[02:35] bdmurray: jono merged in the Bug Control and Bug Squad accomps today [06:08] (I was directed here from #launchpad.) https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/993038 I wonder what does mean »needs-bisect« in "** Tags added: needs-bisect regression-release"? [06:08] Launchpad bug 993038 in libreoffice "[Upstream] Ubuntu 12.04: Embedded HSQLDB is read-only (regression)" [Undecided,Incomplete] [10:46] Hello people :-) [10:49] I've created a bugreport today und it's confirmed already. If somebody could set importance to low it would be pleased. Link: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/994414 number 994414 [10:49] Launchpad bug 994414 in linux "SD-Card slot empty but Kernel think it's attached" [Undecided,Confirmed] [10:49] Thanks anyway :-) [10:52] i'm staying here for further questions (if any) [10:55] Well, it's a kernel related problem, so i'm not sure if i'm right here. === Ursinha__ is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Ursinha [11:30] hey guys. since I've upgraded to 12.04, im experiencing problems after resuming from suspend. symptoms vary but include seeing a crash reporter popup (sometimes), the mouse's (either real mouse or touchpad) left button not working and the alt-key not working [11:30] tried searching the bug databases but havent found anything so far [11:31] any known problems in that area? [11:31] the symptoms are really strange, I assume it's something on window manager level === Ursinha is now known as Guest69236 === Ursula is now known as Ursinha === JanC_ is now known as JanC === Ursinha is now known as Guest78578 === wylde_ is now known as wylde === Ursinha- is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Guest84854 === Guest84854 is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Ursinha === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan