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jsjgruber-x-pchrisccoulson, Would you mind taking another look at lp: #968759? I wasn't done adding information.02:23
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dholbachgood morning06:40
gesertumbleweed: you've there a small typo in your template for the list of neglected packages: the package links (1st column) don't work, looks like you typed one ( instead of a {06:44
geserdholbach: good morning06:44
dholbachhi geser06:45
dholbachl3on, auguri! :)06:45
gesertumbleweed: and "oops" is listed with the wrong version06:49
dupondjeHmz, valgrind should work trough SSH x forward no ?08:10
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tumbleweedgeser: wrong versions is understandable, the data is a little stale09:01
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tumbleweedgeser: fixed it and re-ran it09:19
gesertumbleweed: thanks looks good and the uploader columns reads like a who-is-who of Ubuntu :)09:36
gesertumbleweed: do you why the uploader name for obextool is broken? the other occurances look ok, bug in the data?09:37
* tumbleweed looks09:38
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tumbleweedgeser: looks like a screwup in Laney and my LP ubuntu upload history scraping09:43
ajmitchLaney: your code is perfect?09:45
geserajmitch: do you really have doubts about it? :)09:46
Laneyit looks broken here too https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-September/009702.html09:47
tumbleweedthat upload record can be accessed vi aLP, though09:47
tumbleweedhave I forgotten how this code works?...09:47
ajmitchgeser: I could never have doubts about such things ;)09:48
tumbleweedI'm happy with blaming LP then09:48
ajmitchsuits me09:48
* Laney cannot remember what package lp-shell is in09:49
* Laney tab completed "lp-"09:49
ajmitchtumbleweed: you could summon mr grant, he probably knows the history of those upload records09:49
tumbleweedmy logs for that import say:09:50
tumbleweedINFO:lp-udd:Importing SPPH record obextool_0.35-0ubuntu209:50
tumbleweedINFO:lp-udd:Importing SPPH record obextool_0.35-0ubuntu109:50
tumbleweedDEBUG:lp-udd:Skipping duplicate SPPH record obextool_0.33-0ubuntu209:50
tumbleweedno record of falling back to -changes e-mail09:50
Laneywe download the changelog09:55
tumbleweedright, that wasn't a sync09:57
ajmitchare you currently just trying to process quantal-changes?09:57
ajmitchthat's one messed up name encoding in the changelog09:57
tumbleweedajmitch: just filed bug 99314809:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993148 in Launchpad itself "Base64-encoded? UTF-8 name in -changes e-mail" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99314809:58
tumbleweedbut no, not trying to process that09:58
ajmitchignore my speculation then :)09:58
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RhondaHost sulfur.ubuntu.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)11:45
Rhondapackages.ubuntu.com now seems to be on jubany and noone told me, and I don't have access there.   %-/11:46
tumbleweedRT ticket time?11:47
Rhondanew ticket in general, lists, loco or mirrors11:49
Rhondaso in general?  *looks at tumbleweed*11:49
tumbleweedI actually have no idea, I guess so?11:49
tumbleweedjtaylor: lol: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdp/+bug/980602/comments/712:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980602 in mdp (Ubuntu) "[FFe] python-mdp raises an AttributeError on import" [Undecided,Fix released]12:16
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ScottKtumbleweed: re neglected packages: superkaramba 0.36-1ubuntu2  is on the list.  superkaramba | 4:4.8.2-0ubuntu2 |       quantal | source is in the archive (in precise too).   For some reason it picks up an old upload from Breezy.13:02
tumbleweedScottK: looking13:02
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tumbleweedI wish I could remember how on earth this SQL query works13:13
ScottKSQL queries are like that IME.13:15
tumbleweedyeah, non-trivial queries get twisty13:15
* tumbleweed comments it for future13:19
ScottKtumbleweed: It might be useful to have uscan results on that page (like PTS does) so it's easy to find ones with new upstream releases.13:26
tumbleweedthat would require us getting uehs into udd13:27
tumbleweedor just correlating them separately13:28
