
=== ojwb is now known as Guest38267
=== Guest38267 is now known as ojwb
chiltsmorning :)21:01
ibeardsleeohh looks like ZaReason NZ is going to be in Wellington21:03
mwhudsonlaptop refresh bonus in a year, sounds like a deadline to me21:13
chiltsmwhudson: what does that mean, "laptop refresh bonus"?21:33
mwhudsonchilts: canonical doesn't supply hardware, we have to provide our own laptops21:33
mwhudsonevery three years we get a bit extra to help buying a new one21:33
chiltsoh right, well I guess you're all contracting aye?21:34
chiltsrather than being employed21:34
chiltsbut yeah, that's nice they give you a top-up :)21:34
mwhudsonwell in nz sure, but canonical has employees in some countries21:34
mwhudsonuk, us, france, probably others21:34
chiltssorry, I meant NZ-centric peoples :)21:34
mwhudsonbut the same is true for employees anyway :)21:35
chiltsthat's interesting that even employees have to provide their own21:36
lifelesscontractor is a vague term :)21:39
lifeless'employee contract'21:39
ibeardsleeactually employees have agreements, not contracts21:40
mwhudsoni think there's a pretty definite difference between employee and contractor21:41
mwhudsonbut canonical tries very hard to treat all it's 'workers' the same way21:41
chiltsright, I guess it's just 'coz they don't have a subsidiary/company in NZ21:41
mwhudsonseeing as it's basically just an accident of geography as to which you are21:41
lifelessin .au, for instance, if you get more than 80% of your income from one source21:42
lifelessyou're considered an employee21:42
lifelessregardless of what you and they claim21:42
mwhudsonhow does that work if the source has to presence in .au?21:43
chiltslifeless: they're looking at doing that here too aye?21:43
lifelessmwhudson: when you conduct business in a country you become liable for their tax laws etc21:44
lifelessmwhudson: for Canonical specifically, we have a payroll agent in .au (something we stopped doing as we grew, but since .au was the second country to /get/ workers ...21:45
lifelessnevertheless being an employee then has bearing on payroll tax, insurance and the like21:45
lifelessso the reason for doing this is to close loopholes where companies would get right up against a tax threshold, then get lots of 'contractors' to keep under it.21:46
lifelesschilts: I don't know, perhaps. It makes sense to me if they do.21:46
lifelesschilts: I'm still paid in .au, so my situation is different again :)21:46
chiltsare you located in NZ though?21:46
lifelesssure am21:48
chiltsheh, confusing :)21:49
lifelessits fairly straight forward21:49
lifelessI work for Canonical, they pay me in .au, I do a tax return in .au and .nz, and get a tax credit in .nz for tax paid in .au.21:50
* ajmitch just spotted thomi here at UDS, wonder if thumper is around today21:50
lifelessI have pending paperwork to rejigger this to be like other .nz folk, but its fairly low pri.21:50
lifelessvs $other-stuff-to-do21:50
mwhudsonajmitch: should be21:54

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