
=== shauno_ is now known as shauno
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Accomplishments Needed: Can You Help? - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/05/02/accomplishments-needed-can-you-help/01:03
=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
brobostigongood morning everyone.07:07
MooDoomorning all07:44
JamesTaitGood morning, folks! *8OD08:28
Myrttiawwww, queenie meets other corgis...08:33
Myrttihow cute08:33
bigcalmIced doughnuts with sprinkles is a good breakfast, yes?08:52
kjalilbigcalm: yes, and nowadays it's pretty safe too :-)  http://yfrog.com/khfwudtj08:53
kjalilyeah it's something to do with the protests yesterday...08:56
bigcalmThere were protests?08:56
bigcalmI live under a rock08:56
kjalilyes apparently so, though I didn't notice much. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/335606/20120501/occupy-london-day-2012-trafalgar-square-police.htm08:57
oimonpostmodern protests are weird. no one can ever really pin down what they want to achieve and how they will achieve it08:59
MooDoonew one to me as well09:12
MooDoooh dear, another occupy london one09:12
iclebyteMooDoo, Can't beat capatilism09:13
MooDooiclebyte: they've been asked to leave, just move em, simples.09:13
MooDooi think i'm going to setup occupy nottingham to make mcd's open 20 mins earlier, it's my right to eat09:14
* MooDoo shakes head09:14
KnightwiseMorning everyone09:16
MooDoomorning Knightwise09:16
KnightwiseHey MooDoo how are you09:16
MooDooKnightwise: going to organise a protest in nottingham, haven't decided the pointless reason yet, but i'm sure people will follow me non the less. :)09:17
iclebyteThey're always asked to leave09:19
KnightwiseMooDoo: protest against unity ?09:20
MooDooKnightwise: unity?  ubuntu unity?09:21
KnightwiseMooDoo: for example09:21
MooDooKnightwise: wouldn't know i use windows ;)09:21
Knightwisealthough , i must admitt , i've kinda fallen for unity09:21
Knightwisewas ready to kick it to the curb after 11.1009:22
Knightwiseit has however gotten a LOT better09:24
BigRedSyeah, I find it pretty usable now09:30
BigRedSstill prefer Gnome 309:30
BigRedSbut I use Unity at home09:30
kjalilhmm, I'm using synergy b/w a ubuntu desktop (12.04) and Windows 7 laptop. Everytime I go back to Ubuntu with the mouse, the HUD pops up. It was NOT doing this yesterday...09:43
kjalilbetween :)09:44
ali1234which one is master?09:44
kjalilubuntu desktop is running synergys09:45
ali1234synergy syncs the screensaver09:45
ali1234some apps send alt to prevent the screensaver09:45
ali1234might be related09:45
kjalilI also had to do "xset -dpms" otherwise it would flicker everytime I went back to ubuntu as well09:45
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kjalilali1234: have you noticed suddens "stops" in firefox as well? It happens sometimes when I'm scrolling, goes away in a few seconds09:47
ali1234i've noticed that, not relating to synergy though09:47
ali1234just firefox being slow09:47
ali1234it stopped happening after i upgraded ram09:48
WobboAnyone knows why there is different between 12.04 classic 3D and 2D?  How to change it? Is all about de ALT-richtclick options. For example ik cant remove / replace like the "time/bluetooth/audio/etc.".09:54
iclebyteanyone rocking 12.04lts in production yet?09:54
WobboOr stuff like shadows problems http://imgur.com/3kUF909:55
ali1234classic is gnome panel ported to gtk309:56
ali1234it is quite buggy09:56
TheOpenSourcererSo is unity. Just had to reboot (again).09:58
TheOpenSourcererLike being back on Windows.09:58
davmor2morning all10:03
davmor2gord, mrevell, bigcalm: I won't be at the lighthouse Thursday,  Sunday my back went into spasm the rigid muscle phase has just knocked off10:04
czajkowskidavmor2: prods10:04
bigcalmdavmor2: ok, hope you recover soon10:04
czajkowskidavmor2: gord is state side10:04
MooDoomorning davmor2 czajkowski10:04
davmor2czajkowski: that's fine just letting whoever might of been going that I won't be but thanks10:05
mrevelldavmor2, Damn, sorry to hear that :( It's unlikely I'll be there as I have so much to get done before UDS.10:05
mrevellbigcalm, ^^^10:05
bigcalmgord is at UDS and won't be there10:05
bigcalmJust me and Alex10:05
