
=== sayakb is now known as sayakb_away
=== frogonwheels_ is now known as frogonwheels
robotdevilwhat the heck happened to my toolbar in dolphin00:42
robotdevilyeah suspend torrents is back :-)00:45
robotdevilman I wish they would make an option for not having to unmaximize a window that is maximized on another screen on an extended desktop00:46
robotdevilwish the move button could just move it like grabbing a title bar of a window can automatically minimize and move it00:47
=== MediaWork is now known as hroi
ox1dei wanted to make a not for possible ubuntu/xubuntu upgrade... it would be rad if the media players had better visualizers01:35
LinkmasterWhen I tried to install 12.04 on my system, it told me I needed an EFI boot partition to boot properly, so I made one, but it gave me an error on how it couldn't install GRUB to /target/. so, I wiped it with GParted, created / swap and /home on GParted, and made a new system(installed fine), but it wouldn't boot(no OS found). Can I have some help setting up a proper partioning scheme that will allow me to boot?01:42
pjn_ozLinkmaster: when you boot from the DVD, have a close look at the options in your boot manager to get the DVD started. If you select the EFI option, it will try an EFI install, if you don't you will get a normal BIOS install. Had this problem on my laptop.01:49
Linkmasterpjn_oz: I'm installing from USB01:49
pjn_ozLinkmastr: I think you should still get both options? Not 100% sure about that. I didn't get EFI working on my system either, but there is some stuff on the Kubutu forum about it.01:50
LinkmasterI think the EFI problem is with the harddrive, not the BIOS, right..? Cause I thought all brand computers were the same01:51
pjn_ozLinkmaster: No, some have EFI booting but simulate BIOS at the moment, others are just BIOS. EFI is a totally different boot mechanism. I've not managed to get one working yet.01:54
Linkmasterpjn_oz: maybe my thumb-drive botched the installer? I do have some other files on it as well..it just killed the install again, saying 'exit code 1'01:55
Linkmasterhm..thats..bizarre to say the least01:56
pjn_ozLinkmaster: Could be something like that. Do you have a USB CD drive you could use?01:59
LinkmasterI do, but no CD's. so that puts me back at square one02:00
LinkmasterI cleared the drive, and am starting over02:00
pjn_oz:) Yep.. that's not easy.02:00
Linkmaster(I used a command line 'rm -rf *' to clean it02:00
pjn_ozWhat are you trying to install onto?02:01
Linkmastera lenovo x120e02:01
pjn_ozOK. nice.02:01
LinkmasterI am currently using one right no(I'm at my boarding school, we all have the same computers)02:01
Linkmasterand I never had such EFI problems before02:01
pjn_ozNo.. the EFI boot stuff is new to 12.04 I think. Have you had a look on the forum? There is a heap of stuff there about getting EFI working.02:02
Linkmasterlet me take a look, its been awhile since I browsed the forum, I can't get used to the changes02:03
pjn_ozLook in the 12.04 beta area.02:04
Linkmasterwill do02:04
Linkmasterpjn_oz: what further confuses me is, the 'startup interrupt menu' only gives the option for BIOS setup utility(along w/ selecting a temp startup device)02:09
LinkmasterThis computer has UEFI..wow. I never thought I'd see them this early02:10
pjn_ozI think most laptops do now.02:11
LinkmasterI'm going to check mine to see02:12
LinkmasterI was appalled when I first learned of UEFI02:12
pjn_ozLinkmaster: Got to go.. good luck with it. Hope you get it sorted.02:15
goddardstrigi has no been going for like 4 days straight02:27
taxmanit's interesting. there are a bunch of buntus on distrowatch.com at days ago02:29
_RegEx_Hi all. I had Kubuntu 11.10 on a hard drive partition, but the upgrader placed 12.04 on my SSD which has now run out of space02:42
_RegEx_Any remedies and ways to prevent in the future?02:42
taxmanwhat? your ssd is too small02:51
taxman64gb at least i think02:51
mangdoodIs it a bad idea to use lightdm with KDE?02:53
taxmanlogin manager?02:53
mangdoodIt has so many dependencies that I'm hesitant to install it02:53
taxmanno idea02:53
taxmani prefer to use a simple 'startx'02:54
mangdoodI guess I still have a preference for GUIs (:02:56
=== marcel_ is now known as mcamaret
mcamaretare there any qt email clients that can match gmail, postler, or geary in simplicity?03:32
giantpunehi, i simi broke my system and im looking for the easiest way to fix it.  i am the only user and i was trying to add myself to a group.  i messed something up, and now i am not in the sudo or admin group anymore.  so now i am basically locked in noob-mode03:37
giantpunehow would one go about fixing this?03:37
IdleOnegiantpune: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers04:01
giantpunei think im having to use a live cd though to get root access to be able to make any changes04:02
IdleOnemight want to have a look at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo#repaircommands04:03
giantpunei need to have root access to be able to use any of those commands, though, dont i?04:04
IdleOneyes, the instructions on how are on that link04:04
giantpuneadduser and sudo04:04
giantpunei tried that.  grub doesnt show up even if i hold shift04:05
IdleOneplease read the info before blindly typing in commands :)04:05
IdleOnegiantpune: press and hold the shift button soon as you power on/reboot the machine04:05
giantpunei already tried it several times04:06
giantpuneit boots right into kubuntu without showing any grub screens04:06
giantpunewoot.  liveCD to the rescue04:14
SteveRileygiantpune: what did ya do?04:23
calcmandanhi folks. my partner was running 11.10 on laptop. without consulting me, he updated to 12.04. told me that there was an error. after rebooting it wouldn't load all the way. that's all i know of what happened. so i have the laptop and it goes through loading everything, ails starting system 5 runlevel compatibility. then continues to load until the message appears: mountall:L disconnected from plymouth. i'd like to access the home directory but it's04:33
calcmandanencrypted and he lost the key. i'd lke to at least launch with a previous kernel so i can recover the files and install fresh. suggestions?04:33
calcmandanails = fails04:33
nine_So 12.04  no Apple "I" products mount also the same in Ubuntu04:34
SteveRileycalcmandan: if the encryption key is truly gone, there's no way to recover the files.04:35
calcmandanSteveRiley: thanks. but is there a way to load a previos kernel?04:35
SteveRileycalcmandan: do you know whether a previous kernel is already installed?04:36
calcmandanSteveRiley: so that i can at least login as him and save some files?04:36
calcmandanSteveRiley: yeah he was running 11.10. did the update through the updater.04:36
SteveRileyi assume you're at the computer now. let's check which kernel you have. please type "uname -a" and paste the response04:37
calcmandanok i need to get to some sort of recovery console to do that.04:37
calcmandanit just boots up04:37
SteveRileyand then let's see what else might be there. please type "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" and paste the response04:38
calcmandanis there a key combination i press to get to a console? it halts during bootup.04:38
calcmandanor should i load the machine on a live disc?04:39
calcmandanik'm on my desktop at the moment, with the laptop next to me04:39
calcmandani suppose that's what you mean. will load now on a live disc.04:39
SteveRileydepending on how borked the machine is, you might be able to get to the recovery mode that's already there.04:39
calcmandanthat's what i'd like to know how to do04:40
SteveRileyboot the computer, and just as GRUB is loading, press [Esc]04:40
SteveRileyyou should see a menu04:40
calcmandanit won't let me go to a menu, goes straight from bios to the purple tinted loading screen. not even a kernel selector like on my machine04:41
calcmandani'll load a live disc04:41
calcmandanit'll be a minute.04:42
calcmandanby the way, i appreciate the help bro04:42
SteveRileywhat do you want to do after you boot the live CD?04:42
SteveRileysure thing.04:42
calcmandanwell i'd like to see if there's a way i can instruct grub on the hdd to pick a previous kernel so i can reboot and at least save pictures and documents before wiping the drive.04:42
calcmandanand installing 12.04 fresh04:43
SteveRileyah, ok. do you know how to operate in a chroot environment?04:43
calcmandani have in the past, but it's been so long that i'm a noob again.04:43
calcmandaneverything's been working fluidly for ~5 years now. this is the first issue i've encountered on any of my home machines. all on kubuntu since forever.04:44
calcmandangot konsole loaded and ready04:44
SteveRileyone sec. i always like to verify the steps myself.04:44
calcmandani'm patient.04:44
nine_is it possible to adjust how a system see's a mount or just have to wait till is is ironed out?04:45
SteveRileyalright. what partition is your system on?04:48
calcmandani believe it's on the main. sda104:49
SteveRileyand is /boot also on /dev/sda1, or is it on a separate partition?04:49
calcmandanlooks like it's on sda104:49
SteveRileyok. follow along...04:50
SteveRileysudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt04:50
calcmandanit's already mounted in media04:50
SteveRileyoh, alright04:50
calcmandani was browsing it in dolphin04:50
SteveRileythen let's continue04:50
SteveRileycan you see the files you need?04:51
SteveRileyor are they still encrypted?04:51
calcmandanno the home director yis encrtypted.04:51
SteveRileyoh, oops... family forum :)04:51
calcmandanno worries04:51
calcmandanif it can be said on tv, it's okay.04:51
SteveRileybut you said the encryption key is lost?04:51
calcmandanyeah, the other day i attempted to recover the files by mounting the volume and it asked for the key.04:52
calcmandanhe installed it 4 years ago and it's been encrypted since. this is the first update issue ever encoutnered.04:52
SteveRileylet's continue04:52
