
janolap1Hi there, I'm using (with great amusement) Ubuntu Studio 12.04 ! Great job !12:58
janolap1I would like to know how to edit the xfce menu, because Yoshimi should be sarted with the -a parameter to have access to midi keyboards, and I would like to change the menu to do this.12:59
janolap1Can you help me ?12:59
len-dtjanolap1, That is not a menu function.13:10
len-dtJust missed...13:11
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
average_guyNeed help setting up a fresh ubuntustudio 12.04 install w/Sound Blaster Audigy SE.  Is it possible to get it to work with JACK?16:34
holsteinaverage_guy: should "just work"16:34
average_guyI agree16:34
holsteinif you are not familiar with JACK, that will be the only issue16:34
holsteinyou can open a terminal and run16:34
average_guyyeah, not at all16:34
holsteinaplay -l16:34
holsteinif you see the card in that list, then JACK can use it16:35
holsteinother than that, i say, ask yourself, do you need JACK?16:35
holsteinits typically overkill for most cases16:35
holsteinrunning JACK as root is an easy way to troubleshoot permissions errors16:35
holsteini suggest running from a terminal...16:36
holsteingksudo qjackctl16:36
holsteini suggest either removing or disabling other soundcards16:36
holsteini suggest not expecting much from that device16:36
holsteini personally would not spend too much time trying to make that card work, since at best, it'll be sub-par16:37
holsteinits not designed for getting audio into the computer, which is arguably one of the best excuses for using JACK16:37
holsteinif you are interested in JACK for its routing capabilities, i suggest trying the package "pavucontrol"16:38
average_guyI just want to be able to check out ardour.  I do record with cubase a lot, I just don't have an interface at the moment.16:39
average_guyit won't load :(16:39
holsteinaverage_guy: you should be able to do that from the live CD16:39
holsteinaverage_guy: it?16:39
holsteinthe audio device?16:39
holsteinwhich device?16:39
holsteinwhat to you mean by "load"?16:39
holsteinnothing really "loads"16:39
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.16:40
holsteinyou should be able to start JCK with the live CD using the internal sound card16:40
holsteini would not sweat setting up that SB16:40
holsteinjust go with whatever is working by default16:40
holsteinwhatever is easy16:41
average_guyit does work Live I believe.  But why not once installed?16:41
holsteinaverage_guy: are you running as root temporarily?16:41
holsteinits likely permissions as a mentioned earlier16:41
holsteini would *literally* open a terminal and type16:42
holsteingksudo qjackctl16:42
holsteinif JACK starts then, we can troubleshoot from there16:42
holsteinthe live user has permissions16:42
holsteinyour user may not16:42
holsteinif you just want to "see ardour" do it from the live CD16:43
holsteingo with what is easy and working16:43
holsteinthe workflow can be overwhelming, and right now, you dont need it16:43
holsteinaverage_guy: yeah.. you dont start ardour16:49
holsteinyou close *everything*16:49
holsteinthen, you open JACK... try and start it16:49
holsteinif that fails, then you open a terminal and run..16:49
average_guysounds like good advice, will use LiveCD16:49
holsteingksudo qjackctl16:49
holsteinif it starts (it being JACK, not ardour) then you know you have a permissions issue we can troubleshoot16:50
holsteinTHEN, when JACK is starting and stopping at your command, *then* you can use ardour16:50
holsteinotherwise, we are troubleshooting several things at once, and have no way of isolaling16:50
average_guyyeah, I did tha gksudo.  The pic in link #2 was the result16:50
holsteinOK.. so you troubleshoot as root16:51
holsteinyou either have JACK running somewhere else, or you are not choosing the device properly16:51
holsteinwhen it starts as root, you know you have the config correct, and you can move on to starting as normal user16:52
average_guychoosing the device?16:52
holsteinaverage_guy: correct16:52
holsteinaverage_guy: as i asked before... if you have multilple devices (and now i see you do) you should either disable or remove the other ones, or you'll need to learn how to choose it from JACK16:53
holsteinaverage_guy: personally, i would just use the one that works, because the SB is not much better than an internal card16:53
average_guythere is no internal16:54
average_guyi am on a server16:54
average_guywith a pci sound card16:54
average_guyand a pci video card16:54
average_guyand it sees both16:54
holsteinaverage_guy: theres a list there in aplay -l16:54
average_guyi think16:54
holsteinthose are the audio devices16:54
holsteinaverage_guy: you cant "think".. you need to know in order to tell JACK16:55
holsteinor again, just use the live CD... if that "just worked"16:55
average_guyshould I be disabeling?16:58
average_guywhat?  how?16:59
holsteinwhen im using JACK, i like to have one audio device16:59
average_guyWill the LiveCD really perform? I was scared to try it16:59
holsteini do that in the bios if possible, or by physically removing hardwrae16:59
holsteinaverage_guy: it literally wont hurt to try the live CD.. if it doesn "perform", reboot and try something elst16:59
average_guywell, this is the something else, really.. can you see the terminal in the screenshot?  Does that say more then one audio device?  I have no idea what I am looking at17:01
holsteinaverage_guy: yes17:02
holsteintheres even one for your graphics card, AFAICT17:02
average_guyso my video card does audio17:02
holsteinaverage_guy: which is all fine, and useable17:02
holsteinyou just have to learn how to tell JACK to use whatever device you want it to use17:02
holsteinwhich is in a drop down menu in "setup"17:03
holsteinagain, it literally doesnt hurt to try them all17:03
average_guyso if i take out the video, and got to onboard crappy server graphics, the sound will work?17:03
holsteini cant really help you without seeing first hand, and i usually just go ahead and try them all as root17:03
holsteinaverage_guy: sound will "work" now17:03
holsteinaverage_guy: it will be easier for you to get JACK started with one device17:03
average_guythis graphics card sux anyway17:04
average_guyI not a gamer17:04
average_guybut then JACK will do ok with the SB card17:04
holsteinaverage_guy: i personally dont have a need for that device17:05
holsteinwill it work? sure.. is it worth any hassle? no17:05
holsteinis it much better than an internal device? no17:05
average_guyyou keep saying "internal". I have no internal sound. There is no speaker output other then the one on the SB card17:07
average_guyand I don't see it on the aplay list17:07
holsteinaverage_guy: OK17:07
holsteinaverage_guy: whatever little crap card you might find for $2 that would "just work" easily17:08
holsteinaverage_guy: or might have laying around17:08
average_guythat is what this is17:08
holsteinif you have trouble with the SB, take it out and try another one17:08
average_guyi have dozens17:08
holsteini say, try a hardware scenario that is easy and "just works"17:08
holsteinnone of those cards are going to be great17:08
holsteinit might as well be easy17:08
average_guyI know17:08
average_guythank holstein17:09
janolap1hi there, i'm in ubuntu studio 12.04. I have a midi keyboard and i want to record the midi notes I'm playing. I tried to do it under qtractor without success. Is there a simple program to do this ?19:28
len-dtjanolap1, I didn't think qtractor was that hard. Can you get your keyboard to make sound on one of the internal synths?19:34
janolap1Ooops, I think I made a beginner mistake : I didn't connect my midi synth to qtractor using jack...19:35
len-dtjanolap1, That was where I was going.19:36
len-dtNo problem, I am glad it works for you.19:37

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