats something you want to do, you can help the work on the mailing list11:46
mi3actually, I am still a noob, I dont know quite a lot of aspects of the entire linux system, I dont know if I can be of a lot of help, kanliot11:46
mi3kanliot, but I will try to give you guys some help in organizing that wiki, I surely will11:47
kanliotnot really important, mainly it's about thinking about the wiki and helping people find info11:47
mi3kanliot, what is a mailing list? in your own words...11:48
kanliotit's an email that everyone gets11:48
kanliotyou reply to the email, everyone gets that reply11:48
kanliotso you will need a few hours every month to follow the list11:48
mi3oo ok11:49
kanliotand also show some activity on the wiki11:49
=== ComraDerpy[DFP] is now known as ComraDe|funct
a_b0yhow do i check the hard drive for bad sectors and stuff?12:47
phillwa_b0y: there should be an option under your System Administration to access the application (I recall it's full name, but not its menu name :) )12:49
a_b0yphillw, it says the device is busy12:51
phillwa_b0y: if you're trying to test your current system, you will need to re-boot from LiveCD so the drive is not mounted.12:53
a_b0ycan it check automatically during the beginning of a reboot like windows?12:54
phillwa_b0y: your FAST details should be available under that application, just not the ability to test.12:58
a_b0yi'll try to use the live cd, but sometimes the o/s won't even load from the hdd or the live cd13:00
a_b0yi'll restart, and if the o/s loads, i'll let you know what happen13:01
a_b0ybtw, does ubunut use the the original javascript software or an open source version?13:02
a_b0ysome websites will not load properly, that's why i need to install an windows o/s on this computer13:03
a_b0yit's an issue when sending important email and making online payments13:04
phillwa_b0y: the opensource is installed by default. You can switch to flash if you wish.13:06
phillwinstall the lubuntu-restricted-extras package13:07
a_b0yokay, here is a weird problem that someone smart may be able to answer, lubuntu won't load from hdd unless the livecd is connected to the computer, then it loads directly to the o/s on the hdd and not the livecd13:15
a_b0yhow to make lubuntu boot directly from the o/s on the hdd without the live cd being connected? and how do i boot into the live cd when the live cd is the first boot priority?13:17
kanliotsomeone on the forum had the exact same problem13:20
a_b0ycan you post the link please13:21
kanlioti don't think they fixed it13:21
a_b0yoh, that sucks13:21
kanliotyou might try installing with the alternate cd13:22
kanlioti've been telling that to lots of people with good results13:23
phillwa_b0y: you need to install grub onto the hard disk.13:23
a_b0ywhat is the difference between the alternate and regular iso?13:24
kanliotalternate doesn't have a gui installer13:24
kanliotand it's a lilttle slower too13:25
phillwkanliot: alternate is far faster on a low RAM machine :)13:25
kanliotyeah i actually had someone on the forum13:25
kanliottry and use "try lubuntu" then install lubuntu on a 384 MB ram pc13:26
kanliotneedless to say didn't work13:26
a_b0ycan you please provide the torrent link to the alternative cd, i'll try it13:26
kanliotactually install lubuntu didn't work for him either13:26
kanliotit's on our wiki13:26
kanliotwait help.ubuntu.com/Community/Lubuntu ?13:27
kanlioti don't know the emoicon for frazzled13:27
a_b0ywhere is the alternative iso tho13:28
phillwa_b0y: all the various iso's are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu13:29
a_b0yhere it is http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/precise/release/13:29
phillwa_b0y: to install grub onto your hard drive via the liveCD, look at #13 on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527513:32
phillwkanliot: ^^ may help your other person on the forum.13:32
a_b0yyeah, but i can't load into the live cd13:33
kanliotoh damn13:34
a_b0ywhen i plug in the live cd and but it as first boost priority it boots directly to the hdd o/s13:34
kanlioti didnt read your question very good13:34
phillwa_b0y: 1st suggestion is to clean the cd-drive lens. If you cannot boot from the CD (and it is set up as 1st boot device in your BIOS) then either the CD is corrupt, the lens is dirty or your CD-Drive has checked in sick.13:34
a_b0yphillw actually the live cd is on a usb13:34
a_b0yand i am unable to boot to the o/s on the hdd without the livecd connected to the computer13:35