calcmandani just need grub to point to an earlier kernel so i can boot into it and hopefully backup the files.04:52
SteveRileysudo mount --bind /dev /media/dev04:53
SteveRileysud mount --bind /proc /media/proc04:53
SteveRileysudo mount --bind /proc /media/proc04:53
SteveRileysudo mount --bind /sys /media/sys04:53
calcmandanso we're binding the live disc's proc with the hdd's proc?04:54
calcmandanand dev?04:54
SteveRileysudo mount --bind /usr/ /mount/usr04:54
SteveRileyyes, this is so that chroot works properly to update the grub on /dev/sda04:54
calcmandanso basically:04:55
SteveRiley(i'm following a guide i've used a few times before)04:55
calcmandansudo mount --bind /dev /media/f6d35e79-7068-42ea-b8a1-c61c49f772ea/dev04:55
SteveRileyactually, unmount /dev/sda1 from /media04:56
calcmandansudo mount --bind /proc /media/f6d35e79-7068-42ea-b8a1-c61c49f772ea/proc04:56
SteveRileylet's go back to the konsole04:56
SteveRileytype the commands i gave before (starting with the first mount)04:56
SteveRileyand use /mnt rather than /media in all cases04:56
calcmandanok will do, one sec04:57
SteveRileysudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt04:57
SteveRileyand following04:57
=== whodare_ is now known as Jekyll
calcmandanok it's as you suggest04:57
calcmandani'm going to do all the steps now. wait one04:57
calcmandanok, bound dev, proc, sys, usr04:58
SteveRileyalrighty, then here we go!04:59
SteveRileysudo chroot /mnt04:59
SteveRileyuname -a04:59
calcmandanlinux kubuntu 3.2.0-23-generic-pae #36-ubuntu smp then dates...05:00
SteveRileydpkg -l | grep linux-image05:00
calcmandanwant me to show output?05:01
SteveRiley(looking for other installed kernels)05:01
SteveRileyyes, please.05:01
calcmandanlet me get on wifi on that machine and join channel from that machine.05:01
SteveRileyoh, alright.05:01
=== kubuntu is now known as calcmandan-lapto
SteveRileyhi hi05:02
calcmandan-laptoii  linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic             3.0.0-12.20                             Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6405:04
calcmandan-laptoii  linux-image-3.0.0-13-generic             3.0.0-13.22                             Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6405:04
calcmandan-laptoii  linux-image-3.0.0-14-generic             3.0.0-14.23                             Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6405:04
calcmandan-laptoii  linux-image-3.0.0-15-generic             3.0.0-15.26                             Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6405:04
calcmandan-laptoii  linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic             3.0.0-16.29                             Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6405:04
FloodBotK1calcmandan-lapto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
calcmandan-laptoii  linux-image-3.0.0-17-generic             3.0.0-17.30                             Linux kernel image for version 3.0.0 on x86/x86_6405:04
SteveRileyoh, you have lots of kernels, kewl05:04
calcmandanwoops sorry05:04
SteveRileyah, what?05:04
calcmandanflood warning05:05
calcmandanhad to grab a mouse, the stupid trackpad was annoying me05:05
SteveRileyoh, haha05:05
calcmandani prefer to middle click content from console05:05
SteveRileyalright. let's edit the grub configuration so that it shows you the menu by default.05:05
SteveRileysudo nano /etc/default/grub05:05
SteveRileyactually, you can omit the sudo now05:06
SteveRileysince we're running as root05:06
SteveRiley(habit, lol)05:06
calcmandanokok i'm in there.05:06
calcmandanumm god i'ts been a while.05:06
SteveRileyplace a # in front of the lines that begin with:05:06
calcmandansee it.05:07
calcmandanhow about grub_hidden_timeout_quiet05:07
calcmandanit's set to 1005:07
SteveRileythose three05:07
SteveRileyyes, it's fine05:07
calcmandanso comment out all three05:07
SteveRileyjust put a # in front of each of these lines05:07
SteveRileypress ctrl+x05:08
SteveRileyand save05:08
calcmandanok done05:08
snowrichardjust installed Kubuntu 64 bit in an Ubuntu virtualbox and it running like bat out hell.................. very speedy.:)05:08
snowrichardgreat work guys05:09
calcmandanlet me pastebin is05:09
nine_snowrichard:  both are nice05:09
SteveRileysnowrichard: good to hear!05:09
firemy kubuntu 12.04 won't boot after install it to a external usb drive....05:09
nine_Ubuntu and Kubuntru05:09
fireplease someone...05:09
SteveRileycalcmandan: use http://paste.kde.org05:09
nine_Fire, I have a few in compatable computers05:09
SteveRileyok, that is a correct output05:10
firewhat you mean nine_??05:10
nine_Fire, cd or usb install?05:10
SteveRiley(i didn't know ubuntu had a paste)05:10
snowrichardI'm installing QT SDK05:10
firedvd install05:10
SteveRileynow let's exit chroot with ctrl+d05:10
snowrichardmy new internet is bursting to 1 Megabyte / Sec on my Verizon 4G LTE Mifi network05:10
calcmandanok exited05:10
SteveRileythen unmount the file systems:05:10
nine_I mean ur computer may not be able to run 12.04...  did u try it live?05:11
SteveRileysudo umount /mnt/dev05:11
SteveRileysudo umount /dev/proc05:11
SteveRileysudo umount /dev/sys05:11
snowricharddevice was free with 2yr contract05:11
SteveRileysudo umount /mnt/sur05:11
snowrichardi got 10 GB /month for $8005:11
SteveRileysudo umount /mnt05:11
fireI'm boot in right now on live dvd and it work fine...05:11
fireafter finishing my install it just won't boot ...05:12
nine_what does it do?05:12
SteveRileyafter you finish unmounting, reboot:05:12
calcmandanusr, dev, proc, then mnt?05:12
SteveRileysudo reboot05:12
nine_can it make it to log on screen?05:12
firenothing...  after the bios screen it waits....05:12
calcmandanforgot sys05:12
SteveRileydev, proc, sys, usr, mnt05:12
nine_did u try full install?05:13
calcmandangreat, rebooting05:13
fireI'm use to old grub but not this one...  I maybe suspect that grub won't work05:13
nine_I know they were having trouble with the installer05:13
SteveRileyi am curious about something, as i've never actually used the home encryption feature myself (too dangerous from my POV, for the reason you're experiencing now)05:13
firedo you mean no partitionning the drive???05:14
SteveRileyhow will reverting to an earlier kernel help you decrypt the files?05:14
nine_the installer has issues05:14
SteveRileywhen the computer boots,05:14
fireok so waht should I do???05:14
calcmandanbecause it'll boot as normal and allow me to login. new kernel was halting at one point.05:14
SteveRileyin the grub menu, choose "previous ubuntu versions" (or some language to that effect)05:14
calcmandanolder kernel can load the home directory since it has the key.05:14
nine_did u choose full install?05:14
nine_last time?05:14
calcmandani have recovery mode available.05:14
firenot yet, do I have to???05:14
calcmandanshould i try that?05:15
nine_now yes05:15
nine_ u will05:15
calcmandan3.0.0-17-generic (recovery mode)05:15
SteveRileycalcmandan: recovery mode on first screen, with kernel 3.2?05:15
nine_anything that was on there can be taken off before05:15
fireok I will and left on the channel, the laptop is just beside of me...05:15
SteveRileyoh, you went to second screen?05:15
nine_but if there is nothing important on that hdd05:15
nine_try again05:15
calcmandannot yet.05:15
nine_with a full install05:15
calcmandani'm at previous linux versions right now.05:15
nine_if no boot is working than thats ur choice05:16
firefull install on my usb drive???05:16
calcmandan3.0.0-16-generic is the most recent.05:16
nine_but if u have a doul boot05:16
nine_then u may not be able to run it05:16
calcmandanon the second screen, that is.05:16
fireyes I have..05:16
calcmandantrying to boot it now we'll see05:16
nine_doul boot?\05:16
SteveRileyyou beat me to it :)05:16
calcmandanfailed. dammit05:16
SteveRileywhat happened to 3.2?05:17
firenot doul but dual.. :-)05:17
calcmandanstopping system V runlevel compatibility05:17
calcmandangoing to try recovery mode. see what happens05:17
nine_my dual boots failed every time in the 12.0405:17
calcmandangot the recovery menu, enver seen this before05:17
nine_right not its all or nothing05:17
calcmandani have 'repair broken packages' for dpkg05:18
nine_the installer isn\'t working correctly05:18
SteveRileychoose "continue"05:18
calcmandanit's moving forward mounting the filesystem in fstab05:18
SteveRileycool cool05:18
fireinstall just started....05:19
SteveRileyare the mounts still, ah, mounting?05:20
calcmandan/dev/sda1: clean, 3061221/7266301 files, 6091808/29045504 blocks {   70.865892] ext4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. opts: errors=remount-ro05:20
nine_what was installed before?05:20
SteveRileythat looks normal05:20
calcmandanit does, but i have a blinking cursor now05:20
SteveRileyhit enter05:20
calcmandanand ls doesn't yield anything05:20
calcmandanjust newlines it.05:20
firenothing brand new disk, but I tried to install kubuntu 3 times...05:20
SteveRileyswitch to another tty?05:20
nine_*SteveRyely Rocks* :)05:20
SteveRileynine_: i roll, too :)05:21
calcmandanctrl-alt f2, f3, ... right?05:21
calcmandanok tty7 gives me some. console-setup start/running, process 316 is the last line05:22
SteveRiley...think think...05:22
calcmandanshould i reboot and try again? it seems to be in no certain mode to accept commands from me. it'll let me switch tty as far as i know, but no console is available.05:23
calcmandani hit ctrl-c05:24
SteveRileyyes, but this time don't choose recovery, chose regular05:24
calcmandanand it continued loading.05:24
SteveRileyoh really05:24
calcmandanbut halted in the same place.05:24
calcmandanso i basically ended the recovery console05:24
calcmandanand it continued booting05:24
calcmandangoing back to recovery mode.05:24
SteveRileyyou'll have to remind me.05:25
SteveRileywhat are the other options there?05:25
calcmandanresume, clean, dpkg, failsafex, fsck, grub, network, root, and...05:25
calcmandanit's rebooting again.05:26
licensedanybody made a .deb package for amsn?05:26
