
ZetaRC12mate 1.0 on mint12, nrrd a battery indicator01:32
Mkays|!mint | zetarc1201:33
ubot2zetarc12: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:33
ZetaRC12well mint is like 95% ubuntu, every ubuntu guide seems to work perfectly with it01:41
khmerogwhats everyone doing?01:41
ZetaRC12khmerog not much, trying to prep this netbook with linux, only has xp, acer didn't include a disc and refuses to send one for thess then $20 even though xp is deadin a little over a year01:47
khmerogi thought this chat room is a class room and will teach us about ubuntu01:48
khmeroglike teach us basics and tricks and tweaks01:48
khmerogzetarc12 do u have the windows XP key? the code?01:49
ZetaRC12khmerog yeah, but it didn't work with the .iso I had ripped off a newegg bought copy of xp sp301:50
khmerogi had to download 3 differnt version of XP in order to get my XP key to work01:53
khmerogremeber there is XP oem, XP oem SP 3, and windows XP retail, retail SP3, etc.01:54
khmerogbut what are the specs of your notebook? CPU and ram please01:54
Mkays|Zetarc12, but it's still different. And mate isn't available in official Ubuntu repositories01:56
ZetaRC12which is a shame as the desktops based on gnome 3 are all terrible and LXDE and XFCE are lacking01:58
khmerogi have lubuntu right now on my pentium 4 laptop...its very boring and windows like but it is very responsive compared to XP02:03
khmerogi think it is running LXDE02:03
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cyphermoxeveryone ready? I guess my time is up for preparing this session ;)13:58
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Configuring your network using NetworkManager - Instructors: cyphermox
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.14:01
cyphermoxHi, I'm Mathieu Trudel, Ubuntu Developer, employed by Canonical and the usual suspect for breaking your network :) In all seriousness though, I'm the one usually responsible for NetworkManager -- I say "usually", because we *do* encourage users to contribute. It's not as scary as you may think; but you can ask me about the details later :)14:02
cyphermoxI'll run this session in two parts: the first I'll give a few tricks to make NetworkManager really do what you want it to do; then I'll answer any questions.14:02
cyphermoxFor the second part, I'll go into some small debugging tips if things don't go as planned, so that you can understand what's going on and hopefully get online to be able to report a bug, if necessary14:03
cyphermoxThen I'll obviously answer any other questions :)14:03
cyphermoxOne of the key things we did in 12.04 was to make it as simple as possible to deal with DNS (what translates between URL names and IP addresses used on the Internet); to do this we enabled dnsmasq (a local nameserver) by default; I'll show you how to debug issues related to this shortly.14:04
cyphermoxThe jist of it is: that's supposed to help you and make your life easier, just working properly out of the box for almost everyone, but we understand that some use cases don't work well with it, so I'll show you how to disable it... just before getting into the debugging part.14:05
cyphermoxBut first, let's talk about routing. Routing is basically what decides how traffic goes from your computer and any interfaces it has to other systems on the Internet, choosing what interface to use and what other systems to talk to. (I'm simplifying, but you get the idea)14:05
cyphermoxRouting is special in that NetworkManager uses a particular rule to choose the most useful connection -- basically, Wired is always preferred, followed by Wireless, then by 3G and other connections. To circumvent this if you want to be connected to a wired network to... debug your wireless router, for instance, and on wireless at the same time, you can toggle the "Use this connection only for the resources on its14:05
cyphermoxnetwork" checkbox.14:05
cyphermoxTo do this, click the Network indicator (nm-applet), then Edit Connections...  http://imgur.com/ld2cq14:06
cyphermox^^ the link above is a screenshot I took from my system.14:06
cyphermox(also, feel free to jump in in #ubuntu-classroom-chat and ping me if I'm going too fast)14:07
cyphermoxYou'll see the list of all your connections. Those also match with files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections as long as they are set "Available to all users", which is a checkbox in the next screen (the one that shows up when you hit Edit in the connection editor). http://imgur.com/6bcGg14:07
cyphermoxUsually, you won't have to add new networks via the editor, because most cases are already covered by clicking on a wireless network, which will automatically create the right type of connection as long as it gets properly detected by NM.14:08
cyphermoxShould you need to, though, for specific Wired settings, or for a new Wireless network that is invisible, you can use Add and enter the settings. For wireless, all you really need is a name for the connection, and to fill in the SSID below (and then any security settings under the Wireless Security tab).14:09
cyphermoxIf you're filling in a connection and you can't click the "Save" button, it just means that NM is still expecting you to enter data, or that the data is not entered correctly (it can't make sense of it, like using commas instead of periods in IP addresses)14:09
cyphermoxTo get back to routing, you'll see under the IPv4 (and IPv6!!) tab, a button labelled "Routes". If you click on it, a new dialog will appear and allow you to toggle that "Use this connection....", which will make that connection not be used as the "default" for accessing the Internet. See http://imgur.com/zvshy14:10
cyphermox"Use this connection only for the resources on its network" is basically doing exactly what it means: that connection will not become the default route (the one used for Internet access, basically), but you should still be able to connect to any other machines connected to the same network14:11
cyphermoxQuestions so far?14:11
cyphermox(make sure you drop by in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, which is where I'll be able to see them)14:12
cyphermoxLet's continue :)14:12
cyphermoxNow, let's talk about configuration files in NetworkManager:14:12
cyphermoxThere are two basic types of configuration files for NetworkManager, the global configuration which handles the internal NM stuff; and per-connection configurations which describe the settings you've selected. So if you want to move connections from one computer to the other (and basically, back stuff up) you can now do this easily by copying the contents of /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections!14:13
cyphermoxThe global configuration is largely explained in the manual page NetworkManager.conf(5); it has the details about plugins to use (we use ifupdown and keyfile: ifupdown understands the /etc/network/interfaces configuration file from ifupdown (something we inherit from Debian), and keyfile reads the per-connection configs.14:13
cyphermoxIt also has a line "dns=dnsmasq"; this is what enables the use of dnsmasq as a local nameserver; it's also the line you want to remove or comment out if you find that this is being a problem -- but I strongly encourage you to seek help if you think it's being an issue!14:14
cyphermoxA good place to ask for this is #ubuntu; or #ubuntu-bugs if you're about to file a bug about it14:15
cyphermoxIf this kind of thing doesn't work, we definitely want to know about how you use NetworkManager, so that we can provide you with a solution (or fix a bug!)14:15
cyphermoxThe usual NetworkManager.conf file should look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:16
cyphermoxah, oops14:16
cyphermox^^ in the above, the other think I didn't mention yet is that weird "managed=false" line14:17
cyphermoxThis is another special trick that deals with /etc/network/interfaces, the way that is used in Debian, and on servers, to configure network connections14:18
cyphermoxWhat it means is: if managed is "false"; NM will simply ignore any device configured in /etc/network/interfaces, and assume they are *online*14:18
cyphermoxIf it's set to "true", the same applies, but NM will also try to make it possible to enable and disable that connection from the applet!14:19
cyphermoxIt's useful if you're trying to do special configurations that use both NM and ifupdown -- but that's outside of the scope of this session; just ask me at the end if you're more curious about details related to this.14:19
cyphermoxNow, let's look at a standard per-connection configuration file14:20
cyphermoxThose are under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections -- they require root to be read, and may contain passwords; so I encourage you not to share them unless absolutely necessary (and after removing the password)14:21
cyphermox^^ this is a free wifi connection I use in Montreal, a small cafe with small businesses and LUG meetings :)14:22
cyphermoxAs you can see, the top part is just the name of the connection and matches the name of the file14:22
cyphermoxit's followed by some magic to make sure all connections are unique, and to clarify the type of device it's for14:22
cyphermoxSince there's a UUID involved, I encourage you not to try to write them yourselves; but if you must, the UUID can be generated by the 'uuidgen -r' command.14:23
cyphermoxIn the 802-11-wireless section, the name of the wireless (ssid=) is all that's really required, but the other fields further clarify other details, such as the mac address of the accesspoint14:24
cyphermoxThen, as you can see, IPv6 and IPv4 are set to "auto", which has been the default since 11.10; and means to get IP addresses via DHCP or autoconfiguration -- that normally works well, but if you had configured it differently, it would also be written there14:25
cyphermoxIf you want to configure a connection to use static addresses, scroll back up above to the part where I showed the "Available to all users" checkbox, and you can change the settings in the IPv4 (or IPv6) tabs to set the static address, after switching the "Method" dropdown at the top to "Manual"14:27
cyphermoxI have more time for questions now, before I jump in to debugging tips -- I'm not getting too deep in configuration specifics, because I think it's pretty obvious in the dialogs, but if not, feel free to ask :)14:28
cyphermoxNo questions?14:30
* cyphermox prepares links for debugging tips14:30
cyphermoxSo, one of the things I fixed some time ago was to make the wiki page for Debugging NetworkManager clearer (I hope), and useful both for developers and users, also making it simpler to get all the information for a bug report (which means you can also quickly get all the information to figure things out yourself, if you know a few tricks about wifi)14:32
cyphermoxThat page is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager14:32
cyphermoxin "Understanding your bug and getting more information", keys things are two links: matching error and reason codes to what they mean!14:33
cyphermoxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager/ReasonCodes is a page I generate straight from the NetworkManager source code; and explains the various error messages and reasons you may see in logs.14:34
cyphermoxEverything that NM sees and thinks is of interest ends up in /var/log/syslog; there's lots of information there, and that wiki link above helps make sense of it14:34
cyphermoxThis may help you figure out what is going wrong, and in some cases avoid opening bugs when it may be details to discuss with your network's administrator (assuming it's an issue with your office's wifi), or an indication of a configuration that may be just about to fail14:36
cyphermoxThe second link is a little more scary: http://hostap.epitest.fi/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=hostap.git;a=blob;f=src/common/ieee802_11_defs.h14:36
cyphermoxI'm pointing it out because it does come up every once in a while in bug reports, and in questions: it contains the description of the reason codes from wpasupplicant14:37
cyphermoxWpasupplicant is what NM uses to establish encrypted wireless connections; since it's a program external to NetworkManager, it writes its own information to /var/log/syslog, some of it is a little cryptic.14:38
cyphermoxIf you scroll down on that link to the entries starting in WLAN_STATUS_ and WLAN_REASON_; you can match those to messages from wpasupplicant when it fails to connect (the things you'll see, once again, in /var/log/syslog)14:39
cyphermoxLet me see if I can find a good example.14:39
cyphermoxwpa_supplicant[1152]: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=58:6d:8f:70:71:d6 reason=414:40
