
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
malintried to request packing of this in launchpad: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~malinkb/unity-buss/unity-buss-experimental/files and got his error: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/104353734/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.unity-lens-buss_0.9.2-0~37~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:50
wendarmalin: ping? still around? (I'm not sure what time-zone you're on)21:15
wendarmalin: I'll email21:15
malinwendar: I am in Norway :)21:23
wendarmalin: oh, it must be terribly late there!21:23
malinit's ok with e-mail as I cannot look at until tomorrow21:23
malinwendar: it 23:2621:24
wendarmalin: it's a simple fix, just needs one line added to debian/rules21:24
malinwhere in the wold are you?21:24
wendarmalin: I'll email details21:24
malinah :)21:24
wendarmalin: I just arrived in California today for UDS21:24
wendarmalin: but, I'm typically based in Seattle21:24
malinah. What is UDS?21:24
wendarUbuntu Developer Summit21:25
malinAh in Washington State :)21:25
wendaryes, Washington State :)21:25
malinI gor curreous on Canonical. I think I will search for a job after finishing my education21:26
malinI gor curreous on Canonical. I think I will search for a job after finishing my education but it+ great to have a rolemodell to look upon21:28
malin+gor = got21:28
malinwriting from my N90021:28
wendarmalin: it's a good company, I worked there for a couple years21:33
wendarmalin: lots of interesting projects to work on, the hardest part is choosing one :)21:33
malinI see :)21:34
malinSo you have moved on and working for another company?21:35
ajmitchwendar: so you're at the hotel now? :)21:38
wendarajmitch: yup, got in around noon21:39
ajmitchgreat, I got in maybe an hour ago21:39
wendaryou must be horribly jet-lagged :)21:39
malinI wanna come too......21:39
ajmitchwendar: surprisingly not21:40
ajmitchthough I didn't sleep on the plane21:40
ajmitchI'll feel it tonight, I'm sure :)21:40
wendarmalin: all are welcome (though, it's a bit of a long trip), maybe you can come to one of the European ones sometime21:41
wendarajmitch: hah, maybe so :)21:42
malinwendar: I would like to, but depends on if I can afford to go.21:43
malinAre there many other women too, or are we in minority?21:44
wendarQuite a few women21:45
wendarthe release manager for Ubuntu is even a woman21:46
wendarstill a minority, but more than most tech conferences21:46
wendarmalin: have you found the ubuntu-women group and IRC channel yet?21:46
malinI think I should join it, but hasen't yet. I am in the mailinglist, but haven't been active21:56
malinI will look closer tomorrow or on tuesday21:57
malinHave to sleep as I need to wake up at 0600 tomorrow morning21:57
malingood night21:59
wendarmalin: good night22:01

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