SteveRileywhen (if?) we get this fixed... don't encrypt when you rebuild!05:26
calcmandani didn't. lol, but i never would.05:26
calcmandani like having access to my files in a crunch05:26
calcmandanmy partner did the install.05:27
SteveRiley"crunch"... that would be right now :)05:27
calcmandani've resisted the whole thing. i'm just not that paranoid.05:27
calcmandanyes it would. lol05:27
nine_.deb? amsn works ok in Kubuntu05:27
calcmandanthat's the thing, i'm so mad at him for encrypting it and not writing down the key.05:27
calcmandani oculd've had this recsolved a few days ago05:27
SteveRileylet me check something about key recovery, one sec.05:28
SteveRileyyou might as well try the fix broken package choice05:28
SteveRileyi presume the encryption you were using was the option to encrypt /home, the one that appears when you're installing *buntu?05:29
calcmandani did, and it gave me what appeared to be a normal mounting message then that's all i saw05:29
calcmandani believe so. he did it a long time ago and i wasn't rpesent.05:29
calcmandanbut that's the onnly thing he would've done since he just hits next for everything.05:29
SteveRileya possibly unanswerable question: do you have, perhaps, the mount passphrase written down?05:31
calcmandanif i did, this wouldn't be an issue05:31
calcmandantell me about it.05:32
SteveRileyuh... do you log into your computer with a password, or does it auto-login and you don't know the password?05:33
calcmandanhe required a password to login05:33
SteveRileyso there is a way to do this.05:33
SteveRileyit's multiple steps05:33
SteveRileydo that!05:34
calcmandani'm ready.05:34
SteveRileydo that: root shell05:34
SteveRileygot a #05:34
licensednine_, what deb?05:34
SteveRileysudo mount -o rw,remount /05:35
licensedi'm using kubuntu 12.0405:35
SteveRileysudo mount05:35
SteveRileyput the output of that into another paste, please05:35
calcmandanone minute.05:35
nine_licenced:  I didn't get ur question...  .deb for debian??  or for Ubuntu/Kubuntu?05:36
licensednine_, i can't found amsn.deb to use on kubuntu 12.04.. can you show me?05:36
SteveRileyis /home also on /dev/sda1 ?05:38
calcmandanit was all installed with default settings.05:39
SteveRileyin the following command, substitute your login username for where i type "username"05:39
SteveRileyecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /home/username/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase05:39
nine_licenced, its not available yet..  same as most apple product mount05:39
calcmandanlet me get the password, brb05:40
calcmandanso the output is the key?05:41
firereboot time, cross fingers and toes...05:41
SteveRileythe output is your mount passphrase05:41
nine_licenced, I like the kopte better anyways...  amsn has gone way done hill05:41
licensednine_, my logs it's all on amsn05:41
calcmandani'm better now05:41
nine_licenced, U can't remember ur log?05:42
nine_\emmesen is a great alternitive05:42
fireshit...  same behavior nine_05:42
nine_fire  ugh...  it may be a compatability issue, or a bad dvd, or a currupt burn05:44
fireit's a good dvd...05:44
firewith this laptop I'm able to boot on a usb drive with old distro opensuse 11.2...05:45
nine_yea..  u sadly may need to wait till 12.1005:45
fireno no no out of bound...05:46
licensedanyone had compilled amsn on kubuntu 12.04?05:46
firewe have to find another solution, other people succeeded with ubuntu...05:46
nine_i'd personally install kubuntu 11.10, no updrade, get the ppa for kde 4.8  and wait it out...  u will sttill get most the bennifits of kde 4.805:46
nine_what laptop if I may ask?05:47
fireToshiba Tecra S1005:47
nine_and ubuntu used a slightly different iso05:48
nine_they are not the same05:48
fireunity is not for me....05:48
fireso what's the deal??? try ubuntu and apt-get install kubuntu-desktop????05:49
nine_fire, put it to u this way...  my hp 4000 will run Ubuntu 12.04 live, freezes at any attempt to install...  Kubuntu beta 2 12.04 installs great, but like uUbuntu 12.04, the final release won't install in that laptop05:50
nine_kubuntu dekstop will not run on Ubuntu at this time05:51
nine_I have tried05:51
firefor me Kubuntu 12.04 LTS the installer wok well, it just show up GRUB...05:51
nine_and vice verce05:51
fireit not show grub...05:51
firethere's any program than I can run to repair the grub????05:52
nine_ 120.04 is a new shell...  there is not much out yet...    sadly  my advice is the weaiting game05:53
fireI can't wait...  I've to make it work before monday...05:53
nine_than install linus mint 12 kde and add ppa for kde 4.805:54
nine_it will work on that lap top05:54
* almoxarife uses mint-12-kde with kde4.8, works great05:55
nine_me too on my incompatable computers05:55
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nine_almoxarife, some ppl don't like the truth i guess  :)06:09
fireI've try install from text mode, after a whille a got grub rescue...  what can I do???06:52
nine_grrr I am telling u...  it is the way it is..   go back to 11.10, ppa 4.8 and deal with ti till next distro arrives06:54
nine_ur computer isn\t compatable with 12.0406:54
firekubuntu 11.10 or ubuntu???06:56
nine_or mint 1206:56
nine_mint 12 is 11.10 shell06:57
fireI try mint 12 kde, I'll let you know soon...06:57
nine_and u can install the kde verstio of mint1206:57
nine_then add ppa kde 4.806:58
nine_works better than 12.04 at the moment06:58
fireok but I want LTS anyway...07:03
nine_linus mint 13 will come out07:04
nine_but it may return the same results07:04
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nine_I also want all my computers and customers to usxe 12.04 lrts07:05
nine_ but if  u have apple products07:05
nine_not reccomenndedd07:05
nine_if ur computer is olers07:06
nine_might not wotrk till 12.1007:06
nine_linux leaves no gerintees07:06
nine_options are to back date to last known wortking distro07:07
nine_install that07:07
nine_and wait till nest distro07:07
oratedHello! When the KMenu is selected, which command is executed?07:11
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fireinstall of mint 12 kde is in progress07:13
Joithi. can someone tell me if there is a difference from stability between 32bit or 64bit version, or does any vers have more advantage?07:15
oratedI've noticed that Alt+F1  on fresh install or on a new user opens the KMenu(Kickoff Application Launcher) but whenever any default/empty panel is added that shortcut stops working. So what command or how can I re-enable Alt+F1 shortcut to open KMenu?07:16
nine_i hope it works Fire07:16
nine_Joit, 32 is more stable ion one sence07:17
firebtw nine_, I've many laptop, and all of them have linux.07:17
Joitthanx nine07:17
firenow can you tell me why after upgrading one from kubuntu 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS x session can't start??  it says, X session unable to start, back to default...07:18
nine_64 has apps that don't always work the same as 3207:18
fireafter that the only thing I got is a mouse with right-click and can change only the background...07:18
nine_both are just as stable07:18
nine_but more works in 3207:18
oratedJoit: 32bit version or 64 bit version are for instruction set specific installation images. Every 64bit installation image is back compatible on 32-bit instrcution set supporting processor07:18
Joiti have heared about that, its soemthing what since the bginning appears nine07:19
nine_ur still having issues?07:19
fireyes with another laptop, mint is installing on my Toshiba right now...07:19
nine_fire I alspo have manyt computers...  12.04 is both great, and dissappointing07:20
nine_faster yes, beres, more compatable...  no, ytte07:21
fireok but now I've to repair this x session on my HP Portege....07:21
fireoh boy, mint installer crashed....07:25
fireon usb drive...07:25
nine_ur computer toshiba may have an issues07:26
nine_mint 12 is uuntu 10.04 shell07:26
firesuper!!!  with the worse distro, opensuse, works very fine!!!!07:27
fireI'm not joking...07:27
nine_thats microsoft07:27
fireplease don't swear...07:28
firewhen I went to Redmon, I pee on the Mofotcriss signon main road, and I was proud to be!07:29
nine_m$ biggest issue is the users07:29
nine_it is more open than all distros07:30
fireso I've to make my Toshiba runs good with Linux...07:30
nine_in cludiung viruses07:30
fireI've try to reinstall Mint...07:30
nine_like i said07:30
nine_try different dims07:30
nine_new hdd07:30
nine_might be a mother board07:30
fireit nver crashed before with opensuse...  come on...07:31
nine_opensuse is owned by microsost07:31
nine_it os an open source yes07:32
firedon't swear I said...07:32
nine_but it isn'\t completely linux07:32
tsimpsonthat's simply untrue07:32
tsimpson"Open" in the name is the clue there07:33
nine_is that why linux communuty hates Novell?07:33
nine_windows 8 is more open07:34
fireanyway, other people I know runs ubuntu 12.04 and works fine or their Toshiba....07:34
nine_same toshiba?07:34
nine_i have many hp\s07:34
nine_not all run 12.0407:34
firenot exactly, they have a Tecra S11 and mine is Tecra S1007:34
firesome have ubuntu and other have kubuntu07:35
nine_ same iso in the scheme of things07:35
fireanother one he have HP but I don't know wich model...07:36
nine_12.04 takes time07:36
nine_and new distro's no nmatter how new are not completely compatable07:36
nine_and all linux is free open source, it simply can not keep up with everything07:37
Joiti would prefer anyway more a sober system, as one with a lot tools and toys, where most mess up07:38
Joitbut imaging it and 'MAke it#  are allweays 2 different things07:39
firecrashed at the same place...  I've to write ubuntu-bug ubiquity07:39
Joitbut anyhow, i fell like, it actually is of the track what a PC could do and what most OS do07:40
fireso what should I do next???07:41
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nine_in tough love mode tonight07:41
nine_same crash in mint 12?07:41
nine_1 thing07:42
nine_try souce again07:42
firetry what???07:43
nine_if it crashes too its ur computer07:43
