
blahdeblahSorry i'm not gonna make it to the release party, head_victim. Work/life in general is pretty crazy at the moment.04:18
blahdeblahIf anyone's online, feel free to bring the release party into IRC! :-)04:19
head_victimblahdeblah: no worries mate, just remembered you were contemplating it05:09
head_victimWe had I think 8 people show up at one time or another.05:09
head_victimAnd as much as I always hassle people to take photos at other events stupid me didn't take any today :/05:09
head_victimAnyone have any ideas how to make a laptop book from an sd card?10:38
md_5head_victim what laptop10:40
head_victimdell e542010:40
head_victimIt has built in sd card slot. I have enabled usb boot in the bios but doesn't recognise it as a boot device at boot time 10:40
head_victimWondering if I'm flogging a dead horse and go to USB install or keep at this sd card install10:40
somethingintereshead_victim: It depends entirely on your computer's BIOS. Some computers can boot from SD but some can.11:01
somethingintereshead_victim: might be out of luck 11:01
head_victimboots ok off usb11:03
head_victimWas just hoping to sit an SD in it and make it a dual boot without things sticking out. Might be out of luck11:03
head_victimAh well, was a good idea, just not so good in practice11:06
head_victimUSB it is.11:06
somethingintereshead_victim: and so it was decreed 13:02
sagaciJust got into the conference centre19:40
sagaciI dont recommend the megalong and megaboring trip over19:44
head_victimsagaci: I'm sure the resulting conf will be worth it21:15
sagaciIm going to crash soon... its 2pm over here21:16
head_victimJust after 7am tomorrow here ;)21:16
=== md_5 is now known as md_5|away

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