phillwre-make the usb. It has been the bain of many people who are using usb sticks that are just "not up to the job" of being  boot USB13:35
kanliotyeah that sounds like the problem on the forum13:35
kanlioti thought that maybe the perosn on the forum installed grub to the usb instead of the hd13:36
a_b0yi think i'll the alternate iso and try to make a new livecd usb13:36
kanliotman i hate searching on the forum13:37
kanliotpeople on the forum are so nice13:37
kanliotthey have to be13:37
kanliotbecause they can never find anything13:37
a_b0ythe usb should be fine, but maybe i'll just buy a new usb drive and then try it again13:38
a_b0yokay, thanks... i'll ttyl and see if i am able to get things working13:40
mat1hello. Is there something to help about quodlibet? Thanks!14:48
kanliotno idea what that is14:51
dove_gi checked it, some mp3 tagger14:51
mat1(sorry my english is not very good...) it's a audio player: http://code.google.com/p/quodlibet/14:54
mat1it is perfect for me but i think it is not very compatible with ubuntu/lubuntu? Big big bug with 400 albums14:55
mat1in flac14:55
mat1(i'm very newcommer in linux)14:55
mat1i think i will continue to use gmusic, but it's very a secret for me the reason while quotlibet do not ok like this!15:05
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
mat1good bye15:44
dove_glubuntu 12 freezing too much :(16:12
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
pmatulis_my screen flashes sometimes.  notifications?19:21
Fgh_Hello, is this the place where i can get some help with lubuntu issues?19:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:53
Fgh_So, i got this problem with volume controler. Sound seams to work fine but i cant lower it or make it louder. Used some sound mixers from software center but it dosent seam to help.19:55
Fgh_I can thou mute it.19:56
Unit193Should be able to open a terminal and type  alsamixer19:56
Fgh_yes, it opens and shows that sound should be good, thou i cant change volume there.19:57
Fgh_Its not muted.19:57
Fgh_as alsamixer says im using HDA ATI SB sound card with Realtek alc660 chip.19:59
Unit193You use up and down keys.19:59
Fgh_muted and unmuted thou no efect19:59
Unit193Are you using pulseaudio then?20:00
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
Fgh_Its fresh install of Lubuntu so im using software provided. Gues its alsa.20:01
Fgh_In alsamixer i can only change volume in cd and beep sections. Other sections dosent have volume bars.20:04
Unit193THat's not normal.20:06
Fgh_yeah i figured :]20:06
Unit193You could try pavucontrol20:17
Fgh_i will give it a shot.20:19
CTtechguyhello all20:21
CTtechguyanyone have an issue after upgrading to 12.04 with their tool bar at times turning shaeds of pruple?20:21
Fgh_okay, pavucontrol dose the trick, but i still cant manage sound in right bottom panel.20:29
bmoezhi, i want  run lubuntu from console(because it don't open from ligthdm), i tried "X& export DISPLAY=:0" then "startlubuntu" but it don't work corrcetly only with "sudo startlubuntu" and when i tried to open plasma active with "startactive" i got this error "no write access to '/home/<user>/.ICEauthority'" and it works only on root mode. also i only have on my home folder for ".x* " files only: ".xscreensaver" and ".Xdefaults", how to fix it to run on non-root20:31
bmoez mode?20:31
bioterrorbmoez, why it doenst start from LightDM?20:38
bioterrorbmoez, is your install clean Lubuntu installation or what20:38
bmoezbioterror: just installed ubuntu 12.04 beta before some weeks then lubuntu-desktop,20:39
bioterroris it possible to make a fresh install?20:41
bmoezbioterror: not now :(20:42
bmoezbioterror: do this mean any thing : "no write access to '/home/<user>/.ICEauthority'" ?20:45
bioterroryou have messed it up with sudo ;)20:45
bioterrorhttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo explains a little20:46
icerootcould someone please test this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/99354320:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993543 in abiword (Ubuntu) "[12.04] (lubuntu) abiword is crashing when pasting directly into it without any other action" [Undecided,New]20:49
corvus_I installed LightDM on Lubuntu Oneiric. How do I restore LXDM?22:50
MrChrisDruif"sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm" I think it is22:52
corvus_That worked. Thank you very much!22:53
MrChrisDruifYou're welcome22:54

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