nine_open souce07:43
tsimpsonseriously, nine_, your advice is not so good07:43
nine_the one thar worked last07:43
tsimpsonif the installer crashed, then it's a problem with software07:43
tsimpsonif it was hardware, it'd manifest differently07:43
nine_all distros run fine live?07:44
tsimpsonin what sense?07:44
nine_look at it07:44
Joittsimpson: why do you complain instead just give a better solution afterwards?07:44
nine_all distros run fune live\don't injstall07:44
tsimpsonJoit: simply because I'm not an expert in debugging the installer07:44
airzonkguys, is there any way to install kubuntu from a SD card in an android phone? the SD card is blank. I cannot run windows apps right now, other than firefox [00:41] == migerh [~migerh@dslb-088-064-224-011.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Client Quit]07:45
tsimpsonso, other distros work, just not the installer...07:45
Joitah. so you know that nines sugeestions are not so good?07:45
tsimpsonso it is a problem in software, our software07:45
tsimpsonJoit: because I do07:45
nine_how many installers does he need to try?07:45
nine_his computer is messed07:45
tsimpsonthere are 2 main installers, the GUI installer and the alternate (text-mode) installer07:45
tsimpsontry both07:45
nine_he has07:45
tsimpsonthen it's a bug07:45
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tsimpsonif other systems run on the same hardware, it's hardly likely a hardware issue07:46
Joiti got few times a problem with installing 10.4m could be my CD rom or my CD or even the Memory, it crashed too at the same plce07:46
nine_his las known working linus was open suse 10 somwethinb07:46
Joittsimpson: so mostly it IS the hardware07:47
nine_maybe ur dvd/cd drive is pooched07:47
tsimpsonJoit: no, it's the software. when hardware breaks it's not subtle07:47
tsimpsonnine_: then the system wouldn't boot into the live system, so that's not likely either07:47
Joittsimpson: i bruned it at last with a different cdrom drive, and the Error appeared at an other place, so?07:47
firefor now, I'll try ubuntu 10.04 and install it for test07:47
tsimpsonJoit: you should check the md5 sum on the ISO you downloaded, then compare it to the CD/DVD you burned07:48
nine_idk then,,..   i was ralking to fire, and his system booted live but install failed07:48
Joittsimpson: i did that, the chcksum was ok07:48
Joitbut clearly a hardware fault, not software07:48
nine_in 3 different distros07:48
nine_maybe 207:49
nine_ but different shellls07:49
tsimpsonare they all recent distros?07:49
nine_mint 1207:49
nine_and kubuntu 12.0407:49
nine_mint 1207:49
nine_ is ubuntu 11.0407:49
tsimpsonrecent distros will ship similar kernels, so that's a place to start07:49
Joittsimpson: i thought too it was the software, was pretty sure about it, but not 100% at all07:49
Joitand simple a bad memory stick can cause a problem at a certain point, when its overloaded07:50
nine_thats why i told him to re insrall the last distr o that worked to see if it worked of if it was hardeware07:50
Joitmay it helps when he clean his cdrom drive a bit :P07:51
nine_hich was open suse 10 something07:51
tsimpsonother than running memtest86+, there isn't really a way to test for hardware faults07:52
tsimpsonbut hardware faults tend to be a little more random than what was described07:52
nine_thats why I think his toshiba is pooched in some way07:53
nine_mother board07:53
FloodBotK1nine_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:53
firejust to clear something, I"m using a brand new usb drive Seagate STAX500 and the kubuntu 12.04 installer woks with no problem, it just the os won't start...  I suspect a grub problem..07:53
tsimpsonare you sure the system boots from USB?07:54
nine_good luch07:54
tsimpsonsome don't, even though they support USB drives07:54
nine_guess i am flooding07:54
nine_mY THE FORTH B WITGH U Lways07:55
firemine support it, because I run opensuse 11.2 all the time...07:55
fireI just want to put a REAL Linux...07:55
tsimpsonok, did you make sure grub was installed to the USB drive rather than the HDD?07:57
fireI'm not familiar with this version of grub, so, after install, i reboot live DVD and go to /boot/grub....07:59
fireand yes I'm sure, because I tell the installer do not play with /dev/sda, only /dev/sdb07:59
tsimpsonit's possible that grub would need to be installed on the actual partition, so /dev/sdb1 rather than just /dev/sdb08:01
fireI tried both...08:01
tsimpsonI haven't played with a USB install in a long time, and I'm just looking at some rather old documentation08:01
lordievaderGood morning08:03
firenow I'm installing ubuntu 10.04 LTS...  if it works, maybe try an upgrade????08:04
lordievaderfire: Did an install of 12.04 fail?08:05
fireinstall works but after that, the laptop unable to boot on the sdb....08:06
lordievaderfire: Ah yeah that ain08:06
lordievader't good08:06
robotdevildoes quassel leak in 12.04?08:11
firesamething happen with ubuntu 10.04, grub rescue>08:16
fireerror: no such device: b6b687-c-c8c0-439b-9e84-23452b5c5cee08:16
lordievaderfire: Do you know if that uuid is correct?08:19
firei don't know where it is in this new grub version...08:20
fireok I'll boot live and check...08:20
fire_i just don't remember where I'll find the uuid???08:28
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tsimpsonfire: "blkid -c /dev/null" should show them08:32
fireok i got it, and it's the same UUID....08:33
lordievaderfire Hmm so that ain't it...08:37
lordievaderfire Did you check the GRUB 2 Troubleshooting stuff on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Command_Line_and_Rescue_Mode08:41
Joiti did now install 64bit version and no problems so far, now dling 32bit and installl this instead 6408:42
Joitpc is amd nforce408:43
Joit1 mb ram08:43
Joitnothing to complain about damaged softwre08:44
lordievaderJoit: That's good, but why go through the trouble of reinstalling the OS when this runs fine?08:44
Joitits a empty pc, so it no trouble, but i prefer 32bit when its more compatible08:45
Joiti only did dload 64 bit yesterday, so had it allready08:45
Joitelse i would had taken the 32bit from beginning08:46
lordievaderJoit: 64bit is quite compatible.08:46
lordievaderBut for 1gb ram it ain't a must.08:46
Joitwell, for you it is maybe, i did read it different, and i prefer to be on the save side08:46
Joityeah 1 gb is it08:47
Joit1 mb ram is... a long time ago08:47
lordievaderJoit: Yeah, I figured..08:47
Joitwell 64 bit runs smooth, but i am quiete not sure if i should keep it, and run into problems when the system is full set up. afterwards fixing is mostly hard08:49
lordievaderJoit: I have a 64bit system here with 2gb ram (so it ain't necessary to run 64bit) but I would like to keep the option of upgrading (you know > 4gb ram = 64bit)08:51
luc4_macHi! Is it normal that the connection I setup with the network manager only works after I log in?09:08
yofelluc4_mac: in the connection settings you can mark a connection as a system connection, then it should work without login as well09:18
Joit_didnt know that 4gb ram are reconnoment for 64bit, but i think it will takes a while until i got this anyway09:21
luc4_macyofel: oh thanks! I'm trying that. Also, do you know by any chance also if I'm supposed to have the networking service running?09:26
yofelluc4_mac: 'networking' won't be running, but 'network-manager' will09:28
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luc4_macyofel: thanks!09:30
luc4_macyofel: I try to ask you this also, no one has been able to answer: I have to nics here. When I plug one, everything is ok, if I plug the other it is not sensed. I always see "cable unplugged". dhclient makes it work correctly.09:32
luc4_macto nics = two nics09:32
yofelI fear I don't know that either.09:32
luc4_macyofel: ok, thanks anyway!09:33
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hubert__how can i see the command a startmenu item is calling ?09:52
hubert__if i right click i can only add it to favorites09:53
lordievaderhubert__: Right click and go to edit menu09:53
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lordievaderhubert__: Edit application*09:54
hubert__ok, and how can i search here ?09:54
hubert__i now get a tree structure, i dont know where the program is09:54
lordievaderhubert__: That is something that is troubling me from time to time too, what program are you searching for?09:56
hubert__maybe do you know the name of the program that is starting the akonadi config management thing for local sources09:56
hubert__i need to start it with a correct locale to have my error messages in english :-( for more help09:56
hubert__my whole setup is messed up09:57
hubert__my logs are full of errors09:57
lordievaderhubert__: No sorry, perhaps Blueskaj is online, he usually knows more about akonadi09:57
lordievaderDoesn't seem to be online.09:57
hubert__i think i became a vitcim of https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259355   after upgrading to 12.04/4.8.309:58
ubottuKDE bug 259355 in general "kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection."" [Critical,New: ]09:58
hubert__if i check the check server, it shows a lod of red crosses09:58
lordievaderI'm sorry I can't be of any help, hopefully someone else knows, or you could try on the ubuntuforums.org.09:59
hubert__ok, if i click copy, it is in english09:59
hubert__omg, Your paste triggered our spam filter and has been dropped  on paste.kde.org10:01
hubert__wtf ?10:01
hubert__this is just the akonadi error log10:02
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forgeausuh how to fix policykit? its asking for root password, which wuld be ok if it was using sudo but I suspect its not because, sudo is working in bash (konsole) but not when I put my password in to update in some policykit dialog that seems to have taken over10:37
dhjrkhello piple10:39
forgeaushi dhjrk10:39
dhjrkwhere you from?10:39
