=== Amoz_ is now known as Amoz | ||
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starlocke | does http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new count as a documentation responsibility...? | 12:25 |
head_victim | I believe it's more Canonical? If there's issues with the content I've had luck reporting bugs against website-content on launchpad before. | 12:30 |
head_victim | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content | 12:31 |
starlocke | all right. i'll go through that channel. big ecosystem we've got... lol | 12:40 |
head_victim | starlocke: there may be shorter options, but unless someone else pops in knowing them that's all I got sorry :) It does get there though | 12:41 |
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critch | There are some missing parts to https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/ubuntucloud.html#ubuntu-cloud-install-nova. Specifically, nova-cert has to be installed before you can manage users. | 13:13 |
critch | There is also no section on adding the dashboard. | 13:13 |
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bobweaver | Hello there is there a reason why none of the wikis are working in chrome but are in firefox ? | 15:26 |
bobweaver | we have #ubuntu-wiki tried his and none of us can get to page keep getting apache error | 15:27 |
bobweaver | or 505 or 404 | 15:27 |
bobweaver | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ | 15:27 |
bobweaver | crap worng link | 15:28 |
bobweaver | http://imagebin.org/210639 | 15:28 |
bobweaver | there we go | 15:28 |
bobweaver | someone said log out and back in again but I can not log out if I can not get to page to log out | 15:28 |
guntbert | I am not able to login to help.ubuntu.com/community (I am logged in to ubuntu SSO but then the site keeps me waiting "forever" and at last I get http://imagebin.org/210540 , AlanBell suggested the choice of my theme might be the cause. How can I change/reset my theme? | 15:42 |
bobweaver | guntbert, we will be talking about this at are meeting in 18 minutes on #ubuntu-wiki | 15:42 |
guntbert | bobweaver: good to know, I will not be able to attend though but will find results in the logs :-) | 15:43 |
bobweaver | guntbert, do you have lp I could send log | 15:44 |
bobweaver | we are new and bot has not showed up yet | 15:44 |
bobweaver | I will paste log in Topic | 15:44 |
bobweaver | of are channel :) | 15:44 |
guntbert | bobweaver: my LP account is guntbert, thx | 15:44 |
guntbert | bobweaver: how about you post a solution on the wiki itself? | 15:46 |
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bobweaver | we will see I am going to dig like crazy today trying to fix that | 15:47 |
guntbert | bobweaver: :) - no worries, the immediate reason why I stumbled upon that is a "dead link" that I wanted to remove - on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced, at the bottom, "Using your browser as SSH client" leads to a parking site. | 15:48 |
peppe84 | Hi. I need an information about h.u.c/12.04/ubuntu-help/ There is a procedure that automatically updates the translations? How do you manage the upgrade process? | 17:11 |
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