bigcalmMight as well cancel this one10:06
bigcalmdavmor2: can you let Alex know?10:07
davmor2bigcalm: will do10:09
bigcalmdavmor2: thanks10:09
bigcalmMeans that I can stay all night at the LUG meeting tonight10:11
bigcalmI'll just moan about being tired in here tomorrow :D10:11
davmor2bigcalm: moreati says ok10:12
diploiclebyte, Updating my VPS tonight10:17
diploIf that counts :)10:17
iclebyteit does. I'd just finished deploying 10.04LTS to all the boxes in the DC!10:22
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directhexmornin' ikonia10:33
diploheh I did think the same thing czajkowski10:34
diploReason I am updating is to get some new versions of stuff10:34
czajkowskiyes update10:36
czajkowskibut to 1.04?10:36
=== christel_ is now known as christel
diploSupported till April 2015 though.. so..10:39
diploBut me I would update to 12 in a few months in a business enviro10:39
MooDoochristel: <310:40
hooverhi folks10:42
MooDoohi hoover10:42
hooverHey MooDoo10:43
czajkowskidiplo: aye tis supported but upgrading now to it just seems odd, I'd have understood it back in 2010 mind but tis 201210:43
hooverWeird: cannot join channel #centos, you are banned10:44
christelhullu MooDooVooDoo10:44
* hoover wonders why? 10:44
diploheh, I expect I am hoover, there are a bunch or morons in there anyhoo10:44
davmor2morning MooDoo by the way10:44
diploI found them very unhelpful most of the time10:44
diploI totally agree czajkowski, if it takes a while to deploy though it means he could be waiting a few more months to deply 12.0410:45
czajkowskichristel: herrro10:46
czajkowskidiplo: each to their own, can imagine explaining another deployment to people, nope just another upgrade to another LTS to do :)10:47
MooDoochristel: mwah! :)10:49
diploGot issues hoover or just generally joining the channel10:49
diplooimon recommends the Scientific channel, ( Built on rh/centos ) so can ask the same questions10:50
christelhello czajkowski11:06
czajkowskichristel: how goes the packing11:12
czajkowskiknow the feeling I'm unpacking11:16
czajkowskiand its currrently flung on the floor11:16
czajkowskiback went11:16
davmor2czajkowski: I sympathise11:20
Knightwiseczajkowski: i loved your wallpaper on google+11:46
MooDooKnightwise: it was poo nuff said lol11:47
KnightwiseMooDoo: :) Lol11:47
czajkowskiKnightwise: ah yes11:48
czajkowskiam having a lot of fun with my weekly wallpaper11:48
MooDooczajkowski: we love it too :)11:48
Knightwiseczajkowski: packing/unpacking . Referring to traveling or moving ?11:48
* Dave2 moves without travelling.11:49
czajkowskiKnightwise: moved house11:49
czajkowskiam also in the middle of packing for uds11:49
Knightwiselots of boxes / suitcases then11:49
Knightwisebummer .. kinda throws you off completely11:57
bittin^workslow day at work today11:57
* Knightwise needs to pack for a camping trip next weekend11:57
KnightwiseGonna sleep in these http://www.google.nl/imgres?q=tranendreef+heks&um=1&hl=nl&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&authuser=0&biw=1221&bih=684&tbm=isch&tbnid=7JL1cSviPC8PLM:&imgrefurl=http://enersfotodagboek.skynetblogs.be/archive/2012/04/12/de-tranendreef.html&docid=z5_alRxR87775M&imgurl=http://static.skynetblogs.be/media/167222/4273290820.JPG&w=1204&h=752&ei=OSGhT76LJOv14QT9nujVCA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=906&sig=110603102820559633957&page=1&tbnh=1211:58
Knightwiseoops , sorry i meant http://static.skynetblogs.be/media/167222/4273290820.JPG11:58
bittin^workiam running memtest and trying to not fall asleep11:58
czajkowskiKnightwise: that looks so wrong12:01
czajkowskihow do you even get into them12:01
hooveris it possible to enable desktop wrap-around in Unity?12:02
hooverSo when I hit the first virtual desktop in cycling, it wraps around to the last and so on?12:03
AlanBellhoover: you can enable the cube if you want12:08
hooverAnd that would help AlanBell?12:09
hooverI don't want any fancy animations, just simple pager wraparound like in xfce & friends12:09
* hoover is currently trying again to get to grips with unity12:10
hoovermy-unity is a step in the right direction ;-)12:10
AlanBellthe cube wraps around12:10