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oratedHello! I've been getting weird black screen dialog box from Software Notifier Helper after recent fresh installation of Kubuntu 12.04 - http://i.imgur.com/ub6oY.jpg . Only change I've done till now is added an empty panel as shown and installed build-essential, kubuntu-restricted-extras packages. Can anyone help me understand the issue and solution to fix it as I'm getting this message with login?11:21
Peace-orated: sure11:35
Peace-orated: sudo adduser test11:35
Peace-orated: sudo adduser test admin11:35
Peace-orated: or ...11:35
Peace-if you want fix for your own user i guess that renaming ~/.kde/share/config/plasma stuff would be enough11:35
oratedPeace-: Okay, I'll try that11:38
chachanHi guys, wondering why kubuntu is released with gstreamer instead of Xine11:41
Peace-chachan: xine is old and not developed anymore11:42
chachanPeace-: hm, what about phonon?11:42
Peace-chachan: there is phonon-backend-gstremer11:43
Peace-or phonon-backend.-vlc11:43
Peace-i use the last one11:43
oratedand phonon-backend-vlc11:43
Peace-xine just is dead11:43
chachanok, I will try that one. Thanks11:44
chachanbut why kubuntu doesn't released that backend by default?11:44
chachangstreamer isn't that good11:45
Peace-chachan: it's a ubuntu flavor11:45
Peace-chachan: you could ask this to #kubuntu-devel11:45
chachanPeace-: thanks again :)11:45
forgeausPeace :) hows things?11:48
BlouBlouisn't going to be new versions of kubuntu? (I read something about Canonical saying that it won't support anymore kubuntu)11:50
Peace-BlouBlou: kubuntu will be kubuntu11:51
Peace-the only thing that is changed is where dev gets money11:52
BlouBlouOh, great :D11:52
Peace-forgeaus: fine11:53
forgeausPeace how do I get either A appler/updater to use kdesudo instead of policykit? or get policykit to use sudo instead of root pass?12:05
Peace-forgeaus: dunno12:05
forgeauslol nice concise answer :)12:06
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Joit_i did install now 12.04 alternate from a cdrom with no problems like software related12:45
andre_dhi! i moved the activity widget from the taskpanel to the desktop and now i don't see any way to remove it... perhaps it is too small to show the little "onHover bar" with the close button?13:09
andre_danyway. anyone know a way to get rid of it?13:09
andre_dsome config file i can edit to remove it?13:09
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chachandoes anyone in here use kate with Vi mode on?. Using :10 is not going to the line 10 anymore =(13:20
andre_dok, found it... removed appropriate lines in plasma-desktop-appletsrc13:23
jamil_1_hi all13:35
jamil_1_installed updated last night13:36
jamil_1_and now flash is not working13:36
jamil_1_any clue ?13:36
andre_djamil_1_: had the same problem some minutes ago. sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer13:40
andre_dthe gui update manager has some problem with an arabic language file or some thing13:41
Jarli, it appears to be using the package manager, and isn't visible anywhere, nor appears to be doing anything besides tying up my system...13:49
Jarlihow do I force the upgrade to 12, it appears to be using the package manager, and isn't visible anywhere, nor appears to be doing anything besides tying up my system...13:52
vsraoHey. I did a clean install of 12.04. Now I'm faced with "lnusertemp call failed".13:53
vsraoHowever, I can login through the terminal mode. Only KDE doesn't start.13:54
vsraoWhat do I do?13:54
Jarliyeah, well im just trying to run the update it it's just hanging...13:55
Jarliso fun13:55
phoenix_firebrdhow do i install grub in a partition?13:56
phoenix_firebrdyofel: are you there?14:03
CQhello, is there a list of tablets that can run (k)ubuntu anywhere? I'm looking for basic web, mail (tbird), and PDF reading, libreoffice would be nice to be able to use...14:07
phoenix_firebrdCQ: are you aware of kubuntu active?14:08
CQphoenix_firebrd: no... I see the daily images, but is there a homepage for the project?14:10
Hounddoganyone got an idea how to fix flash crashing randomly14:10
phoenix_firebrdCQ: http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active14:13
phoenix_firebrdHounddog: did you try disabling the hardware accleration?14:13
Peace-CQ:  search vivaldi tablet kde14:14
Hounddogphoenix_firebrd: have to be hones... i have been searching where those adobe settings are...14:14
Peace-Hounddog: downgrade flash14:14
CQweird, couldn't find it via google14:14
Hounddogcurrently i am also going through the flash aid from firefox14:14
Peace-Hounddog: the latest upgrade of flash sucks14:14
EzimHounddog, have you tried flash-aid?14:14
HounddogPeace-: ok, that is one hint... btw am on 64bit and read that there are also lot of problems.14:15
phoenix_firebrdHounddog: when you right click flash video you will get the settings14:15
Hounddogif it opens ...14:15
Peace-Hounddog: i would remove your flash and download it from the website of flash14:15
Peace-then you could test it extracting and pasting it on the right folder14:15
phoenix_firebrdHounddog: untick the "use hardware acceleration tab"14:16
EzimI have been lucky. no flash problem for over 2 year with linux.14:16
phoenix_firebrdHounddog: untick the "use hardware acceleration" option14:16
chachanHounddog, is that happening with all your browsers?14:16
Hounddogphoenix_firebrd: rightclick the flash i have done a couple of times... but the settings never opens bevor it crashes14:16
Peace-Hounddog: $HOME/.mozilla/plugins this is the folder where flashplugin.so shoudl it be14:16
Hounddogchachan: yep... chrome ff etc etc etc14:16
phoenix_firebrdHounddog: flash crashes occur when i was using chromium, but it doesnt happen when i use chrome14:16
EzimHounddog, try flash-aid.14:16
Hounddoghmmm yeah using chromium actually14:17
HounddogEzim: just trying that atm14:17
phoenix_firebrdHounddog: try in rekonq, ikt wont crash when right clicking14:17
Hounddogjust read it up and installed flash aid... anyhow, thx for the hints... will go through it step bu step :)14:17
EzimHounddog, np.14:18
phoenix_firebrdhow do i install grub14:18
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, rekonq is crap by all respect.14:18
Peace-+1 Ezim14:18
phoenix_firebrdEzim: its just for setting the flash option14:18
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, :) why do you wanted to install grub? grub 2 should be preinstalled already.14:19
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i want to install grub  in a seperate partition14:20
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i meant i want to install grub214:20
phoenix_firebrdEzim: does the package grub-pc installs grub2?14:21
EagleScreenphoenix_firebrd: yes, it does14:22
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:22
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen:  when i try to install grub-pc, it is asking to remove a lot of kde packages, may be the entire kubuntu-desktop14:23
EagleScreenphoenix_firebrd: what tool are you using? Muon?14:23
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen: ya14:23
EagleScreenwich Kubuntu version?14:23
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen: 12.0414:23
BluesKajHey all14:24
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi14:24
EagleScreenphoenix_firebrd: grub-pc should be installed in a Kubuntu Desktop14:24
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen: recently i tried gnome-desktop and ubuntu-desktop after that i removed everything gtk and gnome, may that did remove the grub-pc14:26
phoenix_firebrdEzim: http://paste.ubuntu.com/969241/14:27
phoenix_firebrdis libqt getting in the way?14:28
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, have you tried sudo apt-get -f14:29
phoenix_firebrdEzim: no14:29
EzimI mean sudo apt-get -f install14:29
Ezimyou have depenc. problem14:29
phoenix_firebrdEzim: ok let me try that14:30
phoenix_firebrdEzim: http://paste.ubuntu.com/969256/14:35
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i installed qt sdk from nokia's site14:37
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, I think that is the reason your system is a mess.14:37
Ezimhave you tried to compile from source ?14:37
phoenix_firebrdEzim: no i just used the exe from nokia14:38
Ezimlibqtgui4, libqt4-declarative, libqt4-designer:i386 is does package installed?14:40
phoenix_firebrdEzim: let me check14:40
phoenix_firebrdEzim: the statuses of the packages are broken14:41
EagleScreenphoenix_firebrd: didn't you do something strange ?14:41
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i guess something went wrong while installing the sdk14:41
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, you can try from recovery mode when holding shift during boot fix broken package14:41
phoenix_firebrdEzim: shall i uninstall qt14:42
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, grub should be present and from there you can clear broken package.14:42
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen: like?14:42
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, honestly I do not now what exactly you have tried to do.14:42
EagleScreenlike unsinstalling system packages, upgrading your Kubuntu version from 11.10 or older...14:43
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen: i removed all gtk and gnome packages, before that i installed qt sdk from nokia's website14:44
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i am going to try purging qt14:44
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, don't you'll just give yourself more problems14:47
EzimBluesKaj, +114:47
EagleScreenphoenix_firebrd: you probably uninstalled an important system package14:47
Ezimbest is to make fresh install I think.14:47
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ok14:47
BluesKajEzim, is correct phoenix_firebrd , looks like irrepairable damage14:49
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: one min14:50
phoenix_firebrdEzim: uninstalling qt sdk solved the dependency issue15:11
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, good :). then problem solved?15:11