cyphermoxthere's also reason 3 that is pretty common14:40
cyphermoxReason 4 means WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY; which I think means I took too long to authenticate myself (in this particular case)14:41
cyphermoxReason 3 would mean that it's a normal disconnection (DEAUTH_LEAVING) because of roaming to a different network, or changing connections.14:41
cyphermoxThis is data that is particularly useful when reporting bugs, because it gives me (and other developers) and idea of what might have happened without needing packet traces, or access to the wireless access-point ;)14:42
cyphermoxOther issues that come up often in large locations is WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_AP_BUSY 5; which can mean that there are too many clients connected to the access point already14:43
cyphermoxI've seen this happen a few times in bug reports, in university environments where the APs may be pretty busy14:43
cyphermoxBack to the wiki page:14:44
cyphermoxThere's another link, to the upstream debugging page: http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/Debugging. If you're curious, and in need of more tricks on figuring out what might be happening that's a nice place to look14:44
cyphermoxIn 11.10, we also made it easier to get debugging logs14:44
cyphermoxBefore, you had to shut down NetworkManager (and lose your connection), then start it again with a complicated command-line.14:45
cyphermoxOr if you wanted to get debugging logs from wpasupplicant, you had to *edit* configuration files as root -- not very fun, for anyone14:45
cyphermoxI wrote a small script in Python that makes this easier: see "Getting debug logs" on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager14:46
cyphermoxthat script has since made it upstream, and is now shipped with every install of Ubuntu Desktop:14:46
cyphermoxsudo python /usr/lib/NetworkManager/debug-helper.py --nm debug14:47
cyphermoxYou can with this quickly enable debugging in NM, in ModemManager (for 3G connections), and in wpasupplicant14:47
cyphermoxSee sudo /usr/lib/NetworkManager/debug-helper.py --help14:48
cyphermoxWhen responding to bug reports, I'll ask for the kind of debugging information needed.14:48
cyphermoxThe last think I want to show is "nmcli"14:49
cyphermoxNot purely debugging, but it's a nice little tool that can be useful if you need to get online and can't start the graphical interface14:49
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cyphermoxIt interfaces with NetworkManager to allow you to bring down, or bring up connections.14:49
cyphermoxUnfortunately, it does not yet *create* connections, that's something we want to fix for 12.10.14:50
cyphermoxThe interface for it is a little complicated; but "nmcli help" helps14:50
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.14:50
cyphermoxFor any of the commands in it you can use "nmcli <command>  help", like "nmcli con help"14:50
cyphermoxSo, to bring up a connection from the command line:14:51
cyphermoxnmcli con up id "cyphermox.net"14:51
cyphermox(changing "cyphermox.net" with whatever your connection is called ;)14:51
cyphermox'nmcli con' lists all connections, and 'nmcli dev' lists all the devices.14:52
cyphermoxnmcli con status id "UQAM Wi-Fi" can give you all the information about a connection14:53
cyphermoxThough "nm-tool" is a slightly simpler way to get all this in one go :)14:53
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cyphermoxand finally, if you want to list wireless networks in range, you can try "nmcli dev wifi list"14:53
cyphermoxI'm pretty much done; any questions?14:54
cyphermoxIf you want to contact me on IRC, I'm mostly always connected and hanging out in #nm with other NetworkManager developers... As well as in many many channels. Feel free to ping me if you need help figuring out what might be going wrong, but I do encourage bug reports rather than email or other forms of contact, it's easier to track if something was fixed :)14:55
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.14:55
cyphermoxNo questions?14:55
cyphermoxThanks all for listening! :)14:56
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Scaling wordpress with juju, the OMG!Ubuntu! story - Instructors: marcoceppi, imbrandon
marcoceppiIf everyone's ready, we'll get started!15:00
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.15:00
marcoceppiFeel free to ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat at anytime during the discussion15:01
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marcoceppiHello, my name is Marco Ceppi, I'm a Senior DevOps Engineer and Ubuntu Member. This is going to be a two part openweek class the first half consisting of how we setup and migrated OMG! Ubuntu! from traditional host to Juju deploy cloud service, the pitfalls and victories involved with that transition.15:01
marcoceppiThe second half will be led by Brandon Holtsclaw, a Senior DevOps Engineer and Ubuntu Developer, who will dive in to the more technical aspect of the OMG! Ubuntu! charm and how it's been setup to scale.15:01
marcoceppiIf you're not familiar with Juju you can check it out at http://juju.ubuntu.com/ Juju is essentially a service orchestration tool for the cloud15:02
marcoceppiSome back story: About a month and a half ago OMG! Ubuntu!'s main server was down for about three days, on the third day we approached OMG! and asked if we could charm their environment and have it so OMG! can scale their service out when the load on the site grows (say about every six months during release).15:02
marcoceppiThe first steps we took were a bit naive, without much information we used Juju to deploy a MySQL charm, a WordPress charm, and an HAProxy charm.15:03
marcoceppiAfter this was deployed and relations were made; we manually put OMG!'s theme files and Database files on to the charm, added a few extra WordPress heads and pointed the traffic at the HAProxy instance. Within moments all the services died under the load of traffic.15:04
marcoceppiThe next week was spent tuning WordPress to scale properly to meet the traffic demands of a site like OMG!15:04
marcoceppiIn order to work on the charm simultaneously we employed several techniques both within and outside of Juju15:04
marcoceppiFirst we forked the default wordpress charm and started building on to it all the things that were needed to run OMG! within Juju15:05
imbrandonhey marcoceppi15:05
imbrandona few are a little foggy on what exact a charm is15:05
imbrandoncan you spend half sec on that15:05
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marcoceppiJuju includes a collection of services that you can deploy which are called Charms. These Charms contain the information that let you deploy whatever services you want in Juju.15:06
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marcoceppiYou can find a collection of the current charms in the Juju Charm Store: http://jujucharms.com/charms new Charms are being added every day to help flesh out the number of different things you can deploy with Juju15:07
marcoceppiEach charm contains a set of hooks which can be written in any language that drive how the service is deployed, configured, and exposed to other services deployable by Juju15:08
marcoceppiSo, we forked the default WordPress charm (http://jujucharms.com/charms/oneiric/wordpress) so we could commit all the ongoing improvements required to make WordPress scale15:09
marcoceppiAnother issue we had to overcome was providing access to multiple people as there was a small group of experts working on this Charm. In order to do that we utilized a few tools for this15:10
marcoceppiThe first thing we did was gather all the SSH keys for each person involved and gave them access to the Juju environment by adding them to a list of keys in the Juju evironment file under "authorized-keys"15:11
marcoceppiThis allowed us to all to connect to the Juju environment and tweak things as needed.15:12
marcoceppiDuring the earlier times of firefighting we started an EC2 micro instance and actually ran Juju from there in a byobu screen session15:12
marcoceppiThat way we could add additional people access to the environment without having to modify the Juju environment directly15:13
marcoceppiThough that method of access was eventually replaced by the aforementioned authorized-keys way of divvying out access15:14
marcoceppiAs we continued to tweak the charm over time we were able to go from running three Extra Large Amazon EC2 instances just to keep the site up, down to just one Medium instance, to eventually serving everything from just one Small instance15:15
marcoceppiThis is kind of the core of what Juju Charms are, they encapsulate the knowledge of the Experts who know these services in to an easily deployable Charm. As the WordPress charm was one of the first to hit the charm store it didn't have that level of expertise capture15:16
marcoceppiAs the charm store has grown, more experts have contributed their knowledge of how *they* setup that service, meaning when you deploy something like MySQL (as we do in the case of the OMG! charm) that MySQL service is tuned by a MySQL expert for cloud computing and Juju15:17
marcoceppiThat's what will happen with the WordPress charm, as the work on OMG! Ubuntu! charm finishes, the lessons learned from creating a highly scalable WP installation will be merged in to the existing WordPress charm, making it available to everyone for deployment15:18
marcoceppiAny questions so far on Juju, Charms, how we shared environments, etc?15:19
marcoceppiIn that case I'm going to go ahead and let imbrandon discuss more the technical aspect of the OMG! Ubuntu! charm and things we ended up doing to make it so powerful15:20
imbrandono/ Hey Everyone , I'm gonna give a real high overview of the stuff we use to make it so fast, and scale so well then, i'll get into the config bits in detail just a little bit15:21
imbrandonfirst of all like marcoceppi said , the first days we rough with 3 extra large instances running apache and mod_php15:22
imbrandona pretty standard lamp stack15:22
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imbrandonthe first things we swapped out were to bring nginx into the mix with php-fpm as the processor15:23
imbrandonthis allowed us to out of the box drop down to mediums with no special config15:24
imbrandonon top of nginx and php , we needed to make sure the opcode caching ( APC ) was setup correctly15:24
imbrandonand as we got those things started to calm down a bit and we really had the time to put15:25
imbrandonsome of this into code back into the charm15:25
imbrandonallowing us to redeploy at this level at will, and also allowing us to setup "staging"15:25
imbrandonwhere we would test many diff options before actualy needed to do it on the live servers15:26
imbrandonif your not aware of the traffic we're talking about , omg gets somewhere between 3 million and 7 million pageviews a month15:26
imbrandonthat works out to , well −0- time of the day that it can be down and someone not be effected15:27
imbrandonso staging really helped us to achieve that and with juju at a level that we're confident it matched production15:27
imbrandonok now , a little bit about the actual config15:28
imbrandonyou can actually find the code we deploy with at https://github.com/websitedevops/charms-omgubu15:28
imbrandonno this is not the general WP charm that you would deploy15:28
imbrandonas it has alot of OMG specific items15:29
imbrandonbut the general idea of it will be put back ":upstream:" into the WP charm for every one15:29
imbrandonone of the main things we do diffrently on OMG that is not a wide practice yet is "Micro-caching"15:30
imbrandonwhere as traditional caching there is problems with content getting out of sync15:30
imbrandonor logged in vs logged out users , etc15:30
imbrandonwhat a microcache does is caches everything, instead of only anon users, but only for a very short time15:31
imbrandonin our case 60s15:31
imbrandonnormally its anywhere from 1 second to 60 seconds15:31
imbrandonand at that level then all the traffic is handled by the nginx load balancer15:32
imbrandonand actual traffic to php only happens a few times a minute15:32
imbrandonscaling a webserver to handle 300req/s is not all that trivial, but to scale one to 3 req/s is much more ootb15:33
imbrandonthis alllows us to use a very stock wordpress with out much code modification to handle the scale out15:33
imbrandonbut still handle i think we measured right at 260req/s per webhead on realease day a few days ago15:34
imbrandonanother thing we use is tracking and metric software15:34
