
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
inetprogood mornings09:34
superflymorning inetpro09:47
charlvnmorning inetpro 09:55
charlvnhow goes it09:55
inetprocharlvn: good and yourself09:56
inetprojust feels like a Monday today09:56
charlvngoinhg well09:56
charlvnbusy messing with oracle today09:57
charlvninetpro: btw, do you know what happened to floss.pro? site seems a bit kaput09:59
inetprocharlvn: I think kmf just gave up maintaining it properly due to the popularity of other social media and micro-blogging sites10:01
charlvnyeah not that i blame him or anything10:02
inetproeven myself prefers to limit the number of subscriptions to social media sites10:03
charlvnthe only thing i am still using is linkedin10:03
charlvnthe rest i all gave up on quite some time ago10:04
charlvneven twitter eventually just turned into a whole lot of popularity wh***** now i just use irc10:04
inetprolinkedin is one of those I decided to pass10:04
charlvni actually don't like it one bit10:04
charlvnbut... it's hard to stay off it now cause practically everyone is using it to find/advertise jobs10:04
charlvnand a couple of months ago i was looking for a job so i didn't have too much choice10:05
inetprocharlvn: have you become a European now?10:07
charlvnnow i need to start working on my paranoia10:08
* inetpro noticed the @cl-2393.ams-05.nl.sixxs.net10:08
charlvnthat doesn't mean much, it's a sixxs tunnel10:09
inetprocharlvn: BTW, kmf had other ideas with floss.pro but I guess he hasn't started changing anything yet10:12
inetprowas talking about changing to to a simple blog10:12
charlvnalthough blogging is so 2005 ;)10:13
kbmonkey_just popping in to say hi quick :]10:29
nlsthznhow  r u kbmonkey_ ?10:29
kbmonkey_hey I grew a tail_10:29
kbmonkey_i'm good, how are you doing nlsthzn?10:30
=== kbmonkey_ is now known as kbmonkey
kbmonkey+1 for the paranoia charlvn 10:31
nlsthznok thx10:31
kbmonkeystrange, PuTTy ssh shows characters all messed up10:33
KerberoSymmetri1, can we get ubuntu 12.04 DVD images on mirror.ac.za please?10:36
Kerberounless they are there and i'm overlooking them10:36
kbmonkeyI wish there was a place to download linux distros without paying for bandwidth10:37
Kerberoboth are free for me :)10:37
Kerberokbmonkey, where are you?10:37
kbmonkeyin durbs at the moment10:37
Kerberoai ok10:37
kbmonkeyis that on the mweb account?10:37
Kerberouniversity network10:38
Kerberoin stellenbosch we have wifi on which those two are free10:38
kbmonkeyof course, so jealous! ;P10:38
Kerberoopen wifi10:38
kbmonkeyfor the public I mean10:38
Kerberopublic can connect to it10:38
kbmonkeyit should be a basic neccesity, free distros10:39
Kerberofree repo's10:39
Kerberorepoes :P10:39
kbmonkeynot free bandwidth :/10:39
kbmonkeyI checked, upgrade to 12.04 will be about 800M10:40
Kerberoi did a beta2 install this weekend10:40
Kerberoand then upgraded10:40
tumbleweedkbmonkey: can't you access ftp.leg.uct.ac.za from stellenbosch?10:40
Kerberoalmost 300MB10:40
tumbleweederr Kerbero10:40
kbmonkeyI'd rather get a install disc than upgrade in that case10:40
Kerberotumbleweed, i guess i can but i'll pay for it10:40
tumbleweedI maent free10:41
kbmonkeyonly 300? it probably depends how much you have installed then10:41
kbmonkeythe upgrader doesn't show you how much, so my info is from other people's10:41
Kerberoclean install, then upgrade10:41
kbmonkeyto tide me over till I get a cd, I moved to a new window manager. 10:42
Kerberotumbleweed, first tests seems to be open10:42
kbmonkeyyour upgrade went good Kerbero? how is it running?10:43
Kerberokbmonkey, note it was from beta 12.0410:44
Kerberoso not much changed10:44
Kerberoand it is perfect10:44
Kerberono problems10:44
Kerberoi will never upgrade between releases10:44
kbmonkeyclean install is a nice reason to do spring cleaning ;)10:44
Kerberoi hav emy /home on a HDD10:45
Kerberoand the rest on a SSD10:45
Kerberoso every time i reinstall i just mount the HDD again10:45
Kerberoand delete most of the .*'s10:45
Kerberotumbleweed, do you have an example sources.list for use with ftp.leg?10:52
Kerberoie, all possible repos on there for ubuntu10:52
tumbleweedKerbero: it's one of the registered mirrors, you'll find it in software sources10:54
tumbleweedbut http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu as you'd expect10:55
Kerberoyes, but what i actually meant was, do you also mirror other stuff liek medibuntu et al?10:55
tumbleweedKerbero: the reason I pointed at LEG was that you asked for the DVDs, we have those10:55
tumbleweedKerbero: yes10:55
tumbleweedKerbero: http://www.leg.uct.ac.za/mirrors/linux/ubuntu10:55
Kerberothat is what i was looking for10:56
tumbleweedotherwise just poke around the mirror :)10:56
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
* nlsthzn zzzzz cheers12:49
superflytumbleweed: ping17:03
tumbleweedsuperfly: hi17:21
superflytumbleweed: I'm busy looking through the new maintainers guide, but I remember we were looking at transforming my existing Ubuntu PPA stuff into something more suitable for Debian17:22
* superfly just quickly gets LP set up on Debian17:24
tumbleweedsuperfly: I think your next steps are: prepare a package, and figure out if you want to join a team in debian or do it on your own17:26
superflytumbleweed: OK, what does joining a team involve (briefly)?17:26
superflyand which is better?17:26
tumbleweedthe team is useful if you want to get more involved with other stuff the team does17:27
tumbleweedall papt packages live in svn together17:27
tumbleweedbut if you are just caring about your own package, you might as well just go at it alone17:28
tumbleweedhttp://python-apps.alioth.debian.org/policy.html for some background17:28
tumbleweedbeing in a team usually makes it easier to get sponsorship, but in this case, it proabbly wouldn't17:29
tumbleweedI'm the most active sponsor, by a long way :(17:29
superflytumbleweed: :-(17:30
superflyyeah, not that I want to sound nasty, but I don't want to help out with other packages - I just don't have the time17:31
superflySo I don't think being in the team will be beneficial to either me or the team17:31
superflytumbleweed: in the maintainers guide, it talks about running "dh_make" - but I don't see that on my system. Is the guide a little old? Am I looking for the wrong command?17:35
tumbleweednp (sorry, attention divided between IRC and the stove)17:35
superflytumbleweed: no worries.17:36
tumbleweedthere's a separate packaeg for dh_make17:36
tumbleweedit just creates boilerplate debian/ stuff17:36
superflyyup, I figured so17:37
superflyI'll carry on with the guide then :-)17:37
superflyhi magespawn18:02
magespawnHey superfly18:03
apieNaand o/19:04
superflynaand apie19:05
inetprogood evening19:06
superflytumbleweed: OK, I have successfully generated a package - should I play a bit with lintian and see if I can make it better?19:06
* superfly plays with lintian a bit19:07
tumbleweedsuperfly: when you think it's ready, I'll do a round of review on it19:21
superflytumbleweed: OK, just trying to figure out how to get my manpage to work19:22
apieWhat are you working on superfly?19:23
superflyapie: a debian package for my OpenLP project19:24
superflytumbleweed: I have an "openlp.1" file in my "debian" directory, but it is not being picked up... any ideas on what I need to do to have it included in the package?19:25
tumbleweedsuperfly: mention it in debian/manpages19:26
tumbleweeddh_installmanpages will do the rest19:26
superflytumbleweed: one other question... the software version is 1.9.9, should my package version be 1.9.9 or 1.9.9-1 ?19:27
apieNeat! Well i'll let you get on with it.19:27
magespawnSuperfly once you are finished what does that achieve?19:27
