
jrgiffordugh, i really don't like dnsmasq. at. all. :\00:05
Unit193Nice on the router.00:05
jrgiffordi just don't like it as part of network manager on 12.0400:06
jrgiffordbut since I disabled it, nslookup works fine for all the internal stuff, so I guess i'm happy. :p00:07
jandrusksudo apt-get -y remove network-manager network-manager-gnome00:30
jrgiffordjandrusk: and break all the other stuff on e's system? Nope. I'm keeping her as close to stop as I possibly can.00:31
Unit193Thought you were doing more code for a second.00:32
Cheri703zareason is the company I had issues with >.>04:55
Cheri703just as reference04:55
Unit193I remember.04:58
thafreakMorning Ohio14:03
thafreakjrgifford: dnsmasq is pretty cool, seriously...14:03
thafreakjrgifford: if you have an internal dns server, you can configure dnsmasq to query that first14:04
thafreakor only for specific domains14:04
thafreakcanthus13: you upgrade your machine running freenx to precise yet?14:07
thafreakI saw that the ppa for freenx has precise support, but also read people have problems with it14:08
thafreaki also saw x2go's client is now included in the repos, but the server part isn't14:08
thafreakso not sure which one i'm going to try i guess14:08
thafreakso, so far, an lxde desktop on 12.04 over x2go works pretty well...16:40
jrgiffordthafreak: yeah, i'm going to consider that.17:15
jrgiffordbut right now, it's staying at stock until we fix the dns server properly17:15
thafreaki know, probably the wrong chatroom for this...but...20:44
thafreakfor those of you who have to suffer windows, what's the best AV software out there?20:45
thafreakPreferably something that can be licensed in larger numbers, like 15-20 licenses20:45
thafreakmy one client currently has kaspersky, which is up for renewal20:46
dzhooh, antivirus20:46
thafreakhaha yea, this is windws I'm talking about...AV is a requirement :)20:46
dzhosorry, just that I read "AV" as "audio-visual" first.20:46
dzhosorry, I was born in the previous century, is all.20:47
thafreakno prob...you have any exposure to antivirus?20:50
Unit193I don't need much, go for free ones.20:50
thafreakhalf debating whether the basic ms "security essentials" is good enough20:50
Unit193Avira has a good detection rate, just disable the pop ups.20:51

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