imbrandonto allow us to know where the bottlenecks are and what areas to concentrate on15:34
imbrandoni've done a quick screencast you all can watch at your leasure that goes over the use of Blitz.io for load testing the staging env before we deploy it to prod15:35
imbrandonand Newrelic ( thats also a charm in juju ) to "see" inside the app code as it runs15:36
imbrandonis where the screencast lives, and forgive the quality, as it is my first attempt at such15:36
imbrandonif you take a look at this file in particular15:37
imbrandonyou can see exactly what i was talking about with the micro-caching that we do with nginx15:37
imbrandonanything so far that you all would like covered a little deeper ?15:38
imbrandonok I'm gonna let marcoceppi step back in for a moment15:39
imbrandonand go over a few more things15:39
imbrandonand I'll return before we wrap up15:40
marcoceppiWhat's great about investing time in Charm authoring, is how portable the Charms are15:41
marcoceppiAs imbrandon mentioned, we were able to create a "staging" environment on EC2 for testing updates to the charm before the went live, but we were also able to deploy the charm locally to our own machines15:42
marcoceppiThis allowed us to develop, deploy, destroy, develop, deploy, destroy, over and over without actually needing to pay a dime to EC2 or another cloud provider as everything was deployed locally15:43
marcoceppiOne of the benefits of Juju is it's cloud abstraction, the same charm you deploy locally, will deploy on EC2, OpenStack, MAAS, Orchestra, etc15:43
marcoceppiRight now we're deploying OMG! to EC2, but if a more cost effective cloud provider was available we could deploy to them if they're supported by Juju with little to no modifications of the charm15:45
imbrandon( we have tested the environment in HPCloud and are currently evaluating Rackspace too , all with the same codebase and "tweaks" )15:47
marcoceppiAs we continue to make improvements and test them for OMG! Ubuntu! upgrading the current environment is very simple and straight forward, since Juju tracks all the units, services, and all those relations, etc when we need to upgrade the current deployment it's as easy as juju upgrade-charm omgubuntu15:48
marcoceppiThis makes rollouts to the current charm, and upgrades to things like MySQL extremely straight forward.15:49
marcoceppiAny questions on anything we've talked about so far, or OMG! Ubuntu! we can answer?15:49
imbrandonIf anyone would like to scale their own sites in much the same ways we're normally available in #juju as well as many other15:50
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.15:51
imbrandonexperienced Charmers15:51
marcoceppiWe have a few minutes left, in addition to imbrandon's screencast on Blitz.io here are two showing line for line deploying OMG! Ubuntu! and scaling it out15:51
marcoceppiI believe that's all we have time for today, if you're interested in learning more about Juju join the #juju IRC room, on the web at http://juju.ubuntu.com15:55
imbrandonWell I think that about does it for us then, again we're always around in #juju if you do have any questions later, even if its normal scaling , we might be able to help or point you to the right resource, and hopefully you all enjoyed the talk , and can now enjoy OMG!Ubuntu :)15:55
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.15:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Gaming on Ubuntu - Instructors: iheartubuntu - Slides: http://is.gd/wWEepQ
ClassBotSlides for Gaming on Ubuntu: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/slides/gaming_in_ubuntu-uow-p.pdf16:00
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.16:01
pleia2Hi everyone, thanks for coming!16:01
pleia2iheartubuntu: all yours :)16:01
iheartubuntuHello everyone! My name is Dave and I am an Ubuntu *only* user of 6 years. Ubuntu is my only operating system. I help out with my California LoCo team and enjoy meeting new people at Ubuntu Hours.16:01
pleia2if you have questions, please ask them in #ubuntu-classroom-chat with the prefix QUESTION: so it gets picked up by the bot16:01
iheartubuntu[Slide 1]16:02
iheartubuntuGaming On Ubuntu16:03
iheartubuntu[Slide 2]16:03
iheartubuntuIt's 2012 already. Lets play some games.16:03
iheartubuntuGaming in Ubuntu has come a long way. You no longer have to spend hours on the internet searching for games that work on Ubuntu.16:04
iheartubuntuNor do you need to learn distro packaging or learn how to compile programs from the terminal.16:04
iheartubuntuIt is now easy to find and install games. Great games.16:05
iheartubuntuLets take a look...16:05
iheartubuntu[Slide 3]16:05
iheartubuntuSo where can you go to find new & breaking information about games?16:06
iheartubuntuThere are several websites that offer great news & info about Ubuntu games.16:06
iheartubuntuThese websites usually will provide links to download the games and instructions on how to install.16:06
iheartubuntuOMG! Ubuntu! http://omgubuntu.co.uk/16:07
iheartubuntuI Heart Ubuntu http://www.iheartubuntu.com/16:07
iheartubuntuLinux Games http://www.linuxgames.com/16:07
iheartubuntuFull Circle Magazine http://fullcirclemagazine.org/16:08
iheartubuntuThe well respected OMG! Ubuntu! has breaking news about recently released Ubuntu games and is a great source of info.16:08
iheartubuntuI Heart Ubuntu loves to cover legacy games like chess and backgammon.16:09
iheartubuntuLinux Games always has up to date game info, and Full Circle Magazine has great in depth reviews of games.16:10
iheartubuntu[Slide 4]16:10
iheartubuntuNow you want to know where to Find some Ubuntu Games.16:11
iheartubuntuThere are now several places to find games that will work on Ubuntu.16:11
iheartubuntuThe Ubuntu Software Center is packed full of games to keep you busy.16:12
iheartubuntuIt's that little orange shopping bag icon on your Unity dash.16:12
iheartubuntuThe Desura.com game distribution website has high quality games available for Ubuntu.16:12
iheartubuntuMany of the hottest games are now appearing there first.16:12
iheartubuntuYou can find Ubuntu Linux specific games on their site here: http://www.desura.com/platforms/set/linux6416:13
iheartubuntuHumble Bundle continues to release fresh new game content.16:13
iheartubuntuThey give you the choice of how much to spend and where to allocate your payment (to developers, to charity, etc)16:14
