
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
jokerdinooops sorry about that.04:28
Fudgebring on june 7 :)06:03
jokerdinoa month away :/06:03
Fudgeyeah sux hey loL06:08
=== emma is now known as em
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
=== Guest18890 is now known as Aranel
BluesKajHiyas all13:01
SidewinderMornin' BluesKaj :)13:03
BluesKajHi Sidewinder :)13:03
_3vi1_Odd.  My e1000e doesn't seem to be working with the 3.4 kernel.  Searching launchpad bugs, I see people complaining of similar problems, but with the 3.2 kernels - where I'm working fine.14:09
=== emma is now known as em
FernandoMiguelanyone using CIFS on FSTAB?16:26
* FernandoMiguel kicks the bot16:27
Daekdroomubottu is not even here.16:29
FernandoMiguelDaekdroom: I guess I have to kick it further :)16:34
Bluefoxicyseriously two things come to mind now16:35
Bluefoxicy1)  why can't Ubuntu redistribute the VirtualBox extension that adds USB 2.0?16:35
Bluefoxicy2)  Why can't SOMEBODY write an open source patch that adds USB 2.0 anyway, since most of the code base is GPL?!16:36
FernandoMiguelBluefoxicy: ask Oracle16:36
BluefoxicyFernandoMiguel:  we redistribute flash ... kind of.16:36
FernandoMiguelBluefoxicy: the Oracle build has it16:36
BluesKajI'm trying how to rename my external drive ..it shows as external after renaming it with: sudo e2label /dev/sdf1 External , but when I drag it to the desktop , icon view shows the same series of letters and numbers that I was trying to rename in the fist place16:37
BluefoxicyFernandoMiguel:  my concern is that on upgrade virtualbox might suddenly break16:37
BluefoxicyI'm not sure if it's good at removing its extensions16:37
Bluefoxicybut that's more of a phantom concern16:38
FernandoMiguelBluefoxicy: *all* VB versions out there *always* break on me when kernel upgrades16:38
FernandoMiguelI just stop caring16:38
BluefoxicyVirtualBox was amazing before it was entirely mature16:38
FernandoMiguelwhen that happens, I just boot use the older kernel for a few days16:39
FernandoMigueltill it works16:39
Bluefoxicyit was faster than VMware even without the CPU virtualization extensions16:39
FernandoMiguelKVM FTW16:39
penguin42Bluefoxicy: I suspect someone could add USB2 but it's not trivial, and as FM says, a lot of people are doing KVM/QEMU stuff these days (which I think USB2 went into a few months back - or is at least around)16:39
BluefoxicyI'll have to look into KVM16:40
Bluefoxicyadding USB2 isn't trivial by any stretch:  it's an entire emulated host controller interface16:40
BluefoxicyI just figured someone would have done it16:40
Bluefoxicyor maybe had the sanity to write an API on top of an emulated HCI and use the same code library for VBox/KVM/Qemu16:41
Bluefoxicyvirtualization on Linux should be a big feature :|16:41
Bluefoxicybut it's so fragmented16:41
Bluefoxicyeveryone is using Xen, or KVM, or VirtualBox16:41
Bluefoxicysome people went with VMware, mostly VMware has its own server and such16:42
Bluefoxicyit would be a killer feature if Ubuntu could actually boot other OSes16:42
Bluefoxicylike if it detected Windows on /dev/sda1 and let you boot it (unmounts sda1) using a device mapper device that maps in a partition table and that partition16:43
Bluefoxicyit'd be a little tricky of course (you'd have to generate a custom bootloader for the MBR being mapped in)16:44
Bluefoxicyand you'd lose all the other partitions (Windows boots without its D: and F:!) :P16:44
=== Tasmania is now known as John__K
penguin42Bluefoxicy: The tricky thing there is to make the windows that boots see it's devices with the appropriate device drivers; windows doesn't normally like being moved between hardware16:52
Bluefoxicythat's true16:52
FernandoMiguelmy SSL certs are screwed18:48
FernandoMiguelboth FF and chrome show expired SSL for multicert18:48
FernandoMiguelbut they say they have issued new certs two months ago18:49
FernandoMiguelca-certificates is from 20120218:49
FernandoMiguel/etc/ssl/certs has nothing new either18:50
FernandoMiguel/home/fernando/.mozilla/firefox/omcco3vm.default/cert8.db seems to be the culprid, aka the SSL store18:50
FernandoMiguels$ lsof | grep cert18:51
FernandoMiguellsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /root/.gvfs18:51
FernandoMiguel      Output information may be incomplete.18:51
FernandoMiguelchrome     4786   fernando   51u      REG                8,5     19456   132341 /home/fernando/.pki/nssdb/cert9.db18:51
FernandoMiguelchrome     5255   fernando   23w      REG                8,5    131072   132768 /home/fernando/.mozilla/firefox/omcco3vm.default/cert8.db18:51
FernandoMiguelchrome     5255   fernando   32r      REG                8,5     65536   677418 /home/fernando/.adobe/Flash_Player/cert8.db (deleted)18:51
FernandoMiguelchrome     5255   fernando   33r      REG                8,5     65536   677404 /home/fernando/.adobe/Flash_Player/cert8.db (deleted)18:51