AlanBellor in fact in ccsm the desktop wall plugin has an allow wrap around checkbox on the viewport switching tab12:12
AlanBellmy-unity is just a bad reimplementation of a few bits of what ccsm can tweak12:13
Knightwiseczajkowski: you need to get a ladder to get into them12:14
Knightwiseits prety cool.12:14
TheOpenSourcererAnd another thing - the stupid pop-up scroll bar widgets don't work in Eclipse/Java apps either. grumph hrumph hrumphs...12:17
oimondiplo, just read the scrollback12:23
oimona lot of SL comms is done via the mailling list. the forum is also used a little bit, and irc has a few people but the best knowledge would be the mailing list if there is a specific question12:24
oimonalthough more people on the irc would make it a better place :P12:25
oimonfor hoover,  ^^12:25
oimonhmm having all sorts of issues with pidgin and unity. quite often the buddy list window doesn't appear , and cos the launcher doesn't know about it, you can't see it or choose it12:33
dogmatic69I just updated from the software manager and it did not ask for my pw12:37
hooverAlanBell: thanks, I'll take a look12:38
hooverWorks like a charm, thanks Alan12:41
Knightwisehey popey :)13:34
Knightwisewhen am i finally gonna be able to catch you for an interview !13:34
* Knightwise feels like a fanboy chasing a rockstar13:35
directhexyou can interview me instead. i'll talk all about how awesome mono is13:36
jpdsdirecthex: No thanks, I like stereo.13:40
directhexnah, the beatles are best in mono13:41
jpdsThe Beatles also used to hang out around Reeperbahn.13:41
jpdsCoincidence? I think not.13:42
directhexit's all bars & czech hookers these days13:44
directhexno proper brothels13:44
Knightwisepopey: i must admit , i think unity is starting to get pretty good now13:46
Knightwisehave been ranting and fuming about it for a year though.13:46
popeyyou are not alone13:47
MartijnVdSpopey: https://twitter.com/#!/CountVonCount14:02
bigcalmTwitter thinks I should follow @fosdem and @Raspberry_Pi. I can resist14:06
gordi, being completely impartial and independent, would also like to state that Unity is pretty good! congrats to the people that developed it! especially any developers based in the north of england14:08
bigcalmgord: such modesty :)14:09
diploI don't mine unity, I do find though even after it starting out in 11.04 that it is still to buggy/slow niggling issues that shouldn't be there now14:17
diploI use it daily, but some times in 2 minds whether to change or not.14:17
kvarleyIs there a way in terminal that I can return all the lines which begin with "function" from a plain text file?14:17
diplogrep function filename14:18
diploor grep -i to make it case insensitive ?14:19
kvarleydiplo: Thanks for much - really need to learn then grep syntax! It keeps coming up wherever I go14:19
diploCan do lots more with it, defo worth learning and using it with other commands as well14:20
bigcalmkvarley: grep -ir "^function" foobar.txt14:20
hoovercheers all14:20
bigcalmThe ^ means at the absolute start of a line, so it won't return lines that have white space before the function14:21
bigcalmHi hoovie14:21
kvarleybigcalm: that's better. Is there anyway I can get those lines but stop when it gets to a ( ?14:22
selinuxiumBigRedS, Hey fella, how's tricks?14:24
bigcalmkvarley: time to google grep regex14:25
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* bigcalm tickles christel14:49
oimoni'm running nx client..look what unity launcher thinks it's called: http://ubuntuone.com/4izhR01Hc9ReiNnuqBsbgZ14:57
selinuxiumHave I been logged off test.... :14:58
oimoni find it strange that the dash understands the icons, and the launcher doesn't14:59
gordoimon, two difference systems, the launcher gets a window, it has to then figure out what that window is. which is a very complex problem. the dash just reads lots of .desktop files that clearly explain what icon/name to use15:00
TheFredIm running 12.04 LTS, and i cant get my wireless card to start... any ideas on how to get it working?15:00
DJonesHeh, just had  a spam email "Damaged or leaking Windows may be costing you money", turns out, its not to do with memory leaks in windows or corrupt registries15:08
mattbuntuTheFred, which wireless card do you have?15:22
