
imbrandonon a promis of repayment but i knew going in it was a gift00:00
imbrandonlittle brother*00:00
imbrandonSpamapS: so i got to thinking ,since there is ALOT tweaks that go with the fcgi interface processor of choice, and looking at the way rightscale and some chef cookbooks etc all seem to split it up00:02
_mup_juju/increase-session-timeout r451 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com00:03
imbrandonits more common to have more than one nginx bases on the fcgi used, but i think its cleaner to do it the way we talked about ( but a larger charm that must encapsulate the knowhow of both php and ruby and python fcgi tweaks )00:03
SpamapSOk maybe not a crumper ;)00:03
_mup_juju/scale-test r535 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com00:04
_mup_log agent connections00:04
imbrandoncrumper ? like crunk ?00:04
_mup_juju/scale-test r536 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com00:05
_mup_merge increase session timeout00:05
imbrandonSpamapS: sad part is i love karaoke, and not half bad , but even though i listen to EVERYTHING, but mostly rock/r&b/rap(selective) I sing country00:05
SpamapSits ok, I sing Neil Diamond and Billy Joel00:08
SpamapSor NiN00:08
SpamapSbut only when I'm pissed off00:08
imbrandoni wish i could sing Hurt00:09
imbrandonbut i would tear it up and thats an awsome song00:09
imbrandonin fact /me switches itunes to Hurt ( Cash Version )00:10
SpamapSI like Only00:16
SpamapSTHERE IS NO YOU!00:16
SpamapSalright, Goldeneye is over, time to go get dinner00:17
imbrandonsaid brother from above named his oldest boy Trent, after NiN00:17
SpamapSimbrandon: travel safe00:17
imbrandonSpamapS: ty , see ya00:17
SpamapShah, thats a one-way ticket to the psychiatrist office. "Hi, I'm named after an angry, dark, brooding master of electronic instruments.:00:18
SpamapSok, out00:18
_mup_juju/scale-test r537 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com00:38
_mup_increase connect timeout to 8m00:38
txwikingerHas anyone ever used juju with trystack.org?04:36
SpamapStxwikinger: I have not, but if it has full S3 capabilities then it should work06:11
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
* imbrandon-web twiddles thumbs22:57
marcoceppiimbrandon: come to the second floor23:07
m_3_marcoceppi: imbrandon here yet?23:41
m_3_marcoceppi: please intro23:41
marcoceppim_3_: he's here, I think he's waiting for a room23:45
zirpuhey, it's till sunday here. don't mess with me. :-)23:46

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