iheartubuntuIt's a great site. You can find them here: http://www.humblebundle.com/16:14
iheartubuntuPlaydeb.net caters to the Ubuntu gamer and attempts to make it easy to find, browse and install Ubuntu games.16:15
iheartubuntuMake sure you read up on how to install games from their website. http://www.playdeb.net/updates/16:15
iheartubuntu[Slide 5]16:16
iheartubuntuOther Games... There are a few other options you can try as well.16:16
iheartubuntuPlayOnLinux is an Ubuntu program that uses the WINE compatibility layer to run Windows games on Ubuntu.16:17
iheartubuntuNot all Windows games work, but many of them do. Try it out if you want to have a certain game installed.16:17
iheartubuntuPlayOnLinux http://www.playonlinux.com/en/16:17
iheartubuntuYou have the option of scouting the internet for all sorts of Adobe Flash games, Java games and more.16:18
iheartubuntuThe Google Chrome Store has a ton of Online Games and makes a great place to find new and interesting web based games.16:18
iheartubuntuYou will need Google Chrome or Chromium to access their web store here... https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/app/3-games16:19
iheartubuntu[Slide 6]16:19
iheartubuntuUbuntu Games: A Starting Point16:20
iheartubuntuThe following pages are by no means an exhaustive list of Ubuntu Games available. There are far more than we can imagine.16:20
iheartubuntuIf you are interested in installing any of these games on the list, start by searching to see if its available in the Ubuntu Software Center.16:20
iheartubuntuIf not, try PlayDeb, Desura, or the Humble Bundle.16:21
iheartubuntuThese lists are not necessarily the best of the best and they may perhaps leave out your all time favorite (snakes). We apologize in advance :)16:21
iheartubuntu[Slide 7]16:21
iheartubuntuARCADE: Extreme Tux Racer, Frets on Fire, Frozen Bubble, Super Tux 2, Teeworlds, Frogatto16:22
iheartubuntuAgain, these are just a handful of some great games you16:22
iheartubuntuwill find. But there are lots more.16:22
iheartubuntuBOARD: PyChess, GNU Backgammon, Mahjongg, Shisen-Sho, Pyscrabble, GTKAtlantic, Lagno16:22
iheartubuntuCARD: PokerTH, Aisleriot Solitaire, Hearts16:23
iheartubuntuDRIVING: Supertuxkart, Stunt Rally, Speed Dreams, Torqs, Vdrift, Corebreach, Road Fighter, Trophy16:23
iheartubuntu(the recently updated Supertuxkart has some all new great additions, check it out if you havent played it in a while)16:24
iheartubuntuMMORPG: Regnum Online (now called Realms Online), Ryzom, Planeshift, Tribal Trouble 2, Flare16:24
iheartubuntuACTION/FPS: Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Alien Arena, Open Arena, Urban Terror, Smokin Guns, Wolfenstein16:24
iheartubuntu(ive burned several hours on Steel Storm! Its fun)16:25
iheartubuntuSIMULATION: Flight Gear, Danger of the Deep, Zero Ballistics, Vendetta Online, Vega Strike, OpenBVE16:25
iheartubuntuDanger of the Deep is a high quality submarine sim. Worth a look if you are into it16:25
iheartubuntu[Slide 8]16:26
iheartubuntuSTRATEGY: Oil Rush, TripleA, Battle For Wesnoth, Family Farm, Open TTD, FreeCol, FreeCiv, Warzone 2100, Bos Wars16:26
iheartubuntu(my sister is hooked on Family Farm.. very addictive and nice graphics)16:27
iheartubuntuSPORT: Neverputt, Neverball, Volley Brawl, Awesome Soccer, Billiard-GL, Foobillard, Marble Arena 216:28
iheartubuntuThe sports games on Ubuntu is definitely lacking IMO16:28
iheartubuntuPUZZLE: World of Goo, COGS, Clockwork Man: Hidden World, Palapeli, Sudoku, Tanglet, GBrainy, Chainz Galaxy, 7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour16:28
iheartubuntu(some of these games do cost money. hidden world is a nice hidden object game)16:29
iheartubuntu[Slide 9]16:30
iheartubuntuThats about it for this lesson. You can download this PDF document here as well - http://ubuntuone.com/4MBDAYiMv70oQz8EBfBzDU16:30
pleia2Anyone have any questions for iheartubuntu?16:31
pleia2please ask them in #ubuntu-classroom-chat prefixed with QUESTION:16:31
iheartubuntuHope you picked up something new!16:31
iheartubuntuPlayOnLinux makes it super easy for running Windows games on Ubuntu. For example World of Warcraft works great. A favorite of mine called "Future Pinball" run great as well.16:38
iheartubuntuThe new Diablo 3 is coming out soon and I have read several places that while linux wont be supported, the game works fine using WINE (and playonlinux)16:39
ClassBotquixotedon asked: does pcsx work fine on 12.04? just installed it a few days ago before the upgrade and haven't tried it since i don't know where to find the emulation file.. :)16:39
iheartubuntuQUIXOTEDON: actually it works great. the internet is your friend.16:40
ClassBotUnR34L asked: Do you think the big gaming companys are sweeping linux under the carpet these days or have you seen any progress from them ?16:40
iheartubuntuI use the keyboard to play the pcsx games, but a gamepad would be a lot easier16:41
iheartubuntuPersonally I feel linux games get swept under the rug by the big publishers. So yeah.16:44
ClassBotbmoez asked: we found many tutoriels to install some games with wine, but adding this games to the list of playonlinux' games isn't very used as the best way to run win'games en ubuntu. what do you think about it?16:44
iheartubuntuIve been running Ubuntu for 6 years now and have not seen a lot of momentum up until recently with the new Ubuntu Software Center about 6-10 months ago.16:44
iheartubuntuGames are pouring in now16:44
iheartubuntuIts worth checking Ubuntu Software Center weekly at least as new games keep popping up and many of them are high quality (finally)16:45
iheartubuntuPlayOnLinux uses WINE, so for ease of use I now see if I can install a Windows based game through PlayOnLinux first.16:46
iheartubuntuIf the game is listed in their directory it should work great.16:47
iheartubuntuIf not, your best option is to check the WINE database and follow any tips or instructions to get the game working properly http://appdb.winehq.org/16:47
ClassBotquixotedon asked: anyway my big question is why can't there be more games made on a cross platform such as Qt, rather than insisting on putting it on windows.. or should we non windows users urge so?16:48
iheartubuntuI think with google opening up their kernel and kernels merging if you will, we are going to see a ton of Android games hit the market. When? Who knows, but I would say sometime this year from researching.16:50
