
slangasekbah, how did my coreutils merging turn into a coreutils NMU?00:05
infinityslangasek: That happens to me more often than I like.00:30
infinityThough not with coreutils so far...00:30
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infinityAlright, tex* stuff finally all published and settled, first mass-give-back of the release under way.00:57
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tumbleweedcan someone reject cntlm 0.91~rc6-0ubuntu2.1 from precise-proposed, please (that version was inappropriate, corrected upload is in the queue too)11:06
cjwatsontumbleweed: done11:09
tumbleweedta even11:10
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cjwatsontumbleweed: are you planning to educate ubuntu-activity about quantal? :-)11:27
tumbleweedcjwatson: it'll get there eventually. The data comes from UDD in Debian11:46
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dokoinfinity, uploaded openjdk-7 to -proposed. should be copied to quantal16:23
infinitydoko: To quantal-proposed?16:24
* infinity waits for it to show up.16:24
infinityOh.  Kay.16:24
infinityIs there an SRUish bug for it?16:25
dokobug 99338016:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 993380 in openjdk-7 "openjdk-7 on ARM still defaults to JamVM, but should default to the ARM assembler interpreter" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99338016:25
infinitydoko: Danke.16:26
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bjfif i search and replace quantal for precise in sources.list, do an "apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade" it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop20:29
slangasekbjf: I think it's a bit early to expect that to work consistently, but I'll take a peek20:32
bjfslangasek: i thought the new mantra was that the archive is always installable20:34
slangasekwell, yes, but realistically we need to make allowances for the first week or so while we're sorting out the mass-autosync20:34
slangasekbjf: looks like it's related to a rename of libatk-adaptor-schemas21:05
bjfslangasek: do i just need to wait a few days (or more) for things to settle?21:06
slangasekI think that's generally advisable here21:06
slangasekbecause fixing this doesn't guarantee there won't be more21:07
bjfslangasek: any guess how long? post uds ?21:07
infinitydoko: Erk, did you actually test that the new armel toolchain was ARMv5?21:17
infinitydoko: /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 in this armel chroot is definitely v7...21:17
infinityAnd Thumb2.21:17
dokoinfinity, --with-arch=armv5t --with-float=soft21:18
infinitydoko: Sure, but the binary itself isn't v5... So, something's obviously gone wrong.21:19
infinityOh, I wonder if this is binutils' fault.21:19
dokoat some point, I'll dig up my xscale hardware ...21:21
infinityYeah, it's binutils.21:22
infinity^-- See GCC producing the right output, the linking stage breaks it.21:23
dokoI'll look at this tomorrow, not now21:24
* infinity wishes he'd looked at this before we autosynced the world.21:24
slangasekinfinity: does that output actually say anything about the insns used?  Seems to me it's declarative only21:25
infinityslangasek: It shouldn't actually break anything, no, given that gcc is producing the same interim objects.21:26
slangasekand I'm not sure we care about whether binutils *says* the binary is v7, as long as the code is v5t21:26
infinityslangasek: Unless ld does some extra wank that would break things.21:26
* slangasek nods21:26
* infinity isn't sure precisely what ld does there.21:26
* infinity isn't sure he wants to know.21:26
infinityI have a feeling I'm about to find out.21:27
dokoinfinity, maybe upload eglibc built for v5? the crt.o files are still built for v721:32
dokoin this case, shared libs should be ok, but I didn't check21:32
slangasekinfinity: do you have time to do that today?21:34
infinityOh, hrm.21:34
dokoI'll look at it now21:34
infinityslangasek: if it's just a rebuild, sure, but let me poke the rules and see if there's an explicit configure that needs unconfiguring.21:34
infinityOr doko can. :P21:34
dokoahh, and the armhf gcc still defaults to v7 with -mfloat-abi=soft, but I assume this is a minor nit21:36
infinityThat would be nice to fix, maybe, but yeah, not a big deal.21:37
infinityI don't really see it as a cross-compiler to armel anyway, but literally a way to produce non-hardfp binaries on your hardfp system.  Which is v7 anyway.21:37
infinitySo, whatever.21:37
dokoyes, but the .o files really should be v521:38
infinityOh, perhaps.21:38
dokobut this gets me into more configuration mess21:38
infinityYeah, who's idea was hf/sf multilib anyway? ;)21:38
infinitywhose, even... English is hard.21:39
infinitydoko: Unless I'm missing it, I don't see an explicit arch configure in eglibc, so I assume it just needs a no-change rebuild with the current compiler?21:39
dokoinfinity, you miss the armel build on armhf. currently fixing this21:40
infinityOh, well, that would fix itself if the multilib compiler did the right thing, I assume.21:41
infinityBut I'll leave this to you and go back to my other compilers, since you seem to be all over it. :P21:41
slangasekfixed ubuntu-meta uploaded21:54
dokoogasawara, please could you check if the kernel build uses any -march or -mcpu flags on armel, and if yes, change these to armv5t?22:07
infinitydoko: Hrm?  That makes no sense.22:09
infinitydoko: All the kernels they build are for armv7 hardware.22:09
infinitydoko: They should be identical between armel and armhf.22:10
infinityogasawara: Ignore doko's above request. :P22:10
dokoinfinity, why?22:14
dokoahh, ok, maybe we should build an xscale kernel then ...22:14
infinitydoko: We should definitely build a kernel for some v5 platform down the road, yeah, when we know what that should be. :P22:15
* infinity wouldn't be against building a kernel for the RPi either, but not much point until the userspace is decidedly more rebuilt than it currently is.22:17
dokoinfinity, slangasek: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/103954882/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armhf.eglibc_2.15-0ubuntu11_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz :-/23:38
* infinity raises an eyebrow.23:40
infinityHow has armel not failed the same way already?23:40
dokostill building23:41
infinityYeah, but it's done the native libc pass.23:41
micahgso, are we officially devolving arm for quantal?23:42
infinitymicahg: See -devel23:42
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slangasekdoko: some wrong combination of options somewhere?  Debian obviously manages to spit out a build that doesn't require that register :)23:49
dokoslangasek, debian is 2.13, imo not comparable23:49
slangasekI keep forgetting we haven't built 2.15 *at all* yet in Debian23:50
dokostarted a local build, will look at it tomorrow23:52
infinityLike i said, it's fine on armel native, it's the armhf-armel cross that breaks, so maybe it's something not being turned *off* by turning on armv5t?23:59

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