
trinikronoyes it is00:00
trinikronookie i see it in the varlogdistupgradeapttermlog file00:01
EvilResistanceif a bug report is triaged, and a potential solution/patch is included on that bug, do we leave it triaged?00:45
DaekdroomUntil it's commited, yes.00:45
Daekdroom'Fix Committed is not to be used when a patch is attached to a bug ' according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status00:46
EvilResistanceso with this bug, does anything else have to be done?  (I wasnt the triager, but I did create the debdiff that would fix the unrequired dependencies issue)  LP 99526200:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 995262 in ubuntuone-control-panel "ubuntuone-control-panel-common requires ubuntuone-installer" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99526200:47
EvilResistanceapart from poking someone who can upload/test the changes (being on a Natty system to check a Precise fix isnt exactly possible, especially with a mostly-dead drive)00:47
DaekdroomI don't think there is anything else to do.00:48
DaekdroomI do think, however, it makes sense if you assign the bug to yourself if that's possible.00:49
EvilResistancenow that i can do00:49
EvilResistancecan't change the importance or anything else though, for some reason i think my bug-access rights somehow got messed00:50
EvilResistancemight just be FFox being stupid though00:50
EvilResistance(even if it were needing its status changed off of Triaged, system won't allow me to :/)00:50
DaekdroomI think those things are limited to the Ubuntu Bug Control team.00:52
EvilResistancei know (at the least) Won't Fix and Triaged are bugcontrol00:52
EvilResistanceso if i file a debdiff on a bug and its not assigned, i should assign myself to the bug, then?  or is that a per-bug personal decision?00:53
hggdhEvilResistance: first of all, all fixes have to be verified against Quantal (the current development release)01:04
EvilResistancehggdh:  the version in Quantal is the same in Precise01:04
EvilResistancelast i checked the repos match01:04
hggdhEvilResistance: then the fix will first have to be shown correct on quantal01:04
EvilResistancehggdh:  secondly, the MOTUs are being slow today in explaining enabling a Quantal chroot in pbuilder pre-precise01:04
EvilResistancehggdh:  the debdiffs would be identical in this case :P01:05
hggdhonve quantal is fix released, then a SRU is requested01:05
EvilResistancehggdh:  changing debian/control in precise or quantal would be the same01:05
EvilResistancethe resulting debdiff woudl show the exact same changes01:05
hggdhEvilResistance: still. It HAS to be first fixed there01:05
hggdhhas it been applied to quantal?01:05
EvilResistancehggdh:  it hasnt been applied to any, i dont have upload perms.  i'm building my quantal chroot to confirm binaries build there01:06
EvilResistancebut again, last i checked, the repos for relevant programs match01:06
hggdhit is not if they match or not match, it is that the fix has to first be applied on the development release, and THEN requested as a SRU01:06
hggdhso your first debdiff should be for quantal01:07
EvilResistancehggdh:  can you and i talk in /query then about this?01:07
EvilResistancebecause last i checked the debdiff when excluding the debian/changelog for building the .dscs is the *same*01:07
EvilResistance(in this instance)01:07
hggdha debdiff without the debian changelog does not apply...01:08
EvilResistancehggdh:  then tell the MOTUs that01:08
EvilResistancebecause the MOTUs are the ones who said to not include changelogs when filing debdiffs01:08
* EvilResistance will rebuild *with* changelogs after the quantal chroot actually stops 404ing in the archives01:08
hggdhah well. Then it is not a debdiff. But follow their instructions, and forget what I said01:10
hggdhwhatever than means01:10
EvilResistancehggdh:  see privmsgs :P01:15
EvilResistance(you've already seen it, but still)01:15
steemedhi again01:20
steemedEvilResistance: having problems with debdiff?01:21
EvilResistancesteemed:  nah, just a minor argument with hggdh01:21
steemedah ok01:21
EvilResistanceone that's been resolved by the stated advice from MOTUs to me when making debdiffs for submission to bugs :P01:21
EvilResistancehggdh:  final question:01:22
hggdhquickly, please01:22
hggdhgotta go01:22
EvilResistanceif, as i stated before, the debdiffs for the quantal and the precise builds are *identical*, and therefore the debdiff can work for both, do i really need to upload two identical debdiffs?01:22
EvilResistancejust checking ;P01:22
EvilResistancenow don't be late!01:23
EvilResistancebeing late is a negative thing!01:23
hggdhbetter saying you *should* not need to. But you will need to request a SRU01:23
hggdhvery negative01:23
* hggdh is gone01:23
EvilResistanceyeah, SRUs are semi-annoying, last one i filed required 50 changes before it was accepted as valid :P01:23
* EvilResistance looks up the SRU templates again, since he forgot to bookmark them01:24
EvilResistancesteemed:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates  <--01:24
EvilResistancerequired to get an update pushed for current releases01:24
EvilResistance(Precise, for instance, otherwise the changes only exist in the dev release)01:25
steemedah, well that is a bummer01:25
