
SpamapSOk maybe not a crumper ;)00:02
SpamapSlol wrong window00:03
SpamapSI just love buffering00:03
SpamapSslangasek: released to updates00:03
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slangasekSpamapS: cheers :)00:21
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infinitySpamapS: And actually accepted to -updates. ;)00:36
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naryfaIf there's anybody advanced here, or if anybody could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. I'm trying to change animation in gnome-shell's js/ui. Anybody familiar with the code?01:39
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vibhavGood Morning03:24
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest9857
vibhavhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/request-tracker3.8/+bug/769765 : can it be nominated for oneiric?04:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769765 in request-tracker3.8 (Ubuntu) "Missing dependency for libapache-dbi-perl" [Undecided,New]04:03
vibhav(for request-tracker4 only)04:04
=== vibhav changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: 9
=== vibhav changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal: Archive open | Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise |#ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatson(people have probably noticed that 12.04 is out by now)04:20
* vibhav waits04:22
vibhavcjwatson: Can you nominate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/request-tracker3.8/+bug/769765 for precise?04:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769765 in request-tracker3.8 (Ubuntu) "Missing dependency for libapache-dbi-perl" [Undecided,New]04:23
cjwatsonno, I've been awake for goodness knows how many hours, critical judgement is beyond me and I'm about to crash04:25
infinityvibhav: With recommends being installed by default, that change leads to fairly unpleasant behaviour.04:45
vibhavIs it installed by default?04:49
infinityRecommends are.  As in, if you "apt-get install foo" all of foo's recommends get installed.04:49
infinitySo, that change means installing mod_perl, mod_fcgi, mod_fcgid, and dbi-perl just because someone wanted RT.  Seems suboptimal.04:51
vibhav"Add Recommends on all Apache-related modules; although any one can be used to produce a working configuration, installing them all will result in less confusion04:52
vibhavSays the changelog04:52
infinityI see that.  But that's silly.  If any one can be used to produce a working config, then do so? :P04:52
infinityIf the problem is that speedy-cgi-perl isn't actually good enough on its own, then the dependencies need to be fixed to deal with that, not make people install every other possible working config.04:54
infinityIt might just be that the deps here are expressing something a bit wrong.  I'm betting that you need libapache-dbi-perl to use RT with mod_perl2.  So, having it depend on "mod_perl | dbi-perl | other_method" is weird.04:58
infinityDropping the mod_perl dep entirely might fix it, since libapache-dbi-perl already depends on mod_perl.04:58
* infinity shrugs.04:58
vibhavSO shall I drop mod_perl dep?04:59
infinityI'm not sure how the RT packaging then decides which method you have installed and how it configures them, but it feels very wrong to me to just go nuclear and install and configure them all. :P04:59
* vibhav nods05:00
infinityIf the mod_perl/dbi-perl method is the preferred one (which it is currently, being at the head of the list), I'd move libapache-dbi-perl to the front of the list and drop mod_perl from there.  That probably fixes the general case.  Probably still doesn't make it perfect.05:00
infinityActually, if every one of those ORed lists started with libapache-dbi-perl (and no mod_perl) I think that would express what the packager wanted, yeah.05:01
infinityYou'll then end up with either mod_perl/dbi-perl, or one of the other CGI options.05:02
infinityBut never mod_perl without dbi-perl, which is what's causing the bug.05:02
vibhavSO what shall I do?05:03
infinityI'd recommend the above to the Debian maintainer.  And do the same in Ubuntu.05:04
infinityDo, drop the Recommends: line entirely, and on all the "foo | bar" deps, remove mod_perl, and move dbi-perl to the first position.05:04
infinitydbi-perl depends on mod_perl, so that gives exactly what you want, IMO.05:05