oimongord, other docks/launchers don't sturggle with it though :(15:26
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...15:38
diploCan anyone recommend a good place to get images for use for a charity15:40
diploSpecifically want an image of a house that I can overlay ( using one from discovery.com atm, and I don't want them getting told off )15:40
diploopenclipart.org seems to have a few but nothing great15:41
DJonesdiplo: Maybe this helps http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/34448/best-free-images-library-websites15:42
diplolooking ta15:43
oimondiplo, flickr have a creative commons search15:43
diploIs what I'm using if it enlightens anyone15:44
diployeah, problem I'm finding is i would like something like the discovery one if possible15:44
diploHaving issues finding one though :)15:44
oimondo an image search in google for google sketchup house15:45
oimonhas some interesting results15:45
diplooooh ta15:45
diploDoing this for them, basically they wanted to click on a room and list what they need to buy for donations15:46
diploUsing a bit of jquery etc15:46
diplo( Not finished product )15:46
bigcalmGoodness, spotify is struggling to keep a connection this afternoon15:53
DJonesThey've just released spotify for ipad haven't they15:56
MartijnVdSso it's all the ipadlings breaking spotify?16:03
bigcalmOh dear16:04
bigcalmDamn them16:04
* MartijnVdS hugs his CD collection16:05
* bigcalm likes convince and is willing to pay for it16:05
brobostigonjust found something interesting, www.m.tvcatchup.com , uses rtmp streams, so no flash needed.16:05
bigcalmWonder why my shared ssh keys aren't working with my parents' replacement server16:07
bigcalmCopied the keys from the old box and put them onto the new one. I can ssh out of the box with the keys just fine. But I can't ssh in with local keys (keeps asking for a password)16:08
MyrttiI've got a similar pickle with my viglen16:08
bigcalmMaybe I should give in and re-create keys16:08
Myrttican't ssh in with connectbot into the debian, authorized_keys is the same as it was16:08
bigcalmMyrtti: glad(?) that it's not just me then16:09
popeyalmost always permissions on ~/.ssh/*16:11
popeywhich cause that16:11
Myrttithat could be it16:11
* bigcalm lookies16:12
bigcalmSame permissions in both locations16:13
* bigcalm makes new keys16:14
Myrttipopey ♥16:14
bigcalmOr do I?16:14
DJonesLooks like VM have started blocking piratebay https://twitter.com/#!/ruskin147/status/197720167445307393/photo/116:15
Myrttisilly Myrtti doing a Linux backup onto NTFS external drive16:15
davmor2bigcalm: the install is different though right so the access details are like to be different right?16:15
bigcalmdavmor2: copying keys should work though16:16
bigcalmCreating new keys worked16:19
* bigcalm gets on with life16:19
bigcalmLife involves deciding what to have for tea tonight ;)16:19
davmor2bigcalm: When I did the fresh server install here I had to use ssh-keygen -f "/home/blah/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ip.add.res.s then login again fresh and magically it all worked :)16:20
bigcalmThe online menu lacks prices16:24
bigcalmHow helpful16:24
davmor2bigcalm: you'll have the steak anyway16:33
bigcalmdavmor2: This might be true, but I like the illusion of choice :)16:34
davmor2bigcalm: there is a choice, rare, medium or well done :P16:34
=== It is now known as It_Hz
MyrttiMark Shuttleworth on BBC1, looks older and grayer than usually :-P I suppose that's not "our" Mark18:35
Myrttiand gone already18:35
popeywhat was he on?18:36
Myrttipopey: namesakes abound18:36
popeyalso.. bah18:36
Myrttia cricket club manager18:36
czajkowskievening folks18:51
brobostigonevening czajkowski18:51
popeyhello czajkowski18:55
czajkowskipopey: lunch time snacks are looking good18:59
popeythey are naughty19:02
Laneyah, the UDS temptations19:04
popeywoman just came to take it all away19:07
popeyso i leapt up and snagged two more bits of melon19:07
popeyhuge and juicy19:07
popeyAND THE MELON!19:07
popeyme so funny19:07
daubersI see popey is drunk again19:09
czajkowskipopey: you know what else is nice with melon, bacon and syrup19:13
popeythey do eggs to order here19:14
