
bazhangheads up on pikkachu /renatosilva: loves to ignore help/argue00:34
IdleOneand be a jerk00:34
Jordan_UThey haven't been a problem yet this time around.00:35
Madpilothuh, I still have /voice here. It's been a long time.02:35
bazhangnot *that* long02:37
MadpilotI'm not sure Launchpad lists me as an op anymore, I have a feeling I let that lapse in a fit of inattention over the winter...02:38
bazhangeasily amended if so02:39
bazhangseveral people missed that one02:39
Madpilotyeah, I should ping the IRC mailing list02:39
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
LjL@mark #ubuntu mi3 Randomly calls someone a "bitch"10:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:55
bioterrorLjL, nice11:31
oCeanlars_ (~lars@p57906B2E.dip.t-dialin.net)11:55
oCeanjoined #u11:55
chuHey, is anyone watching #ubuntu at this time?23:45
IdleOneyou are23:46
chuSomeone with the associated privs :p23:46
chuBut, it seems to have ended now. It appeared to be going somewhere else for a second there.23:46
IdleOnerelating specific issues helps :)23:46
chuWell then, next time I drop past I will cite what the issue might be. Hehe.23:47
chuSee you in #offtopic, sir.23:47

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