infinityvibhav: Added a lazy copy/paste comment to the bug.05:09
SpamapSinfinity: thanks for the alley-oop there ;)06:03
vibhavCan https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutt/+bug/965772 be nominated for precise?06:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 965772 in mutt (Ubuntu) "mutt-org crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed]06:07
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melodieI want to try to learn how to package, and got the doc, printed it, installed all the build programs.12:06
melodieI would like to know if there is a particular difficulty when starting if the program to be packaged does not provide a configure ?12:07
jtaylormelodie: that can be a problem, packaging is easier if it uses a more or less standard buildsystem12:17
melodiehi jtaylor12:18
melodiethe dev told me he will not go throught the process of making a configure because he can't take the time for that. I have been using his program in several distros along the years and would like to bring it to Ubuntu. In fact, this little program is the key to a type of openbox environment.12:20
jtaylorhow does it build? just a makefile?12:20
melodiejtaylor, do you think the people here are likely to help me along the process,12:20
melodieit builds with a Makefile, yes : just "make" and "sudo make install" does the work.12:20
jtaylordoes the makefile honor DESTDIR?12:21
jtaylorthen your usually fine12:21
melodieI have installed a Ubuntu Mini, and now all works12:21
melodiedoes the file honor DESTDIR ? If I write DESTDIR in the packaging files it will go to the dir I say. For now, the "make install" has send the binary to /usr/bin12:21
melodieis my answer relevant ?12:22
jtaylormake install should put the files in $(DESTDIR)/$(prefix)/...12:22
melodiewell, I asked the dev, he said I can use destdir12:23
melodieI have a first question about the doc. Here is the page I am reading now : http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging#Step_1:_Rename_the_upstream_tarball12:26
melodiehow come all the commands are root ? Shouldn't they be done as user ?12:26
jtaylorwhy should they be root?12:27
melodiejtaylor, this is the question I am asking : the howto shows commands done as root : do you think that it is an error ?12:29
jtaylorI don't see that there12:29
melodieie : # mv hithere-1.0.tar.gz hithere_1.0.orig.tar.gz12:30
jtaylorno commands besides pbuilder need root, some of them (e.g. installing) need fakeroot12:30
melodie# tar xf hithere_1.0.orig.tar.gz12:30
melodieall the commands in that page are starting with a hashtag12:30
melodiethis is why I wonder12:30
jtaylorthat just denotes its a shell command12:31
jtaylorit has nothing to do with which user does it12:31
jtaylorsomethims $ or > is used instead12:31
melodiewhat about the archive format ? I have a tar.bz2 : is that ok or should I rearchive it in another format ?12:32
jtaylorthats fine12:33
melodieI have done the changelog file with the dch command as the howto says, and now I read at debian/compat : but there is no more command to create it and the following file, which should be "control": should I use another howto to know what are the precise steps from now ?12:45
melodieperhaps the debian doc is not up to date ? or missing details ?12:48
melodieI could use this one also : http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdoc.ubuntu-fr.org%2Ftutoriel%2Fcreer_un_paquet&act=url12:49
jtaylordebian/compat is just a number in a file12:50
jtaylorfor control just copy the one from the guide and change the values12:50
melodieok, therefore I create them manually. ok. :)12:52
pitticjwatson: indeed, it should probably depend on p-gi | p3-gi12:53
melodieI have installed yelp and had to start it from console as I could not find it in the menus. there, it crashed, wich triggered a window which sent (supposedly) a bug report. Is that enough or is it necessary to go report the bug manually too ?13:07
melodiethis is in Ubuntu mini 12 0413:07
melodieis the minimum version number for Build-Depends always needed, or just the package name is ok ?13:30
jtaylorif the minimum version is available in all stable releases you can skip it, or if you don't want to backport it13:32
melodiejtaylor, thanks13:32
dupondjeheh, article on tweakers.net about EA games on Ubuntu :)13:34
