
=== synaptix|ubuntu is now known as synaptix
synaptix* [synaptix] (~synaptix@unaffiliated/synaptix): Daniel00:11
synaptixwrong channel sorry lol00:11
hokachuI'm trying to install 11.10 from a USB stick onto a laptop. After choosing to install from USB stick it started running some stuff, and then stopped.00:43
hokachuIt only said restore soundcard mixer state [fail], everything else is [ok]. at the end is says stopping system v runlevel compatibility00:44
hokachuNow it's just sitting there and nothing is happening. Am I supposed to type something? Did it just give up?00:45
hokachuI decided to boot live and I managed to get to ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ I don't know what to do.....the page it suggests I look at doesn't exist. If anyone can help, please let me know. Although I have yet to see any "real" activity in this channel.01:04
Unit193It's supposed to boot you into a desktop env. During boot, did you see an option to check the CD?01:09
Unit193(Yes I know you used USB)01:10
hokachucheck for errors?01:12
Unit193Yep, that's checking to make sure the "burn" went well and there's no missing/corrupt files, first thing to check on error.01:13
hokachuyeah, it said there were no errors01:13
hokachucan i show you the picture from when i tried to install?01:13
Unit193Sure, but may I ask why you went for 11.10?01:14
hokachuI tried 12.04 and it gave half a screen. it was really difficult to install with half a screen, but it did eventually install. After that the screen was purple with ubuntu 12.04, then blank. after rebooting it did the same thing01:14
hokachuThat's the photo I took01:15
Unit193Did you check a hardware compatibility list to see if the hardware wasn't compatible?01:16
hokachui checked in the forums and saw a lot of acer laptops, but none were the same. the person who was helping me yesterday said it was probably the graphics card, he helped me update some stuff in terminal01:17
Unit193Well, if it is in fact the hardware, nothing I can really help with. :/01:20
hokachudoes it sound like a hardware problem?01:20
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport Did that get linked? Well, depending on what you would call half a screen, could be.01:21
Unit193You can also try #ubuntu if you'd like to get support from a second person. (Second take on it)01:22
hokachui am, i tried here because i am super newb01:22
hokachuif my laptop isn't on the list then it probaby isn't supported?01:23
Unit193That doesn't have to be the case, no.01:23
Unit193Are you in "UbuntuFriendly"?01:24
hokachujust checked, no one was there...01:24
hokachuafter i use unetbootin o create the usb boot stick, it says to reboot. after rebooting should i do anything else or just remove the stick? maybe i made it wrong...01:25
Unit193After unetbootin, you reboot with the stick in the drive, and leave it in for the duration that you use it.01:26
Unit193You may have to select it in your boot option/bios01:27
hokachui'm installing on a different laptop01:27
Unit193Right, "Safely Remove" is the only thing.01:27
hokachushould i try an even older version of ubuntu?01:28
Unit19310.04 as a last shot.01:28
hokachuis there any sort of trick i should try first?01:32
hokachufrom the text part that had ubuntu@ubuntu, is there a command?01:32
Unit193startx? Not used stock Ubuntu for a long time now.01:52
davkbod-ld_Greetings...ever since I upgraded to 12.04, file winows on the desktop have black on black coloring. If I select an object, I can read that object in black/grey coloring. Where can I fix?02:09
escottdavkbod-ld_, have you tried unity-2d? sounds like a compositing issue02:09
davkbod-ld_As it is, right now window shows icons, but no titles..escott> Seem to also have an issue installing anything...Somethings failing...amd I'm a unix guy, but from way back...my dictionary lacks..02:12
davkbod-ld_escott - how do I activate unity-2d?02:14
davkbod-ld_but I'm still here..02:15
ubot2Factoid 'unity2d' not found02:15
escott!info unity-2d02:15
escottdavkbod-ld_, i think the package name is unity-2d. install it, then logout and at the login after putting in your username you can select the 2d session02:16
davkbod-ld_Give it a shot...Thx.02:20
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
rainstakeHi, I just reinstalled ubuntu 10.04 and am waiting for sudo apt-get upgrade to complete, but I have to I downloaded the tar file for forfox's lastest release and flash's lastes release and need help in running those latter two and putting the upgrade in the background.  Am I making sense?03:37
rainstakeMore precise: I have a two tar files to open and install, firefox and flash.  How, please?03:40
holsteini would just a PPA for firefox.. the stable one03:41
rainstakeI do not know PPA definition.03:41
holsteinmaybe its gone now03:42
holsteini would actually be using 12.04 though myself03:42
rainstakeMe too, but I can't find my CDs and left my usb's at work.03:42
holsteinrainstake: i would wait til you get a way to do that03:43
holsteinanything else is a waste of time at this point in my opinion03:43
holsteini mean, if you were running 10.04 already, keep running it03:43
holsteinbut, if you are going to set something up, make it 12.04... its LTS too03:44
rainstakeI see your point, but installing two tar files is but a matter of simple tokens and arguments and I'm only a few steps away from that.  Anybody willing to assist rainstake.03:44
reader__rainstake, http://askubuntu.com/questions/25961/how-to-install-a-tar-gz-file read this !!03:45
rainstakeThank you, reader.03:45
