
SilverLionwb akgraner04:03
pleia2good morning news friends!17:17
MrChrisDruifAloha pleia2 ^_^17:18
MrChrisDruifand a good evening to you!17:18
pleia2hey MrChrisDruif17:34
pleia2I think no flavors meetings this week? (hardly any regular ones either!)17:34
Unit193Just reran, and I didn't catch any broken links, have you checked with yours yet?17:35
MrChrisDruifpleia2; I only know about IRCC meeting (which I've missed ^_^)17:35
pleia2not yet, thanks Unit19317:36
* pleia2 pulls in the stats17:41
* pleia2 gets distracted by 40 things, now starts on stats for real18:13
MrChrisDruifGhehe ^_^18:15
pleia2Unit193: wanna run it again? I just have to add "In this Issue" and then publish, which I'll do this evening19:06
pleia2(and some general cleanup, like pulling out unused sections)19:07
* pleia2 heads out to lunch19:07
Unit193pleia2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue264 checked out fine in mine and w3c.19:12
JoseeAntonioRSilverlion: ping!20:48
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: pong20:49
JoseeAntonioRSilverlion: hey! you pinged me a couple days ago20:49
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: i did. but no time at the moment20:50
JoseeAntonioRSilverlion: ok, just send me an email once you have time20:50
=== Silverlion_ is now known as Silverlion
=== Silverlion is now known as Guest46921
=== Guest46921 is now known as Silverlion
* JoseeAntonioR goes for lunch.20:56
=== Silverlion_ is now known as Silverlion

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