melodienow about the depends : the doc says the codes in the default line are magic. I don't figure out, if I just leave this line alone, or if I leave the default and add the depends ? The program needs libmenu-cache1 and libgtk2.0-013:39
jtaylormelodie: lets move this to #ubuntu-packaging please13:40
melodiejtaylor, I didn't know that chan : thanks !13:40
=== emma is now known as em
SpamapSugh, moving partitions around on my mac seems to have confused grub15:20
vibhavCan somebody nominate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutt/+bug/965772 for precise?15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 965772 in mutt (Ubuntu) "mutt-org crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed]15:29
SpamapSvibhav: anybody can nominate it, only core devs can accept it. :)15:31
jtaylorI think that changed15:34
jtayloronly bug control can nominate15:34
angelo-chi guys, i made some patches to a nearly abandoned software, xoscope, i would be really glad to make my patches going upstream to debian but i don't know how to do, can anyone help me?15:35
cjwatsonso if vibhav is doing lots of this, he should join bugcontrol rather than asking here a lot ...15:36
dupondjeangelo-c: report a bug on the package in debian. :)15:36
=== angelo-c is now known as angeloc
angelocdupondje: i thought there was an automated procedure in launchpad15:37
dupondjereally? don't think so :)15:39
infinityThere's submittodebian.15:40
infinityBut it's really just a fancy wrapper around debdiff and reportbug.15:40
=== angelo-c is now known as angeloc
angelocdupondje: i think that really a low percentage of contribution going upstream without an automated system16:14
angelocdupondje: and also opening a bug in debian is really a pain!16:16
SpamapScjwatson: any advice for /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: will not proceed with blocklists.16:17
angelocdupondje: there is an automated method, using submittodebian you can send a patch upstream, really cool16:26
penguin42SpamapS: Was that the only thing it said?16:27
SpamapSpenguin42: no, thats just the most annoying part of what it said. ;)16:28
SpamapS/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!.16:28
SpamapS/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..16:29
* SpamapS tries --force because the alternative is a reinstall at this point. :-P16:29
* SpamapS reboots w/ fingers crossed16:29
SpamapSwould be cool if gparted detected a grub install on a disk and told you to run that command. Oh wait, it did detect it, and warned me to stop at least. :)16:32
SpamapScjwatson: n/m, fixed w/ --force (based on your response to a user on the grub mailing list :)16:32
cjwatsonSpamapS: I strongly recommend creating a BIOS Boot Partition.  http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#BIOS-installation16:43
ali_hi, how can i query for synaptic progress from a command line, im trying to add unity progressbar to synaptic, and that's my missing part of the puzzle, thanks :)16:55
SpamapScjwatson: indeed, I think I will do that after reading that page a bit ago.17:01
SpamapScjwatson: does the +mac desktop installer do that btw?17:01
SpamapSI installed this machine in 11.10, and several things were pretty wonky17:02
cjwatsonSpamapS: it's supposed to17:03
cjwatsonI did fix various bugs in that general area in 12.04; I forget the exact details at this point17:04
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penguin42cjwatson: Did you see Matt Garrett's write up of the Fedora 17 ISO image - it's pretty insane17:04
cjwatsonYes, I did17:05
cjwatsonNeed to figure out how to port that to xorriso17:05
penguin42I like his blog, it's normally a world of insane bios level pain17:05
tjaalton> Regards,17:22
tjaalton> David17:22
=== redwan is now known as redwan_
=== redwan_ is now known as redwan
* slangasek wonders if anyone would care to verify the SRU fix for bug #989585 using the test case there19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989585 in resolvconf (Ubuntu Precise) "resolvconf failed to install/upgrade because /etc/resolv.conf immutable" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98958519:14
* soaringsky gawks at the huge number of duplicates on that bug...19:16
slangasekthat's why I'd like someone to verify that it fixes it so we can publish it ;)19:17
soaringskyslangasek: I would do it, but my slow internet means that the release upgrade would take hours19:18
slangasekno worries19:18
=== JamesJRH_ is now known as JamesJRH
