
MarkDudeakk, sad to hear on that car, it looks like it can be much fun00:01
MarkDudeIf its working that is00:01
akkOddly enough, it's fun even with problems!00:01
akkIt's just going to be a much more expensive car than I originally thought. :(00:02
pleia2Ubuntu CDs!01:36
akkThough I'm surprised they don't just hand them over in person at UDS.01:38
akk(oh, I guess then you'd have to carry them all, though)01:38
pleia2they don't really coordinate so precisely anyway :)01:39
greg-gget it?! precisely!01:47
pleia2I hate precise :)01:48
akkI hate it as a name for a release.01:53
akkThe release itself seems to be working pretty well (knock silicon).01:53
pleia2ah yes, the release itself is nice01:54
pleia2upgraded my mini9 today (from lucid!), Xubuntu01:54
pleia2bumped into a couple known bugs, but mostly went well :)01:54
akkThat's great, that an upgrade from lucid works well (I know it's supposed to, but still nice to hear it does :)01:55
akkd has been struggling with getting an updated ubuntu on a chromebook today and not having much luck.01:55
pleia2they don't actually recommend it until 12.04.1, once that's released the update manager will finally tell you to upgrade01:55
pleia2no, I had it right the first time01:56
akkAh! I wondered why he was doing oneiric first.01:56
pleia2lts to lts I mean01:57
akkMy pangolin here is a clean install, because my attempt at copying the ocelot over to a new partition to upgrade it resulted in badness.01:57
* akk is trying to buck tradition and use the good animal names instead of the stupid adjectives01:57
pleia2there is a guy on the ubuntu planet who is terribly annoyed that people use any part of the code names at all after releaes01:58
akkand I refuse to say things like "I'm running precise" and then have to explain them01:58
pleia2"it's not precise pangolin anymore, it's 12.04!"01:58
pleia2yeah yeah :)01:58
akkThat's no fun!01:58
akkThough the adjectives aren't that much fun either. Animals are fun (as I'm sure you'd agree).01:58
akkI can sort of sympathize with people who want to see the numbers -- I know I get terribly confused when people talk about MacOS trying to remember if leopard was earlier or later than tiger01:59
akkand Ubuntu is the one OS that uses the sensible rule of using the year, so you actually know when it was.02:00
pleia2at least we're going in alphabetical order02:00
akkYes, that's also sensible.02:01
akkI really like both those things about Ubuntu naming.02:01
philipballewpleia2, I assume I can just pick up some cd's from you in oak?03:02
pleia2philipballew: I suggest picking up some being given out by Canonical at UDS ;)03:03
pleia2if you need more beyond that I'll ship some down03:03
philipballewpleia2, sounds good. I can just pick those up03:03
philipballeware they all 32 bit again this year>03:03
pleia2the desktop ones are 32 bit, server are 6403:03
* philipballew high fives pleia2 03:04
bkerensaCalifornia Dreamin03:12
pleia2wow, they have formal events every evening03:17
philipballewca is a very formal state03:20
philipballewpleia2, does uds have a dress code?03:35
philipballewI mean I knows its ca, so I can wear rainbows probably, buy I should probably check03:36
pleia2they wouldn't take kindly to nudests03:39
pleia2but otherwise you should be fine03:40
akkThe dress code is: you should be dressed.03:41
pleia2I just wear t-shirt and jeans03:42
akkPreferably with some sort of linuxy slogan on the t-shirt. :)03:42
akkAnd ubuntu earrings, of course!03:43
pleia2I'll have some for sale with me03:43
philipballewmy ears closed up a while ago, I used to have them open.03:43
philipballewmaybe I need a new excuse!03:44
philipballewpleia2, How much are they. It would make some good gifts as well.03:45
pleia2and $10 of that goes to partimus.org (linux in schools!)03:45
philipballewWe do need that03:46
philipballewSo I keep hearing all this noise about ea games coming there.03:48
philipballewNot that I really play video games, but apparently they are a big company...03:48
MarkDudeAnyone else for A's game thurs with some FOSS folks?05:03
philipballewMarkDude, totally down05:04
* MarkDude thinks we have like 705:08
MarkDudeI will go ahead and get 805:08
MarkDudeand get more during next week as needed05:08
philipballewhow much per ticket?05:08
MarkDudecosts $2 on wed05:09
philipballewshoot, in that case i should buy two for a leg rest05:09
philipballewthe weekend series is gonna be fun as well05:09
philipballewthere has never been a baseball Ive gone to where i did not have a good time.. should be fun!05:10
MarkDudeIt is lots of fun05:12
philipballewyeah, I plan to go to several a's games this summer05:12
MarkDudeIf you make it on a day when its not full05:12
MarkDudemost days05:12
MarkDudeI can sneak you down to the best seats05:13
MarkDuderight behind the dugout05:13
MarkDudeplayers can sign there05:13
philipballewId totally be down for that.05:13
MarkDudeNo doubt05:15
MarkDudeBaseball rocks05:15
philipballewSeriously. Its like a giant saga played out daily for all to watch. Almost poetic05:16
* philipballew is off to pretend to care about his last day of sophomore year tomorrow05:17
philipballewpleia2, when ive had to brush my cats teeth, it takes some force. It's almost as if you have to show to mercy. Its not fun...06:15
pleia2the vet showed us how with a finger, but she's so terrified at the vet that she's immobile cat ball06:16
pleia2at home she is all wiggle wiggle06:16
philipballewyeah, We used two people. One to hole my cat down, and them other to brush.06:16
philipballewcats are used to their comfort zone probably I guess...06:17
pleia2yeah, that's what we did on tuesday, it still didn't work very well :)06:17
philipballewThe cat's hate you for doing that to them.06:17
pleia2fortunately she is forgiving06:17
pleia2we also give her fluids under the skin ever other day06:18
philipballewThat sounds hard. Is she happier then she used to be?06:19
pleia2it was scary at first, but it's actually not too bad once everyone involved gets used to it06:19
philipballew^for anyone wondering06:19
pleia2aww kitties :)06:19
philipballewthe black one is boo, and the other one is chubbs :)06:19
philipballewWhat is the real issue behind your cat?06:20
pleia2kidney failure :(06:21
pleia2not sure what caused it, the vet thinks it was an undiagnoised urinary tract infection gone awry06:21
philipballewSHe must have a good doctor. She is on a list I assume?06:22
pleia2they don't have lists, when the doctors feel she's ready for a transplant they work with a shelter06:23
pleia2you then adopt the shelter cat who gave a kidney06:23
pleia2(studies show the risk is pretty low for the donor cat, and like humans they can live with one kidney)06:23
pleia2but she's very young (5 years old) and is responding well to treatment, so we're not at that point yet :)06:24
philipballewlooks like pleia2 gets a new cat out of this!06:31
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