superflyfrom what I can tell, it should be the latter19:27
tumbleweedsuperfly: 1.9.9-1. 1.99 would be for a native version19:27
superflymagespawn: I'll hopefully be able to get my project into the Debian repos, and thereby into the Ubuntu repos19:28
superflytumbleweed: gotcha, now I understand, thanks!19:29
magespawnAhh right i see, so ppl could then install from the ubuntu software manager19:29
magespawnAre you the only one working on the development?19:31
apieLiking AndChat, android IRC. If only i had my phone charger.19:32
magespawnApie I am using androIRC, also have Quassel client installed19:33
apieI hear quassel mentioned often, i guess it works well?19:35
magespawnYup especially if you set up your own server with the core to connect to.19:36
apieA server? Like a proxy for all your chats?19:37
inetproapie: see http://quassel-irc.org/19:38
magespawnThe core stays connected to the irc all the time and your client connects to that.19:39
apieI have irc 24/7 in a remote shell which i ssh into19:39
inetproor http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/quassel-irc/wiki19:39
apieOkay i see. Neat.19:41
apieEnjoy the packaging superfly. Gn folks, sweet dreams19:44
superflytumbleweed: https://code.launchpad.net/~raoul-snyman/openlp/debian-package19:44
superflymagespawn: no, we have a team of about 5 regular developers, and a few "contributors"19:45
magespawnCool, language?19:46
superflyPython of course :-)19:46
magespawnHah, sweet.19:48
tumbleweedsuperfly: we recommend using a separate repository for packaging19:51
tumbleweedalthough if you are the only maintainer of the package in debian, that's of less importance19:51
superflytumbleweed: I can do that19:51
tumbleweedyou probably want to use bzr-buildpackage's merge-mode: http://jameswestby.net/bzr/builddeb/user_manual/merge.html19:52
tumbleweedto do that, you create a .bzr-builddeb/default.conf containing:19:53
tumbleweedmerge = True19:53
tumbleweedand have a debian directory in the base of the repository19:53
superflytumbleweed: like this? https://code.launchpad.net/~raoul-snyman/openlp/debian-package20:00
tumbleweedyes, that checks out in a few seconds :)20:01
tumbleweednow you can use bzr bd to build it20:02
tumbleweedsuperfly: firstly: I'd drop all the old changelog entries. Don't they they are useful to anyone20:03
superflyyeah, will do20:03
* superfly needs to get the manpage into trunk now20:03
tumbleweedare there other packages in debian which are competitors?20:03
tumbleweedyou may want to generate your manpage from rst / something20:04
superflytumbleweed: competitors, as in similar applications?20:04
tumbleweedyes, the reason I ask is: Priority: extra20:04
tumbleweedextra is usually an alternative of an optional package in the archive20:05
superflytumbleweed: oh, no I don't think there are... that's just what was there previously20:05
tumbleweedso you probably want optional20:05
tumbleweedthe latest version of debian-policy is 3.9.320:05
tumbleweedVCS fields: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices.html#bpp-vcs20:06
tumbleweedDEP5 released: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/20:08
superflyOK, I'll look into that (need to just confer with the rest of my team about a more permanent place to put it)20:08
superflyso I should use that URL instead of the one I have?20:09
tumbleweedyou want to be 3.0 (quilt) now20:10
tumbleweedand add a watch file20:10
superflyalrighty, pushing those changes up20:19
tumbleweedMore package cleanups <- not that relevant :)20:20
superflyheh, true20:20
tumbleweedI don't think debian uupdate is appropriate when you are using bzr-builddeb20:21
tumbleweedsuperfly: err, the watch file also doesn't work20:24
superflytumbleweed: mm, it was a shot in the dark, not sure exactly how to test it out20:24
tumbleweeduscan --verbose --report20:25