phoenix_firebrdEzim: ya :) thank you15:11
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, np.15:11
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, good luck15:12
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: for what?15:12
BluesKajfor the next boot15:13
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hey i already rebooted after uninstalling  :)15:13
BluesKajthen you're lucky I guess :)15:14
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, try alt+ctrl+f1 then write your root password/username. after that startx. if needed ctrl+alt+f7 to log back to desktop.15:14
Ezimif you have no problem then your reboot should be np15:15
Ezimif not I wish you the best luck :)15:15
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i am not new to ubuntu/kubuntu , i am using it for 4 years15:16
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, okey longer period then me. :)15:16
EzimI am newbie :) (little more then 2 years)15:17
phoenix_firebrdEzim: then you are a fast learner15:17
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, :) maybe so.15:17
phoenix_firebrdEzim: going to install grub in a new partition15:18
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, I hope you read how to do that before trying out.15:19
phoenix_firebrdEzim: i have done that already15:19
Ezimsearch example: "grub 2 ubuntu 12.04 partition".15:19
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, good. then you know how to do it :).15:20
phoenix_firebrdEzim: ya, we will find out that soon :)15:20
BluesKajyes there's question I've been wonderingabout myself ..I have an extra hdd that I'd like to install internally on this pc15:21
BluesKajI already have an external esata to sata drive connected and mounted15:21
BluesKajI'd like to use the extra internal hdd for testing , since my other pc mobo is kaput15:22
BluesKajmaybe I should ask this devel15:23
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CQhello, if I run thunderbird from the command line after export LC_TIME=en_DK.utf8 then I get ISO dates, if I make export LC_TIME=en_DK;utf8;thunderbird the command for the icon to launch it, I get US date format... any ideas?15:30
CQen_DK.utf8 of course15:31
phoenix_firebrdEzim: installed grub successfully15:35
CQkde plasma active pre beta means alpha, or stable enough for experienced users?15:35
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, you rock :).15:36
phoenix_firebrdEzim: Our kubuntu community rocks :)15:36
markithi, is it me or there is no firefox-kde-support in 12.04???15:38
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Ezimmarkit, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/oxygen-kde/versions/15:40
markitEzim: does it fix file associations or only easthetic stuff?15:41
Ezimlast one15:41
Ezimmarkit, try it out, maybe it does even more. :)15:42
markitI install ltsp in schools with kubuntu, is a suicide without ff support :(15:42
Ezimmarkit, it should have ff support.15:43
Ezimbut I can be wrong. I am running kubuntu 11.10 still.15:43
Ezimmarkit, when flash is playing d-ck. maybe chrome should be the browser of choose.15:44
markitI'm running a script that installs all the programs needed by school... I've seen an error about missing firefox-kde-support. As soon as aptitude install stops, I will check again15:44
phoenix_firebrdEzim: why do we need oxygen-kde theme for firefox?15:44
phoenix_firebrdEzim: when we already have oxygen-gtk15:45
Ezimphoenix_firebrd, we do not, I like the look :).15:45
markit"flash is playing d-ck" ? what do you mean?15:45
Ezimmarkit, flash will not support linux with new release15:45
phoenix_firebrdEzim: but by default oxygen-gtk does the job15:45
Ezimonly buggfix etc15:45
Ezimonly chrome with its extension will have newer flash in the fet.15:46
markitflash = proprietary format = problems, sooner or later (and now we have problems)15:46
markitI'll go for gnash, better than nothing15:46
Ezimmarkit, I advice you to install chrome. even if you like ff more. same here.15:46
markitchromium you mean? chrome is proprietary and "market / proprietary programs" oriented15:47
AngelForgetvery good update kde 4.8.315:47
markitto me is a bad route to take15:47
Ezimmarkit, gnash is not fully mature yet. it will give student/children of the school bad linux experience15:47
markitwell, this is a ltsp installatino with so poor hardware that they will have a poor experinece in any case15:47
Ezimmarkit, I do not think chromium comes preinstalled with flash15:47
phoenix_firebrdmarkit: html5 works well with chrome than in chromium its also in case of flash15:47
markitthey are putting FOSS deeper and deeper in a corner with all this proprietary formats15:49
phoenix_firebrdmarkit: thats not true15:49
phoenix_firebrdmarkit: we need time to migrate to the open webm/html5 untill then we the prop. stuff15:50
markitphoenix_firebrd: no? dvd can't be played legally in many countries15:50
BluesKajyeah , libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins still works here15:50
markitBluesKaj: police is going after you if you are in US ;P15:51
markith264 is becoming mainstream15:51
phoenix_firebrdmarkit: not if you buy legally15:51
markitbtw, I've a lot more troubles playing webm with VLC or Free programs thatn with h264, what a shame15:51
BluesKajcan't wait for HTML5 so i can drop pulseaudio .., need it for webaudio , unfortunately most webaudio flash based15:51
markitphoenix_firebrd: you can't buy legally as free software15:52
markitphoenix_firebrd: they can only sell you compiled blobs, you don't have idea what do in your computer15:52
markitso you can't more and more use a computer for usefull stuff and still live in Freedom15:53
BluesKajmarkit, police? , for what? ...anyway I'm in Canada , so i have alittle time :)15:53
phoenix_firebrdmarkit: we can chat only in #kubuntu-offtopic sorry15:53
markitBluesKaj: yep, they are pushing for world wide regulation about enslavery15:53
markitEzim:  mmm confirm, no firefox-kde-support in 12.0415:54
forgeausseems to run ok in KDE for me15:54
BluesKajEzim, markit ..that's true15:54
forgeausI think its built into main packages or something had a menu item to install it, just not packaged separately?15:55
markitforgeaus: if you try to open a pdf link will it fire Okular?15:57
markitor maybe kubuntu-firefox-installer does some trick, but I have to install firefox "system wide" with a script, not graphically15:57
BluesKajmarkit, could you share your procedure with us , since we've had complaints about poor FF integration with KDE15:59
BluesKajpersonally I use chromium , but some ppl still like FF16:00
markitBluesKaj: well, in the past was simply a : aptitude install firefox firefox-branding firefox-kde-support16:01
markitand purging kubuntu-firefox-installer16:02
BluesKajmarkit, ok thanks16:02
markitin a school installation I forgot to install firefox-kde-support, was a nightmare because this way there is not correct file association16:03
markitand "average user" (teachers) are unable to figure out themselves16:03
markitand in any case i.e. associate "open containing folder" of the download dialog16:03
markitwith /usr/bin/dolphin is not an easy task16:04
markitthe same for zip / pdf / etc16:04
markitBluesKaj:  ok, FF and a pdf. If you choose "open" it opens it with okular. If you choose save and then in the download window you right click and choose "open" it asks about what program use16:16
markitthe same problem if you choose "open containing folder"16:16
markitso bad16:16
mgottschlaghey, anybody can tell me why I cannot install libiodbc2? I believe I need this to build kde from source, however it wants me to uninstall the running kde first16:26
DarthFrogTry installing libodbc2-devel instead16:27
mgottschlagdevel or dev?16:27
mgottschlaglibodbc2-dev fails because it wants libiodbc2 to be installed, and that one fails as described16:27
mgottschlaghttp://paste.kde.org/469862/ <- this is what I mean, shortened16:31
mgottschlag(oh, and I have the kubuntu ppa enabled, for kde 4.8.3)16:33
BluesKajmgottschlag, you should be asking in #kubuntu-devel if you just installed kde 4.8.316:36
tsimpsonmgottschlag: if it's not installed, you don't need it to build KDE. A quick way to get everything you need would be to "sudo apt-get build-dep kde4libs" add kde-runtime and kde-workspace if you need to16:36
mgottschlagtsimpson:  But what about http://paste.kde.org/469880 then? Some components do not work without that.16:42
mgottschlaganyways, I'll try my luck in #kubuntu-devel if that is a more appropriate place now16:42
tsimpsonyeah, for issues with the PPA version, that's the best place :)16:43
KarmaComaHi, on Kubuntu 12.04 every time i disable DPMS i find it enabled itself after sometime!17:16
JarliAnyone home?17:22
BluesKajJarli, we're awake , yes17:31
boris_ребят кто нить по русски говорит ??17:32
bazhangboris_, #ubuntu-ru17:32
Farsighthey folks, new here and wondered if any would be able to help me set Kmail to download all mail locally?17:34
Joit_Farsight: you usually get the neccesary settings at the help pages from your mail provider17:35
FarsightI'll have a look and let you know :)17:36
jaafaryikes. flashplugin update appears broken.  Anyone else observing this?17:47
jaafarI observe the following 1) flashplugin-installer update required 2) it fails with error message relating to, I think, language packs 3) flash no longer works in chrome17:48
jaafaron two systems so far17:48
jaafarapt-get remove flashplugin-installer;apt-get install flashplugin-installer fixes it17:49
BluesKajjaafar, rumour has it adobe is dropping it's linux support17:52
EzimBluesKaj, it is not any rumour.17:56
jaafarThe issue I experienced (anyone else?) seems to be a packaging problem rather than a failure of linux support from Adobe17:57
jaafarthough I too have heard that17:57
BluesKajEzim, ok , I thought i read somewhere that flash wasn't being supported any longer17:57
BluesKajin linux17:57
EzimBluesKaj, yeah thats true.17:57
