
pleia2Darkwing: yep00:44
pleia2I'm actually at the hotel now with mhall119 and czajkowski00:44
pleia2and yeah, it's like a 10 minute bart ride00:44
DonkeyHoteii don't remember where czajkowski was coming from00:46
DonkeyHoteisince when is czajkowski an irish name?00:47
guawitness protection :P00:47
DonkeyHoteiin ireland?00:48
guathere's a new netflix series about a mobster that chooses to be relocated to norway, so based on the accuracy of television, yes00:48
guathere are so many neat tracks happening at the same time D:00:49
DarkwingDoes anyone have one single extra PC Case key? Like the type that it round? I got two new servers and one key.00:55
DarkwingFrys doesn't sell them.00:55
DarkwingYou have to buy something that's 30 bucks to get it.00:56
* bkerensa will be crossing the Oregon/California border shortly :D05:02
DonkeyHoteiyou'll get here around noon, then05:04
bkerensanah I will be there at 8:30am :)05:04
bkerensaanyways Im about to lose service again as I hit the mountains of Northern California05:05
bkerensagnight all and safe travels :D05:05
bkerensa-trainDunsmuir, CA07:05
DonkeyHoteiaren't you gonna sleep?07:06
bkerensa-trainI slept for two hours in the sun forest07:07
guaDefinitely more than enough!07:07
bkerensa-trainWell there are two babies behind me crying :s07:08
guaI think the folk cure for that is eye contact with the babies + cry louder than them07:09
guaI have yet to have an opportunity to test that myself though, ymmv07:09
DonkeyHoteii just now suddenly realized that the last time i saw bkerensa-train, i was still driving the VW07:10
DonkeyHoteithe VW has been gone since march 200707:10
grantphoneYouTube.com typing in Ubuntu had some decent commercials.09:55
grantphoneI am looking forward to seeing people at uds.ubuntu.com !09:56
bkerensa-trainGood morning12:56
bkerensa2In Emeryville15:16
bkerensapleia2: you dont know what time Phillip is coming in do you?16:42
bkerensahe is my pair and I was going to see if he wanted to grab lunch16:42
Faqtotumbkerensa: arrived yet?16:55
Faqtotumi'm on muni atm, going to sf-lug16:55
bkerensaFaqtotum: Im at my room.... Im probably going to grab some lunch and cocktails at jack london instead :D17:05
Faqtotumnot coming, then? there's gnu/linux, you know17:06
bkerensaFaqtotum: Yeah I wont be able to make it =x17:07
* bkerensa is still waiting for Phillip in hopes I can take him to lunch with some others17:07
Faqtotumoh? where's he now?17:08
pleia2bkerensa: yeah, I'm not sure17:14
bkerensaFaqtotum: No idea Ill check Amtrak I think thats how he is arriving17:24
bkerensaMan its hot in these rooms17:24
Faqtotumno AC?17:25
bkerensaFaqtotum: yeah and I have it set to the lowest temp it will go to which is 65 but the rooms seem a good 70 degrees17:26
bkerensaI think its because the sun is beating down on the windows17:26
pleia2bkerensa: wandering over to this side of the bay today?17:36
pleia2it's beautiful out :)17:37
Faqtotummy android weather app says it's 66 degrees17:41
Faqtotumi'm on the 38 atm sitting next to sf-lug regular bobbie sellers, at 20th17:42
Faqtotumoff the bus now17:46
DrStrangeloveon wifi now17:49
=== DrStrangelove is now known as Faqtotum
=== DrStrangelove is now known as Faqtotum
Faqtotumwifi is flaky here18:09
Darkwingwhoo hoo. ready to board.18:29
Darkwingnope. I'm flying in from San Diego lol18:30
Darkwingwhat's the weather there in Oakland?18:30
pleia2beautiful :)18:31
pleia2it's been sunny and in the 70s the past couple days18:31
Darkwingnice. I don't know what time I'll be at the hotel tonight. hanging with my cousin and his wife for a bit.18:32
=== DrStrangelove is now known as Faqtotum
Faqtotumsf-lug over20:16
=== DrStrangelove is now known as Faqtotum
Faqtotumphilipballew: arrived?20:47
philipballewyeah! just rolled in20:48
philipballewin the lobby now20:48
philipballewtook longer when I woke up late and missed my train20:48
philipballewhad to find a person to drive me here20:48
Faqtotumyou missed sf-lug, and bkerensa missed it too, because he waited for you first20:49
Faqtotumwho drove?20:50
Faqtotumall the way from sd?20:50
philipballewwell it was from auburn. drove to there from sd last night20:52
philipballewthen this mornkng was going to catch a train. woke up to late...20:52
Faqtotumgreyhound is WAY cheaper than capitol corridor, btw20:55
philipballewyeah, for some reason the travel guy booked cc20:56
philipballewbkerensa, I was just at the room20:59
=== DrStrangelove is now known as Faqtotum
bkerensa2Hello all23:08
bkerensa2In sf with laura and mhall23:08
Faqtotumwhere in sf?23:28

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