EvilResistancesteemed:  i can still do it01:25
EvilResistancebut first step is making sure the package builds in Quantal01:25
EvilResistance(sorry for the caps, but this is the 6th time i've said for the chroot for building the program binaries to build, and its still 404ing)01:25
steemedI forget what is chroot01:26
steemedAh so you are trying to replicate a virtual environment01:29
EvilResistancehave to01:29
EvilResistanceto build the binaries01:29
steemedAll this to change the control script?01:29
EvilResistancenot really01:29
EvilResistancebut i've learned something:01:30
EvilResistancewhen changing the structure of a debian package in any way, shape, or form, always test before uploading a fix01:30
* EvilResistance learned this from backporting things01:30
steemedjust make sure it works01:30
steemedI can try to do it01:30
EvilResistancewell i know the package builds  in Precise01:31
EvilResistancebut to get it updated in Precise i'll have to file an SRU01:31
EvilResistance(I'll do it, but meh)01:31
EvilResistance(SRUs can be ugly)01:31
EvilResistancehiya Flannel01:31
EvilResistancehow goes it01:31
* EvilResistance just accidentially broke his precise chroot01:31
EvilResistancethat... sucks...01:32
EvilResistancei know how i'll handle this01:33
steemedI used to be an Ubuntu member but it was revoked because i wasnt active for the longest time01:33
EvilResistancei'm still active :P01:33
steemedWell I used Windows for a long time because my college required software for it01:34
steemedAnd was too busy01:34
steemedI will say this: I like Unity01:36
steemedAnd don't know why people dont like it01:38
EvilResistanceFINALLY the chroot builds01:41
* EvilResistance glares evilly at the archives01:41
EvilResistancesteemed:  there we go, i think01:57
steemedSomeone got a bit overexcited with depemdencies on ubuntu one01:57
* EvilResistance shrugs01:58
steemedSo is Quantal right now just a development platform to fix stuff?02:08
EvilResistanceits the next version of Ubuntu, its dev cycle i think has already begun02:09
steemedI'm guessing it would be a good thing to have a machine or a vm to have that when bug testing or patching02:10
EvilResistancemhm.  but if ubuntuone is using Qt, then it doesnt exactly need the GTK stuff02:11
steemedThe installer does need it because it is preserving ISO space and not using QT libs which take more space up02:12
steemedIt's included with the 12.04 ISO02:12
steemedBut the thing is Ubuntu ONe isn't dependent on it02:13
steemedOr shouldn't be02:13
DaekdroomDoesn't the ISO ship QT for Unity-2D?02:51
steemedDaekdroom: oh, you are right02:55
steemedWhy does the installer need to use gtk then...02:55
steemedIt could just use qt02:55
DaekdroomDo Xubuntu and Lubuntu ship UbuntuOne Installer? If they do, do they ship QT libraries or GTK?03:02
DaekdroomRegardless of the answers to those questions, it might be that they never bothered to recode the installer in QT :P03:02
DaekdroomThe control panel was changed to QT very late in the precise cycle, iirc.03:03
steemedAnd then went crazy and included the installer in the dependency...03:03
steemedDaekdroom: really?03:03
steemedIt's a smart move03:03
steemedThat way it can work on Windows and people use it there03:04
DaekdroomBut it looks ugly :(03:04
steemedAnd it doesn't have to be included in Ubuntu by default03:04
steemedLooks fine to me03:04
steemedAnd it does what it is designed to do: sync data03:05
steemedI think Ubuntu One maybe better than a lot of other cloud storage solutions because you can add any folder in the system to sync.03:06
steemedAlthough Google Drive is the cheapest03:12
steemedEvilResistance: I added myself to be approved to the Ubuntu BugSquad :)04:11
chilicuilhi, I'd like someone to mark bug 994949 as triaged with importance medium04:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 994949 in nautilus "When nautilus opens it is not the active window" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99494904:52
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txomon|homehi, is there any known bug with gnome terminal in 12.04?13:37
jtayloryes 308 even :)13:40
=== emma is now known as em
steemedEvilResistance: poke17:16
EvilResistancesteemed:  hm?17:16
EvilResistance(also randomly poking me is a bad idea()17:16
steemedEvilResistance: eep17:19
EvilResistancewhats up17:19
steemedEvilResistance: I signed myself up for the bug squad waiting approval :)17:19
EvilResistancesteemed:  i'm not the approval person :p17:19
steemedEvilResistance: I know :p (Or I didn't expect it)17:19
EvilResistancedon't poke me about it (and i saw your post in the logs, i didnt see a real need to respond)17:19
steemedOk :)17:19
* EvilResistance returns to the high-priority code he's writing17:19
penguin42steemed: Would you poke a sleeping tiger?17:20
steemedCan it be a kitten instead?17:20
steemedTHen no17:20
DaekdroomI wouldn't poke a sleeping tiger.17:22
* Elbrus is wondering if he can "unduplicate" bugs in launchpad18:29
* Elbrus made a mistake18:29
* Elbrus finally sees the link in the icon in front of the duplicate line18:32
penguin42yes you can - which bug?18:46
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance

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