
Varikonniemii would like to inform you that fullscreen in spring RTS does not still work in ubuntu 12.04 LTS10:22
Varikonniemithis is definitely a unity bug, since it works on gnome3 shell flawlessly10:23
Varikonniemithis is something trivial (i hope) that really gives an unpolished look for this LTS release since this is the most popular OS RTS game out there10:24
hyperairfor the record, i've never even heard of it.10:55
hyperairit can't be all that popular then.10:55
hyperair(disclaimer: i'm not a unity dev)10:55
Zhenechhyperair, you were never to #debian-games then :P10:56
hyperairZhenech: nope :)10:56
hyperairZhenech: what are you doing here anywy? i thought you didn't use unity?10:56
Zhenechhyperair, collecting laughs about your failures :P10:57
Zhenech(I package parts of the Ayatana stuff in Debian)10:57
hyperairZhenech: oh yeah, this used to be #ayatana10:57
hyperairi know you handle the indicator bits10:57
Zhenechso I sometimes have to poke ted or ken, and you find them here :)10:58
hyperairah true that10:59
Varikonniemiwell lets put it tis way: spring rts is as popular as ubuntu unity12:16
Varikonniemiand the point is: other DE:s are not doing what breaks spring rts windowed fullscreen12:17
Varikonniemibut unity does12:17
Varikonniemiso it should seriously be fixed, if 12.04 is thought to be called precise12:18
Varikonniemii reported this at alpha, but no-one seems to care12:19
EnglishThe home page for unity.ubuntu.com has a typo16:43
EnglishLearn more on where to find us to discuss Unity and it’s implementation.16:43
Englishshould be "its implementation"16:43
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semitones_teaHello, my computer takes a long time to login now than before updating to 12.04. I was wondering if that could be from unity starting up17:49
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semitones_teaSo I went ahead and tested it with unity 2d and unity 3d20:20
semitones_teait looks like it only takes a long time right after boot20:20
semitones_teaAnd regardless of which one I'm using, 2d or 3d, unity greeter pauses about 15 seconds before launching either one20:23

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