
ruben23hi guys do we have packages..? ha on ubuntu server and also MON..?00:05
Psi-JackTotally made no sense, ruben2300:06
ruben23Psi-Jack:sorry ---> i mean does ubuntu server 10.04 LTS have hearbeat packages also MON packages...?00:08
Psi-Jackheartbeat? Deprecated, not supported, not recommended. Pacemaker has superceded heartbeat.00:08
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
jacobthetechguyI tried a do-release-upgrade -d from 10.04 and it failed due a bug in slapd.  The server is in that state still. The fix has been put into proposed. How do I make the release upgrade use the proposed package?01:36
blendedbychrisi didn't think it made the upgrade process fail?01:41
jacobthetechguyYeah it did...01:52
jacobthetechguyBug number 99074201:52
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
timersevenQuestion about ubuntu ec2 setup -- very n00b02:00
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van7huhi everyone03:50
van7huwhat's the kdc package of kerberos that ubuntu using?03:51
van7huMIT, Heimdal or anything else?03:51
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aljosai'm getting "/usr/lib/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu-cloud: line 240: type: ubuntu-cloudimg-query: not found" when using "lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud ...". any ideas?05:46
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koolhead17hi all07:55
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=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
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EMKOi upgraded ubuntu to 12.04 and now i cant figure out why mysql wont start i get this ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)12:36
RoyKEMKO: check the logs13:00
EMKOwhere can i find that logs? is it /var/log/mysql.log ?13:02
oCeanEMKO: there are several, but you might be interested in /var/log/upstart/mysql.log13:19
oCeanEMKO: you have tried restarting mysql, and then this error apears?13:20
EMKOi tried removing mysql and reinstalling it13:20
oCeanand now?13:21
EMKOfailed on root password setup13:21
EMKOit said it could set the new root password13:21
EMKOim tried right now so i just restored my older ubuntu for now will try upgrade it later again :(13:22
oCeanis the mysql server currently running?13:22
oCeanok, we could do some checks, but it sounds you already chose to restore13:22
EMKOyea sorry13:22
oCeanno problem13:23
EMKOi was trying to figure this out for a couple of hours13:23
EMKObut thanks anyways13:23
oCeanwelcome, and if it fails again, don't worry just ask here13:23
EMKOi have a feeling it was something to do with my.cnf that i didnt choose to update when it asked13:23
Jwl81Hi, I need help with Japanese filenames in ubuntu server. They're all showing up as ???? and my samba share sees them as alpbabets+numbers. I suspect i need to mount it correctly but I've used 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /media/HERMES -o uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137' and I've installed the fonts 'sudo apt-get install ttf-takao'13:26
Jwl81what else do I need to do?13:26
=== TDJACR is now known as NotADJ
miceikenMy server seems to be unable to resolve hostnames since I upgraded to v12. What do I do?13:30
=== NotADJ is now known as TDJACR
andolmiceiken: I wonder if it might be resolvconf being used by default which bites you. Do you have your expected resolvers listed in /etc/resolv.conf?13:37
Jwl81andol: can you see if i made a mistake with my mount command? 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /media/HERMES -o uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137'13:38
Jwl81japanese file names are still showing as ?????13:38
andolJwl81: I really don't have any experience with FAT filesystems and charsets.13:39
Jwl81alright. thanks.13:40
=== sarthor22 is now known as sarthor
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
jsmith-argotec I tried to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 with do-release-upgrade -d but it failed due to slapd not installing properly15:12
jsmith-argotecthere is a bug on it and a fix in proposed but... how in the world do I get the server to do-release-upgrade using a -proposed package?15:12
