
nixternalScottK: I used to maintain that in debian. i haven't paid attention if the developer keeps it updated (re: skulpture)00:00
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ScottKnixternal: It way behind in Debian.  Unless you want to maintain it, you should probably ask to have it removed.00:42
utu-sanno 4.8.3 for quantal?04:08
kio_httpHi I was wondering when kde 4.8.3 will be in the main represitory or at least just the new kmix version.05:44
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BluesKajHiyas all13:01
* BluesKaj searches for virtuoso bug ...it eats cpu for no reason "waiting for something to happen"13:38
BluesKajusing cpulimit in xterm , to keep it under 30%13:39
ali_hi, how can i get the progress of synatpic from a command line?13:46
EagleScreendid you remove firefox-kde-support? (KMozillaHelper)14:19
BluesKajEagleScreen, my understanding is mozilla no longer supports kde integration ...dunno for sure since only seen comments in passing 14:25
EagleScreenI will see if OpenSUSE keeps it for 12.214:26
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jackyIs there a specific reason why they dropped KDE support?14:41
BluesKajjacky, a conspiracy against opensource ? :)14:54
jackyFrom a open source foundation? :P Not likely XD14:54
BluesKajpressures from outside ...look at canonical dropping support for kubuntu ...it starts small ..thin edge of the wedge and all that14:56
BluesKajadobe flash 14:56
jackyWould make sense, true. But Canonical had good reason; Kubuntu's really mature.14:58
jackyAnd maybe it's because we like rekonq more than Firefox :P14:58
BluesKajjacky, like reqonk more than FF ? ..maybe in your circle , but rekonq is waaay too unstable to be a reliable browser IME15:18
jackyI think it needs more usability testing imho15:19
jackyand I was seriously considering adding a scripting API15:19
jackybut then I saw someone mention support for Chromium extensions.15:20
jackybut eh.15:20
jackymaybe when school's out.15:20
BluesKajchromium isn't my fav , but it's stable 15:20
Darkwinganyone there yet? :)18:33
EzimDarkwing, this is not the support section if your question is about support.20:01
ScottKEzim: It's not.20:03
ScottKDarkwing: I'm as there as I'm going to get.  How about that.20:03
Ezimwill we get gdebi for 12.10?20:04
Ezimnow to install deb files people needs to install gdebi or use command line20:05
Ezimnot the most userfriendly way20:05
ScottKJontheEchidna will, I'm sure, fix that.20:05
EzimScottK, did not really get you.20:05
ScottKYou want a user friendly way to install .deb files.20:05
EzimScottK, exactly.20:06
ScottKI think JontheEchidna will support that in muon* some way.20:06
JontheEchidnause the qapt-deb-installer, which comes by default20:06
ScottKEzim: ^^^ use that.20:06
Ezimqapt-deb-installer have not been good like gdebi20:06
Ezimin 11.1020:06
JontheEchidnait's had a bunch of improvements in 12.0420:07
Ezimbut then again I am using ppa for more up to date muon stuf20:07
JontheEchidnaand if there are still issues w/ it in 12.04, I'd encourage you to file bug reports20:07
EzimJontheEchidna, I have not installed 12.04 yet. but when I will do if there is a bug I will report.20:08
EzimJontheEchidna, muon packagemanager have been better with ppa I added. it is really fast and almost equal to synaptic.20:09
JontheEchidnaglad to hear it20:09
Ezimmuon software centre is fast, but not near ubuntu software centre. I hope improvement comes in this area.20:09
Ezimother then that muon is much better then the crap that was installed by default before muon came20:10
ScottKIn fairness, Apper is much better now than Kpackagekit used to be.20:10
EzimScottK, was the name of the "crap" apper? :)20:11
Ezimfirst thing I did back then was installing synaptic20:12
Ezimnow atleast I am running muon 20:12
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yofelEzim: you mean kpackagekit20:12
yofelapper is fine from what I've seen (not used it much)20:12
Ezimyofel, thx.20:13
Ezimguys/girls blue system will pay after 12.0420:21
Ezimis it to riddell only or more developer of kubuntu?20:22
ScottKEzim: It was kpackagekit when we had it.  It's called Apper now.20:28
EzimScottK, thx for the info.20:29
MamarokScottK: I think I give up on bug 994469, that guy is helpless23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 994469 in The Sound Menu "amarok does not hide to sound indicator on close but terminates" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99446923:12

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