popeyso far i have had fried, omlette and scrambled19:14
popeytomorrow, poached!19:14
popeyalso, piles and piles of bacon19:15
Laneycomplicated american fried eggs19:15
Laney"sunny side up"19:15
popeypfft, i give no credence to these details19:15
popey"fry me some eggs dude!"19:15
popey"would you.."19:15
popey"Don't care, fry them!"19:15
* brobostigon wonders about the gas flow in a few hours.19:15
czajkowskigmb: ping19:17
czajkowskigmb: photo walk route gonna blog it19:17
popeyyou might wanna check with him first19:17
popeyhe went out along the walk i think19:18
czajkowskiah cool19:18
czajkowskiit's the route I need from hm to blog it's being done19:18
popeyhe's busy taking photos today though19:18
popeyi haven't seen him since brekkie19:18
popeythink he's holed up in a room somewhere19:18
czajkowskiah headshots19:19
Laneywant to come climbing at UDS? http://www.touchstoneclimbing.com/gwpower-co/tour19:20
czajkowskiLaney: yer bonkers :)19:22
TheFredHello folks :)19:38
TheFredIm testing 12.04, so far, so good19:39
TheFredAnyone else liking it?19:39
chris_wcan't get squid to work since upgrade to precise panglion. squeed seems to only listen to ipv6 lsof -i :312820:50
chris_wsquid i mean20:50
gordonjcpyup, 12.04 *still* doesnt' have the alt-f2 to start a program working20:51
gordonjcpsteps to reproduce - press alt-f2, type the name of something you want to run (in this case gedit), watch as Unity starts something else seemingly at random20:51
smittixgordonjcp: works for me ?20:56
czajkowskiwhoo it's up and out - OggCamp 12 is live http://oggcamp.org/ don't forget to register and come along to the great event!21:09
gordonjcpczajkowski: \o/21:12
TheFredczajkowski, Im downloading the .ogg now :)21:17
AlanBellI feel a reboot coming on21:22
the-penguinHello. Is this the UK channel for 'Precise' support?21:34
brobostigonthe-penguin: we do ubuntu advice, support, and talk about basically anything inbetween.21:36
brobostigonincluding, beer, and curry.21:36
AlanBellmmmm curry21:37
smittixmmm beer21:37
the-penguinnp thanks brobostigon mmm beer21:37
the-penguinand curry mm21:37
AlanBellI think that all the machines in my house are now running precise21:37
smittixA nice bottle of Old Speckled Hen :)21:37
smittixAlanBell: I am very happy with it.21:37
the-penguinor a pint of bitter21:38
AlanBelljust done my server reboot, three assorted kids machines, my laptop (rebuilt on SSD)21:38
smittixTouchpad needs tweaking a little more but that's about it.21:38
* brobostigon has had a few glasses of leffe21:38
AlanBellmy accessibility testing machine is on precise21:39
AlanBelljust the OLPC isn't, and that runs fedora21:39
smittixI need to sort my daughters laptop out. That's just reminded me. I am surprised she hasnt said anything this evening. She only uses it for the cheese effects heh.21:39
brobostigonon my eeepc, yes, unity2d works well, but is sluggish, gnome-shell semms miles more resource effecient, and less laggy. but certainly, my mum prefers unity, to gnome-shell in certain ways, and gnome-shell in others.21:41
AlanBellwonder if I should take the OLPC to UDS21:42
brobostigoni think my mum likes the dash, a more visual representation of what is running, but she seeems to find, gnome-shell's superkey thingie, to be more fluid and swifter.21:44
brobostigonso i think a combination of unity and gnome-shell is needed for her.21:47
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
PsyberneticWHOIS Azelphur23:11
AzelphurWHOIS Psybernetic23:11
Psybernetici'm new to IRC :)23:12
Azelphurhehe, welcome23:12
PsyberneticI've never used such a communication system...until i got into linux23:13
Psyberneticso i'm just trying out commands...please ignore me23:13
Azelphuryou probably want /whois :P23:14
Psyberneticit doesn't work :(23:14
Azelphurcheck your status window23:15
Psyberneticum...where would that be?23:16
Azelphurthe tab at the top, probably says "freenode"23:16
Psyberneticit just shows the Window title...23:17
Psyberneticah i see23:19
Psyberneticit was on the right in my case23:19
Azelphurfun, my xchat tabs are on the left23:22
Psyberneticwell, i mixed up my directions so mine is on the left as well23:23

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