jsmith-argotec(server is in the failed to upgrade and tried to undo state right now - haven't rebooted or anything)15:13
* koolhead17 SpamapS "good morning from SF sir"15:28
* koolhead17 is feeling so lazy 15:29
blendedbychrisanyone around to explin iostat-x16:34
blendedbychrisdoes a consisten wkB/s of 429.96 mean it's writing that alot?16:35
blendedbychriswriting the the drive*16:35
pabelangerLooks like we didn't do a good job testing keystone, bug 944684.  It looks like dbconfig-common doesn't even work properly16:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 944684 in keystone "Error installing keystone selecting dbconfig-common and sqlite3 as the backend" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94468416:35
TohuwWhat is wrong with my syntax here: ufw allow on eth0 from any to smbd17:20
qman__Tohuw, missing 'in' or 'out'17:22
qman__i.e. allow in on eth017:23
Tohuwqman__: I tried ufw allow in on eth0 from any to smbd and still get wrong number of arguments17:24
qman__also missing proto17:25
TohuwAh. what does "proto" mean?17:25
qman__'proto smbd'17:25
qman__(assuming that's a valid protocol name)17:25
Tohuwoh wait, protocol17:25
Tohuwqman__: I found the issue. I mistakenly believed ufw read from init.d, it does not. It reads from /etc/service. I'll just have to make an app profile for smbd. Thanks.17:29
qman__yeah, init.d is being phased out, part of the whole upstart thing17:31
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== JamesJRH_ is now known as JamesJRH
pukeko_hiya - i have got a degraded /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 but /dev/md2 is ok... (raid1 - two disks with three partitions each) - how do i "fix" this ?19:30
pukeko_im pretty sure its an hardware prob19:32
pukeko_but i would like to attempt rebuilding it19:32
jacobwis logstash packaged for 12.04?19:36
ikoniapukeko_: fail the disk and swap it out19:38
ikoniaor re-add the failed partitions19:38
ikoniapukeko_: you sometimes get failed meta devices while others work if there is a lag spinning up the disk19:39
pukeko_ikonia: i do not know the syntax to re-add the failed partitions19:43
ikoniapukeko_: mdadm --manage /dev/md$ --add /dev/$disk19:45
pukeko_ikonia: not "--re-add" ?19:45
ikoniaI'm not aware there is a "--re-add" option19:45
ikonianever heard of that19:46
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pukeko_ikonia: ah thats better - it appears to be rebuilding ( the Dell BIOS alerted to a disk error also so /dev/sdb's days could be numbered )19:50
ikoniathat option has always worked fine with me, so I wouldn't worry19:56
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
miceikenMy server seems to be unable to resolve some hostnames since I dist upgraded, any ideas?21:44
miceikenAlthough from googling it seems like it may be a package error21:44
RoyKcheck /etc/resolv.conf21:44
Aisonhow can i temporary disable this check in the kernel? sd 10:0:0:0: ioctl_internal_command return code = 800000221:47
Aisonoh, sorry21:47
AisonI mean TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 8080. Dropping request.  Check SNMP counters.21:48
AisonI would like to test the server with flooding 808021:48
miceikenwhat about it RoyK21:49
RoyKhm... and if you type "host asdf.com", does it look that up?21:50
miceikenRoyK then it must be ZNC package22:19
Resistancemiceiken:  are you having trouble with ZNCs?22:25
ballFor an application where we want to be able to grow a filesystem with our data, is it sensible to have an lvm pool with underlying RAID-1 pairs?22:26
Resistancemiceiken:  what's the issue(s) you're having?  I may be able to help a bit22:27
* Resistance doesnt have backlogs22:27
Deathvalley122hello can anyone tell me how the dns's stayed saved on boot up?22:36
ResistanceDeathvalley122:  can you be more specific?22:45
Deathvalley122Resistance: the DC messed up my dns and the repos for my server is not resolving and when I put the nameservers in the resolv conf and I reboot the server it does not stay saved22:47
pdtpatr1ckDeathvalley122: are u using static? if so -- in ur /etc/network/interfaces -- add dns-nameservers <ip addy>22:52