tumbleweedScottK: sorted (re superkaramba, and probably others)13:34
ScottKtumbleweed: Great.13:35
tumbleweeddefinitly others13:35
* tumbleweed tries integrating uehs13:37
tumbleweedwgrant: how do I access UEHS' DB?13:39
tumbleweedScottK: added UEHS links for now...13:42
ScottKReasonable first step.  Thanks.13:42
tumbleweednow, if we can just make the thing readable on a 27" monitor :P13:43
wgranttumbleweed: There's a postgres database somewhere13:50
wgrantGive me a moment, I haven't thought about this in slightly over 4 years...13:50
wgranttumbleweed: dehs database on syklone's old pg8.3 instance (psql should connect to it by default). You have SELECT on everything, if you want anything else poke me.13:56
tumbleweedthere, all pretty now13:58
tumbleweedwgrant: ah, thanks for the read permission13:58
wgrantuuuuI have pretty much fogotten all about it over the years, so I have pretty much forgotten what the schema looks like.14:00
* tumbleweed is busy figuring it out14:00
tumbleweedchange of plan, reading http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/uehs/no_updated.txt will be much easier14:04
tumbleweedScottK: new UEHS column14:14
tumbleweedjtaylor: doesn't look like hdf5 benefitted from the first round of syncs at all14:23
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tumbleweeddupondje: any progress with xaralx?16:25
jtaylortumbleweed: looks like the transition tracker does not update properly, checked a "bad" one and its good16:36
jtaylorLaney: ^16:38
tumbleweedhrm, it's not still pointing at precise is it?16:38
Laneyperhaps you should tell me which package16:38
tumbleweedLaney: the version for hdf5 is clearly wrong16:38
jtaylormeep and libcgns16:38
jtaylorare good16:38
Laneyso it isn't seeing new versions16:39
Laneyi updated it to point to quantal though16:39
Laneycjwatson: can you check if ben is downloading properly please?16:39
cjwatsonit's at revno 145 of lp:~ubuntu-transition-trackers/+junk/transition-tracker16:42
cjwatson(yes, I ought to switch it to the new tracker ...)16:42
cjwatsonoh, there's a conflict16:43
cjwatsonresolved the conflict, hopefully next run should work better16:43
cjwatsonLaney: ^-16:44
Laneythere was a local modification?16:44
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jtaylorit works now, thx17:53
dupondjetumbleweed: didn't have time for it yet today17:57
tumbleweedah, that's a much happier transition tracker18:06
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askhlHi.  I have created a manpage exactly as specified at http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#manpage , but when I build a package it says "No such file or directory at /usr/bin/dh_installman line 127".  Any help?20:02
askhlThe name of the file is ag.1 and it's in the debian directory.20:02
askhlThe name of that file is listed in "python-ase.manpages" in the same directory (and is the only name which it contains)20:03
broderaskhl: Paths in .manpages files are relative to the root of the package, not the debian directory. does it work if you use debian/ag.1 in the .manpages file?20:04
askhlIt works!20:07
brodercool :)20:07
askhlThanks a lot broder20:07
askhlOne more thing: If a script contains a language extension (such as .py - yes, I know it's bad style), the manpage will be named script.py.1, but .1 has to be the "first extension".  How can this be solved?20:21
jtaylorhey octave got a tracker, Laney can you set that up for quantal too? http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/octave.html20:52
Laneyer, is it more complicated than that for us?20:52
jtaylorI don't see why, though I only just found it20:53
jtaylorwe have the same octave versions so it should be the same20:59
Laneyso just the three packages need a rebuild?21:00
Laneyis a tracker worth it?21:01
ajmitchthere were more than just 3 on the debian list, wouldn't about the same number need rebuilt in ubuntu?21:02
jtaylorthere are 5921:03
jtaylorits almost done in debian21:03
* ajmitch hopes there's not another haskell transition :)21:03
Laneyok, I assumed the unknown weren't affected.21:04
Laneyoh, 'good'21:04
LaneyI ticked that and nothing came up. wtf.21:04
Laneyfancy new javascript21:05
highvoltagegeez it's almost 18:00 local time and I haven't evan had a chance to moo today.21:54
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