tumbleweedhttp://sf.net/openlp/OpenLP-(.+)\.tar\.gz <- works20:26
superflyah, OK20:26
tumbleweedsuperfly: the js file you point to in debian/copyright has moved20:28
tumbleweedalso, the JS is all minified. We don't like that, as it's not really suitable for modification20:28
tumbleweedeither include both minified and unminified, or don't minify, or minify during the build20:29
tumbleweed(IIRC the popular minifier is non-free, so the last option may be harder)20:31
tumbleweedaah, but there are tons of free  ones in the archive to20:31
superflytumbleweed: it doesn't matter if it's not minified20:34
superflyI just default to the minified versions20:34
tumbleweedyeah, many people do20:35
superflyold habits die hard ;-)20:35
tumbleweedhttp://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=%3c20111026170814.GA28720%40rivendell.home.ouaza.com%3e if you are interested...20:36
tumbleweedof course it doesn't currently build because manpage isn't in the 1.99 tarball20:39
tumbleweedP: openlp source: source-contains-bzr-control-dir .bzr20:40
tumbleweedP: openlp source: source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary resources/windows/psvince.dll20:40
tumbleweedW: openlp: embedded-javascript-library usr/share/openlp/openlp/plugins/remotes/html/jquery.js20:40
superflytumbleweed: yes, I'm busy adding that and fixing the other bits up so that I can get them into trunk20:41
superflyWe can't really remove the Windows binary from bzr, it's used on Windows20:43
tumbleweedbut does it need to be in the source tarball?20:43
tumbleweedis there any source for it?20:44
superflyI think there might be source, but I don't build the Windows stuff20:44
tumbleweedits presence isn't a problem, unless its' non-free20:44
tumbleweed(P: stands for Pedantic)20:45
superflythe source tarball is generally just a bzr export and then gzipped20:45
superflyhad some complaints from some of the other packagers when I just did a python setup.py sdist20:46
tumbleweedI think the most important thing here is to figure out if it's DFSG-free20:47
superflythere is source code for it20:47
superflyyeah, looking into that ATM20:47
tumbleweedgreat, no licence20:48
superflymmm, just what I was thinking20:49
tumbleweedwe have to treat it as un-redistributable then20:49
superflyI don't think it is included in the final package anyways20:49
tumbleweedright, but it can't appear in the .orig.tar.gz either20:50
tumbleweedor debian would be distributing it20:50
tumbleweedthis can be solved by repacking the source for debian, if the upstream doesn't want to20:50
superflyI'm loathe to, but I totally understand20:51
tumbleweedin the meantime, poke the author of that thing, and persuade him to provide a licence :)20:52
superflytumbleweed: I can remove it, it's not a problem. I'll just make sure our Windows packager knows we've had to remove it20:52
superflywill do :-)20:52
superflytumbleweed: I'll get trunk fixed up today/tomorrow morning... are you available again tomorrow evening? when do you fly out?21:10
tumbleweedon saturday evening21:14
superflyThanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!21:14
tumbleweedyou aren't the only copyright holder. You probably don't need to list everyone, but at least mentioning that there are others in debian/copyright seems sensible21:14
tumbleweedat least everything looks like it's GPL or freer21:15
tumbleweedI assume the artwork is all free too21:15
tumbleweedoh, there is lots of stuff in resources/images21:16
tumbleweedyou may want to attribute those21:16
superflyeither our own, or copied from sources already in Debian/Ubuntu21:16
tumbleweednice, it's pyflakes-clean21:17
superflytumbleweed: I need to get to bed, thanks for all the help this evening.21:19
superflynight all!21:20
magespawnGood night alll.21:21

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