
IdleOneubottu: join ##super-not-so-secret-channel00:16
ubottuError: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.00:16
IdleOne:/ fine00:17
ubottuDaekdroom called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:19
bazhang<netsplit_comin> http://freenodewatch.org/sudo00:27
bazhangwants to download a .bin00:27
bazhang* [netsplit_comin] (hex@i.love.popping.klonop.in): Unknown00:28
kloeriyeah, you don't want to run that file - see http://preview.tinyurl.com/cbvymst00:32
IdleOneit connects to IRC to allow someone to remote ddos etc00:33
elkybazhang, relevant: * _hex_ (~z@freenodewatch.org) has left #ubuntu-women (requested by pleia2 (lol trolls))00:33
bazhangelky, oh wow00:33
elkywth, xchat copied the colour?00:34
elkyalo that was about 6hrs ago00:36
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daxelky: here is +c, so it didn't end up in the channel anyway :P00:39
elkydax, ah00:40
ubottuPacketmaster called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:44
violinappren1 check xodoo in @ubuntu04:24
violinappren jsh in #ubuntu06:18
ubottuviolinappren called the ops in #ubuntu (jsh_)06:19
bazhang-server could  use some attention (flaccid)06:39
bazhangflaccid> if you wish to discuss anything else, please email me06:42
bazhangvia PM when asking him to stop06:42
bazhang@mark #ubuntu-server flaccid (~flaccid@unaffiliated/flaccid) refuses to follow guidelines, cites helping others as a get out of jail free card on that score06:44
ubottuThe operation succeeded.06:44
bazhang<aries> bazhang: but the ubuntu channel has more members....    <--- asking for fedora upgrade help logic06:54
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bazhang<flaccid> nah, i take it up here     <----- wishes to discuss policy in server07:13
bazhangaugh -server ; is pasting links of arguments about policy07:13
jpdsbazhang: Have him kicked.09:17
bazhangjpds, call ! 0p s on him?09:17
jussibazhang: we really cant help people to install oracle java?09:26
bazhangjussi, the older version 6? from Oracle website? via apt-get?09:26
bazhangor try a deb from an earlier release and hope it goes well?09:27
bazhangthe !java tells them how, but he wants it to be part of the Ubuntu repos.09:28
bazhangand if I recall correctly, it was removed from said repos09:28
jussiyes, it was09:28
bazhangplease correct me if I am in error09:28
jussithere is a script which packages the oracle stuff though on your own pc09:29
bazhangI'd think getting a PPA for Pycharm would be the better option at this point, then trying that possibly destabilizing move09:29
bazhangwell less destabilizing as PPAs are not exactly 100% stable09:30
jpdsjussi: They should always download it from the Oracle website, and all PPAs distributing it should be flagged.10:23
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jussijpds: yeah, Im aware of that10:35
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-offtopic kingfisher being an idiot talking in caps to try to cause a problem, trolled #freenode earlier, made it clear in PM the rules, any more issues just ban10:41
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:41
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ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (khaktoos)17:16
oCeankhaktoos in #u is a troll, removed earlier?17:18
bazhangtrolling multiple channels17:19
oCeanand killed17:22
bazhang* khaktoos has quit (Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))17:22
oCeanremoved him again, might be back though18:59
icerootcan someone invite me to #ubuntu+1 please? sorry for using this channel for that topic20:18
icerootwayland-discussions :)20:19
Myrttiwell, the channel was closed down after Precise was released due to some low quality discussion and it will be reopened soonish20:21
Myrttiwe're right now in the middle of IRC team meeting and I can raise the topic there too20:22
icerootMyrtti: ok, thank you20:22
ubottudlentz called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:16
ubottuilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (Mr_Midnight)23:47

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