=== jbicha1 is now known as jbicha === jbicha is now known as Guest10768 [14:34] highvoltage: do we still need https://blueprints.launchpad.net/edubuntu/+spec/community-q-edubuntu-labs ? [14:35] highvoltage: I see it's been scheduled... [14:35] stgraber: it can be trashed since we have the single session for everything now [14:35] (I created it before we had that, when I was considering two sessions instead) [14:36] highvoltage: ok, removing it and marking as superseded by the other [14:37] stgraber: there might be another existing community one too, I'm not sure if you recycled the one I had up already or created a new one (I've been meaning to check) [14:37] ah no, it's still there. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/edubuntu/+spec/community-q-edubuntu [14:37] I'll do the same with that one [14:39] oh you beat me to it :) [14:40] right, all done [23:38] I can't figure out how to get xscreensaver to turn on after ten minutes like I set it to. [23:38] I use Edubuntu 12.04 [23:54] sure it's xscreensaver and not gnome-screensaver? [23:58] Yes. I installed xscreensaver because I got tired of a blank screen :) [23:58] cog: are you using LTSP? [23:59] I don't use it to my knowledge. Do you mean Linux Termina/ Server Project? [23:59] *l