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.16:50
iheartubuntuQuixotedon, I am not sure about Qt, sorry.16:51
ClassBotbmoez asked: game center become a part of OS (as on mac), will we found a official game center that interconnect with others games services (ex: steam, djl, playonlinux, getdeb-games,...) to help users to install there favorites games easy in next version?16:51
iheartubuntuBmoez, thats a great question and one I have no answer for. Continue to follow the websites listed on Slide 3 of the presentation for up to date info.16:52
ClassBotbmoez asked: will getDeb-games become an optional repository in ubuntu the same way as linuxmint?16:53
iheartubuntuNot to my knowledge, but it is super simple to install via their DEB file or following their easy guide to installing the repository here: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/11.10#how_to_install16:54
iheartubuntuAfter installing the DEB file or adding the rep manually, I recommend opening  terminal window and typing in "sudo apt-get update" to make sure the new reps go into effect.16:55
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.16:55
iheartubuntuThis way when you click "Install this game" on their website, it will access their repository you just installed.16:56
iheartubuntuI have enjoyed this immensely and hope you have to. Please catch my next lesson tomorrow at the same time... "Starting, Maintaining & Expanding Ubuntu Hours"16:59
pleia2thanks iheartubuntu :)16:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: How to help with IRC issues when you're not an operator - Instructors: topyli
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.17:00
pleia2welcome topyli!17:01
pleia2everyone: if you have questions, please ask them in #ubuntu-classroom-chat with the prefix QUESTION: so it gets picked up by the bot17:01
topylithanks pleia217:01
topyliHi all, and thank you for attending17:01
topyliMy name is Juha and I'm an IRC addict. :-)17:01
topyliI'm an Ubuntu user and have been using the Ubuntu IRC channels basically as long as Ubuntu has existed. I've also been a member of the IRC Team for a few years, and an operator in #ubuntu-offtopic as well as its Finnish equivalent.17:02
topyliI currently serve on the Ubuntu IRC Council, which is tasked with governing and developing the Ubuntu channels on freenode.17:02
topyliI am not a terribly technical person, but I'm pretty well familiar on how the Ubuntu IRC culture works.17:03
topyliMore or less up to date information information is available on the Ubuntu wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JuhaSiltala17:03
topyliThis session is about how you as a user of the Ubuntu IRC channels can help with IRC governance and help keep the channels friendly and useful for everybody.17:03
topyliTo summarise up front: plenty of ways! :-)17:04
topyliWe'll try to cover these general topics today:17:04
topyli1) Support. 2) Catalyzing. 3) Contacting operators when needed. 4) Becoming an operator yourself, if you're really really sure you want to.17:04
topyliSupport. There are a few golden rules here.17:05
topyliFirst of all, when helping someone, be helpful. Please do not tell people to google for stuff. They can probably do that themselves, and may very well have tried already.17:05
topyliDo give helpful links. By all means, try and suggest better search terms though, if the user has failed in their previous search attempt, but telling someone to google something is just rude and not very "Ubuntuish".17:06
topyliIf you're not sure you understand the user's problem properly, say so, or say nothing. Someone else will hopefully step up and help the user. Bad advice is likely to make the user's problem only worse.17:07
topyliIf you notice someone else giving bad advice, correct them. Correct them nicely and politely though.17:07
topyliBe prepared to give up if you're failing to solve someone's problem.17:08
topyliAnd here's an important thing to remember:17:08
topyliDo not get stressed out! Take a break and chat in #ubuntu-offtopic or some other nice place. Or take the dog out. Or go and have a beer. Relax. Ubuntu is supposed to be fun and relaxing, and stress will ruin it for you.17:09
topyliYou're not at work after all :-)17:09
topyliHere's our general supporter's guide which you may want to look at after the class: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/SupportersGuide17:09
topyliI don't want to spend too much on this support topic, so unless we have questions, we might want to move on.17:10
topyliCatalyzing. This is all-important, I can not stress it enough.17:11
topyliI'll quote freenode's excellent document on catalysts:17:11
topyli"Catalysts try to resolve problems, not through the use of authority and special privilege, but by fostering consensus, gently nudging participants in the direction of more appropriate behavior and by generally reducing the level of confrontation rather than confronting users with problems."17:11
topylihrm, didn't have the link. here it is: http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml17:12
topyliMore often than not, this is enough to defuse pretty much any situation, or to nudge a person in the right direction.17:13
topyliSometimes, all that a user who seems troublesome needs is to *know* that our standard behavior is a bit different from theirs.17:13
topyliYou can simply link to the IRC Guidelines and remind the user(s) about their existence: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:14
topyliThe thing is, we can, and should, all do this.17:14
topyliYour own behavior is of course hopefully a good example of "Ubuntu culture" and people do notice it, believe me.17:15
topyliDifferent channels have different cultures, so keep your level of "tolerance" close to correct :-)17:16
topyliBusier channels have lower tolerance for noise. Offtopic channels often confuse people, especially new people, into thinking that anything goes.17:16
topyliBut not just anything does of course. They're still Ubuntu channels.17:17
topyliAny questions on catalyzing?17:17
topyliNo. Moving on. :)17:18
topyliCatalyzing sometimes fails.17:19
topyliContacting operators. Since our operators (or ops on freenode generally) usually don't wear their operator flag, you might not even know who *are* operators on any given channel. :)17:19