Deathvalley122I tried that22:52
Deathvalley122and I when I rebooted it got erased22:52
pdtpatr1ckpastebin ur interfaces file please22:53
pdtpatr1ckif u don't mind22:53
pdtpatr1ckDeathvalley122: so here's an example of mine22:57
Deathvalley122does it stay saved on reboot?22:58
pdtpatr1ckif u add it manually to /etc/resolv.conf -- it'll get wiped22:59
pdtpatr1ckadding it to /etc/network/interfaces  is best idea22:59
pdtpatr1ckDeathvalley122: you can read more here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/resolvconf.8.html23:06
Deathvalley122I am trying again23:07
Deathvalley122http://pastebin.com/U4m0nFX0 pdtpatr1ck23:08
pdtpatr1ckur missing dns-nameservers and dns-search23:09
pdtpatr1ckso it would be something along those lines23:11
pdtpatr1ckadjust to fit your environment23:11
Deathvalley122well I dunno what to put as the dns search pdtpatr1ck23:14
pdtpatr1ckwhen u do something like "nslookup google.com "23:16
pdtpatr1ckit should give u a name of a server23:16
Deathvalley122rebooted the server23:20
Deathvalley122its set to static23:20
Deathvalley122but I dunno23:20
pdtpatr1ckmeaning ?23:21
Deathvalley122pdtpatr1ck: http://pastebin.com/4cq8AwRJ didn't work still not resolving the repos23:24
pdtpatr1ckplease paste your correct interfaces file23:25
pdtpatr1ckalso ping yahoo.com23:25
pdtpatr1ckdoes that work ?23:25
koolhead17Daviey, lynxman ping23:25
Deathvalley122pdtpatr1ck: http://pastebin.com/r9dDqT7S http://pastebin.com/ju6x4k4L23:28
pdtpatr1ckyour network settings aren't correct23:29
pdtpatr1ckdo this23:29
pdtpatr1ckcomment out the static entry23:29
pdtpatr1ckchange it to "iface eth0 inet dhcp"23:30
pdtpatr1ckthen save it23:30
pdtpatr1ckand run "dhclient"23:30
pdtpatr1ckonce u get an IP23:30
pdtpatr1cktake note of what is generated in /etc/resolv.conf23:30
pdtpatr1ckthen when creating your static entry, make sure you remember all those details, ur dns server, default gateway, the subnet mask etc.23:31
Deathvalley122when you mean comment it out do you mean putting a #?23:31
Deathvalley122ok do I reboot to find out what is generating?23:32
pdtpatr1ckjust save the interfaces file23:32
pdtpatr1ckthen type "dhclient eth0"23:33
pdtpatr1ckit will take couple of seconds and then receive an offer23:33
pdtpatr1ckonce it is complete23:33
pdtpatr1ckrun "ip addr show eth0"23:33
pdtpatr1ckthis should give u the ip address and the subnet mask and broadcast23:33
pdtpatr1ckthen run "route -n" to get your default gateway23:33
pdtpatr1ckyou can see your dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf23:33
pdtpatr1ckthen put all that together and create your static entry23:34
Deathvalley122I am not sure what its doing23:34
pdtpatr1ckbtw - u don't need to reboot each time. Once u make ur changes, ur free to test by trying to update. If they don't work, then u did something wrong23:34
Deathvalley122no output just stuck on that command23:35
pdtpatr1ckdhclient is going to request an IP from ur DHCP server or it will ask ur ISP for an IP23:35
Deathvalley122nothing comes up23:35
Deathvalley122its just stuck on there23:35
pdtpatr1ckgive it a second or two23:36
pdtpatr1ckhow is this server connecteD?23:36
pdtpatr1ckis it directly connected to the public ?23:36
pdtpatr1ckor is this internal and connect to a switch or a router ?23:36
Deathvalley122I dunno its from a DC23:37
Deathvalley122my guess is that they use vlan23:37
pdtpatr1cki c23:37
pdtpatr1ckis there another server within the same VLAN ?23:37
Deathvalley122I .... dunno pdtpatr1ck23:38
Deathvalley122my guess is they really messed up something pdtpatr1ck23:38
pdtpatr1ckwell u gonna have to do some digging around or ask someone. U've got to know how the server is connected. If there's no DHCP server then it is not going to be able to just pull IPs. If it is directly connected to the public (which would be weird) then u need to know whether ur ISP gave u static address and if so, they'll usually give u more information along with the IPs to be able to properly setup your network.23:40
pdtpatr1ckso ur going to have to do some leg work23:40
Deathvalley122thanks pdtpatr1ck I will just have the DC deal with it23:41

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