
dpmgood morning all07:10
ajmitchhi dpm07:11
dpmhey ajmitch :)07:12
ajmitchhow are you today?07:15
dpmfine, thanks, just came back from a short break and I'm getting ready for uds :)07:33
dpmhow about you?07:33
* ajmitch is ok, got far too much to get done before uds :)08:01
dpmI've given up on Inbox 0, but I'll do my best before uds :)08:08
dpmwow, this guy even submitted a video along with this lens: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/811/08:36
ajmitchthat's pretty cool08:37
ajmitchit does show that unity doesn't screencapture wonderfully :)08:38
dpmnot sure about it being unity's fault. Last time I tried screencasting was on 11.10, and it worked perfectly :)08:40
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