BluesKajthat's bothersome , seems like the major web companies are joining forces against linux or is it just economics18:00
tsimpsonflash is on its way out anyway, due to HTML518:00
EzimBluesKaj, if you wanted to get the latest and greatest release of flash then you are force to use chrome18:01
Ezimbut for other browser that use flash the old way will get support/bugfix (no new fet.) for 5 years I think.18:01
Ezim5 years from now :) I hope flash will die18:01
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BluesKajEzim, yes, it should be officially released and implemented sometime in 201418:07
BluesKajIsuppose not all large sites will use it immediately18:08
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dbc254kmail keeps crashing. What other clients are there?18:14
dant3kubuntu 12.04 introduced nice "Updates notification" which is not working and on open shows hugely wide messagebox with buggy text. Will it be fixed, or can I remove it somehow?18:15
jaafarthat must be the messagebox that informed me the flash update failed...18:17
dant3jaafar: yep, it is18:17
jaafarmany times the width of the screen and (on my laptop) completely black/unreadable18:17
dant3I want to get rid of it cause I see it everyday18:17
dant3it`s like buggy muon which crashes on package install and breaks cache and has somethat unusable ui was not enouth18:17
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d-eggHi, how do I get rid of kdeaccessibility . It's in the tray and respawns.18:47
d-eggI think I started it through orca or so18:47
d-eggno parent process18:48
d-eggchmod a-x /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kaccessibleapp18:50
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mangdood_Is there a way I can exclude an GTK application from having the KDE appearance applied to it19:59
zeerokHey, quick question: I was copying a large file over the network, and I hit the pause button in the notification window to suspend it temporarily. Now how do I resume the copy? Pressing pause again does nothing. Thanks.20:05
zeerokKubuntu 12.0420:05
zeerokOh, I closed the notification window and then reopened it, and the pause button became a resume button. Guess that's a bug.20:08
tsimpsonmangdood_: I think you'd need to modify the $GTK_RC_FILES and $GTK2_RC_FILES environment variables to remove the KDE additions20:18
mangdood_tsimpson: I'm not sure what you mean20:20
mangdood_tsimpson: doesn't seem to be set (not that I know much)20:20
tsimpsonmangdood_: if you open a terminal and type "echo $GTK_RC_FILES" and "echo $GTK2_RC_FILES" you get nothing?20:21
mangdood_tsimpson: Nothnig20:21
tsimpsonmangdood_: well those are the only things I can find on my system that relate to GTK themes20:22
tsimpsonso I guess I can't help :(20:22
mangdood_tsimpson: How does KDE apply the appearance on GTK applications anyways? Does it just create a GTK theme that has similar configurations as the KDE one?20:23
tsimpsonas far as I know, it creates a custom GTK configuration files20:24
tsimpsonthe ones I've found are ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4, ~/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.0, and ~/.kde/share/config/gtkrc20:25
mangdood_tsimpson: So the changing of the environment changed the appearance, but not the behaviour of the dropdowns and things20:30
mangdood_tsimpson: The program I'm using has some special behaviour when certain buttons are clicked, but it doesn't come out correctly in KDE... Any suggestions?20:32
tsimpsonwell, that sounds like a bug in that application. a theme or style shouldn't change behaviour. but as for a workaround, I guess the quickest way would be to create a new user, and then run the application as that new user20:33
tsimpsonie: kdesudo -u new-user -c some-app20:33
goddardhow can i indent selected text with kate?20:34
mangdood_goddard: Select some text and hit tab seems to work for me20:36
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Guest63538hello is this kubutnu20:38
Guest63538i need help20:39
Tm_TGuest63538: yes?20:40
Guest63538On kubuntu i have no sound20:40
Guest63538and i dont know how to get java.com from java20:40
dant3hey guys. Somehow I have KTorrens as default app for magnet links, I want to use qBittorrent which I have installed, how can I change this?20:43
mgottschlagGuest63538: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java <- for java you have to install the openjdk20:44
mgottschlagas well as the icedtea browser plugin20:44
Guest63538do i install both?20:44
mgottschlagyes, the openjdk jre can be used for standalone java applications, but not for browser applets20:45
Guest63538and hte iced tea is for java applets20:46
Guest63538it said20:46
mgottschlagI think installing icedtea might also install parts or even the complete openjdk jre, but I am not sure about that20:46
tsimpsondant3: change it under System Settings -> File Associations -> application/x-bittorrent20:46
Guest63538both packages already installed20:47
dant3tsimpson: if that was so easy - I have qBittorrent as default there20:47
Guest63538ok i need some more help if u dont mind20:48
Guest63538I have downloaded this .jar file how do i open it?20:48
mgottschlagGuest63538: what web browser? in firefox, open "about:plugins" to see whether firefox found it20:48
Guest63538i use chrome it sync my stuff frmo windows20:48
mgottschlagin the command line just "java -jar filename"20:48
Guest63538how do i open this command line20:49
Guest63538i only install kubuntu 10 mins ago20:49
dant3tsimpson: can it somehow be connected to the fact I'm using chromium as browser, and opening magnet-link suggests to run xdg-open magnet://urlhere20:49
mgottschlagGuest63538: start "konsole"20:50
lethuGuest63538, alt+F220:51
lethuGuest63538, then type konsole20:51
lethuGuest63538, then push the enter button20:51
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ubottulost+found is where !fsck places any files it gleans from a corrupt filesystem.  These are files which had become unlinked from their parent directories.20:57
Kill_the_black /j #fanculo-ubuntu20:58
orgthingyI hope this doesn't count as off-topic: For the first time in my life, I feel proud of the Kubuntu/KDE community! What a wonderful release, i think Im moving to KDE thanks to you guys21:07
orgthingywonderful job21:07
Ezimorgthingy, kubuntu always make good release. :)21:10
Ezimkde itself have been much better from 4.6 and forward21:11
orgthingyEzim: it's not the kubuntu community itself that was the problem (not at all) but rather KDE itself21:11
orgthingyI never liked KDE before this release21:11
orgthingyIm quite impressed21:11
Ezimorgthingy, like me then. I did not like kde before 4.6 and that was the reason I did not use kubuntu21:12
Ezimafter 4.6 I am home :)21:12
Ezimthe team is doing great work. kudos to all of them.21:13
orgthingythe last 11.x ubuntu release was a disaster21:13
orgthingywhich is why I moved to xubuntu21:13
orgthingyand now Im using kubuntu (first day)21:13
orgthingyI hope everything goes well21:13
Ezimorgthingy, it will.21:13
orgthingyI didnt need to ask for help, everything was easy and guessable21:13
dant3even if I have xdg-mime setted up correctly for application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet;21:14
dant3for qbittorrent it still opens ktorrent, not qbittorrent21:14
Ezimkde have mature and the great work of kubuntu team this release is great21:14
dant3looks like another bug21:14
dant3in xdg-open this time21:14
tsimpsondant3: I guess need to edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list (and that is a guess)21:15
* orgthingy will recommend Linux Mint to GNOME lovers, and Kubuntu for KDE lovers from now on21:15
dant3tsimpson: done that already21:16
Ezimdant3, you can easy do it gui way21:16
dant3Ezim: tell me how?21:16
Ezimwill take screenshot brb21:16
dant3Ezim: system settings -> mime types ?21:16
Ezimdant3, http://imgur.com/tr6RR21:17
dant3Ezim: nothing new, I have only qbittorrent there atm21:18
dant3but xdg-open still uses ktorrent21:18
Ezimdant3, you can add the torrent client you wanted21:18
dant3I want qbittorrent and it works for *.torrent files21:18
dant3but does not works for magnet: links21:18
Ezimdant3, then whats the problem?21:19
Ezimdant3, I see.21:19
dant3magnet: tryes to open ktorrent and it sucks to open them21:19
Ezimmagnet:links I have no idea21:19
Ezimdant3, you can try transmission if it works better with magnet:links21:19
dant3Ezim: qBittorrent worked quite nice with magnet on windows and opensuse for me21:20
Ezimdant3, then it should also under kubuntu.21:20
dant3ok... for ubuntu google says I can patch xdg-open which lacks magnet section21:21
Ezimdant3, https://launchpad.net/~hydr0g3n/+archive/ppa21:21
Ezimif you do not use the latest qbittorent21:21
westyvwwhy qbittorent when there is ktorrent?21:22
westyvwnot being a jerk, seriously wondering.... consider ktorrent too bloated or what?21:23
dant3westyvw: I hate to say it but ktorrent sucks... it drains ram for nothing, it drains cpu highly on downloads, it can`t open magnet liks even then xdg-open asks it for, (looks like a kio bug for me)21:24
dant3Ezim: Im using qbittorrent from repo21:25
westyvwi dont have any issues with ram or cpu, it uses barely any of either, but the last problem does seem like a deal breaker21:25
dant3westyvw: Im using qbittorrent for about 6 months already instead of ktorrent, and I like it much. I can bet there was more problems with ktorrent which I can`t remember atm, but then I open ktorrent I began feeling sad21:27
westyvwi was curious, thanks21:28
westyvwi have bigger problems. I cant change the mime types (what program launches what) beecuase user/share is not writable21:29
dant3found it, xdg-open uses kde-open for magnet links and kde-open just opens ktorrent21:29
dant3westyvw: it can be changed per user21:29
dant3westyvw: xdg mime default /usr/share/applications/yourapp.desktop yourmimehere --mode user21:30
westyvwConfiguration file "/home/westy/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" not writable.21:31
