
jaddi27Hi benonsoftware01:36
paperockscissorhi. i have just installed ubuntu 11. and i am having trouble viewing youtube video? can some one help with this flash thingy?03:46
paperockscissorplease : )03:46
head_victimpaperockscissor: Firstly, if you've only just installed I would have suggested version 12.04 that was recently released. If that's not an option then I'd take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash05:42
sagacihead_victim: ping07:04
head_victimsagaci: pong :) Getting excited about UDS I imagine 07:07
sagacihead_victim: seven days shouldn't be too hard to keep it under control07:33
sagacimy phone will probably only last me 6 hours on the way over07:33
head_victimsagaci: check with the airline, might be able to charge on the way07:46
jaddi27head_victim, Just want to check with you as to whether or not I should add my name to the list for the Ubuntu members meeting on Tuesday07:47
jaddi27I was hoping to get another testimonial from benonsoftware, but he has been a bit busy07:48
benonsoftwarejaddi27: I'm totally sorry, I'll do it right after some dinner07:48
* benonsoftware blams school and traveling07:48
jaddi27benonsoftware, I completely understand. I haven't been online much either due to Uni07:49
benonsoftwareThe joys of high school :P07:49
sagacigood luck with the release party07:50
sagacihead_victim: *07:50
head_victimjaddi27: I'll need to check, they're redoing how membership boards are staffed and I'm not sure if we're going ahead next week.07:50
jaddi27head_victim, Right. When you find out, would you be able to let me know? And would it be worth be adding my name just so it is there for when the meeting is run next?07:53
head_victimjaddi27: I'd add it 07:54
jaddi27benonsoftware, Yep, luckily I have finished that now (though I still have my brother and sister to help). Though Uni is probably just as much work07:54
head_victimsagaci: I'm hoping we'll get a turnout of 10 or so07:54
jaddi27head_victim, Ok, I will do that now07:54
jaddi27sagaci, When do you head off?07:54
head_victimjaddi27: high school? Hard work? You're kidding right?07:55
jaddi27head_victim, Year 12 was, especially when you are also doing a uni subject in addition to the rest07:55
jaddi27I will be interested to see what EA announces in its 15 minute slot at UDS07:55
sagacijaddi27: tomorrow morning07:58
sagacileave sydney at around 307:58
jaddi27not too long to go then07:58
head_victimThere are a bunch of other locos saying they'd received their CDs in the last couple of days, fingers crossed ours will turn up next week sometime.08:03
head_victimWe need to come up with some ways to distribute them in ways that get them used.08:04
jaddi27head_victim, Hopefully I can organise something at UQ through the Computing Society in the next month or so08:10
head_victimjaddi27: sounds good, I'm going to be making a phone call this week to see if I start uni next semester or if I have to wait until the start of next year08:11
jaddi27that was at QUT wasn't it? Not sure what they have there that could do something with Ubuntu - should be easy to find out hopefully08:12
head_victimYeah I've recently changed thinking to QUT but they have some extra entry requirements that other Uni's don't for the course. So it's touch and go if I'll get it organised in time for the start of semester.08:13
head_victimBut yeah, they should have something I can weasel into to get some Ubuntu airtime :D08:13
jaddi27Yes, I am sure you will find a way :)08:14
head_victimjaddi27: so do you go to the st lucia campus?08:14
head_victimI was wondering how well HUMBUG are "integrated" into the uni ecosystem there.08:14
jaddi27Yes, I am at St Lucia, doing Software Engineering08:15
jaddi27I have heard them mentioned a few times, but not all that much08:15
head_victimAh k, wasn't sure what campus you were at.08:15
head_victimHm fair enough, just seeing how active they are from another angle.08:16
jaddi27I haven't really gone seeking info on them either, so maybe they are mentioned more in other groups I am not in08:17
head_victimFair enough. Enjoying the course?08:17
jaddi27Yes, it is good so far. Just a lot of work at the moment due to getting closer to the end of semester08:18
jaddi27I am doing a course on Unix at the moment, so has been a good way to introduce more people to Ubuntu08:19
head_victimWell, if you see an opportunity and want some resources to make something happen sing out and we'll see what we can do.08:20
head_victimWe have banners, posters, CDs, tablecloths, etc. 08:20
jaddi27Ok. I will let you know when I have more information08:20
head_victimI can't wait to start studying again. My brain has been in neutral for far too long.08:20
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