IntuitiveNippleI missed it; which bug? Maybe I can test?19:21
soaringskybug #98958519:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989585 in resolvconf (Ubuntu Precise) "resolvconf failed to install/upgrade because /etc/resolv.conf immutable" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98958519:22
slangasekoops, turns out that introduces a regression; marking it verification-failed myself :/19:25
IntuitiveNippleOK ... I was going to test it in one of my VMs19:26
slangasekcjohnston: I've continued to fail to get a working virtualenv going here; now model-mommy (pulled in via zope.interface) is broken, AFAICS from the output the upstream tarball is simply missing the tests/ subdir.  is it known to not be possible to run summit against the distribution packages?19:38
slangasekcjohnston: nevermind, model-mommy doesn't seem to be packaged anyway. :P19:41
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lifelesscjwatson: around? I have an oddity with the alternate installer + partman + dmraid01 [mirror then stripe over 4 disks]21:05
lifelessspecifically, the installed doesn't activate the partitions, even though it shows the arrays and shows the partitions21:07
lifelessthis leads to partman trying to run tune2fs -l <arraydevice> rather than on the specific partition21:08
lifelessrunning dmraid -ay subsequently activates the partitions for the kernel, but it still trys to run it on the array device..21:09
JanClifeless: there is also #ubuntu-installer (although cjwatson is both here & there, of course)21:20
lifelessJanC: thanks; I'll lurk there and follow up whereever cjwatson does ;)21:21
cjwatsonlifeless: eh, not sure I have enough brain to debug that today :-)21:41
cjwatsonpsusi's been doing most of the dmraid-related stuff of late21:41
cjwatsonhe might well know better than I21:42
lifelesscjwatson: thanks21:43
lifelesscjwatson: I suspect raid01 dmraid isn't handled by the dmraid glue in partman; I can file a bug if you like (as I can apparently get this far nondestructively...21:43
cjwatsonI didn't think partman generally knew much about different dmraid levels; might be more like parted21:44
cjwatsonis dmraid01 one of those where there are multiple steps if you try to trace through the dm tables?21:45
cjwatsonit might be that parted only takes one step when it needs to recurse, or something21:45
cjwatsonI vaguely recall dealing with this in grub2 once21:45
cjwatsondebian/patches/dmraid.patch in the parted source package is probably the relevant bit of code here21:46
cjwatsonand psusi is the last person who rewrote that :)21:46
* kees still needs to refresh the bit-rotting failed raid/lvm hooks21:46
lifelesscjwatson: yes, it is.21:46
lifelesscjwatson: you get three dm devices; array0-1 (a mirror set), array0-2 (a mirror set), array0(a stripe over the -1 and -2 devices)21:47
cjwatsonright, then my jetlagged guess is that dmraid.patch needs to be smartened up for that, possibly by comparison with similar code in grub221:47
lifelesscjwatson: does it interrogate the kernel, or reimplement bits?21:48
cjwatsonlifeless: it asks the kernel about the table structure; it's tracing through those manually, but I'm not sure how much of that the kernel would let it do any other way21:52
cjwatsondmraid.patch is only 133 lines, not that complicated21:52
lifelessthanks for the pointers21:54
lifelesscjwatson: as a workaround, is it possible to tell parted to not be smart, and just operate on a given device ?21:55
cjwatsonI don't know but I doubt it21:56
lifelesscjwatson: interesting; given that dmraid can't be really be configured within the OS I am now curious why parted introspects it at all :)21:57
cjwatsonbecause it needs to exclude some devices from being shown21:58
cjwatsonotherwise people try to partition things at the wrong level21:58
cjwatsonperhaps I've misdiagnosed the problem though21:58
lifelessah yes21:58
lifelessthats a good reason21:59
lifelessits a shame the kernel can't just flag devices as being parts of higher order things, but perhaps it does - I haven't looked at the non-kernel interfaces around dmraid22:00
lifelessnon-kernel-internal, I mean.22:00
matthew-parletteI'm looking to make alarm-clock more useful with the HUD, but I can't find any links for development support on it, is there anything written down for it yet?22:29

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