westyvwthat should not happen21:31
westyvwwell i upgraded this from Kubuntu 11.10 and there have been a few odd things ever since. I should reinstall i would think21:33
dant3westyvw: I upgraded my pc from 10.04 to 11.10 and there was none of updates that was not done by my hands resolving conflicts21:33
dant3westyvw: before installing 12.04 I had to remodprobe my network drivers on boot to have networking21:34
dant3I done a clean install and found still many bugs :(21:34
dant3great... do you know how I fixed xdg-open?21:35
westyvwubuntu 12 wont even install on my other computer21:35
dant3I remove ktorrent21:35
westyvwi use chakra on that one21:35
dant3now kde-open uses mimetypes, and opens with qbittorrent....21:35
dant3looks like egoistic behaviour21:36
dant3so, the solution is: remove ktorrent ;D21:36
dant3(in case someone will look for it)21:36
dant3westyvw: btw atm qbittorrent already started to download from magnet, while I have six spinners left from ktorrent21:37
westyvwi thought kde would look for kget as its default torrent client21:37
dant3westyvw: it was default for torrent files... and ktorrent for magnet21:38
dant3stupid as it sounds21:38
westyvwoh yeah, gotcha21:38
dant3kget is a great app, not so cluttered as ktorrent21:38
westyvwyeah ktorrent was getting busy, but you could set stuff up and then just launch the web front end. and use it at home and away21:39
dant3westyvw: then I prefer rtorrent headless this way, not ui-resources draining ktorrent21:39
dant3westyvw: and qbittorrent can be headless too btw!21:40
westyvwthat i have never seen, ktorrent uses nothing on my machine, but then again i dont really use torrents much anymore21:40
westyvwso eh, whatever works21:40
dant3westyvw: I have many torrens I'm seeding21:40
dant3~ 5021:41
westyvwk3b has been giving me the notification that it can add extra functionality everytime i run it. need to make that stop21:42
dant3just install this packages and it won`t bother you anymore21:42
westyvwoh i have installed it, over and over....21:43
westyvwit never quits asking!21:43
dant3westyvw: it really is... just reproduced... was fine in 11.1021:43
dant3this lts makes me sad... 10.04 was really strong release compared to current21:44
westyvwso a reinstall wont fix it.....21:44
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westyvwif Debian sid had newer KDE packs, I would be rolling with them instead believe me21:44
dant3westyvw: if opensuse does not had many bugs too, I would prefer it ;)21:45
westyvwi dont get opensuse, it NEVER works right for me, I can break that in a day21:45
dant3nice success story21:46
westyvwKubuntu isnt bad, it does have newer stuff, the tweaks are simple and pleasent, the Ubuntu ppa's are huge, and so on.21:46
westyvwthe trade off is ITS SLOW.21:46
dant3westyvw: it not so slow for me mostly, it is very buggy. And there more and more bugs from release to release21:47
dant3for example, I have a sensor screened netbook, in 11.10 it was fine, but in 12.04 sensor does not works anymore21:48
dant3so I'm wonder, if debian testing is so buggy and ubuntu just copies their bugs in packages and builds21:50
Asiahey guys21:55
AlexZionhi guys ..., I was looking for a timer inside Kontact to check how along I'm working on some job , but I can't find it anymore..., someone remember the name of this usefull apps  ?21:55
AsiaMay I ask You about suspending laptop21:55
Asiacause it doesnt work on my laptop21:55
dant3kubuntu is still nice anyway, at least even I'm alwais looking for a better distro and I keep coming back to kubuntu and feeling myself nice with it even then it contains some bugs, it may be fun to challenge them sometimes :D thanks kubuntu team21:56
Asiaanyone could help?21:56
dant3AlexZion: kalarm perhaps?21:57
AlexZionmaybe , but it was embedded in Kontact !?!21:58
natmanis there anyway to support kubuntu via buying merchanise?21:58
dant3AlexZion: korganizer and kalarm is only things I have in mind reading your question21:59
westyvwdant3: Yes. I would have to say that it is my favorite KDE distro. The Kubuntu team have really done a great job.21:59
AlexZionok thanks a lot buddy , I'll check it out .. ;)22:00
dant3westyvw: KDE distro, yes. I can`t use non KDE distro for some time already ;) I feel myself uncomfortable without kde :) And I like to hack on KDE`s sources ;)22:01
AlexZionanyway dant3, is not kalarm ..., but i cannot remember the name ....., it was really usefull to take note of the time I'm working on different activity .....22:05
dant3AlexZion: provide me with usecase and maybe your gui expirience with it, and maybe I will be able to help you better22:07
dant3with fuller usecase22:07
Asiacould anyone give ma a hand with suspending laptop22:07
dant3Asia: I can try. Tell me your laptop model22:08
AlexZionwell , I had in Kontact a part where start a timer for each desktop for example where I was working on different activity ....., dant3, so it was really easy to take note about how many hours I worked on a specific job ......22:08
Asiahttp://www.msi.com/product/nb/VR601.html#/?div=FAQ here is all about it22:08
dant3Asia: that happens then you trying to suspend it?22:09
Asiai click to suspend and it seems to suspend normally22:10
Asiabut the problem is when I want to "wake up " laptop22:10
Asiawhile it is uspended the power button blink22:11
Asiawhen I push butto or lid up22:11
dant3AlexZion: ktimetracker perhaps?22:11
AlexZionmaybe dant3, let me check .....22:12
Asiathe led light start to continous lighting for a few (5 perhaps) seconds22:12
dant3AlexZion: as I'm looking at it, it implies me that this is what you looking for22:12
Asiathen the hole power goes down, I have to run lapton twice with power button, cause after first one it doesnt run at all22:13
AlexZionit sounds like it could be .... dant3 I'm installing it ....22:13
Asiaits all22:13
dant3Asia: I see22:13
AsiaI know that suspending work. I had  earlier windows and it worked22:14
AlexZiondant3:  thanks a lot , is KtimeTracker .... ;)22:15
Asiai had kubuntu 12.04 6422:15
dant3Asia: please let me see output of   "sudo lshw -class wlan" command from konsole22:16
dant3AlexZion: good :)22:17
AsiaPCI (sysfs)22:17
dant3Asia: use paste.kde.org please22:17
dant3Asia: ok... "sudo lshw"  ?22:19
dant3Asia: please run just sudo lshw, and give the output22:19
dant3(without --class ...)22:19
=== wqeffdbbgfngfcgc is now known as nurupo
dant3Asia: it looks like the problem is caused by wlan driver trying to resume wireless on wake up, You can try to follow instructions from answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/13994/msi-vr601-laptop-wont-resume-after-suspend22:25
dant3Asia: perhaps this could be helpfull http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148198322:26
Asiais there any chance to disable wlan completely cause I've never use it22:26
AsiaI use only wifi22:26
dant3Asia: wlan == wifi22:28
AsiaI am sorry :P22:29
AsiaIt is quite late inhere22:29
AsiaI thought You say eth022:29
dant3itqs quite late here too :P22:29
dant3I even miss keyboard sometimes :p22:30
Asiathanks for help22:30
Asiaproduct: AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter  wich one is my wificard22:38
akseyahi folks ^ ^22:48
akseyai have just installed kubuntu 12.04 here but I get a lot of issues..22:49
akseyatouchpad is not working, bluetooth isn't either...22:49
akseyadon't know what to do22:49
akseyaactually looks like something is wrong with USB too.. pendrive is not recognized22:50
akseyaany ideas?22:51
akseyashould I try reinstalling Kubuntu?22:52
Asiareinstall driver22:55
forgeausuh that was nasty22:55
forgeausI got booted from sudoers! how to fix?22:55
akseyai reinstalled xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and rebooted22:56
akseyabut didn't work22:56
akseyagonna try reinstall kubuntu.. brb22:57
dant3forgeaus: run "id" and show results22:58
forgeausuid=1000(forgeaus) gid=1000(forgeaus) groups=1000(forgeaus),134(vboxusers)22:59
dant3forgeaus: strange, the issue is not only with sudoers, you dont have some other usefull groups.23:01
dant3I can suggest you to boot in single user mode, or chroot from livecd and then add needed groups to your user23:02
dant3from root23:02
dant3forgeaus: http://superuser.com/questions/306182/chmod-sudoers-without-using-sudo something like this23:03
dant3but you need to add groups to your user, not to chmod sudoers23:03
Asiahey dant3 could You help once more23:15
Asiahey dant3 would You like to help me once more/?23:16
akSeyaok.. reinstalled kubuntu.. touchpad works during install, but don't work on kde23:19
akSeyatouchpad is not shown in /proc/bus/input/devices23:21
akSeyarunning apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade23:23
akSeyagoing to reboot.. BRB23:26
=== Travis is now known as Guest92109
Guest92109Hello is anyone in here23:27
BluesKajI hope so :)23:28
akSeyaok.. touchpad is working again ^^23:28
Guest92109Am going to install Kubuntu on my HP notebook PC23:29
akSeyabluetooth working too ^^23:32
Guest92109akSeya: What does blue tooth mean is it connect to your devices like head phones or something like that?23:35
BluesKaj!bluetooth | Guest9210923:36
ubottuGuest92109: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:36
BluesKajGuest92109, it's a close range wireless system23:37
Guest92109BluesKaj: Oh thank you23:37
Guest92109asia: Hello I know no one is talking here23:38
Guest92109and your beatful?23:38
Guest92109Man People talk in here am getting lonly23:39
BluesKajyup , I'm a drummer :)23:39
Guest92109BluesKaj: NICE23:40
BluesKajwell ,general chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic23:40
Guest92109Thank you lol mabey some people will talk in there23:41
BluesKajI'm always there23:41
forgeausgroups defaults for normal users is: cdrom,floppy,dialout,tape,dip,adm,plugdev,fax,fuse,video , for admins is cdrom,floppy,dialout,tape,dip,adm,plugdev,fax,fuse,admin,sambashare,lpadmin,video23:52
forgeauswhy'd I get deleted from them?23:52

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