
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
* GridCube proposes that xubuntu 12.10 should ship arandr14:37
mips1911Why does xubuntu use gnomevfs, why not gvfs?15:40
knomepleia2, http://xubuntu.org/?p=1077&preview=true16:27
pleia2knome: can we get a date for the week of 19 without having to look at the release schedule? :)16:36
pleia2or is that week 19 of the year?16:36
knomeweek 19 of the year16:37
pleia2I still don't know what that date is16:37
pleia2so dates would be good for my brain16:37
pleia2and for 20th too :)16:38
pleia2(see what I did there, 20th is the 20th!)16:38
pleia2otherwise this is good :)16:38
knomegood good16:39
knomehave you had a chance to check out the other drafed article?16:39
pleia2I would also like to blog about Xubuntu stickers, I can send them to people and give them out at UDS, my blog or Xubuntu blog?16:39
pleia2no, I will look now16:39
knomei think the xubuntu blog would be appropriate16:40
pleia2oh yes, FAQ16:40
knomejust make sure it's in the "Articles" category :)16:40
pleia2we need a FAQ about that white on white theme thing16:40
knomehttp://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-artwork-update-unity-support/ <- feel free to add a paragraph like that (in the end) if you like16:40
pleia2"this theme isn't updated yet"16:40
knomemmh, albatross, yeah16:40
pleia2people ask that like 10x/day16:40
pleia2these are great16:43
knomeupdated faq16:45
knomei think it's ready for publishing now, can you quickly proof-read the last Q16:45
knome(#9, just added)16:45
GridCubeoh, you are nto using the pad thingy16:48
knomeno, not now16:48
knomeGridCube, you should be able to access http://xubuntu.org/?p=1033&preview=true16:48
pleia2knome: I'd s/If you need/For16:49
GridCube"page not found"16:49
knomepleia2, done16:49
knomeGridCube, try logging in first.16:49
knomewith ubuntu SSO16:50
knome(just push the button)16:50
pleia2knome: do we want to add one about DNSMasq?16:50
knome: How do I install additional (propietary) drivers in Xubuntu? -> jockey16:50
knome: How can I get the terminal back to black background?(?) -> provide a .terminalrc file / link to page that does16:50
knome: How do I install Xfce 4.10? -> it's not supported, but there is a PPA16:50
knome^ other ideas too16:50
knomei don't think the dsnmasq is something for "faq" though :)16:50
knomesomebody knows gigolo?16:51
knomewe could quickly describe #116:51
knomei don't, and i can't test with windows shares16:51
GridCubepage not found16:53
knomeGridCube, you were able to log in?16:54
GridCubeit stills doesnt show anything16:54
knomehard refresh?16:54
knomeif not else, http://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=1033&action=edit16:55
GridCubeYou are not allowed to edit this item.16:55
knomethen you don't have the access rights :P16:55
knomeyou should though16:56
knometry again?16:56
GridCubei now have a menu bar at the top of the page, i didnt had that before16:57
knomebleh, we probably should give some more privileges to contributors16:58
knomeor create our own role, and give a set of different privileges alltogether16:58
knomeprobably allow read*16:59
GridCubei don't know16:59
knomeand disallow delete*16:59
knomedon't know what?16:59
GridCubewhat you are talking about :P if you should or should not give privileges16:59
knomeheh, fortunately i do16:59
knomethe idea was not to disallow the team from seeing anything that is under works17:00
GridCubein the "dashboard" theres a lot of titles, but i cant open any of those17:00
knomei just didn't want *everybody* to have admin rights17:00
GridCubethats smart17:00
knomethe author/editor roles weren't something i was comfortable with either17:01
knomepublish_posts and espeically delete_published_posts is scary17:01
knomeuse your common sense to think what those mean ;)17:02
GridCubei guess they make the site faster?17:02
knomein a way... yes17:03
pleia2used a FAQ \o/17:29
pleia2let's publish this dude17:29
* GridCube :D17:29
pleia2yay :)17:29
* knome is off for now17:30
knomesee you17:30
pleia2hm, silly cache, it's not showing up in our faq section17:31
* pleia2 waits17:31
* pleia2 handles the twitters17:38
GridCubei like how our top10 has 9 questions :317:40
pleia2we don't mention 10 anywhere :)17:41
GridCube:P i noticed17:42
mips1911I see the 4.10 builds are almost done19:27
Unit193But, they are the unsupported ones as there is no 4.10 in Pangolin.19:30
mips1911Yeah aware of that but not concerned. 1 more package to go19:32
knomepleia2, so, do you think we should publish the other article too?19:46
* Unit193 can't even look at it, but knows the title.19:55
knomeheh :)19:55
knomeyeah, we should get those permissions right19:55
* knome should quickly test them somewhere not-production first19:56
Unit193"WordPress 3.3.2 is available! Please notify the site administrator." I'm not going to notify the admin, too hard...19:56
Unit193I can assist, no?19:56
knomei'm not sure how we should proceed with those..19:56
knomei'd need to ask the IS19:56
knomei thought the policy is that they will update it19:56
knomebut i'll get to them later...19:57
knomepleia2, you still around?19:58
Unit193Assist being with the testing, I just did as the weird banner said to. ;)19:58
mips1911hmm, 4.10 install not going so well. can't install libthunarx-2-0 as it depends on a older version of thunar-data19:58
knomeUnit193, ah, no, not really necessary :)19:58
Unit193Alright, I'll just sit back and -laugh- watch.19:59
pleia2IS just deals with it21:39
knomethey should just deal with it quicker then ;)21:40
Unit193It's IS, what do you expect?21:42
pleia2I'm glad the support wordpress at all :)21:45
knomewould be idiotic to just support drupal21:45
pleia2limited resources, all the early projects wanted drupal and wordpress' maturity was questionable21:48
pleia2this is back when it also took 8-12 months to get a response to an RT ticket... if you nagged them (or 2 years otherwise)21:49
knomestupid policy to force drupal too, imo21:50
pleia2most of us just hosted our stuff offsite21:50
knomei understand the security policies, but maybe some more permissions for community would be good too21:50
pleia2for ubuntu women we just had a flat text html site21:50
knomeanyway, i'm off22:09
knomesee you tomorrow :)22:09
pleia2I'm in UDS-mode for the next week, so I'll be in and out22:10

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