FernandoMiguelchrome     5255   fernando   34u      REG                8,5     65536   673820 /home/fernando/.adobe/Flash_Player/cert8.db (deleted)18:51
FyodorovnaFernandoMiguel, do you have a link for pastebin?19:00
FyodorovnaFernandoMiguel, cool, it makes things easier if you use it if you can. :)19:00
FyodorovnaFernandoMiguel, the bot will usually tell you this not sure why it didn't, must be out for lunch lol.19:02
FernandoMiguelindeed it is19:02
=== Tasmania is now known as John__K
|_Dammed_|wow  no ops here19:14
|_Dammed_|whats the point of putting ubuntu on a tf101 tablet19:15
penguin42|_Dammed_|: Well if you want to do some dev on the move the Transformer isn't that bad a choice19:18
ikonia|_Dammed_|: did you need help from an op ?19:37
MrChrisDruifikonia; he was mildly surprised that he didn't see any badge wearing ops around19:39
ikoniaoh, right19:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
nickgawHi, Why does do-release-upgrade on 12.04 not upgrade to the next development release?  I did the -d switch and still it says no upgrades20:14
MrChrisDruifnickgaw; because there isn't been an official build (Alpha, beta etc)20:15
DaekdroomI think the only way to go to quantal currently is changing sources.list and hope it doesn't go boom.20:15
MrChrisDruifYou can switch sources, if you got a minute or two I can find the command20:15
MrChrisDruifsudo sed -i 's/precise/quantal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:20
MrChrisDruifShould do the trick nickgaw20:21
MrChrisDruifWith other words, switch the words precise for quantal in /etc/apt/sources.list, update the repositories and then do a dist-upgrade20:22
IntuitiveNippleMrChrisDruif: I believe nickgaw is using 10.04 ... he asked on #ubuntu earlier, I took it to mean he wanted to update to 12.0420:22
MrChrisDruifIntuitiveNipple; "Why does do-release-upgrade on 12.04" <= looks like 12.04 to me20:23
MrChrisDruifow, maybe just "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d" also does the trick nickgaw20:24
nickgawI am on 12.04 trying to upgrade to the next development release will try that command20:24
IntuitiveNippleAhhh. good point. He's asking two separate questions then!20:24
nickgawis it possible that my ubuntu installation could expload and no longer work?20:25
IntuitiveNipplenickgaw: yes :)20:25
IntuitiveNipple12.10 is only just getting going20:26
MrChrisDruifYup, always backup your data20:26
MrChrisDruifIt's pre-alpha!!20:26
nickgawand is it possible that as I am totally blind and use orca for reading what is on the screen that I would lose speech during the upgrade process and require sited assistance?20:26
KM0201nickgaw: i'd say not only possible, but likely..lol20:26
MrChrisDruifKM0201; don't l.o.l. on that...20:27
IntuitiveNipplenickgaw: I'd strongly recommend you stay with what you have. The development release is supposed to break frequently this early on in the cycle20:27
KM0201MrChrisDruif: it's true though.20:27
MrChrisDruifKM0201; it might be true, but no need to append lol right?20:27
nickgawwhat is wrong with lol on something like that?  I thought that was the point of development was breaking and fixing things?20:28
KM0201MrChrisDruif: i think you're being oversensitive.20:28
MrChrisDruifMight be...bit tired ^_^20:28
IntuitiveNippleIt's either LOL or COL (cries out loud!)20:28
nickgawgood point20:28
MrChrisDruifGhehe =D20:28
IntuitiveNippleI've personally physically thrown a alpha-dev system out the 1st floor window for breaking!20:29
IntuitiveNippleIt didn't help O.O20:29
nickgawwhat package contains the vmbuilder command for building an ubuntu virtual machine with use with qemu and would the windows installer .disc format be usable as a virtual machine with qemu?20:29
penguin42looks like it's python-vm-builder20:43
penguin42nickgaw: I like the apt-file command for finding that type of thing20:43
IntuitiveNippleapt-file - APT package searching utility -- command-line interface20:44
jbichadpkg -S also works20:44
penguin42MrChrisDruif: Wonderful program - lets you find a file in a package even if you've not got it installed20:44
MrChrisDruifI know of apt-cache20:45
penguin42jbicha: Only if you have it installed20:45
IntuitiveNippledpkg -S only works for installed packages20:45
penguin42IntuitiveNipple: Which dev board ?20:45
IntuitiveNipplepenguin42: huh?20:45
penguin42IntuitiveNipple: That you defenestrated20:46
jbichaapt-file only works if you have it installed too ;)20:46
IntuitiveNippleoh! I forget now... but I'm sure it'll be putting up shoots in the garden soon :p20:46
IntuitiveNippleI did try growing a bluetooth keyboard too :p20:47
penguin42IntuitiveNipple: I believe they're better as holders for cress20:47
IntuitiveNipple:) Bit wimpy for me ... I'm a farmboy... I'll go with rape sugar beat and potatoes!20:48
penguin42I'm not sure there's enough room for a spud in a keyboard20:48
=== sary_ is now known as Sary

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