
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
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dglassany bug supervisors able to answer a question or two about SRUs?08:08
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mlankhorstCan I please be added to the bugs team? :)13:07
hggdhmlankhorst: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad with special emphasys on "Requirements" at the end. Then please apply, and we will approve you13:11
mlankhorstI've read it, subscribed to ml and applied13:12
* hggdh looks at email, and find mlankhorst's application13:12
hggdhmlankhorst: welcome to the Bug Squad! :-)13:13
hggdhmlankhorst: sorry13:13
mlankhorstnp :)13:13
mlankhorstand thanks13:13
hggdhmlankhorst: heh, my pleasure. We sure need the help13:14
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=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
EddieThello all, would this be a place to report an issue with installing the bridge-utils package on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:24
EvilResistanceEddieT, not exactly, filing a bug on launchpad against the package might be *if* the issue is a bug in the package15:29
EvilResistancegetting support with this is in #ubuntu15:29
EddieTso my issue is that it will not install, gets a has sum mismatch15:29
EddieTpackage downloads, but willnot install15:30
EddieThash sum mismatch, sorry typing15:30
EvilResistancebleh, windows limitations...15:30
* EvilResistance grabs his LiveUSB, and boots to it15:30
EddieTseems to be an issue with the files in the repo..not necessarily an ubuntu issue...15:30
EvilResistanceEddieT:  this is 12.04?15:34
EddieTyes, 12.04 LTS 64 bit15:34
EddieTworked on Monday, but since Tuesday get the error when trying to do "apt-get install bridge-utils"15:35
EddieTGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main bridge-utils amd64 1.5-2ubuntu6 [31.4 kB]15:35
EddieTFetched 31.4 kB in 0s (0 B/s)15:35
EddieTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bridge-utils/bridge-utils_1.5-2ubuntu6_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch15:36
EvilResistanceoyi, pastebin15:36
EvilResistancehas nobody in the world heard of pastebin? :/15:36
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:36
EddieTwell I am not an IRC regular at all...my apologies15:36
EvilResistancei've been meaning to install Precise...15:36
* EvilResistance downloads a precise installation image and preps a VM15:36
EddieTi had no issues until yesterday, was able to build 3 or 4 test nodes...now i cannot get the bridge-utils...thought i would try here...15:37
EvilResistancewell if i can get an instance of Precise up and running, then i can see if hte issue is localized to just your system15:37
EvilResistanceor globally15:37
EddieTthat would be a great test15:37
EddieTI have a partner in Oregon doing same...but he is more n00b than I15:38
EvilResistanceproblem is downloading Precise :P15:38
* EvilResistance doesnt have an ISO yet15:38
EddieTbasic install, update, dist-upgrade, then try bridge-utils15:38
EddieTit has to be the md5 hash is what I am thinking...or something is getting twisted on the download, but this is a pretty small package15:39
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EddieTapt-get install -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True bridge-utils15:47
EddieTEvilResistance , that command worked15:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 993378 in pidgin "pastebinit sould be a dependency" [Wishlist,Triaged]16:25
EvilResistanceits needed as triage/wishlist on irssi16:25
bdmurrayEvilResistance: done thanks16:28
EvilResistancebdmurray:  it's going to be filed against two other packages, and need wishlisting too, so stick around ;P16:28
EvilResistancesame bug, xchat and xchat-gnome, wishlist is required16:29
EvilResistancebdmurray:  ^16:37
greg_gEvilResistance: can you think of a situation where we have made a dependency just because "if you're using this, you might want to use this" intead of "this program actually needs this to function" (excluding meta packages, of course)16:41
EvilResistancegreg_g:  i'm doing proxy-adding for the bug's OP16:41
EvilResistancenot myself16:41
EvilResistanceto be honest, IMHO, those should all be invalid'd16:42
* greg_g nods16:42
EvilResistanceto add an additional dependency to packages is pointless16:42
* EvilResistance is a packager for the nginx package, and knows this all to well that adding unnecessary optional dependencies is useless16:42
EvilResistanceit could be a "Recommends:" level thing, but not a dependency16:43
EvilResistance(or could be omitted altogether)16:43
greg_gright, I understand the desire to say "just run this command 'dmesg | grep blah | pastebinit" without having to first say "install pastebinit" but....16:43
EvilResistanceyou and i are on the same page :)16:43
greg_gyeah :)16:43
EvilResistancehaving said this, the guy asked to have them added, then noted he's having browser issues, so...16:43
* EvilResistance is in the other channel where he is16:43
greg_gwell, thanks for helping eitherway :)16:44
EvilResistancebut, according to the triage guide, if its a feature request, and isnt a completely bonkers request, it goes to wishlist16:44
EvilResistance(and since i'm not bugcontrol, i can't set triage/wishlist)16:45
EvilResistance(although to be honest, if I had any sort of real ultimate power concerning the packages, this bug/featurerequest would be invalid)16:45
greg_g:) yeah, correct16:46
EvilResistanceand now i'm ranting, sorta, which means its time to get the next round of coffee for me16:47
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=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
KverasShould I file a bug report if a program from the repositories is not behaving as it should when interacting with the unity global menu while maximized, ie. creating it's own maximized window borders or similar, or are these not considered bugs?23:25
KverasI just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openttd/+bug/993624 but then I got second thoughts and wondered if maybe it's not considered a bug after all. I try to make an effort to be a good community member, so I just want to know for future bugs of similar kind.23:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 993624 in openttd "Openttd does not use the global panel menu when maximized" [Undecided,New]23:27
Resistance!info ncurses precise23:36
Resistancedamn it closed the bots channel23:37
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