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ChingyI'm trying to install ubuntu on a linpus machine (I've created the usb using linxuslive) - but its not installing when i reboot12:36
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KonstantinosI have upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 lts. nvidia-current driver works fine. But ctrl-alt-f1 is getting to a screen with graphics messed up. Could you help?19:04
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
Chingyhi is there anyone here?19:34
Chingyi have a printer issue i would really love some help with :(19:35
wojoxwhat's up19:35
wojoxwhich printer19:35
wojoxChingy: which model printer19:36
Chingyits an Epson TM-T2019:37
ChingyIm using the latest ubuntu, but when i click print, the printer status comes up with STOPPED (even thought I dont touch anything)19:37
Chingyany ideas?19:41
wojoxokay the drivers are installed but it can't find the printer?19:42
Chingythe drivers are installed and i can print a test page19:43
Chingyand it appears on the list ok, when I go to print. The problem is when I print (for example a homepage) it doesnt do anything, and the status comes up with STOPPED19:43
ChingyI installed it via a ppd file19:45
Chingyany idea wojox? First time with ubuntu and its so frustrating19:50
wojoxwelcome to printing in linux19:51
wojoxit's not that easy19:51
Chingyhaha i see that19:51
wojoxi don't know why you can print a test page but not a file from the web19:52
wojoxwhat about a file from your home directory19:52
Chingydo you mean a normal file like a document?19:55
SidewinderChingy, Sometimes the problem is with the web page itself; I remember I had a hell of a time trying to print something from hotmail. Typical.. :-(19:55
Chingyit seems to work if i print a file in libreoffice19:56
Chingyany idea what that might indicate? if it prints a document fine, but not a webpage or from thunderbird19:57
SidewinderChingy, I can't give you my undivided attention right now; am in a meeting, sorry.. :-(19:58
Chingyeh? sorry i've never been on an irc channel before19:59
wojoxlook in Firefox > File > Print19:59
wojoxsee what its set to19:59
Chingythere are two options19:59
ChingyPrint to File and Epson-TM-T2020:00
wojoxIs epson marked20:00
Chingythe Epson has the location (computer name) and the status says "Rendering Complted"20:00
Chingynot sure whats meant by marked, but its certainly there in the printer panel20:01
Chingythese channels are a joke20:11
RageRiothi guy, I've pulled out the Nvidia card fro my ubuntu box and put in a similar spec ati card which acctually operates smoother.20:25
RageRiotI just wanted to ask if unity 3d is possible with the open source ati driver20:25
XxArchangelzCan anyone help me with my instalation?20:37
XxArchangelzI have a Hp proliant dl360 g4 server, and Im trying to install the 12.04 LTS 64 bit os via usb and everytime I try installing I get an error saying it cant mount the cd-rom20:38
DanaidhHey, is this the support channel for less technically aware users?21:56
SidewinderDanaidh, Kinda'.21:57
SidewinderI've seen compiling questions, asked here.21:57
DanaidhWell, I've got an issue with my wireless since upgrading to 12.0421:57
DanaidhCan't really seem to find a solution easily via Googling, so is this the place to be asking?21:58
SidewinderDanaidh, I've very little experience with wireless trouble-shooting (it just worked), so I'm not the one to ask, sorry.21:59
DanaidhAny advice on where to go for that, then?21:59
SidewinderYou'd probably be better off trying in #ubuntu, if no one answers here.21:59
SidewinderIt's kinda' fast in there, though.21:59
DanaidhAlright, sound. Yeah, that's why I came here first.22:00
SidewinderJust state your entire question on one line.22:00
SidewinderAnd any error messages.22:00
DanaidhPlus I've been using Ubuntu for a while but I still wouldn't say I knew anything about the inner workings, personally22:00
DanaidhIncluding chipset and lspci output, etc.?22:01
SidewinderWell, #ubuntu is the [place for you. :-)22:01
SidewinderI'm reasonably certain that they'll get it sorted for you.22:02
DanaidhAye, it's probably just something simple22:02
DanaidhBut all I get by Google trawling is just stuff telling me to compile my own kernel22:03
SidewinderDanaidh, BTW, did you search ubuntuforums.org as well?22:03
DanaidhYeah I did22:03
SidewinderYes, I would suggest #u, then..22:03
DanaidhWell thanks for the advice anyway22:04
SidewinderMy pleasure. :-)22:04
DanaidhOff to the madness of #ubuntu22:05
SidewinderI know what you mean..22:05
zz_paddyi think i should  be here instead22:10
SidewinderInstead of where?22:11
zz_paddy#ubuntu i thought installing services on centos was hard till i started trying to install ubuntu on laptop22:12
zz_paddyevery site ive been to all have been extracted to usb stick but cant seem to reboot and run from usb ( have made usb stick iso) and when i do extract files its telling me that the live cd files are missing22:13
zz_paddyhopefully this next one has the files i need :)22:14
Sidewinderzz_paddy, If it's installing and configuring various services, I would think that #ubuntu is the place; probably not a 'beginners' type of issue. Not only that but this channel is rather quiet, now..22:14
zz_paddyohh i see no probs :)22:15
SidewinderThat's a good thing!22:17
SidewinderFood! BRB..22:18
hokachuI might never be able to leave this channel because I am so beginner.....My goal is to get Ubuntu to install and boot up.22:29

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