topyliIf you do want a list of ops on a channel, you can ask freenode's chanserv by '/msg chanserv access list #channel'17:20
topyliThere is also a useful command for ubottu, our infobot, which will alert ops when a situation is urgent and no operator seems to be active.17:20
topyliThe command is !ops. DO NOT TRY IT NOW :-)17:21
topyliOps get quite annoyed when that's misused.17:21
topyliAnnoyed ops are the worst kind17:21
topyliUse that command only when there's an obvious troll flooding the channel with inappropriate content, or when all your attempts to reason with an abusive user fail.17:22
topyliCommon sense is pretty good at figuring out when to call ops.17:22
topyliYou can also discuss with the operators directly. You can join #ubuntu-ops to talk to the "core" channel operators, and #ubuntu-irc in order to catch up with the operators of "non-core" and international channels.17:23
topyliCore channels are defined here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/Scope - basically a core channel is the main support or discussion channel of an official Ubuntu distribution.17:23
topyliChannels like #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic, and the equivalent of official derivates17:24
topyliMost of the "non-core" channels are those belonging to local communities, and various other channels. Here's a full list if you want to be amazed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:24
topyliYou can join #ubuntu-ops or #ubuntu-irc any time when you have anything to discuss with operators.17:25
topyliHowever, you cannot idle in #ubuntu-ops. When your issue is dealt with, please /part the channel. #ubuntu-irc is more relaxed about that17:25
topyliYou might also like to join the IRC Team's mailing list if you have general issues to discuss. It's not too busy so your inbox won't explode if you do. https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-irc17:26
topyliYou do have to subscribe in order to send mail to the list.17:27
topyliPlease don't hasitate to raise issues on IRC or the mailing list when someone is bugging you or you have an improvement to suggest on how we should run our IRC channels.17:27
topyliThe IRC Team and Council may well be blind to some glaring issue you're noticing.17:27
topyliAny questions about contacting operators?17:28
topyliOh one thing. Even though privately messaging someone on IRC is often considered, rude, operators and freenode staff can be bugged without hesitation.17:29
topyliThey've already accepted their miserable fate. :-)17:29
topyliNo questions. My narrative is obviously perfect :)17:30
topyliBecoming an operator yourself. First of all, you want to be absolutely sure and certain that you actually want this. :-)17:30
topyliIt is not much of an honor, but a job. A volunteer job at that, too.17:31
topyliIt is not a good idea to plan to be an op because it "might be fun" - it's not (often).17:31
topyliThat said, you're helping Ubuntu and it can be quite satisfying and rewarding.17:32
topyliWhen people get help, they tend to like that. Consequently, they're going to like you too.17:32
topyliWhat's more awesome than that!17:33
topyliIf you are thinking about this, talk to someone who is already an operator in the channel where you're active and willing to serve.17:33
topyliIf the operator fails to talk you out of your crazy idea, the process and requirements for becoming an operator is described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements17:34
topyliI also once wrote a little something about this: http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/17:34
topyliAny questions about this?17:35
topyliI don't mean to sound like being an op will ruin your life. It's just something that you will want to think about carefully.17:36
topyliOf course, if you later decide that you've made a mistake, you can leave the team. There's no guilt in that.17:36
topyliIn conclusion, I'd just like to remind everyone that IRC contributions count when assessing your potential Ubuntu Membership application, so your work will be noted.17:37
topyliThe IRC Council is able to accept new members even on IRC contributions alone, so we do take IRC quite seriously: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership17:37
ClassBotiheartubuntu2 asked: ​ What is the general action if people are not following the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?17:37
topyliiheartubuntu2: we should first point out that the code exists, and it is to be respected everywhere in the Ubuntu universe17:38
topylisometimes people forget this, especially in offtopic channels17:39
topyliif talking fails, there's no option but to have ops deal with it17:39
topyli"dealing with it" means usually a +q (mute) flag on the user, so they can't disturb the channel, and the operator talking to them in private17:40
topyliultimately, the user may be banned. the Code is not negotiable17:40
ClassBotiheartubuntu2 asked: ​ If one is interested in becoming an IRC operator, is there a general requirement or commitment in terms of hours per day, week or month to hold status?17:41
topylithere is no measurable requirement17:42
topyliyou should be active in the channel where you want to be an operator17:42
topylialso, since our earth is unfortunately not flat, we have time zones17:42
topylioften, one timezone is better covered on a certain channel than another, so op applicants from the "missing hours" will be somewhat favored17:43
topylilast call for questions, otherwise i'm going to call it a day :)17:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
topyliok. thanks all.17:47
topylidon't forget that i and all other operators are available for further questions if you ever have one17:47
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.17:50
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.17:55
pleia2thanks topyli :)17:59
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html18:00
pleia2this wraps up Ubuntu Open Week for today, join us again tomorrow at 13:00 for more, full schedule here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek18:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat ||
pleia2(13:00 UTC, of course)18:01
SidewinderThanks, all.18:02
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